Use this function to define populations. A population is a group of employees that meet a set of criteria.

To determine the employees that meet the population’s criteria, it is recommended that you enter a membership rule. When a new employee is created, they are automatically assigned to the population if they comply with the membership rule.

Populations are often used in selection screens before a process is launched.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


The Contracts table lists the contracts of employees who meet the membership rule and whose contract legislation is the same as the population’s legislation. If a contract has several periods of activity, only the last period of activity is filled in.
Any populations an employee belongs to are listed on the employee's contract (Admin tab, Supervisors block). Any modifications made to the population record here is copied to the related contract records. Similarly, any modifications made on the contract records are copied to the related population records.
You can update the list of employee contracts that meet the membership rules by clicking the Population update button in the Actions panel. The lines are updated, and the Update type column is set to 'Automatic'.
When you manually add a contract to the table the column is set to 'Manual'. A line that has been entered manually will not be updated when the Population update button is used. It must also be deleted manually.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Enter the code of the population being searched or to be created. This code identifies the population in a unique way.

  • Description (field DES)

Specify the description associated with the population. It must be as explicit as possible.
This description is displayed in some screens, windows and reports.

In multi-legislated folders (where the LEG activity code is active), the Legislation fields are displayed.

  • If a legislation has been set in the LEGFIL (Legislation selection filter) parameter (SUP chapter, INT group), it is used as the default but can be changed if needed.
  • If LEGFIL has no legislation set, there will not be a default, so the Legislation field will have to be entered appropriately.

If a legislation is entered in the record header, other fields entered must follow any rules applicable to the legislation.

If a legislation is not entered in the record header, it might be deduced from another element (such as the company, site, or employee) and again, other fields entered must follow any rules applicable to the legislation.

If a multi-legislation group of companies is selected, other fields entered must follow any rules applicable to the legislation of at least one company in the group.


If you select a group of British (BRI) and French (FRA) legislation companies, you cannot enter a value in a field that is only applicable to the South African (ZAF) legislation.

In single legislation folders (where the LEG activity code is not active), the Legislation fields are not displayed.

  • Enterable on portal (field AUZPRH)

If this field is selected, the current population can be used in the functions of the employees portal in Web mode.

Grid Sub-population

A population can be a group of several populations. For example, the ‘Apprentices’ population can contain the ‘Factory apprentices’ sub-population and the ‘Office apprentices’ sub-population.

This table must contain the list of sub-populations that make up the current population.

The legislation of the sub-populations must be the same as the legislation of the population. If the population is not bound by legislation (that is, no legislation is entered in the header), you can select any sub-population.


Membership rule

  • Rule (field CRI)

A population can be populated using membership criteria. When updating the population, all employees that meet the rule are assigned to the population. Part of the membership criteria must be that the legislation of the employee record (GESEML) must be the same as that of the population. If you have also entered a sub-population, the system also filters the list of contracts by sub-population.

Population legislation = FRA
Membership Rule = [F: ID] SEX = 2 & [F:CTR]POT='PAINTER'
The population contains the contracts of female painters who work within the FRA legislation.
It is advisable to launch a batch update of populations (perhaps every night, or once a week) so that populations are kept up-to-date. To do this, use the Employee population update function (TRTGENPOP).

Grid Contracts

Enter the ID. The last name and first name are then automatically displayed.

  • Family name-first name (field NAM)


The contract number is mandatory.
If the employee has multiple contracts, select the relevant contract. If they have multiple contracts and you want to select more than one, add as many rows as you need.
The contract and population legislations must be the same unless the population has no legislation (empty Legislation field).
The contract’s date and legislation are displayed automatically after selecting the contract.

  • Date (field CTRDAT)

The contract date is automatically displayed after selecting the contract.

  • Update type (field MAJTYP)

This field, which cannot be accessed, displays the update type for an employee.

Manual update
Manual update means that you have manually added an employee to the population using the Employee selection action or the Others tab of the Employee record.

If the update is a manual process, the employee can only be removed from the population in a manual way.
SEEINFO This deletion will impact the Employee record.

Automatic update
Automatic update means that you have used the update population functionality (Population update button in the action panel): the employees who meet the membership criteria defined in the Rule field are automatically upload in the table.

If the update is an automatic process, the deletion of the employee from the current population, which is performed in this function or the employee record, is only temporary. To permanently delete an employee from a population group, you should modify the membership criteria, then refresh the list.

The contract legislation is automatically displayed after selecting the contract.


  • field CMT

Enter comments if necessary.



Action icon

Employee selection

Use this action to perform a mass selection of employees.





Specific Buttons

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :

  • From population (field POPDEB)

Select the populations you want to update.

  • To population (field POPFIN)


  • Contract update for populations without rules (field UPDCTR)

Select this check box so the contract numbers of the employees (whether they meet the membership rule or not) are automatically populated in the Contracts table.

  • Simulation (field SIM)

When this box is checked, the operation is not really executed, but only simulated. The resulting detailed trace file describes what would have been performed if the operation had not been executed in this mode.


Use this function to add employees complying with the membership rule to a given population.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation