Sales > Inquiries > Returns > List of returns 

Use this function to:

  • inquire all or part of the processed or in process returns for one customer or all customers,
  • target a group of returns using the available criteria.
Using a setup, you can choose which information should be displayed on the screen.

This function only displays the return header information but provides you with a direct access to the return so you can view it in details.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

This screen is divided in two parts:

  • use the first part to access a set of criteria,
  • use the second part to view in a grid the returns selected based on the criteria.



Use the screen header information to specify the main selection criteria for the inquiry being used.




The following fields are present on this tab :


When entered, the fields 'Company' and 'Sales Site' are used to select the orders of a company or site grouping or site.
When opening the function, the sales site submitted by default matches the user's default sales site. The company is deduced from the user's site. It is possible to modify the Company or the Site.
It is possible to inquire the returns of:

  • all companies: the company code and the site code are not specified,
  • all sites: the company code is specified but the code site is left blank.

The selected sites are checked depending on the authorizations granted to the user. If a site is not authorized for a particular user, the latter will not be able to view the returns for this site.
If the inquiry is launched for all the company's sites, the user will need the authorization for all the sites. If required, they will have to specify an authorized site.

This field is used to enter a customer code.
The inquiry can concern:

  • a given customer: a customer code must be entered,
  • all customers: the customer code field must be left blank.

SEEINFO Upon opening this function, the customer code is not filled. When accessing this function from the customer record, the customer code will be automatically filled.

In these two fields, you can specify the start and end ranges of the project reference.
You use these fields to filter on the documents whose reference is included within the specified range.


  • Start date (field RTNDATDEB)

The indicated date ranges are used to filter the documents whose date is included within this interval.
They are initialized by default in the following manner:

  • The end date is initialized with the current date postponed to the last day of the month.
  • The start date is initialized with the first day of the month coming from the current date minus two months.


The currency of the company or the folder are automatically displayed. The company currency varies depending on the company selected for the inquiry. Based on the setup of the inquiry, three types of amounts can be expressed:

  • The amount in transaction currency. A currency column is usually added next to this amount in order to specify the currency in which this amount is expressed.
  • The amount in company currency In the column header it is mentioned that it is a company amount.
  • The amount in folder currency. In the column header it is mentioned that it is a folder amount.


Category and return type

  • Normal (field RTNTYPNOR)

Additional criteria for the category are used to narrow the returns that should be viewed:

  • Normal returns,
  • Loan returns,
  • Subcontract returns. 

The system suggests the three return categories by default.

This field can only be entered if the category is specified. It is used to filter the returns of a same category according to the return type.

  • Loan (field RTNTYPLND)

Additional criteria for the category are used to narrow the returns that should be viewed:

  • Normal returns,
  • Loan returns,
  • Subcontract returns. 

The system suggests the three return categories by default.

This field can only be entered if the category is specified. It is used to filter the returns of a same category according to the return type.

  • Subcontract (field RTNTYPSCO)

Additional criteria for the category are used to narrow the returns that should be viewed:

  • Normal returns,
  • Loan returns,
  • Subcontract returns. 

The system suggests the three return categories by default.

This field can only be entered if the category is specified. It is used to filter the returns of a same category according to the return type.



Tab number 1


The columns present in the return grid depend on the setup of the screen code chosen.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Return no. (field SRHNUM)



  • Delivery address (field BPADES)



  • Return date (field RTNDAT)


  • Expected return date (field EXTRTNDAT)




  • Loan return (field LNDRTN)


  • Subcon. mat. rtrns. (field SCORTN)


  • Expiration date (field EXYDAT)


  • Delivery country (field BPDSAT)


  • Delivery contact (field CNDNAM)














Action icon

Standard object management

Click this action to access the return details.

Sales journal traceability

Click this action to display the log of sales documents.




Specific Buttons

Use this button to access the previously-defined criteria, as well as additional criteria.

In this screen, you can also select the return sort criteria. By default, these are sorted by return number, but they can also be sorted by return date.

You can save the selection criteria under a memo code in order to recall them later on.
The STD memo code is specific since it is the one that is systematically applied upon entering the inquiry.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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