The setup of the Purchase invoice elements is carried out in a single tab.
Each invoicing element is represented by a unique code with a maximum of three numeric characters. The different fields used in the setup are described below.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
Use this field to enter the number that identifies the invoicing element. This number ranges from 1 to 999 The invoicing elements correspond to headings calculated during the valuation phases of documents (orders, invoices, etc.). These headings can be populated using: - Totals from other headings
- Values from the document (ex-tax bases, totals of columns)
- Tables linked to the document (BP, carrier price list)
For invoicing elements specified as SST document discount for a company, you cannot edit the following fields: - Tax rule = fixed rate
- Tax level selection = blank
- Calculation base = before tax calculation
- SST tax code = not blank
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This long title is used as title in the screens and the reports. By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user. It can be translated into an other language using the On line translation function (accessed via right click). In the on line translation window of the active field you can add a language code and the translation in the corresponding language. A user logging in in one of the translated languages has available the short title, the long title or the column header in the login language (if this field is defined). If needed it is available in the default folder language. | - Short description (field SHOAXX)
This short title is used as a title in the screens and reports. It can be translated and it is recorded in the user's connection language. The function On line translation, which can be access by right click on the field, is used to translate it in another language. By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user. In the on line translation window of the active field you can add a language code and the translation in the corresponding language. | |
This field indicates the product reference identifying a sales or purchase invoking element in the datawarehouse and used by the Business Intelligence functions.
This field is only used in a context of Business Intelligence. It is liable to the ABI activity code and is used to process the invoicing elements as product lines. |
This flag allows the user to specify if an invoicing element is active or not. It is possible: - create as many invoice footer elements as required,
- not take into account these elements upon order entry if the element is considered as not active.
| - Rebate on VAT (field DISVATFLG)
Help common to purchase and sales invoicing elements. This information is used at invoice level, only when the DEPMGTMOD - Early discounts management mode parameter is set to 'Tax discounts' or 'Discount on tax (exempt)/Global' (for this last value: update 8.0.0 and higher). When this box is checked, the invoicing element can be associated to a discount code In this case, the discount is carried out on the VAT, without affecting the tax excluding amounts.
The discount on tax operates like an early discount. On the sales invoice, this invoicing element neither appears in the invoicing element grid (invoicing tab), nor in the invoice valuation grid. Only the bases subject to the taxes of VAT type are decreased. The discount calculation is carried out in the tax grid and in the invoicing element grid where it decreases the base subject to all the main taxes. In the case of a document which is entered tax excluded, only the tax is impacted by this type of invoicing element. When the document is entered tax-included, the tax included amount is also impacted by the discount on tax. No tax rule, accounting code or analytical dimension can affect this invoicing element because only the total invoice amount and the VAT accounts are impacted. | - Subject to discount (field DEPFLG)
This field makes it possible to specify whether the invoicing element is subject to an early discount and taken into account in the calculation of the discountable basis. Notes:
- An invoicing element of the type "Decrease" will always be subject to an early discount and taken into account in the calculation of the discountable basis: indeed, the basis must not become greater than the amount of the invoice.
- This setup is not applied when the company parameterDEPMGTMOD - Early discounts management mode (TC chapter,INV group) has the following values:
- Discount on tax
- Distribution by VAT (account level)
- Discount on tax (exempt)/Global (update 8.0.0 and higher)
In this case, all the invoicing elements are systematically considered as subject to an early discount. | - Value type (field AMTCOD)
This field is used to specify if the invoicing element is expressed in percentage ('Rate') or in figures ('Amount').
If the 'Amount' box is ticked, the fieldExpressed inis active: it is then possible to specify whether the invoicing element is entered ex-tax or tax-incl. | |
This is the sign (increase or decrease) of the column. An increase corresponds to a charge, a decrease corresponds to a discount. An invoicing element of "Decrease" type must be subject to discount and taken into account in the calculation of the discountable basis.
The amounts or percentages will always be entered as positive numbers. | |
This field is used to specify the original supplier of the invoicing element (order or invoice). | - Default value (field DEFVAL)
The default value is in folder currency and defined upon setup. It corresponds to the default value initialized when choosing the invoicing element in the Supplier record. It can be modified at the level of the BP record. This last value is the one that will be used in the orders and invoices. If an invoicing element is manually associated with a supplier invoice, the default value will come from the invoicing element converted to the invoice currency. When an invoicing element is used at the structure code level (for the line elements), it cannot be defined at the supplier record level. The value of this element will be calculated at document level by using the charge or discount column dedicated to its loading. | - Currency (field DEFVALCUR)
Calculation basis
- Calculation basis (field CLCBAS)
This field is used to define whether this element must be applied to the ex-tax or tax incl amount. The element is expressed in percentage and specifies whether the taxes must be calculated before (ex-tax) or after (tax incl.) the percentage has been applied. The element expressed in amount makes the access to this field impossible. This field takes automatically the value None. The value Action is used to define a new base by applying a program described by an action.
This possibility is only available for invoicing elements in percentage. | |
The code of the action is used to define a new calculation basis.
This field can only be accessed if the field Calculation basis has the value Action. | - Processing (field PRGCLCBAS)
This processing containing the action is used to define a new application basis. | - Calculation order (field CLCORD)
The indicated value specifies the element calculation order. It allows the use of an other element previously calculated. The element calculation order will be as follows: - calculation of the elements on an ex-tax basis sorted according to this order flag,
- calculation of the taxes,
- calculation of the elements on a tax incl. basis sorted according to this order flag,
There is no coherence control on the assigned order. An element calculated on a tax incl. basis with an order lower than an element calculated on an ex-tax basis will be calculated after the latter in the order of the tax-incl invoicing element.
Element presence
- Order line (field DACLIN)
Flag used to specify whether this element can be used in a price list structure (line structure). This flag only concerns the elements of the amount type. Therefore it automatically takes the value No as soon as the element has been declared to be a rate. As soon as this flag is set to Yes, the next field automatically takes the value No: in effect, an element cannot be used both at line level and at order footer or invoice level.
| - Order footer (field DACORD)
Two values are proposed: - On the order line: the invoicing element is calculated on the line (the total is displayed in the footer),
- On the order footer: the invoicing element is calculated in the footer directly.
An invoicing element set up to be present at the order line is an element that the user can associated with a price list structure, that is to say that at the time of the column setup the columns allow the entry of price lists on the different order lines.
See the documentation on the price list structure for further information. Only the elements belonging to a structure code defined at the level of the supplier BP record can be taken into account at the time of order entry for the same supplier. Specific case It is not possible to set up a rate for an element used at line level. If needed, the rate must be set up at the level of the price list structure. The (invoicing element) total corresponds to an actual amount of the discount or of the charge in percentage, which is calculated in the order line. An invoicing element set up to be present in the order footer is an element which can be found in the order footer. This element must be specified for each supplier (in the supplier BP record) in the gird 'Discounts and charges'. Only the footers specified at BP record level can be taken into account by default in the Purchase order. If an invoicing element is not defined as being on the order line or order footer, it can still be associated with a supplier. It will be used automatically upon supplier invoice creation by using the default value defined in the supplier record. An invoicing element defined on order footer or on invoice footer (not defined as being on order line or order footer) can be entered, when this is necessary, for a supplier invoice even if the element does not exist in the supplier record. |
Tax calculation
The tax calculation rule is defined at this level for the footer element. It is important to remind here the definition rule of the applicable tax rate. The tax rate is usually defined by crossing a tax rule applied to the supplier (and which can be modified during the various transactions in the various documents) and a tax level possibly applied to the invoicing element or to the invoice lines.
Refer to the documentation on the tax rates for further details. It is possible to choose between two rules to calculate the taxes of the footer elements. A footer element not allocated on the invoice lines will necessarily have a fixed-rate type tax rule. A footer element allocated on the lines can have a tax rule with a fixed rate or a product rate. - Product rate: it amounts to applying to the footer the same level of tax as the product defined at the level of the invoice lines. In this way, this product tax level crossed with the tax rule defined for the supplier gives the tax rate that will be applied to the footer element. If the purchase invoice is composed of several lines where the products have different tax levels, the footer will be subjected to different tax rates proportionally to the Ex-tax amount of the total for the lines with the same tax level.
Depending on the automatic journal associated with the invoice type, it is possible to use either a dedicated account for this invoicing element or directly impact the revenue accounts. If a dedicated account is used, it uses the first tax code associated with the invoice tax grid, - Fixed rate: means to apply a single tax rate for the footer element as a whole. The Tax level must then be specified. This level will be used to determine the rate to be applied according to the rule specified at the level of the Supplier BP or the invoice.
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When the tax calculation rule is a fixed rate, the tax level to be used for this invoicing element is specified in this field. Each country being ruled by its own tax rates, the tax level alone does not enable the rate to be applied to be determined. The tax is generally determined by crossing the tax rule associated with a BP and the tax level associated with a product.
The tax level only corresponds to the list of the different rates applied within a same rule. |
Transfer rule
- Ord./Rec./Inv. transfer (field TRFINV)
This field is used to define the transfer of an invoicing element from one document to the other when the destination document reuses only part of the lines of the origin document. When the invoicing element is in percentage, it is always transferred according to the prorata of the origin document amounts. When the invoicing element is an amount, various transfer rules can apply: - Amount prorata: according to the amounts of the origin document and destination document,
- Quantity prorata: according to the quantities of the origin document and destination document,
- Weight prorata: according to the weight of the origin document and destination document,
- Volume prorata: according to the volume of the origin document and destination document,
- First document: only the first destination document created takes the value of the invoicing element as a whole,
- All documents: the value is reused on all destination documents.
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An accounting code must be defined to post the invoicing element. This accounting code is used to define an account used for the generated journal entry.
See the documentation on the accounting codes for further information. | |
The allocation processing key is used to automatically distribute the amount of a financials posting line on several analytical lines. This distribution is carried out according to weighting coefficients. The distribution key of an invoicing element can be loaded from the order entry on. When a distribution key is entered, the analytical dimension types cannot be accessed anymore since they are determined by this code. |
Grid Analytical
This field is used to enter or select any dimension view set up in the database. | |
An analytical dimension is an element of the analytical chart of accounts on which accounting entries can be posted. Each analytical dimension type represents a specific division of the company into a set of analytical payment attributes. An analytical dimension is thus an analytical payment attribute within a dimension type. It is also necessary to define the analytical dimensions for a specific invoicing element. These analytical dimensions will be used as default analytical posting on the purchase documents.
Line distribution
- Distribution (field DSPLIN)
This setup is only available for the invoicing element not present in the order line. Specify whether the calculated amounts at the footer can be distributed on the different document lines in proportion to the amounts, quantities, weights or volumes.
For a same invoice, it is possible to use at a maximum nine invoicing elements distributed on the lines. The distributed elements will not impact the net price on the supplier document line. The distributed invoicing elements can have an impact on the stock value, the accounts and the analytical dimensions of the invoice (hence product) lines generated in accounting. The impact depends on the automatic journal associated with the invoice type. This setup can also be used when the validation of purchase invoices leads to the automatic creation of expenses in the Fixed Assets module. The choice to take into account (or not) the distribution of invoicing elements in invoice lines, in expense creation, is performed at the level of parameter Invoice type. The setup applied to the Invoice type prevails on the rule defined for the invoicing element (Tax calculation block - Tax rule field).
- When a distribution is requested, the amount of each expense created by the invoice line is increased of reduced in proportion to the distributed part of the invoicing element.
- When no distribution is requested, an expense is created for the entire amount of the invoicing element.
Intrastat taken into account
- Intrastat taken into account (field CLCDEB)
this setup is used to specify whether the invoicing element must be taken into account in the calculation of the Customs document file. If it is taken into account, it will be necessary to specify if this invoicing element has an influence on the fiscal value, and thus on the statistical value, or if it has only an influence on the statistical value. |
Stock valuation
- Stock valuation (field NPRVLT)
This setup allows the user to specify if the invoicing element value distributed on the invoice lines influences the receipt cost price of the product (during the price adjustment processing upon invoice validation). |
Within the inter-company scenario, it will be necessary to define the invoicing elements that should be used. They must be defined in both the Purchasing and Sales modules. Their setup must be identical to ensure coherence within the framework of reciprocal invoicing. Once these elements are defined for both modules, they should be linked to each other in the function dedicated to the Inter-company setup.
A Sales invoicing element, expressed as an amount, for which the calculation basis is expressed tax excluded. If the sales invoicing element is expressed tax included, it can be used but should be linked to a purchasing invoicing element for which the calculation basis is expressed tax excluded.