Activity code > Module Common Data > Activity Code PJM (Project management) 

This activity code is used to activate the Project management (PJM) functionality.

'Project management' is the application of processes, methods, knowledge and skills to achieve the objectives of the project. You can use Project management to track projects using a systematic approach. Project management can help:

  • Prevent unnecessary changes to a project;
  • Ensure budgets are followed;
  • Ensure that costs are tracked efficiently;
  • Provide a greater likelihood of achieving the objectives of the project within the agreed timescale and budget.

Functions impacted

The following functions are impacted by the activity code  :

 Projects > Time management > Inquiries > Load and capacity

 Projects > Time management > Inquiries > Time inquiry

 Projects > Time management > Inquiries > Time verification

 Common data > Projects > Task category

 Common data > Projects > Cost type

 Projects > Projects > Project management

 Projects > Projects > Snapshots > Project snapshots

 Projects > Projects > Snapshots > Financial snapshots

 Common data > Projects > Financial overview queries

 Common data > Projects > Financial overview structure

 Common data > Projects > Time category

 Projects > Projects > Sales document creation

 Projects > Projects > Project copy

 Projects > Projects > Overview > Project billing overview

 Projects > Projects > Overview > Financial overview

 Projects > Projects > Overview > Project overview

 Projects > Projects > Utilities > Project snapshot extraction

 Projects > Projects > Utilities > Financial status extraction

 Projects > Projects > Snapshots > Financial snapshot comparison

 Projects > Projects > Utilities > Financial snapshot extraction

 Projects > Projects > Utilities > Sales order resynchronization

 Projects > Projects > Status update

 Projects > Time management > Time entry

 Projects > Time management > Weekly timesheet

 Projects > Time management > Time posting

 Projects > Time management > Time approval

Linked activity codes

The following technical activity codes are linked to the code PJM.These codes are never entered in folder management, because their value is calculated.

 PJMSA (PJM & Sales modules enabled), REVRC (Revenue recognition).