Stock > Internal flows > Reorder plan 

Use this function to perform and validate the stock change movements required for reordering stock locations.
Reorder requirements can originate from shortages of different types:

  • Replenishable locations
  • Consumption areas
  • Shortages on location.

The setup of the entry transaction that is used determines the type(s) to be processed in the reorder plan.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

This screen is composed of a header that contains the selections and a table that presents the stock lines to be stored/reordered.

Entry screen



The site is mandatory. It is used to filter the stock lines for the selected storage site.
A storage list number can be entered depending on the selected operating mode.

  • If it is not specified, you can enter selection criteria in the start and end ranges. Then, select Search to display the lines to put away or replenish in the table.
    Once the lines have been processed, you can:
    • select Validation to directly validate the putaway, or
    • select Storage list to generate a storage list to validate the putaway at a later time, once it has been physically processed.
A checkbox allows you to select only the lines that have available stock.
  • It is specified in order to recall a list that has already been created and processed, but has not been validated yet.
Consumption reorder area to be processed

This table contains the reorder requests corresponding to the selections performed in the header.
The reorder types managed in the plan depend on the entry transaction that is used. They are displayed in the Reorder origin block.
When the reorder originates from:

  • Replenishable locations

    The reorder plan displays the location change suggestions necessary for the reordering of locations where the stock is less than the reorder threshold. It uses the suggestions created in the STOREO table when the Pick location replenishment function is launched.

    To process one of these suggestions, select the line by double-clicking the Plan field. Upon selection, if Automatic issue is set to Yes in the entry transaction setup, an attempt is made by the system to find the appropriate stock line for the reordering of the location according to the allocation rules defined for internal movements (if the location is associated with an internal type) or according to those defined for subcontract movements (if the location is associated with a subcontract type).
    If a line is found, the fields such as the warehouse, the location, the lot, the status are loaded. If no line is found or if Automatic issue is set to No, the issue window automatically opens and you can manually select the stock line that you want to move.
    SEEINFOReplenishable locations are not suggested for automatic issue to avoid emptying one location to fill another.
    You can also do this process manually by selecting Stock issues from the Actions icon. The issue window then opens and the stock lines to be moved can be selected.

  • Consumption areas and Shortages on location

    The reorder plan displays the records created in the STOALL table in case of shortages on locations or consumption areas, that are generated by sales orders or work orders.

    To process one of these reorder requests, select the line by double-clicking on the Plan field. A window opens where it is possible to select the available stock lines to be moved to the locations for which there are shortages.
Reorder validation

Validating the location suggestions and changes can be performed in one or two steps:

  • Either by selecting Validationdirectly.
  • Or after physically performing the location change movements.
    In this case, you can mark the movements to be put away by assigning them a storage list number by selecting Storage list. You can then print this list to take to the warehouse as a paper copy.
    When validating in the system the putaway operations, it is necessary to recall this list in order for the table to display all the lines of the storage list, then select Validation to validate.
    SEEREFERTTO This validation can also be performed using an ADC device.

In case of a partial reorder, it is possible to close the remaining requirement (by using the Close column or by answering Yes to the question "Do you want to close?" when exiting the detail window). If it is decided not to close, a requirement for a quantity equal to the remaining quantity expressed in STK is created. The original requirement will be deleted.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Enter or select the storage site where the selected product is active.

The Selection icon (magnifying glass) only suggests products that are referenced in the products-sites table.

  • Storage list (field SRGPPSSTR)

This field is used to select and recall a storage list number in order to validate the location change movements once they are physically performed in the warehouse.

  • Include additional lines (field LSTWIOFLG)

When checked, this box gives the possibility to add products on an existing list.
This box is active when one list to be prepared is displayed, and provides access to the filters for a new search. 
SEEINFO This functionality can be used only if picking tickets have not been generated.

Loading of reorder to process

  • Only if available stock (field STODIS)

Select this checkbox to select and display only the lines with available stock, even if it is partial.


  • Requested quantity: 200
  • Available stock: 100

If this checkbox is selected, the stock line is displayed.

Start - end range

The presence of this field is subject to the WRH activity code.
This is the start warehouse used to select the records to be processed.

The presence of this field is subject to the WRH activity code.
This concerns the end warehouse used to select the records to be processed.

The start location allowing the selection of the records to be processed.
SEEINFO Records attached to a location of the "Customer" and "Sub-contractor" types are never filtered.

The end location allowing the selection of the records to be processed.
SEEINFO Records attached to a location of the "Customer" and "Sub-contractor" types are never filtered.

Enter this field to select a product or a range of products. Specify the reference of the product corresponding to the selection start range.

The end product allowing the selection of the records to be processed.

Reorder origin

  • Replenishable locations (field LOCREO)

When checked, this box is used to process, on the reorder plan, the requests of the following type: "Replenishable locations".

This type of request relates to locations of "Replenishable" type to which products having a reorder threshold are assigned.
Launching function Calculation of replenishable locations makes it possible to determine the locations where the stock has become lower than the defined reorder threshold for at least one product. Launching this function also leads to the recording of the location change suggestions in table STOREO.
The reorder plan uses these records and displays the locations to be reordered for each product up to the maximum quantity defined for the location.
It suggests the stock lines to be moved according to the allocation rules defined for internal movements (if the location is of internal type) or according to those defined for movements of subcontract type (if the location is of subcontract type).
These propositions are modifiable, can be validated immediately or stored in the form of detailed allocations (if a put-away list is created).
SEEINFO The reorder type selection cannot be modified. It is defined in the entry transaction used.

  • Consumption areas (field CSMREO)

When checked, this box is used to process, on the reorder plan, the requests of the following type: "Consumption areas".

This type of request relates to shortages on shipment preparation locations that occur when the product quantity allocated to the location is greater than the location stock.

These shortages on consumption areas are generated as a result of:

  • sales orders when the allocation rules defined for orders are different from those defined for deliveries,
  • work orders when the allocation rules defined for work orders are different from those defined for the tracking of materials.

A requirement is then anticipated by the system according to the rule defined, for one of the two following documents depending on the case: Deliveries or Material tracking.
These shortages are recorded in table STOALL.
The reorder plan uses these records and displays the locations to be reordered for each product up to the maximum quantity defined for the location.
SEEINFO The reorder type selection cannot be modified. It is defined in the entry transaction used.

  • Shortages on location (field SHTREO)

When checked, this box is used to process, on the reorder plan, the requests of the following type: "Shortages on location".

This type of request relates to shortages generated as a result of a sales order or work order,when the product quantity allocated to the location is greater than the location stock (function Locations/tab "Content"). These shortages are recorded in table STOALL. 
The reorder plan uses these records and displays the locations to be reordered for each product up to the maximum quantity defined for the location.

Reminder :
The location used by default is defined in the Product-site. It depends on the allocation rule combined with the location (picking, work center, etc.), defined in the Product category management rules (tab "Issue flow").
SEEINFO The reorder type selection cannot be modified. It is defined in the entry transaction used.

Grid Reorder to be carried out

  • Plan (field COCHAGE)

Selection of the line.

  • Storage list (field SRGPPS)

This field is loaded only if the storage list has been generated.

  • Source (field ORIREO)


  • Order no. (field VCRNUM)


  • Consump. type (field DEFTYPLOC)
  • Consump. loc. (field DEFLOC)


This field being available is subject to the WRH activity code .
This is the reference of the warehouse to process.

Reference of the location to be processed.
SEEINFO When a warehouse is entered, the location MUST belong to this warehouse.

This field specifies the reference of the product to to process.

  • BP (field BPRNUM)




  • Qty. to process (field QTYPCUORI)


  • Coefficient (field PCUSTUCOEO)


  • STK quantity to be processed (field QTYSTUORIA)


  • STK quantity (field QTYSTUACT)

Quantity to be issued on a stock line, expressed in physical stock unit.

This quantity is pre-loaded with the quantity (in STK units) to be processed. It is possible to modify this and choose to reorder more or less than planned.

  • Close (field CLEFLG)

This field is displayed only in case of replenishment having the following type: "Replenishable location".
In case of partial supply (the quantity entered is less than the STK quantity to be processed), it is used to specify whether the requirement must be closed or not (menu "Field actions > Close"). If it is not, the remaining requirement quantity will be generated in the STOREO table.

  • Warehouse (field WRH)

The presence of this field is subject to the activity code WRH.
Specify the original warehouse to be used.

  • Status (field STA)

Status of the product that will be moved to replenish the location.

  • Location (field LOC)

Specify the original location to be used.

  • Lot (field LOT)

Specify the lot, sublot and serial number that should be moved for the reordering of the location.
If several ones are to be moved, use menu "Field action > Stock issue" to select several stock lines.

  • Sublot (field SLO)


  • Major version (field ECCVALMAJ)


  • Serial number (field SERNUM)

Specify the lot, sublot and serial number that should be moved for the reordering of the location.
If several ones are to be moved, use menu "Field action > Stock issue" to select several stock lines.

  • Ending serial number (field SERNUMF)


  • Identifier 1 (field PALNUM)

Use this field to enter additional information, if necessary.

  • Identifier 2 (field CTRNUM)

This field indicates the first recorded identifier.

  • Movement description (field MVTDES)

Enter a free description that will be registered in all the stock transactions associated with the delivery line.
This description is also accessible from the stock issue detail window. If it has been modified by this function, it will be automatically recovered and registered on the shipment line in this field.



Action icon

Stock Issues

Select this action to open the stock detail window for a manual selection of the stock lines to be moved to the location to be reordered.

Standard rerouting action

Select this action to close the line in case of a partial reorder. A closed line will be deleted from the STOREO table during the validation of the plan.
It is also possible to close the remaining requirement by answering Yes to the question "Do you want to close?" when exiting the detail window.
If the line is not closed, a requirement for a quantity equal to the remaining quantity expressed in STK is created. The original requirement will be deleted.

Stock by site

Select this action to view the stock by site for the site specified in the header

Detailed Stock

Select this action to view the detailed stock for this product.





By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 PRTSCR : Screen print

 STOREO : Pick location replenishment

This can be changed using a different setup.

Menu bar

Select this action to load the table, based on the defined selection criteria.

Select this action to select all the recordings at once.

Select this action to unselect all the recordings at once.

Select this action to refine the selections. You can use a Consumption reorder plan formula type and base it on the STOREO table.

Select this action to assign a number to the storage list for the selected records that do not yet have a storage list. You can save the list and return to it when needed to process it.

Select this action to save the storage lists.

Select this action to sort the table according to the setup criteria or those entered by selecting the Criteria action.

Select this action to generate the location change movements.

Menu Bar

Options / Transaction

This menu is used to view the setup of the transactionused.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation