Use this function to create, view, edit or delete receipts.
Receipts can be direct receipts (see the PTHDIR - Direct receipt parameter), or receipts linked to one of the following elements:

  • An orders
  • An open order
  • An order shipment
  • A container shipment
  • An order prereceipt
  • A sales delivery in the event of an intersite or intercompany receipt.

Receipts can be accessed using the Purchasing or Stock menus.

For a given site and supplier, use this function to perform the receipt in full or in part of a group of orders for a number of received products and/or received quantities.

If the products are managed in stock, you can enter all the information related to stock management. If the products are managed by location, you can only enter part of the information by performing an administrative receipt of the 'dock' type. The remaining information about stock can be included using the Storage plan when putting it away in the reserve stock.

In any event, creating a receipt triggers a stock receipt for stock-managed products, and an update of the quantity and value totals.

This function is directly linked with the Non-conformance management functionality. If the receipt of products warrants notification to your Quality management team of a potential non-conformity you can raise a non-conformance incidence directly from this function. For example, if a component received from a supplier does not comply with specifications or the received product is defective.

Timely notification of a non-conformity can be critical for compliance management.

SEEREFERTTO A Receipt function is also available in VT mode. This function, which can be accessed from an RFT (Radio Frequency Terminal), is used to create supplier receipts, generate slips and launch the printing of labels automatically.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

This function is customized to the needs of your organization and your processes. The transaction you select determines the way in which you enter information, and information is displayed and printed.

If only one transaction has been set up you are not offered a choice, the default entry screen is displayed. The Receipt function contains a header section and three specific sections.



Use the header information as a first level of selection criteria.
Depending on the context, use this information to restrict the picking lists related to supplier orders, intersite or intercompany deliveries, prereceipts and shipments.




The following fields are present on this tab :

The site code is mandatory. It is initialized by default by the stock site code associated with your user code. To modify this code, click the Selection icon to display the list of authorized sites.

Sites are not subject to any restriction in order to authorize products that are not managed in stock, to be received on sites with no storage role. This can be the case of miscellaneous supplies.

At this stage, you can choose the orders and deliveries to be processed from the Orders and Deliveries selection lists, available in the selection panel.

In order to limit the proposed selection of orders or deliveries:

  • enter additional information in the header,
  • click Picking criteria from the Actions panel and enter additional filters.
  • Intersites (field BETFCY)

This information cannot be modified and specifies whether the receipt has the type 'inter-site'.

If the entered supplier is of the intersite type, this check box is automatically selected and can no longer be accessed when an intersite or intercompany delivery is selected.

To carry out this type of supplier receipt, you first need to assign roles to the various set up sites:

  • The supplier at the origin of the receipt must define a sales site (Management tab in the Supplier record, the inter-site check box must be selected and a sales site must be associated with this supplier. It is advised for readability reasons to associate a supplier code with the site code).
  • The receipt site must identify a delivery address (receipt site on a customer delivery address) for a customer identified as a purchase site.

A supplier receipt is automatically considered as being of the type inter-sites or inter-company if the supplier is identified as being a site. The difference between intersites and intercompanies is based on whether or not the supplier site belongs to the same legal company as the receipt site. If the sites belong to different companies, the receipt will be considered as intercompany and intersite, otherwise, it will be considered as intersite only.

An intersite or intercompany receipt is processed through the classic method. The only difference is that an intersite receipt cannot be invoiced.
The creation of such a receipt, in addition to the effective update of the stock (by increasing the physical stock) and the entry of the receipt movement in the stock journal, the update of the stock totals In transfer (for the site that has carried out the expedition) and In transit for the receiving site.
When a receipt of this type in entered, it can be the object of a supplier return at the shipment site at the origin of the receipt.
During the receipt of a sales shipment of this type, the stock information us automatically picked up from the customer shipment (lot, sub-lot, serial number).

In the case of an inter-site receipt, the calculation of the purchase cost and of the stock cost does not take into account the line amount, the not deductible taxes and the invoicing elements.
For the stock cost calculation, the invoicing elements can be taken into account. To do so, the value 'Yes' must be assigned to the BETFCYCST - Integration of invoicing elements parameter (ACH chapter, COS group).

  • Intercompany (field BETCPY)

This information, which cannot be modified, indicates if this is an intercompany receipt.
When the receipt relates to an intercompany supplier (site of a different company), the receipt can be invoiced.

  • Receipt (field PTHNUM)

The receipt number is automatically generated after validating the receipt creation, based on the setup of the sequence number associated with the receipt document. If the entry of this sequence number is manual, it can be entered manually.
In the case of an inter-site receipt, you can define another sequence number counter to identify the receipts.

Enter the supplier at the origin of the receipt. The selection lists specific to the intersite and intercompany orders and deliveries available for receipt are filered to those related to the entered supplier.

From the Selection icon, you can:

  • select a supplier from the list of active suppliers.
  • access, based on your authorizations, the supplier record, and create a new supplier if necessary.

  • Receipt date (field RCPDAT)

The receipt date is initialized by default to the current date. It can be modified. You can enter a receipt date earlier than the current date to enter a receipt that could not be entered on the system on the day of the physical receipt. However, you cannot enter a date later than the current date.

This date is then taken as the posting date to generate the stock movements during the creation of the receipt. A check will be carried out with respect to the periods file in order to ensure that the movement can be carried out on this date (Stock closing concept).
Once the receipt has been created and the stock movements carried out, you can modify the receipt date, but the associated stock movements will not be updated. You will receive a warning message.

  • Supplier packing slip (field BPSNDE)

Use this field to indicate the number of the supplier delivery note. This field contains free text. It is optional.
A non-blocking check is carried out to verify that the delivery number does not already exist for this supplier on another receipt.

When the receipt comes from an intersite or intercompany delivery, the original delivery number is displayed and the field can no longer be modified.
If two deliveries of this type have been selected, the field then becomes available for modification and is reset to an empty value.

  • Packing slip date (field NDEDAT)

The date is initialized by default to the current date. You can modify this date and enter the delivery note date mentioned on the supplier delivery note attached to the goods.

When the receipt comes from an inter-site / inter-company delivery, the delivery note date is initialized by the delivery date of the inter-site / inter-company shipment and the field is no longer accessible. If two deliveries of this type have been selected, the field displays today's date and becomes available for modification.

The currency proposed by default is that associated with the supplier entered in the receipt header. It remains modifiable provided no receipt line has been entered. If a document is selected via picking although no receipt line has been entered, the receipt currency is initialized to the currency of the selected document.

From this field, you can directly enter a currency code, subject to an existence check in the table of currencies, or click the Actions icon to:

  • select a currency from the table,
  • create, according to the user's authorizations, a currency code in the table.

The receipt lines, either direct or coming from another document, inherit from this currency. For the lines coming from another document, the amounts are converted into the receipt currency.

After you have created a subcontract receipt, you can no longer modify the currency.

  • Rate type (field CHGTYP)

The exchange rate type proposed by default is the exchange rate type associated with the supplier at the origin of the receipt. An exchange rate type is used to determine a currency rate in the exchange rate table, taking into account the receipt date or the original order date, based on the PTHCURDAT - Date of exch. rate for receipt parameter value (ACH chapter, CUR group).

In a receipt, use this information to:

  • Determine the prices and discounts for a direct receipt, based on the price lists authorizing currency conversion
  • Value the stock receipt when the valuation method of the Product-site is ‘Order price’.

This information can be modified as long as no receipt line has been entered.

After creating a subcontract receipt, you can no longer modify the rate type.

  • Warehouse (field WRHE)

The presence of this box is subject to the activity code WRH.
Movement warehouse, suggested by default for all the document lines.
It must be entered if it is defined as mandatory at the level of the entry transaction.
It is loaded in priority with the warehouse defined for the user. If it fails to be set up at user lever, it is initialized with the warehouse defined, by default, at site level for this type of movement.

  • Dock location (field SRGLOCDEF)

This field is displayed if the entry transaction authorizes receipts on dock. Use this field to enter the dock type location used by default for the stock receipts to be performed. A selection window is used to select the dock type locations defined in the receipt site. The specified dock location must be associated with the warehouse, when the latter is specified.

A dock location corresponds to a ‘pending put-away’ (storage) location. It is used to receive the goods quickly, and later to more precisely identify and store these goods. This put-away is achieved using the Put-away plan function. The stock detail information, such as the license plate number, lot, sublot and serial number, does not need to be entered right away. However, for products managed in stock, the mandatory information is the receipt unit, the quantity and the stock status.
When a license plate number is entered, all the information related to stock line detail should be entered (lot, sublot, serial number). Thus, even if the location type is ‘dock’, it will not be possible to access the line from the Put-away plan since the line is considered as put away.

Use this field to enter a project code.
The management of this code depends on the value of the CTLOPPCOD - Mandatory project control parameter (TC chapter - MIS group).

  • When the value is No, it may be a code selected freely.
  • When its value is Yes, an existence check is systematically applies to the entered project code.
    You can use the Selection icon to display the list of available project codes.

The management rules of this field are based on the PJTSNGDOC - One project by document- parameter (TC chapter, MIS group).

  • When this parameter is set to Yes, the management of multiple projects is prohibited.
    The project code is always the same on the document header and on the lines.
    In direct creation, the project code you enter on the header is always used on the document lines and cannot be modified.
    In case of a document transformation, the project code entered on the header is used to filter the documents available for selection and picking. If not project code is entered, it is automatically loaded with the project code of the first selected document. If you clear this document, the project code is not deleted.
    If you modify the document header project code, this code is automatically used on all the lines.
  • When this parameter is set to Yes, the management of multiple projects is authorized.
    In direct creation, the project code you enter on the document header is used to initialize the project code of the document lines and can be modified.
    In case of document transformation, the project code entered on the header is only used as the default values of lines with no project code.

    If you modify the header project code, a dialog box opens and suggests to transfer this code to the lines of the document, according to the following options:
        • Yes: the project code is transferred to all lines.
        • No: the project code is not transferred to the lines.
        • Yes if same value: the project code is only transferred to the lines associated to the former project code.

When an analytical dimension type is used for the Project management tracking, then any modification of the project code made at header level will be redistributed to the lines; if the modification applies to a document line, then the dimension code of the dimension type will be reset. This reinitialization is compliant with the Default dimensions setup.

Inter-sites and inter-company specificities: for an inter-site receipt, the project code automatically defaults from the purchase delivery and not from the purchase order. However, for an inter-company receipt, the project code defaults from the source purchase order.



Entry screen


Receipt lines

The receipt lines can come from an order, and shipment request or an inter-site / inter-company shipment and:

Be automatically initialized from the order lines selected in the picking window.

Be automatically initialized from the delivery lines selected in the picking window.

Be entered manually. In this case, it will be necessary to manually specify the order number and the line number concerned.

Receipt lines can be direct. In this case, you need to manually enter the required information.

You cannot add an additional line or modify the lines that affect the distribution of the invoicing elements in the following situations:

  • one of the receipt lines is partially invoiced (directly or through an order invoice),
  • one of the lines is linked to an additional invoice.

You cannot directly delete a receipt line linked to a product in stock count process. You need to use the Receipt modifications action to delete the line.

Submitted to quality control

This information cannot be accessed. It specifies if the status of the product can be in another status other than the status to be controlled. The management of the quality control can take the place of the management rule associated with the movement type Supplier receipt defined for the product category.

This information can take three values:

No control: in this case, the authorized statuses and the default status value depend on the stock management rule associated with the ‘Supplier receipt’ movement type.

Non-changeable control: in this case, the only authorized statuses are the statuses belonging to the group of statuses to be controlled. The management rule will only be used if it defines the sub-statuses of the status group to be controlled and the default status will be used if it corresponds to a status to be controlled. In the opposite case it is the Q status that will be proposed by default.

Changeable control: in this case, all the statuses authorized by the stock management rule associated with the ‘Supplier receipt’ movement type can be chosen. On the other hand, the value proposed by default will be the status to be controlled. If the default status of the management rule does not correspond to a status to be controlled, it is the Q status that will be proposed by default.

An analysis request will only be generated in the management rule defines the generation of analysis requests during the receipt of products with the status Q*.

This information is initialized in the following manner:

If a Product-supplier record exists for the product to be received, then this information is initialized with the value entered in this record.

If there is no Product-supplier record for the product to receive, use the value defined for the product in the Management section in the product record (Quality block).

Special feature concerning receipts arising from an order: At the order line level, you can modify the control submission rule if the Product-supplier or Product rule is different from ‘Non modifiable control’. In this case, use the value entered on the order line.

Stock data

Depending on the product setup, you need to enter the stock characteristics: These characteristics are the following:

The Status. This is the quality status of the product.

The location type and the location if the product is managed by locations.

The internal lot.

The number of Sub-lots and the Sub-lot number. The final sub-lot is calculated if several sub-lots are specified and if they are consecutive (this information cannot be modified).

The supplier lot.

The serial number if the product is subject to a serial number. The final serial number if several serial numbers are involved in the receipt and if they are consecutive (this information cannot be modifiable).

The order price. This is the stock value associated with the receipt movement.

The transaction description. It is a description that will be entered in the stock journal.

At the end of the receipt line, a window for the entry of the stock detail may open automatically if all the stock information has not been entered or initialized. This information must then be entered in this detail screen.

In addition to the stock characteristics specific to the product, a certain number of rules affect stock receipts. For a supplier receipt these rules can be describes in a general manner, see the Stock management rules, for the Supplier receipt. These rules can also be refined by the Product categories or by the product categories defined for the sites. A rule for the receipt of stock can also, if necessary, be defined by the Product categories for a movement type (see the definition of the movement code in the setup of the Receipts).

Different cases will be considered as function of whether it is a direct receipt or an order receipt or a receipt with an origin of an inter-site or inter-company shipment line.

Direct receipt or receipt coming from an order:

In the case of a direct receipt or receipt coming from an order, certain information will be automatically initialized whist other information must be manually entered.

The location type and the location: if the product is managed by location, a default location will be initialized according to the management rule assigned to the movement type Supplier receipt, and to the locations set up in the Product/site record. The semantic identifying a location category is used to associate in the Product/site record a location type and a potential location. The location type and the location defined in the Product-site record can refer to a group of location types and/or locations if the wild cards (?,*) are used in their definition (see the Location types and Product-site documentations). In the case of some location types, the assignment will also depend on their availability or their capacity (replenishment management). This information can potentially be modified if necessary.

When a warehouse is specified, only a location associated with the entered warehouse can be specified.

If the receipt transaction allows it, a location of the type dock can be entered in the receipt header. If this is the case, it will be this location that will be systematically suggested by default. The locations of the type dock are not suggested in the selection if the return transaction does not specify receipts to dock.

In certain cases, you may intentionally choose to not enter the location type and/or location because the goods to be booked-in will be distributed across different stock locations. The user will then enter the distribution in the Stock detail window. If a $ symbol appears in these fields at the end of entry, it means that different location types and/or locations have been assigned and that a sub-detail exists for the stock lines.

From the Location type field, you can use the action icon to:

Select a location type.

Jump to the location types table if your user's authorizations allow it.

From the Location field, you can use the action icon to:

Select a location.

Access by tunnel the location table if the user's authorizations allow it.

Tunnel to the Location occupation inquiry if the user's authorizations allow it.

Access by tunnel the Dedicated locations inquiry for the product being entered if the user's authorizations allow it.

The Lot: If the product is managed by lot, different cases are possible depending on the lot management rule associated with the Supplier receipt movement type and depending on the lot management rule of the product.

If a product is not managed by lot, the Lot and Supplier Lot columns cannot be accessed.

If a product is managed with mandatory or optional lots, the access to the lot field depends on one hand to the setup of the receipt transaction used and on the other to the management rule Supplier receipt defined in the category of the product or in the stock management rules.

Indeed, it is possible to specify at this level that the lot will not be entered, that its entry is free or that the lot can be entered on the condition that it is a new lot.

In addition, it will be possible to allocate a default value to a lot. In this case, several choices are also offered. Never initialize the lot or initialize the lot with a document number (initialization with the document number is not visible during the entry if the receipt number is automatically allocated at the creation, it is given a blank value). If the lot number is not entered in the lot field, the document number will be written in the lot field at the posting of the receipt. It is also possible to choose to initialize the internal lot with the supplier lot previously entered.

When the entry is completed, if no lot number has been entered, several cases can arise: Either the management rule for the transaction assigns the document number, or the system will use the lot sequence number of the product to assign a new lot number. If no lot sequence number has been specified for the product and the lot is mandatory, the user will receive a blocking message.

A specific case exists for products managed as optional lot: This product type allows the entry of a blank lot field. In this case, it is necessary to enter the lot field by calling the function accessible by right click in this Blank lot context. Then, when saving the document, the sequence numbers or the document number will not be used. This management method is thus incompatible with a management rule that does not allow the entry of an internal lot number.

The grid shown below, summarizes the impact of the setup of the management rule for the movement type Supplier receipt in the management of the mandatory lot during the entry of a direct receipt or one coming from an order line. In the case of optional lots, there is a supplementary function available by right click on the lot field allowing the user to leave the lot number blank.

Lot entry



New lot

Default lot


No entry in the line or in the stock detail window.

Automatic assignment according to the sequence number.

Selection for all the lots.

Lot info function.

No initialization.

It is possible to enter any desired information.

Function Next lot counter number.

If lot not assigned, automatic assignment according to the sequence number.

No selection.

Lot info function.

No initialization.

It is possible to enter any desired information. But control on the existence of a lot.

Function Next lot counter number.

If lot not assigned, automatic assignment according to the sequence number

Journal number

No entry on the line or in the detail.

Automatic assignment according to the document no.

Selection for all the lots.

Lot info function.

No initialization if automatic receipt sequence number.

It is possible to enter any desired information.

Function Next lot counter number.

If lot not entered document no. allocation.

No selection.

Lot info function.

No initialization if automatic return sequence number.

It is possible to enter any desired information. But control on the existence of a lot.

Function Next lot counter number.

If lot not entered document no. allocation.

Supplier lot

No entry in the line or in the stock detail window.

Automatic allocation of the supplier lot code in the lot field.

Selection for all the lots.

Function Lot info.

Initialization with supplier lot.

It is possible to enter any desired information.

Function Next lot counter number.

If lot not assigned, automatic assignment according to the sequence number.

No selection.

Function Lot info.

Initialization with supplier lot.

It is possible to enter any desired information. But control on the existence of a lot.

Function Next lot counter number.

If lot not assigned, automatic assignment according to the sequence number.

Using the right click on this field, it is possible to:

Select a lot number from the list of lots declared for the site. If the product is managed by lot and sub-lot, the sub-lots will also appear in the selection window. The choice of a lot and sub-lot will be used to load the lot and sub-lot fields.

Identify the manner in which the lot will be calculated, when it is not assigned, using the Lot info function (Blank lot, Lot sequence number or the document number).

Additionally it is possible to enter on the same receipt line several different lots. For this it is necessary to detail the line in the Enter quantity detail window. This window opens automatically if stock information is missing from the line entry. When this is not the case, it is necessary to open using the right button on the receipt line. If a receipt line is distributed over several different lots, the corresponding field in the document line is loaded with the $ character.

The serial numbers: If the product is managed with serial numbers upon receipt/issue, it is mandatory to enter, before saving the receipt, one or more serial numbers depending on the quantity that has been received (this entry is only mandatory in the stock detail window). A control will be carried out to check that the number entered is not already in stock (a serial number being considered as unitary and not divisible).

When several serial numbers are in a receipt, the final number will contain the last number in the series. On the condition that the numbers are consecutive. If not a $ will be displayed in the two fields to specify that the numbers in the receipt are not consecutive. It will be necessary to use the stock detail window to view all the serial numbers.

From this field there is the possibility using the right click to select the serial numbers known to the system and which are no longer in stock (this function is also available for the serial numbers managed only on issue).

Receipt arising from an inter-site delivery:

In the case of a receipt arising from an inter-site delivery, the most of the information will be automatically initialized from the stock information from the line of the original document, other information must be entered manually or will be initialized as a function of the setup associated with the receipt movement type Supplier receipt.

The location type and the location: the functioning is identical to that of direct receipts or receipts from an order.

The internal lot: This information cannot be accessed in the receipt line in this context. If the receipt involves a shipment that only references a single lot number, this will be displayed on the line. If the original document references several lot numbers, this will be indicated by the presence of the $ symbol in the lot field. If the shipment is multi-lots and that the receipt only concerns part of the shipment, the choice of the lot will be made via the stock detail screen (by deleting the lines that are not required). Same remarks as those concerning the management of sub-lot numbers.

The serial number: This information cannot be accessed in the receipt line in this context. If the serial numbers of the shipment line are consecutive they are displayed on the receipt line. Otherwise, the $ sign will be displayed in the two fields to indicate that the numbers in the receipt are not consecutive. If the document of origin contains several serial numbers and the receipt only concerns some of these numbers, it will be necessary to access the stock detail window to choose the required numbers. Only the serial number from the original delivery line can be chosen. The serial number selection window will only submit the serial numbers from the original document line.

Note concerning the entry cycle for the creation of a receipt:

At the time of creating a receipt line by selecting a shipment line and that several stock detail lines are generated, the stock information cannot be modified except via the use of the Stock detail. Same remark for the modification of a line for a direct receipt or a receipt arising from an order (provided the receipt has not been created). Only the following information remains accessible: Unit, Quantity, Coefficient, Unit price in the order and Movement description.

When a single stock detail line exists, the information remains modifiable on the receipt line for a direct receipt or a receipt coming from an order. For a reception having as its origin a shipment, only the information concerning the Status, the Location type, the Location, the unit price of the order and the Movement description will be modifiable.

If the quantity is modified on the receipt line and several lines exist in the stock detail, then the detail window will open automatically to allow the choice of the line(s) impacted by this modification.

If the quantity on the receipt line is increased and only one stock detail line exists, then the detail window will automatically open to make it possible to specify that the additional quantity concerns the same detail line or another detail line.

If the quantity is decreased in the receipt line and there is only one detail line, the stock window will not open.

When you are creating a subcontract receipt line with or without WO, and the received quantity is less than the ordered quantity for the released and received product, or for the consumed materials related to the subcontracted product, you must manually identify the consumed material lines. Click Subcon. order issues from the Actionsicon to display the stock lines. Next, click the Actions icon at receipt line level, then select Enter detailed quantities to specify the quantity actually consumed.
Once the receipt has been saved, the stock information and the received quantity cannot be modified for a received and released product or for the materials consumed for the subcontracted product. If you want to modify this information or the quantity, you must delete the receipt and recreate it.

Note concerning the management of the coefficients and the receipt units:

When the receipt has as its origin a shipment, the units used to carry out the stock movement will be by default those of the shipment. Thus if a delivery had as sales unit a Carton, but the associated stock movement in made by individual unit, the unit used by default to carry out the receipt to stock will be the unit. The receipt line unit itself will be the same as the shipment line unit (on the condition that this unit is defined for purchases).

It is possible to modify the conversion factor between the receipt unit and the stock unit. If this modification has taken place not on the receipt line, but in the stock detail window, the modification of the coefficient will be copied to the receipt line. Except if in the stock detail window other units are used or if the lines with different coefficients are entered and that the quantity entered does not correspond to the quantity on the receipt line. In this case the receipt line unit will be replaced by the stock unit to ensure a conversion with the units used to carry out the receipt to stock.

Note concerning the receipt of shipments will shortages:

It will not be possible to carry out a receipt for a shipment lines only missing products. It will be necessary to have previously entered the stock information in the original delivery. A message will be displayed to highlight the problem.

If the receipt concerns a shipment line concerning the shortages and the identified stock lines, only the quantities corresponding to the identified stock lines will be proposed on the receipt lines. It will then not be possible to modify the receipt quantity above the quantities identified during the original issue. If the receipt concerns a shipment with packaging that cannot be decimalized, the unit proposed will then be the stock unit.


This information is only accessible when the receipt line concerns an order line or a shipment request and when the POHCLE setup authorizes it. This information is used to close the balance to be received on the order line concerned.

If the receipt comes from a shipment request and only part of the request is being booked in, this will automatically be split and the new request generated will/will not be closed as a function of the closed balance value entered on the receipt line.

Discounts and charges

The different discount and charge fields that appear at the level of each receipt line are determined via the structure code associated with the supplier in their record. The values contained in these fields come from the price list search and can be modified if the associated reason allows it (or if the reason value given to the UPDPRIPUR setup allows it).

The Actions icon is used to view all the reasons associated with the price and discounts and to modify, if necessary, the reasons assigned to each of the columns.

Unit price of the order

This is the unitary amount by stock unit that can be used to value the stock (if the valuation method for a supplier receipt is Order price). The valuation method for the stock is defined by product category or by product category as a function of the storage site.

It can also be set up by transaction type. This information can be manually modified if required, if the transaction authorizes it. This information can also be viewed in the stock detail window.

The order price is initialized as follows:

If the receipt line is not related to an inter-site delivery (inter-company deliveries are calculated in this manner) then the order price is equal to the net price of the delivery line converted into the currency of the company by using as exchange rate date the date defined in the PTHCURDAT parameter and as exchange rate type the exchange rate type specified in the receipt header.

If the receipt line originates from an inter-site delivery line, the order price defaults from the stock issue price of the original delivery.

Movement group

This is statistical information that will be picked up by the stock movements associated with the receipt line. This information is controlled by miscellaneous table number 9 and can be initialized by the receipt transaction used.

Use the Actions icon to:

Select a movement group from the list.

Access the movement group table according to the user's authorizations.


The presence of this information depends on the transaction setup.

This is the account that will be transferred to the purchase invoice control. This account is loaded by default as a function of the account present in the order line that is the source of the receipt line or for the account determined by the automatic journal PORD in the case of a direct supplier receipt or when it is linked to an inter-site or inter-company shipment.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Original doc (field TYPVCR)


  • CAI number (field CAI)


  • CAI validity date (field DATVLYCAI)



  • Order (field POHNUM)

This is the number of the purchase order that originated the receipt line.
If you want to perform a supplier receipt with respect to an original order, without using the order selection window, enter the number of the target order in this field.
Otherwise, click the selection icon to pick an order from a short list filtered on the supplier. You can also click the Actions icon to access the order if necessary.
The order number is not mandatory if the PTHDIR - Direct receipt parameter (ACH chapter, REC group) authorizes the entry of direct supplier receipts.
Depending on the receipt transaction used, you can move the order number and line number to the end of the receipt line. In this case, they will no longer be accessible but will continue to be loaded. The selection of orders can then only be carried out from the selection panel.

  • Line (field POPLIN)

This is the number of the purchase order line that originated the receipt line.
A receipt line can involve only one order line, it will therefore be necessary to enter this line number if the order number has been entered. Use the Actions icon to select one of the lines of the relevant order.
Once the order line is entered, certain fields will be automatically initialized as a function of the information entered at the level of the order line. It remains possible to modify certain fields and/or to enter additional information.
The order line number is not mandatory if the PTHDIR - Direct receipt parameter (ACH chapter, REC group) authorizes the entry of direct supplier receipts and if no order number has been entered.

This information is compulsory. This is the product code for the receipt that you are entering. It will be automatically populated if an order line or a delivery line has been selected and can no longer be accessed in this context.

From this field, you can:

  • Select an active product
  • Access the product record, depending on your authorizations, and, if necessary, create a product.

Once the line is entered, it is no longer possible to access this field.

  • Description (field ITMDES)

This is the description translated into the supplier's language. When the receipt originates from an order or a delivery, the translated description will be inherited from the original purchase line.

This description will be transferred with any modifications to the supplier invoice. This description will be printed on the internal delivery note.

From this field, click the Actions icon to access the Products record.

  • Standard description (field ITMDES1)

This is the description entered in the supplier's language. When the receipt originates from an order or a delivery, the standard description will be inherited from the line of the original purchase order.

This description will be transferred with any modifications to the supplier invoice.

From this field, click the Actions icon to access the Products record.

  • Product type (field ITMKND)

You cannot enter the product type:

  • On order picking, the product type is recovered from the Standard, Service or Subcontracting document.
  • Upon direct receipt, the product can be a Standard or a Service type product. You cannot select a Subcontracting type product.

A Standard type product is a 'physical' product (managed in stock or not). A Service type product is a product that is not managed in stock, whose category is Service.

The presence of this field depends on the entry transaction used.

In the event of a receipt originating from an order or a delivery, the default receipt unit will be the unit entered on the original document.
In the event of a direct receipt, the submitted unit is the supplier’s purchase unit or the purchase unit if the Product-supplier record has not been defined.
You can modify the submitted receipt unit. The selection icon displays the lists of units grouping the stock unit, the product packaging units, the product purchase unit and the different units specified for the supplier.
Likewise, you can populate the same receipt line with different units. For that purpose, detail the line in the Enter detailed quantities window. This window opens automatically if stock information is missing from the line entry. Otherwise, open this window using the Actions icon that you can access on the line. If a receipt line is distributed over several different units, the Unit field of the document line is loaded with the stock unit.
Once the receipt has been saved and the stock movements have been carried out, you can no longer directly modify this information. You will need to use the Receipt modification function.

  • Quantity (field QTYUOM)

This field displays the received quantity in receipt unit. The quantity suggested by default corresponds to:

  • the total quantity ordered or delivered in the case of a receipt created from an order or delivery.
  • the shipped quantity in the case of a shipment receipt.

You can change the quantity as long as the receipt has not been created yet.
Once the receipt has been created, you can modify the quantity as well, but only for products which are not managed in stock. For products which are managed in stock, since the stock movements have already been performed, you are not authorized to modify the received quantity in this field: you need to use the Receipt modification function, available from the Actions icon on the receipt line.
Important notes on subcontract receipt lines with or without WO:

  • If the received quantity is less than the ordered quantity for the released and received product, or for the consumed materials related to the subcontracted product, you must manually identify the consumed material lines. Click Subcon. order issues from the Actionsicon to display the stock lines. Next, click the Actions icon at receipt line level, then select Enter detailed quantities to specify the quantity actually consumed.
  • Once the receipt has been saved, you cannot modify the received quantity or the stock information, irrespective of the released product received or of the materials consumed for the subcontracted product.

When a receipt line is partially invoiced (directly or through an order invoice), or when a line is linked to an additional invoice, you are no longer authorized to modify the quantity because this modification would impact the distribution of the invoicing elements.

When the receipt line originates from an inter-site or inter-company delivery line, you can:

  • Receive less than the delivered quantity. A warning message will warn you.
    In this context, two interpretations are possible:
    • The delivery occurred only in part because the goods will be entered over several receipts or because the entry of the receipt is not completely finished.
    • The delivery occurred only in part because there is an error in the entry of the original delivery or because the goods were stolen or lost.
    In this case it will be necessary to carry out a corrective action at the shipment site.
  • receive more than the expected quantity. A warning message will also signal this. It is probably due to an error on the original delivery. As a consequence it will then be necessary to correct it. The receipt line closing field is never available in this context.

SEEINFOIf the receipt comes from a delivery request and only part of the request is received, this request will be automatically split and the new generated request will or will not be closed depending on the closing value calculated for the receipt line.

When the receipt line is created from an order line (receipt of an order or shipment linked to an order line), you can:

  • receive less than the ordered quantity. The management of the balance will then depend on the POHCLE - PO line closing method parameter (chapter ACH, group REM) and the product record (for the tolerance). Depending on the value assigned to this parameter and on the transaction used, you can decide to manually close the balance.

    When the receipt relates to products which landed costs are managed in a cost structure, the quantity can impact the calculation of costs (based on the defined cost type).
    In this case, if the receipt is a partial one and this concerns:

    - an order receipt, the amount of the costs on received lines is determined based on the pro rata of the received quantity if the STCPTH - Cost loading upon order rcpt parameter (chapter ACH, group REC) is set to Pro rata. If it is set to Recalculation, the amount of the costs is recalculated based on the quantity but also on all the criteria that have an impact on the calculation (especially the weight and volume).

    - A shipments receipt, the amount of the costs on received lines is determined based on the pro rata of the received quantity. Besides, based on the set of criteria, the recalculation impacts the calculation (e.g. weight and volume) performed during shipment.
    SEEINFOThis rule also applies in case of modification of the quantity, regardless of whether the modification is performed before or after the creation of the receipt line.
  • receive more than the ordered quantity provided that the RCPORD - Allow over receipts parameter (chapter ACH, group REM) authorizes it. You will still be notified by a warning message. When receiving a shipment, no control based on the shipped quantity is performed.

This is the purchase unit defined for the product-supplier combination, or for products that do not exist in the product-supplier record.
This product has two purchase units:

  • Purchase unit defined on the product record.
  • Purchase unit linked to the supplier.

This purchase unit cannot be modified. It is used as the default value when entering an order, subcontract order or receipt. The supplier purchase unit is suggested by default when the product-supplier record exists.

The purchase units are accessible depending on the type of category assigned.

SEEINFO Upon invoicing a product, the product purchase unit is used.

  • STK conversion (field UOMSTUCOE)

This is the conversion coefficient between the receipt unit and the stock unit. This information can be accessed for packing units if the setup authorizes it (refer to the packing unit grid on the Units section of the Products record). This information cannot be accessed for the other units (product purchase unit, supplier purchase unit, supplier packing unit).
If the product has the sub-contract type, the conversion coefficient between the receipt unit and the stock unit can never be modified.

This is the storage unit of the product. This information is not available for modification.

  • STK qty. (field QTYSTU)

This quantity corresponds to the quantity in stock unit after conversion of the received quantity into stock unit using the conversion coefficient between the receipt unit and the stock unit.
It is not possible to modify the received quantity in STK except for the units whose coefficient can be modified. In that case, the receipt quantity in receipt units is adjusted.

  • Disputed STK qty. (field RRRQTYSTU)

This information can only be accessed for the products that are not managed in stock. It provides, in stock units, the non-complying received quantity.

This information can be used:

  • Warehouse (field WRH)

The presence of this field is subject to the activity code WRH.
It is loaded with the warehouse displayed in the document header.

  • It can still be changed if this field is set up so as to be entered at entry transaction level.
    When it is entered, the warehouse is automatically loaded on the stock detail lines and cannot be modified.
  • It cannot be modified when the entry transaction is set up as single-warehouse managed. The header warehouse is then mandatory and the warehouse cannot be entered either on the document lines or on the stock detail lines.

    To manage multiple warehouses and enter the same slip line on various warehouses, you must enable the entry of the warehouse-line at the entry transaction level. To split a line onto several warehouses, click, the Actions icon and select Enter detailed quantities.
    When a receipt line is distributed on various warehouses, this field is loaded on the slip line with character '$'.

SEEINFO The warehouse entered on the line has priority over the warehouse entered in the header.

Direct receipts or receipts originating from an order:

The setup of the miscellaneous receipt transaction determines if the field can be accessed from the receipt note line.
When a warehouse is specified, it can no longer be accessed at the level of the note line detailed entry.
To manage multiple warehouses and enter a same note line in different warehouses, you need to detail the line in the Enter detailed quantities window. This window opens automatically if stock information is missing from the line entry. Otherwise, click the Enter detailed quantities action from the Actions icon available on the note line.

  • Submitted QC (field QUAFLG)

This code is used to define whether this product must be controlled on receipt into stock.
The assigned product Category determines the initial control value for the product-site record and the supplier-stock record. The supplier-stock record value provides the default value for purchase orders.

  • No control. The control is based on the management rules. It can be modified manually.
  • Non-changeable control. Quality control is mandatory for stock receipts. Q is the only valid status.
  • Changeable control. For a miscellaneous receipt into stock, the quality status is initialized to the value Q. This status can be changed to A or R.
    The quality control code can also be defined at the purchase order level.
    • If in the order quality control is set to "Yes", quality control is mandatory and the receipt has one of the sub-statuses Q* defined in the product management rule for receipt movements.
      If no sub-status is defined, the status cannot be entered at the time of receipt.
    • If in the order quality control is set to "No", quality control is not mandatory.
      At the time of receipt, A is suggested as the default status. This can be changed to one of the statuses defined in the receipt movement rule for this product.
  • Periodic control. This control is automated according to the number of receipts for this supplier and this product. The stock status can still be modified during entry.

When the quality control code associated with the product or with the product-supplier combination has the Non-changeable control value, the field that corresponds to the order line cannot be accessed in entry mode, irrespective of the transactions setup.

This information will then be used at the receipt and cross-checked with the management rule defined for the product category and associated with the movement type Supplier receipt to determine the product status and to generate, if necessary, an analysis request.

This field is subject to the LPN - License plate no. management activity code.

Indicate the container used. It is initialized based on the default container defined for the Product-site and can be modified if the entry in this field is enabled at the entry transaction level.
The entered container is used to filter the license plate number selection list.

Help common to stock entry functions (Miscellaneous receipts, Receipts, Customer returns, etc.) and the Invoices function (in this case, the field is only displayed and editable for a credit memo or a direct invoice).
This field is subject to the LPN - License plate no. management activity code.

The management of this field depends on the 'Mandatory' or 'Optional' nature of the license plate number, which is defined for the Product category on the Receipt flow section.

In both cases, you can select the license plate number to be used. The selection list displays the active license plate numbers (both 'Free' or 'In stock') associated with the entered container. If no container is specified, the selection list displays all active license plate numbers attached to the site and available in stock. These containers are the ones you created previously, either by unit via the License plate number function or by batch via the License plate number creation function. You can also directly access the License plate numbers function in order to create a number and then switch back to entry mode on the document.
If you want to enter multiple license plate numbers on the same document line, leave this field blank and click Enter detailed quantities entry from the Actions icon available on the document line.
When you enter a license plate number, there is no restriction on the line quantity, as compared to the capacity of the container used.

  • When the license plate number is 'Mandatory', you can leave this field blank and create the relevant license plate number(s) 'on the fly'. The number of containers is determined automatically based on:
    - The container capacity; This capacity is defined on the Product-site record, Management section, based on the packaging and/or stock unit of the product.
    - The line quantity; When multiple containers are required, the number of containers is displayed on the Enter detailed quantities window. This window opens automatically if stock information is missing from the line entry. Otherwise, click the Actions icon from the document line to open it.
    After the creation process, the '$' symbol is displayed in the License plate number field of the document line if the line has been distributed over different license plate numbers. To view the list of license plate numbers used, click the Actions icon on the document line and open the Receipt modifications window.
    You can only create numbers 'on the fly' when the following conditions are met:
- The License plate number is set to 'Mandatory' for the Product category.
- The entered container and unit must be defined in the containers setup table at the Product-site level.
- The container capacity must be defined in the same unit as the document line.
Once the numbers have successfully been created 'on the fly', the License plate number label printing window is automatically displayed if printing is authorized by the entry transaction.
  • When the license plate number is 'Optional', no 'on the fly' creation is performed. If you want to use one or several containers, you need to manually enter their license plate number on the document line, or in detailed line entry mode. You may also use the License plate number assignment function afterwards.

Inter-site / inter-company specificities: for an inter-site or inter-company receipt, the license plate number does not correspond to the one specified on the sales delivery, since the LPN is single-site.

  • Status (field STA)

The stock status is used to define if a product is:

  • A: Accepted
  • Q: Pending Quality Control
  • R: Rejected

A sub-status of two alphanumerical characters is used to further define the status.


  • RD: Rejected products to be destroyed
  • SR: Supplier return

The statuses and sub-statuses authorized in a stock transaction can depend on various factors:

  • The ‘subject to control’ code of the product
  • The ‘subject to control’ code of the received order
  • A list of values which can be set up. This list is associated with the stock transaction.

The stock totals for a product are updated according to the status entered in the transactions:

  • For physical stock: total of stock with status ‘A’
  • For stock under quality control: total of stock with status ‘Q’
  • For rejected stock: total of stock with status ‘R’

Direct receipts or receipts originating from an order:

The status is initialized based on the default status defined by the management rule assigned to the 'Supplier receipt' movement type.
If no status is specified in the rule, no value is suggested.
If the product is managed with quality control (editable or not), the authorized and default statuses also depend on this rule (see Submit to quality control field).

The status is not mandatory on the receipt line. If it is not entered, the Stock detail window automatically opens at the end of a line entry so that a status can be specified.
You can choose not to enter the status on the document line because the goods that are booked in are of a different quality. In this case, a breakdown must be performed: you can enter the breakdown information in the Stock detail window.

When several statuses have been assigned and the stock lines have sub-details, the '$' sign is displayed in these fields at the end of the document line entry.
Depending on the management rule used for the 'Supplier receipt' movement type, you can set up and generate an analysis request during the receipt to stock if the status of the goods is "To be controlled" (status Q*).

Receipt originating from an inter-site delivery:

The status is initialized based on the status of the delivery if the status is authorized by the management rule assigned to the 'Supplier receipt' movement type (see the authorized Statuses and Sub-statuses).

If the delivery status is not authorized by the management rule defined for the receipt or if the quality control is not editable, then the default status of the management rule applies (it also needs to correspond to the quality control rule).

  • Loc. type (field LOCTYP)

Location types are used to codify warehouse locations according to storage characteristics such as their dimensions, authorized statuses and technical constraints.

The location type is automatically loaded from the location type associated with:

  • the container (if entered); The location type can be modified if the status of the container is ‘Free’, which means it does not contain any stock lines yet.
  • the products by warehouse (if warehouses are managed);
  • the product-site.

In all cases, the location type can be modified if its entry is enabled at the level of the entry transaction.

You may only enter a ‘dock’ type location if the entry transaction authorizes receipts on dock.

SEEINFOWhen warehouses are managed, entry of a location type is only permitted if at least one location is linked to the entered type and warehouse.

  • Location (field LOC)

Depending on the entry transaction setup, the information related to locations is accessible for entry at receipt note line level.
On the other hand, in all cases, these fields can be accessed from the detailed entry of the receipt note, provided that the product is managed by location. If the product is not location-managed, the detailed entry of the receipt does not display the Location type and Location fields.

The storage location is automatically loaded based on the location type, if it is specified. Otherwise, the location taken into account is the following (in order of priority):

  • the location that may be associated to the entered license plate number. It can be modified if the status of the container is ‘Free’ and thus does not contain any stock lines yet.
  • the default location defined in the Product-warehouses record, if warehouses are managed.
  • the location defined in the Product-site record. This value can later be modified.

SEEINFOWhen the warehouses are managed, only a location linked to the specified warehouse can be entered.

Additionally, it is possible to enter on the same receipt note line using several different locations. In order to do this, you need to detail the line in the Quantity detail entry window.This window opens automatically if stock information is missing from the line entry. Otherwise, open it by clicking the Actions icon from the note line.
If a receipt line is distributed over several location types and/or different locations, the corresponding fields on the document line display the '$' character.

  • Supplier lot (field BPSLOT)

Direct receipts or receipts originating from an order:

If the product is managed by lot, you can enter the original supplier lot (if known) for information purposes (no control applies if it is an internal lot, which can only be linked to a single supplier lot).
It is recorded in the stock file and corresponds to the internal lot number. This ensures that the origin of goods can be tracked.

A selection window is used to choose a supplier lot among known ones (that have the object of a receipt).
To enter several supplier lots, do not enter the information on the receipt line but in the Stock detail window. When exiting this window, a '$' sign is displayed in this field to indicate that the information includes sub-details.

Receipt originating from an inter-site delivery:

This information is not accessible in this context and this is irrespective of the management rule associated with the product category. The supplier lot proposed is the lot coming from the original shipment.

  • Lot (field LOT)

Lot concerned by the receipt transaction.

  • No. of sublots (field NBSLO)

This field contains the number of sub-lots concerned by the stock transaction.

  • Sublot (field SLO)

Sub-lot concerned by the stock transaction.

  • Ending sublot (field SLOF)

This field indicates the last sub-lot on which the stock movement is applied.

  • Starting serial number (field SERNUM)

  • Enter the first serial number concerned by the movement.
    When the issue applies to the stock line of a product managed in Issue/receipt and including discontinuous serial numbers or differentiators such as the lot, status or location, the serial number selection is performed in the stock issue Detailed entry window. This window opens automatically at the end of a line entry or from the Actions icon.
    If an issue line is distributed over several serial numbers, the Serial number and Ending serial number fields of the document line are loaded with the $ character.
  • When the issue applies to the stock line of a product managed in Global issue/receipt, you can enter the first serial number. If the system automatically determines a stock line including the quantity to be issued, the ending serial number is automatically loaded. Otherwise, this first serial number is deleted automatically and the Detailed entry window of the stock issue opens automatically at the end of the line entry so you can select the serial number sequences to be issued.
    The issue table will then be loaded with as many issue lines as sequences of issued serial numbers.

  • Ending serial number (field SERNUMF)

This is the serial number of the product.

  • Identifier 1 (field PALNUM)

Use this field to enter additional information, if necessary.

  • Identifier 2 (field CTRNUM)

This field indicates the first recorded identifier.

  • Close (field WSOLDE)

Indicates if the receipt line closes the order line.
This indicator defaults to ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ based on the received quantity and on the value of the POHCLE - PO line closing method parameter (ACH chapter, REM group).
When additional invoices on order have been recorded, if the order line is closed then all the additional invoices recorded on this order line are taken into account. In addition, even if the order line has been received (all at once or not) and has been the object of one or several additional invoices, it is only upon closing the order line that these invoices will be taken into account and that stock adjustment movements will be applied. The additional invoices are then distributed with respect to the received quantities of each receipt of the order line.

  • Ship. closed (field WSHDSOLDE)

Indicates if the receipt line closes the shipment line.
This flag is initialized to 'Yes' or 'No' depending on the received quantity:

  • When the receipt line closes the shipment line, this flag is automatically set to 'Yes' and cannot be modified.
  • When the receipt line does not close the shipment line, this flag is set to 'No' but can be manually set to 'Yes'.

The management rules of this field are based on the PJTSNGDOC - One project by document- parameter (TC chapter, MIS group).

  • When this parameter is set to Yes, the management of multiple projects is prohibited.
    The project code of the document line is never available for entry. In direct creation, it is loaded automatically with the code entered in the header and cannot be modified. In case of a document conversion, it is loaded with the project code of the lines of the selected document and cannot be modified.
    Additional lines must have the same project code. In case of line addition, the picking lists are automatically filtered so that only the documents with the same project code are displayed.
    If you modify the document header project code, this code is automatically used on the lines.
  • When this parameter is set to Yes, the management of multiple projects is authorized.
    The project code of the document line is initialized with the header code and in case of document transformation, with the code of the selected document lines. The following lines can have a different project code.
    You can only modify the project code of lines if entering this field is authorized by the chosen entry transaction.

    If you modify the header project code, a dialog box opens and suggests to transfer this code to the lines of the document, according to the following options:
          • Yes: the project code is transferred to all lines.
          • No: the project code is not transferred to the lines.
          • Yes if same value: the project code is only transferred to the lines associated to the former project code.

    In modification mode, the project code management depends on the value of the CTLOPPCOD - Mandatory projectcontrol parameter.
      • When the value is No, it may be a code selected freely.
      • When its value is Yes, an existence check is systematically applies to the entered project code.
        You can use the Selection icon to display the list of available project codes.

When an analytical dimension type is used for the Project management tracking, then any modification of the project code made at header level will be redistributed to the lines; if the modification applies to a document line, then the dimension code of the dimension type will be reset. This reinitialization is compliant with the Default dimensions setup.

  • Gross price (field GROPRI)

This field is used to determine the Stock cost per unit of the product. This price is expressed in the receipt unit. When the principal information for the line necessary for the determination of a price list is entered, a price list search process is automatically carried out. The objective of this search is to recover:

  • the gross price as well as the associated reason,
  • The charges and discounts in percentages or in amounts to be applied to the line level as well as the associated reasons.

If the price list search is unsuccessful, then a search is launched on the base price of the purchase product. As a last resort, if the search on the base price does not return any result and if the PURPRICE - Price by default standard cost parameter (ACH chapter, PRI group) is set to Yes for the company of the receipt site, the standard cost is used to value the gross price (if it has been defined for the product).
When the entered price is null, a message is displayed requesting your confirmation. From this field, click the Actions icon to:

  • View the price lists
  • View the reasons associated with the gross price and the discount and charge fields
  • View the list of the last 10 order prices
  • Re-initialize the price by requesting a new price list search to update the prices and discounts
  • Have the detailed explanation of how the net price is obtained from the gross price and the various discounts and charges.

In the event of an inter-site/inter-company receipt, or in the case of a purchase order receipt, the gross price and the discounts are initialized with those of the source document and cannot be modified.
SEEINFOPrices and discounts can never be accessed if there is a source document. They can be entered/modified only in case of direct creation of a receipt. During a direct inter-site receipt, if the original delivery prices are tax inc., they are converted into ex tax. on the receipt line.

This information will be used during the creation of a supplier invoice or an invoice to be received to value the invoice.

  • field DISCRGVAL1

The different discount and charge fields that appear at the level of each return line are determined via the structure code associated with the supplier in their record.
The values contained in these fields come from the price list search and can be modified if the associated reason allows it (or if the reason value given to the UPDPRIPUR parameter allows it).
The Actions icon is used to view all the reasons associated with the price and discounts and to modify, if necessary, the reasons assigned to each of the columns.

  • Net price (field NETPRI)

This is the unitary net price for the receipt line calculated from the gross price affected by any discounts and charges. This information cannot be accessed.
From this field, use the Actions icon to:

  • View the reasons associated with the price as well as the different discounts and charges fields
  • View the list of the last 10 order prices
  • View the price lists
  • Have a detailed explanation available describing how the net price is obtained

If the entered price is null, a message appears to request confirmation. However, this message is not displayed for the components of a BOM, for free items and for deliveries not to be invoiced.

A process for the Free items is triggered at the end of the delivery line. This processing generates all the free product lines (Gross price and discounts set to 0). If the value of the FOCPRI - Free product valuation parameter (VEN chapter, PRI group) is ‘Yes’, a price list search is triggered for the free item to assign it a gross price. The assigned price is compensated for, either by a line discount in percentage or a line discount in amount (according to the order of discounts) to obtain a zero net price.

When you click Create to save the delivery, and based on the value of the GRPPRI - Grouped price lists parameter, a message can be displayed, suggesting that a new price list search is run to determine the specificities globally linked to the delivery. At the end of the processing, the following can be generated on some product lines:

  • a new gross price or new discounts or new charges for the line,
  • free products that are not associated with a specific line.
  • Line amount - tax (field LINAMT)

This is the unitary Net ex-tax price multiplied by the receipt quantity.
SEEINFO This information cannot be accessed.

The tax inc. amounts are converted into ex tax amounts on the receipt if the original delivery has a tax inc. price.

This is the currency in which the amounts displayed in the previous columns are expressed. The prices for the receipt line are expressed in this currency. This information cannot be accessed.

  • When the receipt comes from an order line or a delivery line, the currency code inherits the currency code from the original document.
  • For a direct receipt line, the currency is loaded based on the currency of the receipt header and corresponds to the currency of the supplier.

  • Landed cost coef. (field CPRCOE)

The management of landed costs makes it possible to quantify the routing costs of the goods ordered from a supplier and to allocate them to the products upon order, receipt or invoice. These costs are used for the calculation of the purchase cost and stock cost.
The evaluation of these costs can be performed according to one of the two following methods:

  • global method in which a Landed cost coefficient is applied and/or a Fixed cost per unit is taken into account,
  • method in which a set of costs detailed in a cost structure is taken into account.

Only one method can be used, the choice of this method is performed at the level of the product management.

The management of this field depends on the method used to determine the landed costs and on the entry transaction used. When it can be entered, the landed cost coefficient must be greater than or equal to 1.
It is used to impact the order price of the receipt by including costs that have been previously estimated.
Upon receipt of the supplier invoice, the landed costs impacted on the stock can be adjusted with the actual costs identified in the supplier invoice if the valuation method of the product authorizes adjustments and if parameter PIHCPR - Invoice price adjustment also authorizes it.

  • Upon direct receipt, this information is initialized with the landed cost coefficient entered for the storage site of the product-supplier or, if this is not possible, with the one entered in the Product-supplier record.
    If there is no product-supplier record, the coefficient entered in in the "Supply" section of the Product record is considered instead.
  • Upon order receipt, this information is initialized with the landed cost coefficient of the order.

The landed cost amount calculated is displayed from the Actions menu, by right-clicking "Line cost" (in the "Cost detail" section, "Undetailed costs” grid).

  • Fixed cost per unit (field CPRAMT)

The management of landed costs makes it possible to quantify the routing costs of the goods ordered from a supplier and to allocate them to the products upon order, receipt or invoice. These costs are used for the calculation of the purchase cost and stock cost.
The evaluation of these costs can be performed according to one of the two following methods:

  • global method in which a Landed cost coefficient is applied and/or a Fixed cost per unit is taken into account,
  • method in which a set of costs detailed in a cost structure is taken into account.

Only one method can be used, the choice of this method is performed at the level of the product management.

The management of this field depends on the method used to determine the landed costs and on the entry transaction used. When it can be entered, this value, which must be a positive value, is expressed in the company currency.

  • Upon direct receipt, it is initialized with the fixed cost per unit entered for the storage site of the product-supplier or, if this is not possible, with the one entered in the Product-supplier record.
    If there is no product-supplier record, the fixed cost per unit entered in tab "Supply" of the Product record is taken into account instead.
  • Upon order receipt, it is initialized with the fixed cost per unit of the order.

The landed cost amount calculated is displayed from the Actions menu, by right-clicking "Line cost" (in the "Cost detail" section, "Undetailed costs” grid).

  • Cost structure (field STCNUM)

The management of landed costs makes it possible to quantify the routing costs of the goods ordered from a supplier and to allocate them to the products upon order, receipt or invoice. These costs are used for the calculation of the purchase cost and stock cost.
The evaluation of these costs can be performed according to one of the two following methods:

  • global method in which a Landed cost coefficient is applied and/or a Fixed cost per unit is taken into account,
  • method in which a set of costs detailed in a cost structure is taken into account.

Only one method can be used, the choice of this method is performed at the level of the product management.

A cost structure details all the costs that are considered as fixed costs and can be identified at the time of the purchase. These costs are expressed in the company currency and document currency.
The presence of this field depends on the entry transaction used.
When it is managed, this information is initialized: 

  • Upon direct receipt, with the cost structure entered for the storage site of the product-supplier or, if this is not possible, with the one entered in the Product-supplier record or, as a last resort, with the cost structure entered in the ‘Supply’ section of the ‘Product’ record. 
  • Upon order receipt, with the cost structure of the order.

This information can never be modified.

The costs taken into account in the cost structure are displayed in the window that can be accessed via the "Cost structure detail". It remains possible to adjust the calculated amounts.
The costs are also displayed in the ‘Direct costs’ grid in the window that can be accessed via right-click option "Line cost" (in the ‘Cost detail’ section).

  • Purchase cost per unit (field CSTPUR)

This information, which cannot be modified, is displayed if the transaction authorizes it.

The purchase cost per unit, which cannot be modified, is expressed in the company currency. It is equal to the result of the following calculation:

Line purchase cost / Quantity (in STK)

SEEWARNING This amount is never calculated during the entry process but only when saving the document.

  • Purchase cost (field LINCSTPUR)

The line purchase cost corresponds to the amount totaling the stock cost and the costs that remain payable by the buyer and are not used for stock valuation (transportation cost, non-deductible taxes, etc.).
It cannot be modified and is displayed only if the transaction authorizes it. It is expressed in the currency of the company.

  • Upon direct receipt, its calculation mode varies according to the method used to evaluate the landed costs. The calculation mode is the following:
    • Global method in which a Landed cost coefficient is applied and/or a Fixed cost per unit is taken into account:
      Purchase cost =
      [ Total of the line net price (line amount -tax) * Landed cost coefficient ]
      + total of the line fixed cost (fixed cost per unit * quantity in PUR)
      + total of the line invoicing elements
      + total of the line non-deductible taxes.
    • Method in which a set of costs detailed in a Cost structure is taken into account:

      Purchase cost =
      Total of the line net price (line amount -tax)
      + total of the line product costs (originating from the cost structure)
      + total of the line invoicing elements
      + total of the line non-deductible taxes.

    SEEWARNING This amount is never calculated during the entry process but only when saving the receipt.

  • Upon order receipt, it is loaded with the purchase cost of the order.

Note: the non-deductible tax amount is displayed in the 'Line cost’ window, accessed by right-click on the line.

  • Stock cost per unit (field CPR)

This is the unit amount by stock unit that can be used to value the stock (if the valuation method for a supplier receipt is Order price). The valuation method for the stock is defined by product category or by product category as a function of the storage site. It can also be set up by movement type.

It can be manually modified as needed, if the transaction authorizes it.
It can also be viewed on the Line cost window.

1/ Upon direct receipt:

  • If the receipt line is not related to an inter-site delivery (this exception does not apply to inter-company deliveries), then the order price is equal to the result of the following calculation:

Line stock cost / Quantity (in STK)

  • If the receipt line originates from an inter-site delivery line, then the order price is initialized by the stock issue price of the original delivery.

2/ Upon order receipt, the stock cost per unit is populated based on the value of the PRIFLG - Full stock valuation parameter (ACH chapter, REC group), as follows:

  • If this parameter is set to Yes, the stock cost per unit is determined based on the order price. The stock value and the stock movement amount linked to the receipt are then recalculated with all the invoices, credit memos, additional invoices linked to documents, regardless of the order in which the documents were received. If these documents are already available and validated at the time of receipt, they are immediately taken into account through stock adjustments.
    Specific behavior of the additional invoices with the value of the New cost set to No and a given cost code: The amount of the adjusted cost is directly integrated into the stock cost per unit of the receipt line.
  • If the parameter is set to No, the determination of the stock cost per unit depends on the context:
      • When the receipt is created before invoice validation, the stock cost per unit is equal to the order price. The stock value and the stock movement amount linked to the receipt are then recalculated each time an invoice, an additional invoice or a credit memo is validated, through stock adjustments.
      • When the receipt is created before the invoices are validated (invoices on orders), the stock cost per unit is determined only from the stock cost per unit of the first invoice and the related additional invoices. It does not take the order price into account although it can be different on the following invoices, credit memos or additional invoices.

SEEWARNINGThis amount is never calculated during the entry process but only when saving the receipt.

  • Stock cost (field LINAMTCPR)

This field, which cannot be modified, is displayed if the transaction authorizes it.
It displays the amount of the costs used for stock valuation, expressed in the currency of the company.

Upon direct receipt, its calculation mode varies according to the method used to evaluate the landed costs.

  • Global method in which a Landed cost coefficient is applied and/or a Fixed cost per unit is taken into account:

    Line amount -tax * Landed cost coefficient
    + fixed cost per unit (expressed in PUR and converted into STK) * quantity in PUR
    + total of the valued invoicing elements of the line (the elements taken into account are only the ones with the Stock valuation flag set to: 'Yes')
    + total of the non-deductible taxes of the line (if parameter NODVATSTO - Non-deductible taxes in stock is set to ‘Yes’).

    This result is converted into the currency of the company using the date defined by parameter PTHCURDAT - Date of exch. rate for receipt as the exchange rate date and the exchange rate type specified in the header of the receipt as the exchange rate type.

  • Method in which a set of costs detailed in a Cost structure is taken into account:

    Line amount -tax
    + costs of the cost structure
    + total of the valued invoicing elements of the line (the elements taken into account are only the ones with the Stock valuation flag set to: 'Yes')
    + total of the non-deductible taxes (if parameter NODVATSTO - Non-deductible taxes in stock is set to ‘Yes’)

    SEEREFERTTOCalculation examples are to be found here.
    SEEWARNINGThis amount is never calculated during the entry process but only when saving the document.

2/ On order receipt, the stock cost is loaded based on the value of the PRIFLG - Full stock valuation parameter (ACH chapter, REC group) as follows:

  • If this parameter is set to Yes, the stock cost per unit is determined based on the cost price. The stock value and the stock movement amount linked to the receipt are then recalculated with all the invoices, credit memos, additional invoices linked to documents, regardless of the order in which the documents were received. If these documents are already available and validated at the time of receipt, they are immediately taken into account through stock adjustments.
    Specific behavior of the additional invoices with the value of the New cost set to No and a given cost code: The amount of the adjusted cost is directly integrated into the stock cost per unit of the receipt line.
  • If the parameter is set to No, the determination of the stock cost per unit depends on the context:
      • When the receipt is created before invoice validation, the stock cost per unit is equal to the order price. The stock value and the stock movement amount linked to the receipt are then recalculated each time an invoice, an additional invoice or a credit memo is validated, through stock adjustments.
      • When the receipt is created before the invoices are validated (invoices on orders), the stock cost per unit is determined only from the stock cost per unit of the first invoice and the related additional invoices. It does not take the order price into account although it can be different on the following invoices, credit memos or additional invoices.

This is the currency in which the stock is valued (accounting currency of the company). The stock cost per unit and the order unit price are expressed in this currency.
SEEINFOThis information cannot be modified.

  • Movement description (field MVTDES)

The description of the transaction is a comment that can be freely specified.

This comment will be written in the stock journal for each movement on the receipt line. You can modify it from the Stock detail window.

Movement group, initialized by the movement group of the transaction being used.
This statistical information is recorded in the stock journal when saving the receipt/disposal movements. This movement group comes from the miscellaneous table number 9. The value given in the transaction setup corresponds to a default value that can/cannot be visualized and/or modified according to the transaction setup (entered, displayed, hidden field).

Statistical information used in the stock transactions associated with the shipment. This value is fixed if the original document does not reference a movement group. Otherwise, the movement group of the document at the origin of the quality control is suggested in priority.

These fields indicate the purchase accounting accounts. The charts of accounts that can be accessed depend on the account core model associated to the company of the movement. If these fields are not entered the account will be automatically determined by the accounting code for the product as a function of the parameters for the PORD automatic journal.
SEEINFO The presence of this field depends on the entry transaction used.
These accounts are loaded by default according to the accounts present in the order line that originated the receipt line.

  • Type (field LINPURTYP)

The presence of this information depends on the transaction setup. The different product types are: Purchases, Fixed assets and Services.
When the receipt line arises from an order line, the purchase type will come from the order line.
In the case of a direct receipt or where it is linked to an inter-site or inter-company, the purchase type will be initialized as a function of the tax posting associated with the GL account entered previously.
If the receipt line is the object of purchase invoice control, the purchase type will be transferred to the invoice line.

The analytical dimensions are initialized in compliance with the Default dimensions setup (PTH dimension code). These dimension codes can be modified manually if authorized by the transaction.

If the receipt line arises from an order line, the analytical dimension types are then loaded by the analytical dimensions present in the order line. If analytical dimension types are not specified on the source document, an attempt to initialize these analytical dimension types is made according to the default dimensions code.

When an analytical dimension type is used for the Project management tracking, then any modification of the project code made at header level will be redistributed to the lines; if the modification applies to a document line, then the dimension code of the dimension type will be reset. This reinitialization is compliant with the Default dimensions setup.

In the case of a receipt for an inter-site or inter-company delivery, analytical dimensions inherit from the delivery dimensions, based on the default dimension code set up for the PTD receipt line.
During the purchase invoice control, arising from the receipt line, the analytical dimensions entered on the receipt line are transferred to the invoice line.

This field displays the tolerance code of the order line. This field is loaded in the following way:

  • the program searches if a tolerance code is specified in the product/supplier record,
  • if no value is found by the program, a search is performed at the level of the product record,
  • finally, the control is carried out at the level of the supplier record,
  • if no code has been specified: no tolerance code is applied to the line.

Field management (depends on the entry transaction setup)
  • If the entry transaction authorizes the entry of the tolerance code, the code can be modified as long as the order has not been closed.
  • If the entry transaction authorizes the display of the tolerance code, a default code is assigned and cannot be modified.
  • If the entry transaction does not authorize the display of the column, the default code is invisible.

SEEINFO A tolerance code can be assigned by default whatever the purchase order type (back-to-back, manual or planning workbench).

  • Match status (field TWMSTA)

The Three-way match status field has the following values:

  • Unblocked: a user with unblock access can override the blocking.
  • Blocked: one or several lines are blocked (a warning may also be displayed).
  • Warning: one or several warnings, but no line is blocked.
  • Successful: matching is successful.
  • Not applicable: no matching is carried out.
  • Intras. incr. (field EECINCRAT)

This is the increase coefficient used in the INTRASTAT file (Exchange of goods declaration).

This coefficient, applied to the fiscal value of the product line, is used to obtain the statistical value. The presence of this field depends on the activation of the management of the INTRASTAT file (Exchange of Goods Declaration) (DEB activity code).

This information is initialized by the increase coefficient entered in the source order line in the case of a receipt arising from an order. In the other cases, it is initialized by the increase coefficient in the Product-Supplier record if it is entered, otherwise by the increase coefficient in the Supplier record.

This is the country of origin of the manufactured products. This information is initialized with the country of the supplier's shipment address in the case of a direct receipt or a receipt coming from an inter-site or inter-company delivery. If the receipt originates from an order, the country of origin will be initialized with the code of the original country entered on the order line.
This information is used namely in the INTRASTAT file (Exchange of goods declaration). The ISO code of the country table is used.

This field is used to enter a first tax code to apply to the received product.
The tax codes (VAT, additional levy and/or special tax, regional tax) can be modified in the receipt line if the transaction authorizes it.
They are normally initialized according to the tax determination rules that most often stem from crossing the supplier tax rule with the tax levels of the entered product.

  • If the receipt line has as its origin an order line, the tax code will be inherited from the order line.
  • If the receipt line originates from a direct inter-site or inter-company shipment, the tax codes are determined based on the tax rule and tax levels entered for the delivery.
  • When converting a receipt line into an invoice or return line, the tax codes entered in the receipt line are transferred to these documents.

Click the Actions icon to select a tax code for each tax level.
Only one tax code consistent with the legislation and group of the company on the site can be entered.

SEEREFERTTOThe general principles linked to the multi-legislation setup are detailed here.

This field is used to enter a second tax code to apply to the line. This concerns additional or special taxes.

This field is used to enter a third tax code to apply to the line. This concerns additional or special taxes.

This field is used to indicate the receipt tax to apply to the product.
This tax stems from the tax determination parameters or is entered manually.
SEEINFO Theactivity code linked to the provincial taxes must be activated beforehand.

This field is used to indicate the issue tax to apply to the product.
This tax stems from the tax determination parameters or is entered manually.
SEEINFO Theactivity code linked to the provincial taxes must be activated beforehand.

This field is used to indicate an additional tax to apply to the product.
This tax stems from the tax determination parameters or is entered manually.
SEEINFO Theactivity code linked to the provincial taxes must be activated beforehand.

This field is used to indicate an additional tax to apply to the product.
This tax stems from the tax determination parameters or is entered manually.
SEEINFO Theactivity code linked to the provincial taxes must be activated beforehand.

  • Closed (field LININVFLG)

This check box is selected if the receipt line is closed for invoicing. It is updated by the invoice control, but you can also update it by clicking the Close receipt action or the Close option available from the receipt line. Using these actions, you can also close a receipt linked to a remainder amount that will never be invoiced.

  • Weight (field QTYWEU)

When receiving products for which landed costs are managed with a cost structure, the weight can have an impact on the costs calculation (according to the cost type defined).
In this context:

  • For partial order receipts, the weight is only considered in the costs amount determination if the STCPTH - Cost loading upon order rcpt(chapter ACH, group REC) parameter is set to 'Recalculation'.
    If it is set to "Pro rata", the weight is ignored, since the amount of the costs is determined based only on the pro rata of the quantity actually received.
  • For partial shipment receipts, the weight has no impact on the costs calculation. The amount of costs is only determined on the pro rata of the actually received quantity; costs are recalculated based on the weight during the shipment process. 
  • For direct receipts, the amount of costs is recalculated on each weight modification, whether the modification is performed before or after the creation of the receipt line.

The weight unit is the reference weight of the document. It is defined by parameter SALDSPWEU - Weight units to affect (chapter TC, group INV) for all the documents.

  • Volume (field QTYVOU)

When receiving products for which landed costs are managed with a cost structure, the volume can have an impact on the costs calculation (according to the cost type defined).
In this context:

  • For partial order receipts, the volume is only considered in the costs amount determination if the STCPTH - Cost loading upon order rcpt (chapter ACH, group REC) parameter is set to 'Recalculation'.
    If the parameter is set to 'Pro rata' the volume is not considered since the amount of costs is determined based only on the pro rata of the actually received quantity.
  • For partial shipment receipts, the volume has no impact on the costs calculation. The amount of costs is only determined on the pro rata of the actually received quantity; costs are recalculated based on the volume during the shipment process. 
  • For direct receipts, the amount of costs is recalculated on each volume modification, whether the modification is performed before or after the creation of the receipt line.

The volume unit is the reference volume of the document. It is defined by parameter SALDSPVOU - Volume unit to affect (chapter TC, group INV) for all the documents.

  • Mfg./subcon. order no. (field VCRNUMORI)

For a subcontract receipt, the original WO number will be specified on the receipt line. Click the Actions icon to access the source document.

  • Line type (field LINTYP)

This information characterizes the line type by distinguishing a standard product from a subcontract BOM product. It can take the following values: 'Standard', 'Subcontracted', 'Service' and 'Supplied material'.

  • Category (field LINCAT)

This information is used to categorize the line: 'Normal' or 'For sub-contract'


  • Invoiced (status) (field INVFLG)

This field displays the invoicing status of the line:
  • No,
  • Partially,
  • Totally.
For an intercompany receipt linked to a nonbillable sales delivery, this field automatically displays the Totally value to indicate that no invoice is expected for this receipt. The receipt is considered as Closed.

  • Invoiced (quantity) (field WINVFLG)

This field indicates if the quantities on receipt lines have been invoiced. This information can take three values:

  • No,
  • Partially,
  • Totally.
  • Closed (field WCLEFLG)

This information specifies if the receipt has been closed from the point of view of the invoicing. No invoice is pending for the receipt. The goods without invoices are considered as free and not valued.

For an intercompany receipt linked to a nonbillable sales delivery, the receipt is automatically considered as Closed.
SEEINFOAs there can be multiple and legitimate overcharges, some lines cannot be invoiced and are considered as completed from an invoicing point of view. In this case, click Completion from the Actions icon available on the line to close or reopen receipt lines not linked to an invoice, but completed from an invoicing point of view. These lines may therefore be overpriced if required.

  • Posted (field PSTFLG)

This information is used to identify if an Invoice to be received (IR) has been generated for this receipt (from the Invoices to receive generation function).

  • Printed (field PRNFLG)

The receipt is considered as printed once the internal receipt note has been printed.



Action icon

Enter Detailed Quantities

Click this action to access the stock detail window, which can be used to:

  • add stock information that has not been entered on the document line,
  • or perform the required distributions (with different statutes, on different locations...).

Lot info
Lot complement

This action can only be accessed is from a document line for products managed by lot where the stock receipt has not yet taken place (it is always accessible using the stock detail windows in creation or modification mode).

It is used to specify:

  • Specific characteristics that can be made mandatory by the setup of the entry transaction such as the expiry date, the potency, etc.
    The version numbers ("major" or "major and minor") must be entered if the tracking of versions is active at the level of the product setup.
      • If no lot has been entered, or a new lot has been entered, these numbers can be automatically preloaded if the preloading of the versions is activated at the product setup level. They remain modifiable.
      • When entering an existing lot, the version numbers are assigned the version numbers of the lot and cannot be modified.
  • Certain purely informative characteristics can be set up, such as the lot user fields.
Change receipts

Click this action to:

  • Apply modifications to the receipt line. Once the receipt has been created, you can modify the received quantity of the products managed in stock. The received quantity of products not managed in stock can be modified directly from the receipt line.
  • Delete the receipt line when the product is in stock count process. In this context, you cannot delete the line directly from the Lines section.

This action cannot be accessed in the event of a subcontract receipt (with or without WO): the stock information, the received quantity, the currency and the rate type cannot be modified for a received released product or for the materials consumed for the subcontracted product. If you want to change this information, you must delete the receipt and recreate it.


  • The modification of the received quantity of products managed in stock leads to the cancellation of the closing of the corresponding order lines, if applicable. In this case, the consideration of potential additional invoices entered on these order lines is canceled and stock adjustment movements are performed accordingly.
  • When partially receiving a shipment of products with landed costs managed in a cost structure, the expense amount of received lines is always defined with respect to the received quantity (the expense amount being calculated based on the set of criteria that impact the calculation during shipment).
  • In case of receipt of a product order for which landed costs are managed with a cost structure, the quantity can have an impact on the calculation of costs (according to the cost type defined).
    In this case, if the receipt is partial, the amount of the costs of the received lines is determined based on the pro rata of the received quantity if the STCPTH - Cost loading upon order rcpt parameter (chapter ACH, group REC) is set to 'Pro rata'.
    If it is set to 'Recalculation', the amount of the costs is recalculated based on the quantity but also on all the criteria that have an impact on the calculation (especially the weight and volume).
    SEEINFOThis rule also applies in case of modification of the quantity, regardless of whether the modification is performed before or after the creation of the receipt line.
    SEEREFERTTO For further information on the management of this window, please refer to the documentation on Receipt modification.
Stock by Lot

This action is only available when the receipt line refers to a product for which landed costs are managed with a Cost structure and if you have the necessary Functional authorizations for the site considered (option L).
It displays a window with the list of costs defined in the cost structure. The calculation detail is displayed on each cost line and you can adjust the calculated amount.
This list can be printed using report PURFCS - Purchase costs, available from menu File/Print.


  • Purchase cost total displays the total of all the cost lines, partially or fully supported by the buyer (these costs are determined based on the Incoterm linked to the purchase).
  • Stock cost total only displays the total of costs included in the stock valuation.

Cost detail:

  • Calculated tax excl amount: this field contains the cost amount that is obtained according to the calculation mode and the values entered. It is expressed in the cost currency and cannot be modified.
  • Adjusted tax excl. amount: this field is loaded with the calculated tax excl. amount. It is expressed in the cost currency and can be modified. It is automatically modified upon reconciliation with an additional invoice that has the New cost flag set to 'No' (this reconciliation is either performed manually or using a recurring task, by launching the STCREG - Cost matching query).
    This is the amount taken into account in the calculations.
  • Amt before tax (company): This field contains the adjusted tax-excluded amount, converted into the company currency. You can modify it. In the case of a receipt created from an order, the conversion rate originating from the order is updated according to the rate applicable on the date of the receipt creation and the Amt before tax (company) is updated accordingly.
    SEEWARNINGRule applied to the calculation of these two fields in the case of a partial receipt:
      • When partially receiving an order, the amounts of these two fields and those of the header totals are determined based on the value of the STCPTH - Cost loading upon order rcpt parameter (chapter ACH, group REC):
            • either via a new calculation based on the set of criteria having an impact on the calculation of the costs,
            • or based on the pro rata of the amounts initially calculated, with respect to the received quantity.
              For further details and examples, please see the documentation related to the STCPTH - Cost loading upon order rcpt parameter.
              This rule also applies in case of modification of criteria having an impact on the calculation of the costs (quantity, price, weight, volume), regardless of whether the modification is performed before or after the creation of the receipt line.
        • If this concerns the partial receipt of a shipment, the amounts of these two fields and the header totals are systematically determined with respect to the initially calculated amounts and depending on the quantity (or weight or volume) effectively received.
          SEEINFOWhen the currency of the cost is modified, the currency of the calculated tax excl. amount and adjusted tax excl. amount is also modified, since they are expressed in the currency of the cost. The company currency is displayed but cannot be modified. The company tax-excluded amount is updated based on the defined exchange rate value.
          Upon order receipt, the rate taken into account is the one applicable on the receipt date. Therefore it may no longer match the rate of the order.
  • Unit: when modifying the unit is authorized (depending on the calculation mode that has been chosen), the following checks are carried out:
    - if a 'Quantity' basis is selected, the unit that has been chosen must exist for the Product as a purchase or packaging unit in the Units of measure tab or as a purchase unit in the Suppliers,
    - If a 'Weight' basis is selected, the chosen unit must exist for the Product as a weight unit. If this unit does not exist, it is accepted only if a Conversionexists with the weight unit of the receipt line (for instance: 1L = 1KG),
    - If a 'Volume' basis is selected, the chosen unit must exist for the Product as a volume unit. If this unit does not exist, it is accepted only if a Conversionexists with the volume unit of the receipt line.
    SEEINFOWhen the calculation mode is based on a schedule, the unit, the basis and the currency can never be modified.
  • Percentage: This is the percentage payable by the buyer. This percentage can be modified only if the cost amount is payable by both the seller and the buyer. In this case, the default value is 50%. Reminder: the incoterm specifies who has to pay the cost amount, the seller and/or the buyer, or none of them.
    SEEINFOWhen there is no incoterm, the costs are considered, by default, to be payable by the buyer but this default percentage can still be modified. If a cost nature is not defined for the specified incoterm, the costs linked to this cost nature are also considered to be payable by the buyer.
    In addition, when a cost is defined in the incoterm as non-payable by the buyer (fully or partially), none of the fields referring to it can be modified.
  • Rate type: The rate type defined for the cost.
  • Reconciled: this field indicates if the receipt has been subject to a reconciliation with one or several additional invoice(s) that has the New costflag set to 'No'. The amount of these additional invoices has an impact on:
    - the adjusted amount,
    - the purchase cost and stock cost in the receipt lines.
  • Analytical dimension types: in the case of a receipt created from an order, the analytical dimensions originate from the order. Otherwise, they are initialized according to the setup of the Default dimension code: PCOSTPTH - Receipt invoicing element, and can still be modified as long as the order is not invoiced.

SEEREFERTTO For more information about the calculation mode of cost types, refer to the documentation on Costs and to the following field help: Product cost calculation.


  • A cost cannot be deleted. To exclude a cost from the calculation, you can:
    - either modify the values of the formula so that the result of the cost calculation is equal to 0,
    - or enter the value '0' in the Adjusted tax excl. amount.
    However, a cost can be added manually or via the selection right click option, except if this cost is an inactive cost, a shipment cost, a cost of the 'Formula' or 'Schedule' type, or a cost defined in the incoterm as non-payable by the buyer.
    SEEWARNINGWhen splitting or duplicating a receipt line, or when duplicating a whole receipt, the costs manually added and the modifications made to the existing costs are not taken into account.
  • The modification of the amounts and their impact on the purchase cost and stock cost are taken into account only after saving the Receipt.
  • The purchase cost and stock cost are displayed in the receipt line. They are also displayed, along with the detail of their calculations, in the window entitled Line cost, which can be accessed by right clicking on the receipt line.
    These amounts are updated during the reconciliation of additional invoices on the receipt or on an order linked to the receipt (prorated on the quantity). See below.
  • When creating the receipt, the cost amount is an estimated amount. This amount can change or be modified when reconciling one or multiple additional invoices/credit memos on additional invoices with the receipt, or with the shipment attached to the receipt, or with the order(s) attached to the receipt.
    This reconciliation is performed when launching the STCREG - Cost matching query manually or through recurring task. It only applies to additional invoices where the New cost flag is set to No and where a cost is entered.

  • SEEINFOTheSTCREG query - Cost matchingprocesses:
    - closed and at least partially received orders and shipments,
    - all receipts; invoiced or not.

    Details of the matching process:
    • When the additional invoice applies to an order line: the cost amount in the cost structure is updated on each receipt line linked to this order line.
      When the additional invoice applies to an order line: the cost amount in the cost structure is updated on each receipt line linked to this order line.
      When the additional invoice applies to a receipt: the cost amount in the cost structure is updated on each receipt line.
    • The additional invoice amount is distributed in proportion to the received quantities if the order or shipment includes multiple receipt lines or in case of partial receipt.
    • During the first matching operation, the processing replaces the cost adjusted amount by the amount of the additional invoice. During the following matching operations, the amount of the additional invoices completes the cost amount.
    • When the receipt is invoiced, the cost amount is adjusted at the invoices level.
    • When the order or receipt invoice has already been validated, the completed purchase cost is adjusted at the source order level.
    • When the product is managed in stock, based on the valuation method, a stock adjustment movement is performed.
View Received Quantities

Click this action to:

  • complete a receipt line (from the invoicing point of view),
  • open the last complete receipt line when it has been considered invoiced due to an over-invoicing. The deletion of an invoice updates the receipts directly invoiced but does not update the receipts resulting from an over-invoicing.
Price explanation
Enter sub-contract detail
Original item
Enter production plan
Enter plan of consumption
Create non-conformance

This action is available for subcontract receipt lines (with or without WO).

Click this action to display all the relevant stock lines. When the received quantity is less than the quantity ordered for the released and received product, or for the consumed materials for the subcontracted product, click the Enter detail quantityaction on the relevant lines to enter the actual consumed quantity.

Stock by site

Value order line

Click this action to display the detail of valuation and cost elements for a receipt line. This action can be accessed only if the information of the receipt line has been previously saved, since the information it displays is the result of a calculation.

  • The header displays the origin of the receipt line, the product code, the quantity as well as the gross price and the net price.
  • The Detail valuation tab shows:
      • The discounts and charges applied to the receipt line.
      • The various invoicing elements of the receipt distributed on the line. The total amount is displayed in the Cost detail tab.
      • The tax bases used to calculate the line taxes and tax details, with the deductible and non-deductible portions.
  • The Cost detail tab shows the stock cost and purchase cost along with all the elements taken into account in the calculation of these costs, for instance:

    • The invoicing element total (the detail is displayed in tab Detail valuation and grid Undetailed cost).
    • The non-deductible tax total amount (the detail is displayed in tab Detail valuation). This amount impacts the calculation of the purchase cost. According to the value of the NODVATSTO - Non-deductible taxes in stock parameter (chapter ACH, group VAT), this amount can also impact the stock cost amount.
    • The details on the method selected to calculate the landed costs applied to the product:
      - Either the landed cost coefficient and/or the fixed cost per unit, when the global method is used. The landed cost amount calculated from this information is displayed in the Undetailed cost table.
      - Or a cost structure reference. In this case, the list of costs included in the cost structure is displayed in the Direct cost table.
    • The Direct cost grid is used only when the landed costs are calculated from a cost structure. It contains the list of costs that make up the cost structure and specifies, for each cost, if the amount is considered or not in the stock cost calculation.
      SEEINFOClick the ‘Cost structure detail’ from the Actions menu to display the detailed presentation of the costs, and to enter/edit the calculation elements. Cost structure detail
    • The Undetailed cost table contains, when applicable, the costs calculated from:

      - The landed cost amount when the costs are evaluated from a coefficient and/or a fixed cost per unit. This amount is always considered in the stock cost calculation.

      - The invoicing elements of the receipt, for which a distribution on the lines is defined in the setup. The setup of these costs determine if they are included in the stock cost calculation.

      - The additional invoices (and credit memos on additional invoices) impacting the receipt in progress, either:
      --> directly: additional invoices of the receipt line,
      --> or indirectly: for instance, the additional invoices of the invoice lines linked to the receipt line, the additional invoices of the order lines linked to the receipt line (based on the pro rata of the received quantity with respect to the ordered quantity), etc.
      These are the additional invoices that meet the two following conditions: They are validated and included in the actual purchase cost calculation (New cost flag activated for these additional invoices).
      Reminder: additional invoice amounts, where the New cost flag is set to No, have an impact on the Adjusted tax excl amount of the SCD - Document line detail screen, which can be accessed on the receipt line and in the Product cost total field.

    SEEINFOUnlike the header fields and the fields of tab Detail valuation, which are displayed only in the currency of the document, the fields of tab Cost detail can be displayed in the currency of the document or in the currency of the company depending on the choice made by the user via the corresponding radio buttons.

SEEREFERTTO For more information about the calculations, please refer to the following field helps:

Purchase journal traceability

Click this action to access the Document traceability inquiry function. This function is used to view and browse through the hierarchy of journals at the origin or coming from the document.

Match results

This action on the receipt lines, is used to:

  • display the matched lines (blocking or non-blocking match with warning),
  • directly access the Matching tolerance function,
  • display the detail of each line by selecting it in the Three-way match status grid.
Create non-conformance

Click Create non-conformance from the Actions icon to report an incidence of non-conformance against a given receipt line.

Generally speaking, you should report an incidence of non-conformance if you have observed or been informed that a product does not comply with specifications. The reported non-conformance provides the details of the non-conformance; it becomes the source of the information to support investigations into the root cause, or failure.

If a single Description field is displayed, your organization only requires you to provide minimal details. Leave the default Description or amend as appropriate, then click Create to create the non-conformance.

If the Non-conformance function is displayed, you are authorized to raise a detailed non-conformance incident. This means that your NCSDOCCRE - Non-conformance creation mode user parameter (TC chapter, NCS group) is set to 'Full'. Leave the default values from the receipt displayed or type in or select different values as appropriate. In the Identification section. add your detailed observations on the specification deviations or failures or potential failures of the product. You are returned to this function when you close the non-conformance.




Tab Valuation


The display of this section and the entry of information are subject to an entry transaction.



The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Invoicing elements

This is the number of the invoicing element identifying the associated amount (charges, freight, packaging, discount, etc.).
The list of invoicing elements is made up of the invoicing elements from the selected orders and the elements from the order and invoicing supplier according to the origin defined in the invoicing element itself.
The elements coming only from the order or invoicing supplier record do not inherit the same value as the supplier even for a direct receipt.
You can:

  • Add other invoicing elements
  • Delete invoicing elements, but only if these elements have been added to the initial list
  • Modify invoicing elements, except when a receipt line is partially invoiced (directly or through an order invoice) or when a line is linked to an additional invoice.
      • Modifications made to invoicing elements on the receipt are taken into account in the the stock valuation. The modifications are only applied to the invoice when the receipt is a direct receipt. If the receipt is not a direct receipt, the invoicing elements from orders (and not receipts) are applied to the invoice.
      • After creating a subcontract receipt, you can no longer modify invoicing elements.

  • Description (field INVDTALIB)

This field indicates the short title of the invoicing element.

  • Amount (field INVDTAAMT)

These amounts come directly from the invoicing elements present in the orders.
You can modify the values of the existing invoicing elements, except when a receipt line is partially invoiced (directly or through an order invoice) or when a line is linked to an additional invoice.

These invoicing elements are immediately taken into account in the receipt and impact the tax-including and tax-excluding totals as well as the receipt lines in the case of distributed invoicing elements.
Inter-company specificities
In the case of an inter-site or inter-company receipt, if the user wishes to use invoicing elements, it is necessary to establish a correspondence between the Sales invoicing elements and the Purchasing invoicing elements.
The value of the invoicing element is recovered from the original inter-site/inter-company order. In the case of a direct inter-site/inter-company delivery, the value of invoicing elements is not recovered for the receipt.

  • Currency (field AMTCODLIB)


  • Order footer amount (field INVORDAMT)

This is the calculated amount coming from the various orders concerned by the receipt.
In the case of partial receipts, the amounts of the origin elements can be split pro rata or not according to their transfer rule.

  • Amount lines (field INVLINAMT)

This is the amount of the invoicing element when the invoicing element is calculated using the document lines.
The 'Amount' field cannot be accessed for this type of invoicing element.

  • Invoiced amt. (field INVCPLAMT)

This amount is displayed only in creation mode if the receipt concerns an already invoiced order.
If this is the case, the invoiced amount of the invoicing element is displayed in order to verify the value to enter in the receipt.

  • DR/CR (field DEBCDT)

This field indicates the sign of the invoicing element.

  • credit in the case of a discount,
  • debit in the case of a charge.

This is the tax code for the invoicing element.
An invoicing element with 'product rate' or 'line amount' as tax calculation rule does not display a tax code and forbids the modification of this tax code.

These fields indicate the purchase accounting accounts for the invoicing elements.
The charts of accounts that can be accessed depend on the account core model associated to the company of the movement.
If these fields are not entered, the accounts are automatically determined using the accounting code of the invoicing element (according to the setup of automatic journal PORD).
SEEINFO The presence of these fields depends on the entry transaction used.

Analytical distribution key of the invoicing element. It can be directly entered on the line.

The analytical dimensions are initialized in compliance with the Default dimensions setup (PTV dimension code). These dimension codes can be modified manually if authorized by the transaction.

When an analytical dimension type is used for the Project management tracking, any modification of the project code leads to the dimension code of this dimension type being reset based on the Default dimensions setup.

Grid Taxes

  • No. (field NOTAX)


This is the tax code present on the lines of the document or in the invoicing element table.

  • Description (field LIBTAX)

This field contains the title of the tax code present on the lines of the document or in the invoicing element table.

  • Tax basis (field BASTAX)

This is the basis subject to tax. It is comprised of the ex-tax amount of the order lines and/or the amount of the invoicing elements.

  • Tax amount (field AMTTAX)

It is the total tax calculated from the lines and/or the invoicing elements.

  • Type (field PURTYP)

When the tax is related to:

  • the document line, the tax type recovers the purchase type of the document line: Purchase, Fixed assets or Service.
  • an invoicing element, the tax type always takes the value: Purchase.


  • Lines excluding tax (field TOTLINAMT)
  • Total excluding tax (field TOTAMTNOT)

This is the total ex-tax amount of the receipt integrating the various invoicing elements expressed in the receipt currency.

  • Tax total (field TOTTAXAMT)

This is the total amount of receipt taxes. This amount is expressed in receipt currency.

  • Total including tax (field TOTAMTATI)

This is the Tax incl total amount of the receipt calculated by integrating the different invoicing elements and the different taxes. This amount is expressed in receipt currency.


Tab Costs


This section is available based on the selected entry transaction.
It displays a summary of the costs related to the document, both in the document currency and company currency.
The displayed information is the result of a calculation: the information is only displayed after the document has been created. If an existing document is modified, the data is updated, but only after the modification has been saved.

  • For the document, the Purchase cost block displays:
    - the total of the tax excl. lines,
    - the total of the various cost types involved in the purchase cost calculation
    - The total of additional invoices (and credit memos on additional invoices) impacting the document in progress, either directly or indirectly. These are the additional invoices that meet the two following conditions: they are validated and included in the actual purchase cost (New cost flag activated).
    Reminder: additional invoice amounts, where the New cost flag is set to No, have an impact on the Adjusted tax excl amount of the SCD - Document line detail screen, which can be accessed on the receipt line and in the Product cost total field.
    - the total of the invoicing elements increasing or decreasing the total amounts.
    - the Purchase cost total (total of the previous lines),

    - The direct cost total is loaded only if the current document refers to at least one product for which landed costs are managed with a cost structure. The distribution by cost nature is available in the window displayed by the option in the Distribution of costs block.
    - The landed cost total is only loaded if the current document is linked to at least one product for which landed costs are managed with a landed cost coefficient and/or a fixed cost per unit.
    - When the order is of the inter-site type, the purchase cost calculation does not include the line amounts, nor deductible taxes or invoicing elements.

  • The Distribution of costs block includes a zoom option used to view the list of the direct costs by cost nature in document currency and company currency.

    The list of the costs grouped by cost nature, or detailed by cost, can also be viewed in report PURFCS - Purchase costs, available from function Reports or from menu File/Print of the current function and from the same menu in function Costs.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Grid Purchase cost

  • Description (field LIB)


  • field TOTDOC


  • field TOTSOC


Distribution of costs

  • Total by cost nature (field STCD)





By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 BONRCP : Receipt notes

 PURFCS : Purchase costs

 PRECEIPTE : Purchase receipt list

 PRECEIPTL : Detail purchase receipt list

This can be changed using a different setup.

This setup is performed at the Customization level of the current object, by associating a report code or a print code to it.
It is possible to further specify this setup:

  • By specifying a given report at transaction entry level. If this report matches a print code, the list of reports associated with this print code is also submitted.
    The report entered at transaction entry level and the reports associated with the print code are automatically submitted in creation mode only.
  • At a more detailed level, by associating a print template with the BP. This template mentions the report to be used in priority for the printing of each document, as well as the expected number of copies.
    SEEINFOIf the number of copies is not specified, or if there is no print template associated with the BP, the number of copies defined for the Destinationprinter is chosen. If the number of copies is not specified for the destination printer, then a single copy is printed by default.

Specific actions

Click this action to access the different type of information and notably the information related to the transport of the goods.

The invoicing supplier. This field is used to specify the supplier that will be the source of the invoice to come. By default, it is the invoicing supplier associated with the supplier concerned by the receipt. A selection window is used to choose another supplier if required. You can also access the supplier table if your user authorizations allow it.

The delivery method. It is initialized by the shipment method for the supplier who is the source of the shipment of the goods or by the shipment method entered in the original order. A selection window is used to choose another delivery method. You can also access the delivery methods table if your user authorizations allow it.

The carrier in charge of the routing of the goods. It is initialize with the carrier for the supplier concerned by the shipment or by the carrier entered in the original order. A selection window is used to choose another carrier. You can also access the carrier table if your user authorizations allow it.

The weight unit. This information must be entered manually as a function of the information specified in the supplier's packing slip. A selection window is used to choose a weight unit. You can also access the weight unit table if your user authorizations allow it. If you modify the weight unit, you need to manually convert the gross and net weight into this new unit.

The gross weight and net weight are expressed in the weight unit previously described. This information must be entered manually as a function of the information specified in the suppliers' packing slip.

Volume and volume unit. These two items of information must be manually entered by the user as a function of the information entered in the supplier's packing slip. It concerns the global volume of the goods shipped.

The grouping code. This field is used to indicate a freely selected code used to identify and group the documents having the same code. It is used, for instance, when importing goods, to accumulate the various documents corresponding to orders that have been grouped into the same journey for logistics and cost optimization reasons.
The receipts that have been grouped can be viewed in the List of receipts inquiry function and printed via the PURFCS - Purchase costs report.
Upon order receipt, it is initialized with the grouping code of the order.
In case of receipt of several orders with different codes, only the first code is kept.
In case of receipt of an inter-site order, the latter automatically inherits the grouping code from the order.

Click this action to display a screen listing the blocked or unblocked matches, the warnings, and information on the lines.

Click this action to close all the receipt lines not totally invoiced having a balance of the goods that will never be invoiced by the supplier. This function is under the control of authorizations. It will update the closing information for each receipt line and the global invoicing information to Totally invoiced.

The distinction between the fact that the receipt is really invoiced or manually closed will be made by means of the Receipt situation function.

This action is not authorized when at least one line is linked to a product in stock count process. In this context, you need to use the Receipt modifications action to delete lines. If the receipt does not include any more lines, the full is deleted.

Menu bar

Texts/Header text

Click this action to enter a receipt header text. This text will be printed on the receipt note.

During the transformation of a document, this text is never propagated to the other documents.

Text / Footer Text

Click this action to enter a receipt footer text. This text will be printed on the receipt note.

During the transformation of a document, this text is never propagated to the other documents.

Option / Selection Criteria

Click this action to access the detailed address for the ship-from supplier.
The address is initialized with the supplier default address. It is also used in the CDF to determine the origin of the goods.

EDI / History

Click this action to enter the selection criteria that are used to refine the search of supplier orders, inter-site/inter-company deliveries to be received, shipments and pre-receipts.
The criteria that can be used are the following:

  • Inter-sites: select this check box to display only intersite supplier orders in the selection,
  • Supplier code: you can use selection wildcards (*, ?)
  • Product reference: you can use selection wildcards (*, ?)
  • Supplier product reference: you can use selection wildcards (*, ?)
  • Order number,
  • Minimum order date,
  • Subcontract/work order number: you can enter the work order number (used to select a subcontract order line).
  • Shipment number generated by Sage X3,
  • Minimum shipment date (shipment header date),
  • Shipment identification number (given by the forwarding agent or agent in charge of the shipment),
  • Carrier,
  • Transport number.

After validating the entered criteria, the various selection lists are automatically filtered.

Option / Receipt situation

Click this action to enter the information related to the INTRASTAT file (nature of the transaction, EU rule, EU transport method, Incoterm, transport location, etc.)
This information is initialized by the information present in the supplier record and by the shipment method associated with a supplier or to the original order.
SEEINFOThis function can be accessed only in modification mode. The default rule and nature are initialized by the table determining natures and rules by entry type.

Option / Receipt Inquiry

Click this action to access the analytical dimensions of the receipt header. This dimensions are loaded according to the PTH default dimension code.


Click this action to have a detailed view of an receipt status against the supplier returns and invoicing processes.
You can check the following information:

  • The number of lines in the receipt.
  • If the receipt is posted.
  • If an invoice to be received has been generated.
  • The number of receipt lines posted.
  • If the receipt has been printed.
  • If the receipt invoicing process is closed (No, Partially, Totally).
  • The number of invoiced lines.
The first grid displays the receipt lines with information on their status (Order number, Ordered quantity, Receipt quantity, Closed, Invoiced, etc.).
The second grid displays the details of the invoice lines associated with the receipt and you can jump to the purchase invoice control from each line, provided that you have the necessary rights. For each invoice line, the relevant receipt line number also displays.
The last grid displays the details of the return lines associated with the receipt and you can jump to the returns from each line, provided that you have the necessary rights. For each return line, the relevant receipt line number also displays.

Option / Receipt Inquiry

Click this action to access the inquiry of supplier receipts.

EDI / History

Click the Transaction action to view the format of this entry transaction.

Option / Stock lot

Click this action to access the Document traceability inquiry function. This function is used to view and browse through the hierarchy of journals at the origin or coming from the document.

Non-conformance / Create

Click the Create action to report an incidence of non-conformance against the selected receipt.

Generally speaking, you should report an incidence of non-conformance if you have observed or been informed that a product does not comply with specifications. The reported non-conformance provides the details of the non-conformance; it becomes the source of the information to support investigations into the root cause, or failure.

If a single Description field is displayed, your organization only requires you to provide minimal details. Leave the default Description or amend as appropriate, then click Create to create the non-conformance.

If the Non-conformance function is displayed, you are authorized to raise a detailed non-conformance incident. This means that your NCSDOCCRE - Non-conformance creation mode user parameter (TC chapter, NCS group) is set to 'Full'. Leave the default values from the receipt displayed or type in or select different values as appropriate. In the Identification section. add your detailed observations on the specification deviations or failures or potential failures of the product. You are returned to this function when you close the non-conformance.

Non-conformance / List

Click the List action to view the list of non-conformance incidents that have been reported against this receipt number.

The information displayed includes any amendments made to the original incident such as a change to the quantity (NC quantity field) and whether the receipt line is considered active and relevant to the incident (Line status field). The default description displays the applicable line number from this receipt if the non-conformance was created from the document line, for example, 'Purchase receipt RECFR0110038 4000'.

The list of non-conformances is displayed in ascending order with the most recent non-conformance on the first line. Click Non-conformance from the Actions icon to view or edit the con-conformance details.


Subcontract receipt with or without WO

The stock information, the received quantity, the invoicing elements, the currency and the rate type cannot be modified for a received released product or for the materials consumed for the subcontracted product.
If you want to change this information, you must delete the receipt and recreate it.

Local menus

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Site: record does not exist

The site entered in the receipt header does not exist in the sites table.

Indefinite period or processing prohibited on this date

The receipt date entered is later than the current date, or the date entered does not correspond to an open period in the accounting period calendar.

Supplier: record does not exist

The supplier entered does not exist in the supplier file.

Error - date incorrect

The format of the date entered is incorrect.

Product: record does not exist

The product entered does not exist in the product file.

This product cannot be received

This message appears if the product entered in the receipt line is not defined as a Received product whereas it is not managed in stock.

Product nonexistent in the site

This message appears if the product entered on the receipt line is managed in stock but there is not a product-site record at the receiving site.

Non-purchased product

This message appears if the product subject to the receipt does not belong to a product category that can be purchased.

Product blocked for Count

This blocking message is displayed when you attempt to delete a receipt or receipt line linked to a product in stock count process. You need to use the Receipt modifications action to delete the line and/or receipt. In this case, this blocking message will become a simple warning message.

Access not authorized on this product (product status)

The status of the product is different to the value Active.

Stock status not authorized

You have entered a status from the A or R status group for a product subject to mandatory quality control on receipt, or the entered status has not been authorized by the management rule associated with the Supplier receipt movement type for the product category.

Location types: record does not exist

The location type entered does not exist in the location type table.

The location type chosen is not authorized for this status

You have entered a location type for which the status of the stock line is not authorized.

Location not available, blocked or absent

The location entered does not exist in the location file, or belongs to the requested location type or that it is found with the status blocked.

No free locations or no location assigned to the product

This message appears if the dynamic locations of the type selected are all occupied, or if it is dedicated locations, none are assigned to the product.

Location does not conform in unit or quantity

This message appear if the chosen location type is set up to use certain stock units and the unit entered in the stock does not belong to this group. This message is a simple warning so the entry can be forced if required.

Mono product location already occupied

This message appears if the location entered is already occupied with another product and its put-away plan being Mono-product, it is impossible to add another product.

Lot number automatically created for Product...

The product has automatic lot numbering. After the creation of the receipt, a log file displays the lot number allocated according to the sequence number format for information purposes.

Analysis no. assigned to the product/lot :…../…..

After creation of the receipt, a quality analysis request has been generated automatically as a function of the management rule, defined by the product category, assigned to the Supplier receipt movement type (if the receipt has been made with a status Q).

Line number X. Line incomplete

This message appears during the creation or during the saving of a receipt if it is missing the essential stock characteristics (for example the status) for a receipt line.

Error on line X. Supplementary lot not validated. Continue?

This warning message is displayed when the product is managed by lot if you did not enter some of the lot characteristics for the highlighted line.

There are costs associated with this document. Continue?

This message is displayed when you want to delete one of the receipts linked to the order after you have saved an additional invoice on this order, and the New cost flag of this additional invoice is set to No). The costs initially distributed onto the deleted receipt are not redistributed onto the remaining receipts. In the event of a newly created receipt, this new receipt is valued without taking the additional invoice into account.

For further information on the impact of additional invoices and an example of a receipt deleted after an additional invoice has been saved, refer to the documentation on Invoices.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation