This interface is used to manage, using data files in the .csv format, the flows coming from and going to AXEL-GMAO.
These flows can be summarized as follows:
Once the setup is done, the processing can be launched using the following function: MMS interface launch
Refer to documentation Implementation
The setup consists in indicating:
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
| Identification code of the interface setup. |
|   |
Block number 2
|   |
|   |
|   |
| Enter the pivot code describing the file lines of the Purchase request to import: MMSPSH.csv. |
| Enter the pivot code describing the file lines of the Stock issue movementsto export: MMSMVT.csv. |
| Specify the analytical dimension type for which a dimension will be imported by the stock transactions. |
| Enter the pivot code describing the file lines of the Analytical dimensionsto export: MMSCCE.csv. |
| Enter the dimension type for the cost center. |
| Renseignez le code du pivot décrivant les lignes du fichier des Sites de stockageà exporter : MMSFCY.csv. |
| Enter the pivot code describing the file lines of the Productsto export: MMSITM.csv. |
| This field is used to specify a products selection reference, which will be suggested, by default, when launching the interface processing. |
| Enter the pivot code describing the file lines of the Product stock - siteto export: MMSITV.csv. |
| Enter the pivot code describing the file lines of the Stock journalto export: MMSSTJ.csv. |
| When activated, this box indicates that during the stock journal export, the movements coming from the MMS (previously imported) have to be exported. |
| Enter the pivot code describing the file lines of the Customersto export: MMSBPS.csv. |
| This field is used to specify a supplier selection formula, which will be suggested, by default, when launching the interface processing. |
| Enter the pivot code describing the file lines of the ContactsSuppliersto export: MMSCNTBPS.csv. |
| Enter the pivot code describing the file lines of the ClassificationSuppliersto export: MMSCLSBPS.csv. |
| Enter the pivot code describing the file lines of the ProductsSuppliers to export: MMSITMBPS.csv. |
| Enter the pivot code describing the file lines of the Projectsto export: MMSPJT.csv. |
| Enter the pivot code describing the file lines of the Customersto export: MMSBPS.csv. |
| Enter the pivot code describing the file lines of the Units conversion file to export: MMSTCO.csv. |
| Enter the pivot code describing the lines of the Users file to export: MMSUSR.csv. |
| Enter the pivot code describing the file lines of the Requests progress to export: MMSSTAPSH.csv. |
| Code of the table to which belongs the heading for which a default value has been defined. |
| Code of the heading for which a default value has been defined. |
| Commission rate of the Sales rep entered in the first invoice row. |
| It is possible to specify here an expression which will be suggested by default for the field. A selection can be suggested depending on the field code chosen. |
The processing by the interface is carried out using .csv files.
General information on the files
The description of the lines of each file is given by a Pivot which specifies the order of the fields, their size and describes how they are loaded (directly via table fields or via functions).
The file names, their description and the pivots used by default are indicated below.
Expected files |
| Pivots |
Products / Spare parts | MMSITM | |
Cost centers / Analytical dimensions | MMSCCE | |
Storage sites | MMSFCY | |
Product stock / site | MMSITV | |
Stock journal | MMSSTJ | |
Suppliers | MMSBPS | |
Supplier contacts | MMSCNTBPS | |
Supplier classifications | MMSCLSBPS | |
Product suppliers | MMSITMBPS | |
Purchase request progress | MMSSTAPSH | |
Projects | MMSPJT | |
Units | MMSTUN | |
Unit conversions | MMSTCO | |
Users | MMSUSR |
Expected files |
| Pivots |
Stock issue movements | MMSMVT | |
Purchase requests | MMSPSH |
The PIVOTSFILE entry point of the CONNECTFCT processing can be used to modify the coding type of the files and the column separator.
File | No. | Title | Type | Optional | Pivot | Code | Code | Description
| Field |
| 1 | Product | A | No |
| ITMMASTER | ITMREF | Product | No |
| 2 | Product title | A | No |
| ITMMASTER | ITMDES1 | Description 1 | No |
| 3 | Entry unit | A | No |
| ITMMASTER | PUU | Purchase unit | No |
| 4 | Issue unit | A | No |
| ITMMASTER | STU | Stock unit |
| 5 | Conversion coefficient (1) | N | No |
| 6 | Category | A | No |
| ITMMASTER | TCLCOD | Category | No |
| 7 | Average cost (2) | N | No |
| No |
| 8 | DPA (3) | N | No |
| No |
| 9 | UPC code | A | Yes |
| ITMMASTER | EANCOD | UPC code | No |
| 10 | Packing unit 1 | A | Yes |
| No |
| 11 | Conversion coefficient (1) | N | Yes |
| No |
| 12 | Packing unit 2 | A | Yes |
| No |
| 13 | Conversion coefficient (1) | N | Yes |
| No |
| 14 | Packing unit 3 | A | Yes |
| No |
| 15 | Conversion coefficient (1) | N | Yes |
| No |
| 16 | Packing unit 4 | A | Yes |
| No |
| 17 | Conversion coefficient (1) | N | Yes |
| No |
(1) Conversion coefficient: if the value = 5, 1 unit will correspond to 5 stock units.
(2) Average cost: Unit price used if global price for all the sites: this information is not available in Sage X3, so the value 0 is exported.
(3) DPA: Last unit price used if globally price for all the sites: this information is not available in Sage X3, so the value 0 is used instead?
File | No. | Description | Type | Optional | Pivot | Table code | Field code | Description | Field not managed |
| 1 | Posting code (1) | A | No |
| CACCE | CCE | Dimension | No |
| 2 | Title | A | Yes |
| CACCE | DES | Title | No |
| 3 | Site (1) | A | No |
| FACILITY | FCY | Site | No |
| 4 | Validity start date (2) | A | Yes |
| CACCE | VLYSTR | Validity start date | No |
| 5 | Validity end date (2) | A | Yes |
| CACCE | VLYEND | Validity end date | No |
(1) Each dimension is authorized for a site, a group of sites or for all the sites.
The file contains a dimension code for all the sites on which it is authorized.
(2) A dimension can be valid from a date onwards, up to a date, or during a given period.
It is possible to either have a validity start date, a validity end date, or both dates (thus corresponding to a range).
File | No. | Title | Type | Optional | Pivot | Table code | Field code | Description | Field not managed |
| 1 | Site code | A | No |
| FACILITY | FCY | Site | No |
| 2 | Description | A | Yes |
| FACILITY | FCYNAM | Name | No |
File | No. | Title | Type | Optional | Pivot | Table code | Field code | Description | Field not managed |
| 1 | Product code | A | No |
| ITMMVT | ITMREF | Product | No |
| 2 | Site code | A | No |
| ITMMVT | STOFCY | Storage site | No |
| 3 | Average cost | N | No |
| ITMMVT | AVC | Average cost | No |
| 4 | Quantity in stock (1) | N | No |
| ITMMVT | PHYSTO | Internal stock 'A' | No |
| 5 | Quantity in order | N | No |
| ITMMVT | ORDSTO | On reorder | No |
| 6 | Quantity reserved (2) | N | No |
| No |
(1) Quantity in stock: only the stock with an "A" status It is the quantity "internal stock + stock" which is taken into account.
(2) Quantity reserved: this data is specific to AXEL, so the 0 value is exported.
File | No. | Title | Type | Optional | Pivot | Table code | Field code | Description | Field not managed |
| 1 | Movement date | D | No |
| STOJOU | IPTDAT | Allocation date | No |
| 2 | Product code | A | No |
| STOJOU | ITMREF | Product | No |
| 3 | Site code | A | No |
| STOJOU | STOFCY | Storage site | No |
| 4 | Stock unit | A | No |
| STOJOU | STU | Stock unit | No |
| 5 | Quantity (1) | N | No |
| STOJOU | QTYSTU | STK quantity | No |
| 6 | Global price | N | No |
| STOJOU | PRIORD | Order price | No |
| 7 | Lot (2) | A | Yes |
| STOJOU | LOT | Lot | No |
| 8 | Expiry date | D | Yes |
| STOJOU | SHLDAT | Expiry date | No |
| 9 | Movement type (3) | A | No |
| STOJOU | TRSTYP | Transaction type | No |
| 10 | Unique identifier of the movement | A (70) | No |
| No |
| 11 | Movement indicator from the MMS (4) | B | No |
| No |
(1) Quantity: this can be positive or negative depending on the movement type.
(2) Lot: lot management is optional. The lot represents a group of entries. Several issues can be carried out on a same lot.
(3) Movement type: the possible values are defined in the local menu 704: Stock Transaction Type.
(4) The movement indicator from the MMS takes the value 1 if it comes from movement imports performed via this connector (MMSMVT.csv file: Stock issue movements); otherwise, it takes the value 0. When launching the interface processing, it is possible to specify whether the movements from the MMS and previously exported must be extracted.
File | No. | Title | Type | Optional | Pivot | Table code | Field code | Description | Field not managed |
| 1 | Supplier code | A | No |
| BPSUPPLIER | BPSNUM | Supplier | No |
| 2 | Company name | A | No |
| BPSUPPLIER | BPSNAM | Company name | No |
| 3 | Classification (1) | A | Yes |
| No |
| 4 | Address | A | Yes |
| BPSUPPLIER | BPAADDLIG | Address line | No |
| 5 | Postal code | A | Yes |
| BPSUPPLIER | POSCOD | Postal code | No |
| 6 | City | A | Yes |
| BPSUPPLIER | CTY | City | No |
| 7 | Country | A | Yes |
| BPSUPPLIER | CRY | Country | No |
| 8 | Fax | A | Yes |
| BPSUPPLIER | FAX | Fax | No |
| 9 | Telephone | A | Yes |
| BPSUPPLIER | TEL | Telephone | No |
| 10 | Lead time rank | N | Yes |
| BPSUPPLIER | LTIMRK | Lead time rank | No |
| 11 | Price rank | N | Yes |
| BPSUPPLIER | PRIMRK | Price rank | No |
| 12 | Quality rank | N | Yes |
| BPSUPPLIER | QLYMRK | Quality rank | No |
| 13 | Lead-time weight | N | Yes |
| BPSUPPLIER | LTIMRKCOE | Lead-time coefficient | No |
| 14 | Price weight | N | Yes |
| BPSUPPLIER | PRIMRKCOE | Price factor | No |
| 15 | Quality weight | N | Yes |
| BPSUPPLIER | QLYMRKCOE | Quality factor | No |
this concept does not exist in Sage X3. It is then a field that can be loaded freely by setting up a pivot. If loaded, the values will be used to produce the "Supplier classifications" file.
File | No. | Title | Type | Optional | Pivot | Table code | Field code | Title | Field not managed |
| 1 | Supplier code | A | No |
| BPSUPPLIER | BPSNUM | Supplier | No |
| 2 | Contact code | A | No |
| CONTACT | CCNCRM | Code | No |
| 3 | Contact name (1) | A | Yes |
| No |
| 4 | Telephone | A | Yes |
| CONTACT | TEL | Telephone | No |
| 5 | Fax | A | Yes |
| CONTACT | FAX | Fax | No |
| 6 | A | Yes |
| CONTACT | WEB | No |
(1) Contact name: the name is composed of a family name + first name.
File | No. | Title | Type | Optional | Pivot | Table code | Field code | Title | Field not managed |
| 1 | Classification code (1) | A | No |
| No |
| 2 | Classification title (2) | A | Yes |
| No |
(1) Classification code: it is the code obtained from the values found for the WCLASS variable of the suppliers file.
(2) Classification title: no title is defined. It can be defined by setting up a pivot.
File | No. | Title | Type | Optional | Pivot | Table code | Field code | Title | Field not managed |
| 1 | Supplier code | A | No |
| ITMBPS | BPSNUM | Supplier | No |
| 2 | Product code | A | No |
| ITMBPS | ITMREF | Product | No |
| 3 | Purchase minimum quantity | N | Yes |
| PPRICLIST | MINQTY | Minimum quantity | No |
| 4 | Delivery lead-time (1) | N | Yes |
| PPRICLIST | LTI | Lead-time | No |
| 5 | Purchase unit | A | Yes |
| PPRICLIST | UOM | Unit | No |
| 6 | Unit price | N | Yes |
| PPRICLIST | PRI | Prices | No |
| 7 | Supplier product reference | A | Yes |
| ITMBPS | ITMREFBPS | Supplier product | No |
| 8 | Priority | N | Yes |
| ITMBPS | PIO | Priority | No |
File | No. | Title | Type | Optional | Pivot | Table code | Field code | Title | Field not managed |
| 1 | Line identifier | A | No |
| PREQUISD | PSDNUMMMS | Maintenance line id | No |
| 2 | Line status (1) | A | No |
| No |
| 3 | Received quantity (2) | N | Yes |
| No |
(1) Line status: the possible values are: 0 - On hold / 1 - Refused / 2 - Paid / 3 - Approved /(2) 4 - Ordered.
(2) Received quantity: if there ahas been receipts, the value will be larger than zero.
File | No. | Title | Type | Optional | Pivot | Table code | Field code | Title | Field not managed |
| 1 | Project code | A | No |
| OPPOR | OPPNUM | Project chrono | No |
File | No. | Title | Type | Optional | Pivot | Table code | Field code | Title | Field not managed |
| 1 | Unit code | A | No |
| TABUNIT | UOM | Unit | No |
| 2 | Description | A | Yes |
| TABUNIT | DES | Title | No |
File | No. | Title | Type | Optional | Pivot | Table code | Field code | Title | Field not managed |
| 1 | Unit 1 | A | No |
| TABCOEFF | UOM1 | Unit 1 | No |
| 2 | Unit 2 | A | No |
| TABCOEFF | UOM2 | Unit 2 | No |
| 3 | Coefficient | N | No |
| TABCOEFF | COEUOM | Coefficient | No |
File | No. | Title | Type | Optional | Pivot | Table code | Field code | Description | Field not managed |
| 1 | User code | A | No |
| AUTILIS | USR | Code | No |
| 2 | Username | A | No |
| No |
| 3 | User login | A | No |
| AUTILIS | LOGIN | Login | No |
File | No. | Title | Type | Optional | Pivot | Table code | Field code | Description | Field not managed |
| 1 | Product code | A | No |
| SMVTD | ITMREF | Product | No |
| 2 | Site code | A | No |
| SMVTH | STOFCY | Storage site | No |
| 3 | Quantity entered (1) (2) | N | No |
| Yes |
| 4 | Quantity issued (1) (2) | N | No |
| Yes |
| 5 | Unit (3) | A | No |
| SMVTD | PCU | Unit | No |
| 6 | Unit price | A | No |
| Yes |
| 7 | Analytical dimension (4) | A | Yes |
| Yes |
| 8 | Movement date | D | No |
| SMVTH | IPTDAT | Allocation date | No |
| 9 | Job ticket code | A | Yes |
| Yes |
| 10 | Project code | A | Yes |
| SMVTH | PJT | Project | No |
(1) The quantity passed must be null, set to 0 or positive but cannot have a sign.
(2) It is a stock entry or a stock issue depending on whether the quantity is larger than zero or not. On each line, only one of the 2 quantities can be larger than zero.
(3) Unit code: the unit passed must correspond to a valid unit for the product, that is, one of the units passed in the Products file: purchase unit, storage unit, or one of the 4 packing units.
(4) Dimension: the goal is to potentially specify an analytical dimension for a given dimension type. The field can be left empty or filled with a dimension of the dimension type set up in the "Dimension type" field next to the MMSMVT pivot in the MMS setup.
File | No. | Title | Type | Optional | Pivot | Table code | Field code | Description | Field not managed |
| 1 | Maintenance identifier | A | No |
| PREQUIS | PSHNUMMMS | No maintenance | No |
| 2 | Line identifier | A | No |
| PREQUISD | PSDNUMMMS | Maintenance line id | No |
| 3 | Product code | A | No |
| PREQUISD | ITMREF | Product | No |
| 4 | Product title | A | No |
| PREQUISD | ITMDES | Description | No |
| 5 | Quantity | N | No |
| PREQUISD | QTYPUU | PUR Quantity | No |
| 6 | Unit code (1) | A | No |
| PREQUISD | PUU | Purchase unit | No |
| 7 | Project code | A | Yes |
| PREQUISD | PJT | Project | No |
| 8 | Analytical dimension (2) | A | Yes |
| Yes |
| 9 | Requester | A | No |
| PREQUIS | REQUSR | Requester | No |
| 10 | Storage site | A | No |
| PREQUIS | PSHFCY | Request site | No |
| 11 | Provisional delivery date (3) | D | Yes |
| PREQUISD | EXTRCPDAT | Requested date | No |
| 12 | Supplier code (4) | A | Yes |
| PREQUISD | BPSNUM | Supplier | No |
| 13 | Date of the request | D | No |
| PREQUIS | PRQDAT | Request date | No |
| 14 | URL coming from AXEL (5) | A (250) | Yes |
| PREQUIS | MMSURL | URL maintenance | No |
(1) Unit code: the unit passed must correspond to a valid unit for the product, that is, one of the units passed in the Products file: purchase unit, storage unit, or one of the 4 packing units.
(2) Supplier code: it is not possible to directly assign the fields of a table; therefore, the WSEC variable is used.
(3) Provisional delivery date: if this date is earlier than the current date, a non blocking warning message is displayed.
(4) Supplier code: if the supplier does not correspond to one of the suppliers known for the product, a non blocking warning message is displayed.
(5) URL: the file imported in the X3 can provide an URL for each purchase request, leading to a web page that suggests suggestig. These URLs will be used to open an Internet browser session of the client workstation from the Purchase requests management X3 screens in order to access the documents.