A/P-A/R accounting > Invoicing > Recurring customer invoices 

Use this function to create and maintain invoices for receivables that occur on a regular basis such as monthly rent or service contracts. The reference invoice is the first recurring invoice and serves as the template for each recurring invoice. You can define the frequency and interval for recurring invoices.

Recurring invoice creation is then used to generate one or more customer BP invoices based on the selection criteria. This eliminates the need to manually enter the invoices. In simulation mode, you can review the recurring invoice that will be generated prior to the generation process.

Much of the information automatically displays when the reference invoice is selected. Each time a recurring invoice is processed, the number of invoices, last invoice number, posted amount, and the number of posted invoices information are updated.

Important note on service periods

A reference invoice can have service periods on a line. Service periods are not updated or recalculated when recurring invoices are created using this invoice as a template. Service periods remain identical to the reference invoice. As long as the generated invoices are not posted, you can update service periods on those invoices.

If you need to modify a service period, you can access the service period from the generated invoice on the line. Then, select Service period from the Action icon on the line.

SEEINFOIn Functional authorization, you must have authorization to Recurring invoices and Recurring customer invoices to use this function.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

The site must be a financial site. It can be different from the site previously selected, but it must belong to the same company.

This field displays the company for the financial site.

  • Recurring number (field RCRNUM)

Enter the recurring number or leave the field empty so as to automatically assign a sequence number from the Assignment function.

It is only possible to enter a recurring number if the assignment applies to the A/P - A/R accounting module, the document type is supplier BP invoice or customer BP invoice and the Manual field is set to 'Yes'.

  • Description (field DES)

Enter a description for the object of this recurring invoice.

Block number 2

  • Invoice number (field NUM)

Select the number of an existing supplier/customer BP invoice. It is possible to select supplier/customer inter-company invoices only when the INTCPYINV parameter is set to 'Yes'.

Purchase invoices are not allowed for supplier BP invoices. Sales invoices are not allowed for customer BP invoices.

  • The invoice category must be Invoice. Other categories such as Credit memo, Debit note, Credit Note and Pro forma are not authorized.
  • The BP type specified in the customer/supplier invoice must be Normal.
  • The customer/supplier invoice site must correspond to the one of the recurring invoice.
  • The supplier invoice status must be To validate or Validated. The customer invoice status must be Validated or Not validated.
  • The supplier/customer invoice number must be unique and cannot be referenced in another recurring task entry.

This field specifies the invoice type.

Code identifying the BP that can have various roles based on the context:

  • Address code (field BPAINV)

This field is used to indicate an invoicing address code for the selected invoicing supplier. The address by default of this supplier is suggested.

When entering the invoice, this address code is suggested. This code is modifiable if necessary.

  • Name (field BPRNAM)

This field automatically displays the name of the BP taken from the reference invoice.

  • Amount + tax (field AMTATI)

This field automatically displays the total tax-incl. amount of the reference invoice.

This field displays the company currency and cannot be modified.



Tab Recurring


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Start date (field STRDAT)

Enter the date at which the invoice generation starts for the recurring invoice. No invoice will be generated before this date. The default date corresponds to the accounting date of the reference invoice.

SEEINFOThe start date must be later than or equal to the accounting date of the reference invoice and must be prior to the date entered in the End date field.

  • End date (field ENDDAT)

Enter the date at which the invoice generation ends for the recurring invoice. Beyond this date, no invoice is generated. The default date is one year after the start date.

SEEINFOThe end date must come after the date entered in the Start date field.

  • Recurring status (field RCRSTA)

The status of the invoice can include one of the following values:

  • Pending: Indicates that the recurring task record is created, but that no link with invoice tables exists.
  • In process: Indicates that the recurring task record is either created or updated and that a link with invoice tables exists.
  • Completed: Indicates that the recurring task record has be carried out. When the recurrence pattern has been completed or when the end date is a previous date, the Recurring invoice creation function automatically assigns the value "Completed" to the recurring task record.
  • Cancelled: Indicates that the recurring task record has be cancelled.


  • field RCRPAN

Select the frequency at which the recurring invoice will be generated. The possible choices are:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly


  • Daily (field DLY)

Select the required option to generate the recurring invoice.

  • All days: The invoice is generated 7 days a week.
  • Weekday: The invoice is generated every day, weekends excluded.

SEEINFOThis field is available when the Daily option is selected in the Recurrence pattern section.


  • Day of the week (field WEEDAY)

Select this option in order to generate an invoice on a given weekday. The default value of the interval is 1.

It is considered that the week begins on Mondays and ends on Sundays. The reference invoice is considered to be the first recurring invoice. For instance:
Weekday = Friday,
Weekly interval = 1,
Accounting date of the reference invoice = Monday,
The next invoice will be generated Friday of the next week.

SEEINFOThe field is available when the Weekly option is selected in the Recurrence pattern section.

  • Week interval (field WEEIRT)

Enter the interval according to which the invoice will be generated. The default value of the interval is 1.

The recurrence is determined thanks to this field and to the Weekday field. The reference invoice is considered to be the first recurring invoice. For instance:
Weekday = Friday,
Weekly interval = 1,
Accounting date of the reference invoice = Monday,
The next invoice will be generated Friday of the next week.

SEEINFOThe field is available when the Weekly option is selected in the Recurrence pattern section.


  • Day of the month (field MONDAY)

Enter the day of the month (from 1 to 31) from which the monthly invoice will be generated. If the entered value is superior to the number of days included in the month, the invoice will be generated on the last day of the month. The default value of the interval is 1.

The reference invoice is considered to be the first recurring invoice. For instance:
Day of the month = 15,
Monthly interval = 1,
Accounting date of the reference invoice = January, 1st,
The next invoice will be generated February, 15th.

SEEINFOThis field is available when the Monthly option is selected in the Recurrence pattern section.

  • Month interval (field MONIRT)

Enter the interval at which the invoice will be generated. The default value of the interval is 1.

The recurrence is determined thanks to this field and to the Day of the month. For instance:
Day of the month = 15,
Monthly interval = 1,
Accounting date of the reference invoice = January 1st,
The next invoice will be generated February, 15th.

SEEINFOThis field is available when the Monthly option is selected in the Recurrence pattern section.

Last invoice

  • Invoice number (field LASINV)

This field indicates the number of the last invoice generated with respect to the date of the last recurring.

  • Accounting date (field LASACCDAT)

This fields specifies the accounting date associated with the number of the last generated invoice.

  • Recurrence date (field LASRCRDAT)

This field specifies the recurring date of the last processed invoice.


  • Generated (field NUMINV)

This field indicates the total number of invoices generated from the recurring task.

  • Posted (field NUMPST)

This field indicates the total number of validated invoices that were generated from the recurring task.

  • Posted amount (field AMTPST)

This field indicates the total posted amount of all invoices generated from the recurring task.

SEEINFOIt is blank when the currency of the reference invoice does not correspond to the currency of the generated invoice.

This field automatically displays the posted invoice currency.

SEEINFOIt is blank when the currency of the reference invoice does not correspond to the currency of the generated invoice.



Tab Generated invoices


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Invoice number (field INVNUM)

This field indicates the invoice number generated from the recurring invoice.

  • Accounting date (field INVACCDAT)

This field is used to indicate the date of the recurring invoice.

  • Recurrence date (field INVRCRDAT)

This field contains the recurring date if the recurring invoice.

  • Status (field INVSTA)

This field indicates the status of the recurring invoice.

  • The status is To validate or Validated for supplier BP invoices.
  • The status is Validated or Not validated for customer BP invoices.
  • Amount + tax (field INVAMTATI)

This field automatically displays the total tax-incl. amount of the reference invoice.

This field contains the currency of the invoice.

This field indicates the payment conditions of the invoice.


Action icon


Select this option to view the invoice for the customer in Customer BP invoices.

If you need to modify a service period for an invoice that has not yet posted, select this option then select Service period from the Action icon on the line for that invoice.





Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation