Declarations > Tax management > Others > Processes > EC Sales List 

Use this function to extract the EC sales list. When you extract the list, you can identify potential errors or inconsistencies before printing or exporting. You can print the results in a report and/or export the results to a file.

Extracting the list

Enter criteria in the Selection block such as ESL Code, Legislation, and VAT entity. It is also important to enter a date range for the period to process. When you extract the EC sales list, you can search for and identify potential errors and inconsistencies before printing or exporting the results.

After selecting criteria, click Extract.

The Results and Journal entries grids display your extraction results, but cannot be modified. When you select a line in the Results grid, the corresponding entries display in the Journal entries grid. By default, the first line is selected.

Journal entry lines are grouped by EU VAT number and EC sales type and display data according to the assignment rules linked to the EC sales type code. Entries are considered and processed according to their origin such as customer invoice, sales invoice, payment with discount, and so on. From the Action icon at the beginning of a line in the Journal entries grid, you can drill-down to the complete journal entry or the related customer.

When you select a line in the Journal entries grid, the Results grid displays one of three status for that line:

Green icon: There are no errors or warnings and the Comment field is empty.

Orange icon: There is at least one journal entry line with a warning detailed in the Comment field.

  • The extracted journal entry line has a document type where VAT on debit is not selected.
  • The extracted journal entry line has a document with a temporary status.
  • The extracted journal entry line is linked to an evaluated country that is not a European country.

Red icon: There is at least one journal entry line with a blocking error, and it is noted in the Comment field such as no EU VAT number or an invalid country code.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Code (field ESLCOD)

Enter an existing ESL code. The following fields display information related to this code and cannot be modified:

Description, Validity start date, and Validity end date.

  • Description (field ESLDESTRA)

These values default from the ESL code defined in EC sales types and cannot be modified.

Enter the legislation that matches the ESL code assignment in Assignment by EC sales types.

  • Validity start date (field VLYSTRDAT)

These values default from the ESL code defined in EC sales types and cannot be modified.

  • Validity end date (field VLYENDDAT)


Enter the VAT entity as defined in VAT entities. Information for the Head member displays in these fields and cannot be modified:

  • Head member
  • Currency
  • Company tax ID number
  • EU VAT no.
  • Additional tax identifier

If one of these fields is empty, there is no value for this field for the Head member.

This field displays information for the Head member of the VAT entity and cannot be modified.



  • Company tax ID number (field CRN)


  • EU VAT no. (field EECNUM)


  • Additional tax identifier (field ADLTAXID)


  • Start date (field STRDAT)

Enter a date range for the period to process.

  • End date (field ENDDAT)


  • Exclude invalid entries (field EXCINVENT)

Select this check box to exclude invalid entries.



Tab Results


The Results grid displays information based on your extraction criteria. This information is display-only and cannot be modified.

When you select a line in this grid, the corresponding entries and their statuses display in the Journal entries grid. By default, the first line is selected.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • EU VAT no. (field BPCEECNUM)

The data in this field is display-only and cannot be modified.

  • Amount (field AMTESLCUR)



  • Type (field SALTYPCOD)




  • Total amount (field AMTTOT)

This field displays the total amount for the lines in the Results grid.

This field displays the currency for the VAT entity.

  • Number of lines (field NBLIN)

This field displays the number of lines in the Results grid.

  • Status (field STA)

This field displays the total number of warnings or errors for this extraction. Select a line in the grid to see the related journal entries and messages in the Comments field of the Journal entries grid.



Tab Journal entries


This grid displays the related journal entries and their statuses for the line selected in the Results grid. The data in each column is display-only and cannot be modified.

Green icon: There are no errors or warnings and the Comment field is empty.

Orange icon: There is at least one journal entry line with a warning detailed in the Comment field.

  • The extracted journal entry line has a document type where VAT on debit is not selected.
  • The extracted journal entry line has a document with a temporary status.
  • The extracted journal entry line is linked to an evaluated country that is not a European country.

Red icon: There is at least one journal entry line with a blocking error, and it is noted in the Comment field such as no EU VAT number or an invalid country code.



The following fields are present on this tab :


  • EU VAT no. (field BPCEECNUM)

The data in this field is display-only and cannot be modified.


  • Amount (field AMT)


The data in this field is display-only and cannot be modified.






  • Number (field NUM)


  • Description (field DESVCR)


  • Type (field SALTYPCOD)



  • Comment (field COMMENT)

This field displays error or warning messages for the journal entry on the line. If there are no errors or warnings, this field is empty.

Select the Exclude invalid entries check box if you do not want to extract journal entries with errors or warnings. Click Extract again before generating the report or exporting the list.


Action icon


Select this option to drill-down to the journal entry on the line.


Select this option to view the customer for the journal entry on the line.




Specific actions

After selecting criteria, click Extract.

The Results and Journal entries grids display your extraction results, but cannot be modified. When you select a line in the Results grid, the corresponding entries display in the Journal entries grid. By default, the first line is selected.

After extracting the list, you can generate the report.

After extracting, you can click Report to print the ESLLIST - EC sales list control report. This action is not available if you have not yet extracted a list.

Set these report parameters to Yes or No to select which entries are printed:

Journal entries with error

Journal entries with warning

Valid journal entries

Report description

In the report, results are sorted as in the Journal entries grid by EU VAT no., Customer, and ESL Type.

Entry lines are sorted in ascending order by Company, Site, Tax code, Entry type, document Number and Account.

There is a subtotal for EU VAT no. + Customer + ESL Type and for EU VAT no. + ESL Type. In some cases, several customers can have the same EU VAT number.

After extracting and the Results grid has been populated, you can click Export to generate an export file for local tax authorities.

The export script associated with the EC Sales type code defined in EC sales types(GESESLTYP) generates the file.

See the EC sales list how to guide for technical specifications regarding the extraction process.

For Irish legislation

When you export, a comma delimited CSV file is generated that includes the following four columns:

  • First column: intra-EU VAT number
  • Second column: value rounded to nearest euro
  • Third column: blank for Goods or T for Triangular trading
  • Fourth column: S for Services

The list is aggregated at the customer VAT ID level separating sales by type: goods, services, and triangular intra-community operations for the delivery of goods.

Sage X3 supports lists that are between 30 and 6000 lines. You need to submit this file to the ROS Offline Application. When saving the file from ROS offline, it converts it to the VIE extension so that it can be uploaded to ROS.

Click this action to save the current settings to a Memo code to be reused later. The memo is linked to your user profile, not to the function or the screen.

The STD memo code is associated with the screen and is loaded immediately when you open the function.

For more information on the advanced use of the Memo action, refer to the documentation on the General ergonomics of SAFE X3 software.

Click this action to enter a Memo code to load the settings associated with the code.

Click this action to delete a Memo code.


In EC sales types, the Export script field contains the script executed to export the results when you click Export.

As of the 2020 R4 (12.0.24) release, the ESLEXPDAN script is delivered for Danish legislation. You can rename and modify to your needs.

For other legislations, you can export the inquiry results as an Excel file of the result or use the Danish structure.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation