Projects > Time management > Inquiries > Time verification > Time verification - Implementation 


Activity codes

The following activity codes (sorted by type) may have an impact on the way the function operates :


 PJM : Project management


 PJMTI : Time entry

General parameters

The following general parameters may change the way the function is working :

Common Data

 PJMTIMAUTO (defined at level User) : Time entry auto. validation

 PJMTIMENT (defined at level Site) : Time entry control phase

 UNITWORK (defined at level Site) : Default unit of labor


As data is linked to a site, a filter per site can be activated.

Inquiry screens

The screens of this inquiry function can be set up (code VTE) via the corresponding setup function.

The preset screens delivered as standard are the following :

 STD : Standard inquiry

Tables used

No table is updated through this function which is an inquiry function. But information extracted from the following tables is used :


Table description


Time summary