Common data > Transport note > Transport note 

Transportation notes track goods that are shipped and/or delivered but do not include products that are part of the core business. For example, shipping a computer that needs to be repaired or shipping marketing materials to a conference or trade show.

This function should be protected by a dedicated activity code (TRSNE Transportation notes) because it can be used by countries other than Portugal.

For Portuguese legislation, a separate counter must be used for transportation notes as well a new line for counter assignment. The digital signature is part of the record.

The main differences between this function and deliveries are the following:

  • No link with an existing document
  • No accounting journal
  • No invoices
  • No credit control and credit updates
  • No accounting interface
  • No returns for transportation notes are anticipated
  • No stock management: The products can be managed in stock but no stock movement is generated for transportation notes.
  • No control on stock availability is made even if there is no stock for a product managed in stock.
  • No picking from items in the list panel; transportation notes must be created directly with no link to orders, shortages, etc. 
  • Dedicated sequence number
  • The business partner can be a customer or a supplier.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :

Enter the site code.

The transportation note type is used to determine the features of the document we are about to create. These feature are mainly besides the sequence number counter (temporary and definitive) at use, as well the record type and SAFT document type when aplicable.

  • Transport note (field TNHNUM)

Internal unique sequence number of the transportation note.

Enter the business partner (BP) code.

The business partner can be a Customer or a Supplier.

  • Address (field BPAADD)


  • Customer/Supplier (field BPCBPS)

This field identifies the Partner as a Customer or Supplier for Transportation notes.

It is a display-only field.

  • Date (field TRNDAT)

This field displays the creation date of the movement.



Tab Lines


The following fields are present on this tab :


This field indicates the product reference code. It is generated by a sequence number counter (set up in function Sequence number counters) in the case when the product category has a sequence number counter code.

The reference cannot be modified. It is automaticaly assigned and displayed at product creation end.

  • Description (field ITMDES)


On analytical inquiry, this field determines the non-financial unit linked to the displayed account.
The non-financial unit is determined when setting up an account associated with a given value.
This unit is called upon entry.

  • Delivered qty. (field QTY)

It is the allocated quantity expressed in UOM unit.


  • Validated (field CFMFLG)




Tab Add. info.


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Registration (field LICPLATE)

License plate of the vehicle carrying goods.

  • Trailer license plate (field TRLLICPLAT)

Enter the trailer license plate.

  • Departure date (field DPEDAT)

Displays the departure date for this delivery or return.

  • Departure time (field ETD)

Delivery departure time.

  • Arrival date (field ARVDAT)

Displays the arrival date for this delivery or return.

  • Arrival time (field ETA)

Delivery arrival time.

Global document

  • Global document (field GLBDOC)

A global document refers to a shipment where the final delivery details (customer sites and quantities) are not known at departure time.

Example: A company sells baked goods and delivers them to several customers' sites. The truck leaves with 1,000 units of baked goods, but it is not know how many will be delivered to each customer site. When all the deliveries are complete, the detail / normal shipping note is created and linked to the global document.

If the current record ponds to the example above, you must select the Global document check box for the record to be associated with the final transport and to disable the fields relating to the global transportation.

Otherwise, do not select Global document to link the record to a global document.

  • Entry type (field GLBDOCTYP)

If the current record is linked to a global document, you need to enter the global document type (origin) and the global document number to associate these two documents and to export this association properly in SAF-T.

  • Global document no. (field GLBDOCNUM)


  • Global document date (field GLBDOCDAT)

This field displays the date for Global document.

Manual document

  • Manual document (field MANDOC)

If the web service is down, the transportation note must be communicated using a paper document including the paper document number and the internal system number. This communication must be done directly in the AT portal.

This field must contain a slash character (/) separating the sequential number specific to the series (on the left) and the sequential number itself (on the right). This is needed for all transportation notes for manual documents.


  • AT code (field ATDTCOD)

This field displays the AT code for the Transportation note returned by the tax authority.

This field populates automatically when you communicate using the web service.
If you communicated the transport using a manual document, you need to enter the code from the tax authority manually.



By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 TRNNTE : Transport note

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific buttons

Click Validation to validate the document. After validation, you can no longer modify data for this record.

Menu Bar

Text / Transp note header text

Text / Transp note footer text

Address / Destination address

Communication / Sending

Communication / Sending

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation