Refer to documentation Implementation
The presentation of the entry screen depends on the setup of the selected transaction. If a single transaction has been set up, the user goes directly to the function, otherwise a window opens presenting the list of transactions for which the user has the authorizations. Irrespective of the transaction used, a request for quote record is subdivided in three parts:
Use the Purchase request selection section to create RFQ lines from purchase requests. The listed purchase requests are filtered based on the information already entered in the RFQ (site, requester). You can select 1 to ...n purchase requests and all or some of the lines for each purchase request. The purchase requests that can be selected are those that have not been closed. If the selected purchase request line is associated with a supplier, this supplier will be automatically added to the lists of suppliers on the RFQ. A warning message is displayed if the required receipt date is prior to the RFQ due date.
To access additional selection criteria, click Pur. req. selection criteria.
Use the Supplier selection list to choose the suppliers relevant to the RFQ. The suppliers that can be selected are those that are active.
To access additional selection criteria, click Supplier selection criteria.
A RFQ line can no longer be modified when at least one response has been recorded in reference to this line. However, the following information can still be modified: Descriptions, Project code and Analytical dimensions.
Header information such as the Requester/buyer (except if the BUYFLT - Filter by buyer parameter is set to ‘Yes’), the RFQ date, the RFQ Due date and the Internal reference can be modified without restriction.
It is possible to add a supplier to the list of selected suppliers even when there already are responses for the relevant line. On the other hand, it is not possible to delete from the list of selected suppliers a supplier that has already responded for at least one of the products on the RFQ.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
| Code of the site issuing the order (request for quote, purchase request, order, subcontract order etc.). |
| This field, which cannot be modified, displays the number of suppliers selected owing to this request for quote. |
| Depending on the setup of the sequence number counter associated with the RFQs, the number can be entered manually or it will not be accessible and the system will assign a document number upon RFQ creation. |
| Free field used to assign an internal reference to the call for tenders. |
| Recording date of the request for quote, initialized by default to the current date and modifiable. |
| This is the specified dead line for the responses. It is initialized by default to the current date but can still be modified. |
| This is the code of the operator that initiated the RFQ. It is initialized, by default, to the connected operator code. It can modified if the transaction authorizes it. |
Grid Products
| List of products subject of the RFQ.
| This is the product's description translated into the operator's language. If this translation does not exist, the untranslated title of the product is displayed instead. |
| This is the description entered in the product record. If the product is not referenced in the database, the description must be entered manually. |
| This is the reference of the project for which the RFQ line is created. |
| This is the unit that is used in the RFQ. |
| This the quantity, expresses in purchase unit, for which the suppliers must provide the quote. |
| This field indicates the delivery lead-time (number of days) for which the user wishes to suggest different supplier concerned by the RFQ. |
| This is the date chosen for the product reception, that should be considered in the proposal to be provided by the various suppliers concerned by the RFQ. |
The presence of these dimensions depends on the transaction setups.
| If the RFQ line is taken from a purchase request, this is the number of the selected purchase request. The line number of the purchase request, the stock unit, and the selected quantity expressed in STK are also displayed. |
| Number of the purchase request line when a RFQ line originates with a purchase request. |
| This field indicates the product management unit in which are expressed:
This information is always displayed, regardless of the transaction used. It cannot be modified. |
| It is the selected quantity, expressed in stock unit. When several purchase requests are regrouped on a same RFQ line, the displayed quantity is that resulting from the totaling of the different purchase requests. |
Grid Suppliers
| Supplier code. From this field, several possibilities are offered to the user.
It is also possible to select a supplier via option Supplier of the product, obtained via the contextual menu associated with the product by right click. A warning message is displayed when the supplier is in dispute. |
| This is the corporate or company name of the chosen supplier. This information is not accessible. |
| This field is used to identify the supplier type from amongst the following:
| This is the address code referencing the address which will be used to send the RFQ to the supplier. If the supplier has several addresses, the default supplier address will be proposed. It is possible to modify the address code manually or to select it from a list of the supplier addresses. |
| Number of responses by the supplier to this RFQ. If an RFQ concerns several products, there will be one response per product line. This information is not accessible. |
| Number of reminders carried out for this supplier. This information is not accessible. |
| Date of the last reminder carried out for this supplier. This information is not accessible. |
| This field indicates that the RFQ has been printed for this supplier. |
Action icon
Use this function to copy the line on which the cursor is positioned.
Use this function to enter text that will be printed on the RFQ documents to be provided to the suppliers.
This text is initialized with the Purchase text defined on the product record.
Click this action to access the suppliers listed for this product, in other words, those for which there is a product-supplier record.
You can then:
When you exit this action, the selected suppliers are added to the list of suppliers associated with the RFQ.
When you call this action, the already chosen suppliers are automatically selected. To exclude suppliers from the list, clear them individually, or click Exclude all to clear them all.
This function is only active when the purchase requests are selected on this RFQ line. It is used to view those taken into account.
The information concerning the RFQ line is displayed again in the header: The RFQ number and the line number concerned, the product code and its translated description as well as the purchase unit and the quantity in purchase unit.
The table displays the detail of the purchase requests that have been taken into account is displayed; the PR number and its line number, the quantity in purchase units, the purchase unit, the quantity in stock unit and the stock unit.
For each purchase request line there is the possibility to access the original document via a tunnel.
Click this action to access the Stock by site inquiry function.
Click this action to access the Purchase journal traceability inquiry function.
Click this action to access the supplier record, according to your authorizations.
Click this action to access the responses provided by the various suppliers to this RFQ.
Click this action to access the address detail and if necessary to modify it (namely when it is a miscellaneous supplier).
You can also modify the address code. This modification will be copied back to the supplier table.
Click this action to display the common suppliers listed for the products that appear on the RFQ. The following information is displayed for each supplier: its code, its company name and its type ('Normal', 'prospect' or 'Miscellaneous').
You can then:
When you exit this action, the selected suppliers are added to the list of suppliers associated with the RFQ.
When calling to this function, the suppliers already selected are automatically checked. To exclude suppliers from the list, clear them individually, or click Exclude all to clear them all.
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
BONAOF : RFQ notes
BONAOF2 : RFQ notes
This can be changed using a different setup.
This setup is performed at the Customization level of the current object, by associating a report code or a print code to it.
It is possible to further specify this setup:
Click this action to enter a header text. This text will be printed on the RFQ for each supplier.
Click this action to enter a footer text. This text will be printed on the RFQ for each supplier.
Click this action to access the advanced supplier selection and apply a filter to display those suppliers that meet the entered criteria in the supplier list.
Click this action to filter the purchase requests according to specific criteria and decide on how they will be regrouped:
Click this action to change the entry transaction, provided that your access codes are sufficient.
Click this action to access the Purchase journal traceability inquiry function.
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
This message appears upon creation when no sequence number has been assigned to the RFQ document. To solve this problem:
This message appears in creation mode when the reading of the specified sequence number is invalid and the system has been unable to recover a sequence number.
This message appears when the method for assigning a RFQ number is manual and the number entered already exists in the table.
This message appears when you try to delete a product line or a supplier line where at least one response has already been recorded.
This message appears when you select a purchase request with a required receipt date prior to the RFQ due date.