Manufacturing > Production tracking > Shop floor tracking > Shop floor tracking 

The Shop floor tracking (SFT) workbench is the main access page for you to track your shop floor activity. This includes clock in and out (if required), going on breaks, recording labor setup and run times, production tracking, elapsed labor, and indirect tasks.

The SFT workbench can also track shop floor activities for Summary and Detailed teams. See Working as a team for more information.

Enter your Employee ID and Site to begin. If you have a default site, it appears when you enter your ID. Available actions and activities are based on your employee profile and your site.

After entering your Employee ID, you can click Defaults to modify your current default settings to filter results for activities. When you click Defaults from this page, you can update your Site, Work center group, and Work center.

If the site you are working on requires clocking in, you need to click Clock in/out to enable all available actions.

If the site does not require clocking in, all available  actions are enabled when you enter your Employee ID.

Open activities grid

You can add activities to the grid using the following actions:

Actual labor– Add Setup and Run activities with specific start and stop times. (See Actual labor help.)

Break – Go on a manual break, which adds the break to the grid and stops all open activities. (See Break help.)

Indirect – Add exclusive and nonexclusive activities. (See Indirect help.)

For Run and Setup activities, you can see the related Work order status by clicking Work order statusfrom the Actions icon menu at the beginning of the row.

If there is text for the work order or operation, a Text icon is displayed in the first or second column of the row. Click the icon to read the note.

Employee ID field

Enter your employee ID.

Site field

If you have a default site, it appears when you enter your ID. Or you can enter or select a valid production site.You can change your default site on the Defaults page.

Clock in/out action

If the site you are working on requires clocking in, click Clock in/out to begin or end your shift. When you Clock in, the Clocked in field displays the date and time.

To clock out, click the Clock in/outaction. All your Open activities automatically stop.


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Working as a team

If you the Summary team leader

You can track activities for the team like a single employee using the Summary team Employee ID.

You make all entries in the SFT workbench and follow the same procedures as an individual. This also applies to Defaults, Breaks, Indirect labor, and Elapsed labor that behave as for an individual.

You can update the number of team members on the fly from the Adjust team page without stopping or starting activities. Updating the number of employees for an existing team does not affect unposted activities. All open summary team transactions close and reopen with the new summary team count.

If you are part of a Detailed team

You must clock in and clock out as an individual. You can work on team tasks and on tasks outside the team.

You can work on team tasks if you are:

  • Clocked in
  • Not currently on an exclusive indirect task or a break
  • Not currently on a non-team related task
    • As an individual, you can also track tasks in SFT workbench without leaving the team.
  • You can go on break alone. When you stop your break, you can restart the team labor task to re-join the team activity tracking from the Join team action.
  • You can stop working on (suspend) a team-related task before the rest of the team and start an individual activity.
  • Note: You cannot work on individual tasks if you are still working on a team-related activity. You must stop work on the team-related activity first.

If you clock in using the Detailed team ID

  • You can manage team-related tasks when you log in with the Detailed team Employee ID. When logged in with the Team Employee ID, Defaults, Breaks, Indirect labor, and Elapsed labor behave as for an individual.
  • You can:
      • Start and stop Run and Setup activities for team tasks
      • Enter details when stopping a Run activity for the team such as Completed qty., Rejected qty., and Rejection code
      • Put the entire team on break start/stop
      • Put the entire team on Exclusive indirect activities

Screen management

Entry screen


Use these fields to create a new employee profile.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Enter the Employee ID.

For teams, enter the Employee ID for the team.

Detailed teams: members must clock in individually.

Summary teams: clock in is not required and depends on the Site.

If you have a default site, it appears when you enter your ID. Or you can enter or select a valid production site.

You can change your default site or the default site for a Detailed team on the Defaults page.

Note: Changing the default site for a Detailed team on the Defaults page does not change the default site for team members. 

  • Clocked in (field CLOCKINFO)

If your site requires you to clock in, this field displays the date and time you clocked in.

If you are part of a Detailed team, you need to clock in individually. 

Grid Open activities

  • Select (field SELLIN)

Select this check box to select the activity. You can select multiple activities.

  • WO (field WONOTE)

If there is text for this work order, a Text icon is displayed for this record. Click the icon to read the text.

  • Op. (field OPNOTE)

If there is text for this operation, a Text icon appears for this record. Click the icon to read the text.

  • Type (field SFTTYP)

This field shows the activity type: Run, Setup, Break, etc.

  • Document (field VCRNUM)

This field displays the document number for Work orders. 

For Indirect activities and Breaks, this field displays the Description for the code.

  • Op. (field OPENUM)

This field displays the operations number.

  • Start date (field STRDAT)

This field displays the activity start date.

  • Start time (field STRTIM)

This field displays the activity start time.

This field displays the operation unit of measure (UOM).

  • Completed qty. (field CPLQTY)

For Run activities, enter the quantity completed. 

  • Rejected qty. (field REJCPLQTY)

For Run activities, enter the rejected quantity when the completed quantity is more than 0. You cannot enter a value greater than the quantity completed.

  • Rejection code (field SCANUM)

Enter a rejection code to provide an explanation for the rejected quantity.

  • Closed (field CLEFLG)

Select the Closed check box to close an operation. For Run activities, complete the following fields as needed:

For Detailed team activities, this is performed by the team lead under the team Employee ID.

  • Completed qty.
  • Rejected qty.
  • Rejection code

When the planned quantity for an operation is complete, this check box is automatically selected.



Action icon

Work order status

For Run and Setup activities, you can see the related Work order status by clicking Work order statusfrom the Actions menu at the beginning of the row.





If the site you are working on requires clocking in, click Clock in/out to begin or end your shift. When you Clock in, the Clocked in field displays the date and time.

To clock out, click the Clock in/out. All your Open activities automatically stop.

If you are part of a Detailed team, you need to Clock in/out individually.

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :

Block number 1

Enter the Employee ID.

For teams, enter the Employee ID for the team.

Detailed teams: members must clock in individually.

Summary teams: clock in is not required and depends on the Site.

If you have a default site, it appears when you enter your ID. Or you can enter or select a valid production site.

You can change your default site or the default site for a Detailed team on the Defaults page.

Note: Changing the default site for a Detailed team on the Defaults page does not change the default site for team members. 


  • Work order (field MFGNUMF)

This field allows you to filter results in the grid by Work order.

  • Operation (field OPENUMF)

This field allows you to filter results in the grid by Operation.

This field allows you to filter results in the grid by Work center group.

  • Work center (field WSTF)

This field allows you to filter results in the grid by Work center.

  • Start date (field LSD)

This field allows you to filter results in the grid by Start date.

Grid Activity

  • Select (field FLGL)

Select this check box to select the activity. You can select multiple activities.

  • WO (field WONOTE)

If there is text for this work order, a Text icon is displayed for this record. Click the icon to read the text.

  • Op. (field OPNOTE)

If there is text for this operation, a Text icon appears for this record. Click the icon to read the text.

  • Work order (field MFGNUM)

This field displays the work order number.

  • Op. (field OPENUM)

This field displays the operations number.

This field displays the operation unit of measure (UOM).

  • Machine included (field NUMMAC)

This field displays the number of machines.

This field displays the Work center group associated with the primary work center. 

You can enter or select another Work center group or click Defaults to change your default Work center group.

  • Work center (field CPLWST)

This field displays the Work center for the activity.

You can enter or select another Work center or click Defaults to change your default Work center.

  • Labor center (field CPLLAB)

This field displays the Labor work center for the activity.

You can enter or select another Labor center work center or click Defaults to change your default Labor work center group.

  • Start date (field OPESTR)

This field displays the activity start date.

  • End date (field OPEEND)

This field displays the activity end date.


Click Actual labor to select and start activities on the Actual labor page.

The tasks that display in the Activity grid are based on your selection in the Criteria section and that are available to you. When you modify any of the criteria below, the grid automatically updates.

You can filter results by:

  • Work Order
  • Operation
  • Work center group (default from employee if defined)
  • Work center (default from employee if defined)
  • Start date, which defaults to the current date in the system and is compared to the operation start date.

Select activities by selecting the check box in the first column for each line or by modifying a field for that line.

An activity is automatically selected if you modify something about the operation, like the number of machines, primary work center, or labor center.


Synchronous mode: Select and start multiple lines in the grid. The start dates and times for these activities are the same.

Asynchronous mode: Select and start one activity at a time. The start date and time for each activity is based on when the individual start is performed.

Setup activities

Click Setup start to start selected activities in the grid. The Actual labor page closes and you return to Shop floor tracking workbench. The Open Activities grid displays started activities.

Run activities

Click Run start to start selected activities in the grid. The Actual labor page closes and you return to Shop floor tracking workbench. The Open Activities grid displays started activities.

If you select one or more Run tasks with an active Setup task, you are asked if you want to stop the setup to start the run activity.

Select Yes to automatically stop the Setup and start the Run activity.

Select No to keep the Setup task open. This does not start the Run activity.

When you return to the Shop floor tracking portal, your tasks are listed in the Open Activities grid.

You can access the Defaults page to change your default Work center group and Work center.

Select Cancel to deselect all lines without saving any other changes.

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :


  • Select (field SELLIN)

Select this check box to select the activity. You can select multiple activities.

  • Code (field COD)

This field displays the Break or Indirect reference code.

  • Description (field DES)

This field displays the Break or Indirect reference description.


To go on a break, click Break and select the appropriate Break code from the list. Only Indirect references with the Category type Break are included in the list.

A break is always an exclusive activity.

For Detailed teams

The team lead, clocked in under the team ID, can manage breaks for all members.

If you are part of a Detailed team and take a break, you leave the team. When you stop your break, you need to click Jointo rejoin the team.

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :


  • Select (field SELLIN)

Select this check box to select the activity. You can select multiple activities.

  • Code (field COD)

This field displays the Break or Indirect reference code.

  • Description (field DES)

This field displays the Break or Indirect reference description.


Click Indirect to add activities such as exclusive and nonexclusive activities not associated with a work order. Breaks or auto breaks are not included in the lookup.

Select an Indirect reference from the grid and click OK.


  • Exclusive activities cannot be done concurrently with other tasks. These include safety meetings, training, etc. During an exclusive activity, all other open activities are suspended and resume when the exclusive activity ends.
  • Nonexclusive activities can be done concurrently with other tasks resulting in split labor time. These include sweeping.

For Detailed teams

The team lead, clocked in under the team ID, can manage Indirect activities for all members.

If you are part of a Detailed team when you start an individual Indirect activity, you leave the team. When you stop the Indirect activity, you need to click Join to rejoin the team.

Use this action to stop open activities in the grid such as Setup, Run, Break, and Indirect activities.

When you stop a Run activity, you can record the following fields, but it is not required.

For Detailed team activities, this is performed by the team lead clocked in under the team Employee ID.

  • Completed qty.
  • Rejected qty.
  • Reject code
  • Close

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :

Block number 1

Enter the Employee ID.

For teams, enter the Employee ID for the team.

Detailed teams: members must clock in individually.

Summary teams: clock in is not required and depends on the Site.

If you have a default site, it appears when you enter your ID. Or you can enter or select a valid production site.

You can change your default site or the default site for a Detailed team on the Defaults page.

Note: Changing the default site for a Detailed team on the Defaults page does not change the default site for team members. 


  • Work order (field MFGNUMF)

This field allows you to filter results in the grid by Work order.

  • Operation (field OPENUMF)

This field allows you to filter results in the grid by Operation.

This field allows you to filter results in the grid by Work center group.

  • Work center (field WSTF)

This field allows you to filter results in the grid by Work center.

  • Start date (field LSD)

This field allows you to filter results in the grid by Start date.

Grid Activity

  • Select (field FLGL)

Select this check box to select the activity. You can select multiple activities.

  • WO (field WONOTE)

If there is text for this work order, a Text icon is displayed for this record. Click the icon to read the text.

  • Op. (field OPNOTE)

If there is text for this operation, a Text icon appears for this record. Click the icon to read the text.

  • Work order (field MFGNUM)

This field displays the work order number.

  • Op. (field OPENUM)

This field displays the operations number.

  • Activities (field NUMJOBS)

Enter the number of activities you were doing while performing the activity to track multi-tasking.

  • Machine included (field NUMMAC)

This field displays the number of machines.

  • Work center (field CPLWST)

This field displays the Work center for the activity.

You can enter or select another Work center or click Defaults to change your default Work center.

  • Labor center (field CPLLAB)

This field displays the Labor work center for the activity.

You can enter or select another Labor center work center or click Defaults to change your default Labor work center group.

  • Setup duration (field SETDURTIM)

Enter the total amount of elapsed time spent on the activity.

  • Run duration (field RUNDURTIM)

Enter the total amount of elapsed time spent on the activity.

  • Time unit (field TIMUOMCOD)

This field displays the time unit based on the work order operation.

This field displays the operation unit of measure (UOM).

  • Remaining qty. (field REMQTY)

For Run activities, this field displays the remaining quantity.

  • Completed qty. (field COMPLQTY)

For Run activities, enter the quantity completed. 

  • Rejected qty. (field REJQTY)

For Run activities, enter the rejected quantity when the completed quantity is more than 0. You cannot enter a value greater than the quantity completed.

  • Rejection code (field REJCOD)

Enter a rejection code to provide an explanation for the rejected quantity.

  • Close (field CLEFLG)

Select the Closed check box to close an operation. For Run activities, complete the following fields as needed:

For Detailed team activities, this is performed by the team lead under the team Employee ID.

  • Completed qty.
  • Rejected qty.
  • Rejection code

When the planned quantity for an operation is complete, this check box is automatically selected.

  • Start date (field OPESTR)

This field displays the activity start date.

  • End date (field OPEEND)

This field displays the activity end date.

  • Operation description (field OPEDESC)

This field displays a description of the operation.

This field displays the Work center group.

You can enter or select another Work center group.

  • Labor work center group (field LCGRP)

This field displays the Labor work center group.

You can enter or select another Labor work center group.


Click Elapsed labor to enter the time to complete an activity and the quantity produced. This is only available for Setup and Run operations. 

Note: This button is only active if your supervisor activated this option in your profile. If you are part of a Detailed team, the team profile must have this option selected.

You can enter your time directly in the grid, as well as information for Run tasks like Remaining and Completed quantities. The grid automatically refreshes when you modify any records in the grid. 

Be sure to click Save before leaving the Elapsed labor page to save your changes.

You can also enter time by activity type:

Click Indirect to record time for Indirect activities.

Enter the length of time spent (duration) on Indirect activities. The time unit (minutes or hours) is based on the Work order operation.

Click OK to close the records for the selected lines and return to the Elapsed labor page.

Click Break to record time for breaks.

Enter the length of time spent (duration) on Breaks. The time unit (minutes or hours) is based on the Work order operation.

Click OK to close the records for the selected lines and return to the Elapsed labor page.

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :

Enter or select a default site. It must be a valid production site.

Enter or select a default work center group.

  • Work center (field DEFWST)

Enter or select a default work center.


On the Defaults page, you can modify your default Site, Work center group, and Work center. These defaults filter activities on the Actualand Elapsed labor pages.

You cannot define a default Work center that does not belong to the assigned default Work center group.

Note: On any of the labor pages, you cannot modify your default Site. You can only modify Work center group and Work center.

Click Clear to clear your activities in the grid.

If you are part of a Detailed team and that team as open activities, you can rejoin the team after you leave the team to go on break, indirect activity, or do another task on your own.

For a Summary team, click Adjust team to see the number of employees on the team and adjust as needed.

Updating the number of employees for an existing summary team does not affect unposted activities. Open activities close and reopen with the new summary team count.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Employee ID: $1$ already clocked into a task.
Setup/Run start operation(s) failed.
Previous operation closed
Operation stop failed.
Operation start failed.
Restart operation(s) failed.
Selected operation(s) has an active setup. Do you want to stop the setup to start run activity?
Time elapsed during the execution
Employee ID: $1$ not clocked in.
Employee ID: $1$ already clocked in.
Transaction has already ended.
Rejected qty. cannot be more than completed qty.
Site not valid for selected work center or work center group.
Work center group not valid for selected site or work center.
Work center not valid for selected site or work center group.
Invalid work center type.
No Setup or Run duration has been entered. Do you want to continue?
Labor center does not exist at the site.
$1$: is not the same type as the original work center.
Work order does not exist at the site.
Work center type cannot be subcontract.
Break cannot end before shift starts.
Break cannot end after shift ends.
Machine included is required for this operation.
Break end time has to be after start time.
Break cannot start before shift starts.
Break cannot start after shift ends.
Break start time has to be before end time.
Team has shop floor tracking transactions. Modifying number of employees will not affect existing transactions.
Team $1$ does not have any team members available to start an activity.
The site's Clock in/out parameter $1$ must be activated for detailed team employee type.
Employee $1$ is now included in team $2$ activities.

Tables used

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