A/P-A/R accounting > Payment orders > Payment order entry 

Use this function to manually group notes payable/receviable issued on a paying bank notice.

You also use it modify generated paying bank notices (if not yet exported).

This function is part of the payment cycle. It is a mandatory step before the final posting of payments (in compliance with the payment transaction setup - see the Payment transactiondocumentation).


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Payment order no. (field FRMNUM)

This field, which can only be accessed in Inquiry mode, is the unique identifier of a paying bank notice.
On the creation of a new notice, the number is not entered. it is assigned according to a sequence number counter that can be set up. By default, this sequence number counter PY7.

It is mandatory that this field is entered on the creation of the paying bank notice. The grouping site for the deposit slip is entered here. The slip is single-company, but it is possible to group the payments for several sites on a single slip.

Indicate the site for the paying bank notice.

In the case of a site-level counter, all the lines of the paying bank notice must belong to this site. In the other cases, all the paying bank notice lines must belong to the company linked to this site.

Enter the bank associated with the paying bank notice. The payments that make up the paying bank notice must be assigned to this bank.
Only the payments that are assigned to this bank or that are not assigned will be submitted in the left list for selection.

Enter the payment transaction associated with the paying bank notice. It must be defined with the "Paying bank notice" stage. The payments that make up the paying bank notice must be associated with this transaction.

Block number 2

  • Status (field STA2)


  • Discount type (field FRMTYP)

Select the remittance type: Receipt, Discount, Receipt in value, or Discount in value.
If the deposit slip is associated with a check transaction and the processing for the print code is CHR or CHE, this field defaults to Receipt.
For all deposit slips, except checks, you can select the type of deposit (receipt or discount) defining the journal where the generated entries are saved.
The remittance type specified in the header persists over any other type of deposits that were specified at the payment level.
For a specific deposit type, a specific posting can be defined on an intermediate account.
SEEREFERTTO Refer to the documentation on the Payment transactions for further details.



Tab Payments


Paying bank notice lines

After picking the notes payable/receivable from the Selection panel, you need to specify if the note is accepted or not and for what reason.
You can then select other payments associated with the same bank account and posted with the same payment type.
When the paying bank notice is complete, click Create. A paying bank number is assigned (from the associated sequence number).
In modification mode, click Save to apply your modifications.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Details

  • No. (field LIN)


  • Number (field NUM)

The payments making up the paying bank notice must be for the same transaction, bank and company and the same site as this one if the sequence number counter associated with the paying bank notices is at Site level.


  • Company name (field PYHNAM)


  • Due date (field DUDDAT)



  • Amount (field AMTCUR)



  • Accepted (field PABFLG)

Specify if the notes payable/receivable will be paid fully or in part.

Choose the No for partial payments.

Enter here the reason why the payment will not take/has not taken place.

  • Paid amount (field PABAMTPRT)

Specify the amount actually posted upon deposit in the bank.

It is always equal to the payment amount.


  • field TOTLOC



Block number 3

  • field TOTBAN





Action icon






By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 AVIDOM : Payment order

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons

It is used to validate the screen by generating the corresponding code. This validation is automatic on creation or modification; the button is thus only really useful when deleting a screen file on the application server, or in the case of a copy from one folder to another (the validation is not in this case carried out automatically in the target folder).

The [Bank file] button is accessible for paying bank notices imported from a bank file. A file is then produced for the destination bank (format REPLCRBOR).

The [Milestone] button is used to identify the next step for each paying bank notice.

Menu Bar

Zoom / Accounting Document

This zoom is always accessible once the paying bank notice has been validated. It displays all the posted entries from this paying bank notice.


Allows the user to display the payment transaction setup.

Zoom / Statement

This option provides a shortcut to the manual LS reconciliation function.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

"Code already entered on line #"

This payment was already entered on line #.

"Payment type X incompatible"

If the payments have already been entered in the paying bank notice, this means that the payment entered is not of the same payment type as the others.

If this the first payment entered, it signifies that the "Paying bank" step for the payment type to which it is attached is set to "no".

"Company X"

The payment entered is attached to a company other than that in paying bank notice.

"Site X"

The payment entered is attached to a site other that those authorized for the user.

"Bank X"

The payment entered is attached to a bank account other than that of the paying bank notice.

"Step #"

The payment entered is a later or earlier step to that of the paying bank step.

"Payment on paying bank notice X"

The payment entered is on another paying bank notice.
If this other notice is being modified, this message is blocking, otherwise the message is a warning.

"Payment X site Y"

During an attempt to cancel a paying bank notice, at least one of the payments is attached to a site not authorized for the user.

"Payment X step #"

When validating the entry of a paying bank notice, at least one of the payments is posted to a later or earlier step. Therefore, it cannot be included on this paying bank notice.

"Payment X cancellation not possible Step #"

When cancelling a payment line for a paying bank notice, this payment has passed to the next step.

"PY7: Sequence Number exceeded"

The number range for the paying bank notices has been exceeded.

"PY7: Transaction cancelled"

Problem during the allocation of the paying bank notice number

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation