The following activity codes (sorted by type) may have an impact on the way the function operates :
These codes are never entered in folder management, because their value is calculated :
FBTP (BTP management), FHRPA (Presence of HCM or HRA), FINTM (Casual worker), FKZSD (Skills module for Africa), FPAPO (France and Portugal fields), FPAY (Presence of the Payroll module), HRCIG (Number of program skills for graph), KGZA (Global Sage ZA localization).
CAR : Careers
EVAEN : Interview
FRT : Training management
GLM : Global leave managment
HRDEM : Paperless payslips
HRPAY : Payroll management
LEG : Multi-legislation management
MTT : WT smoothing active
HRCPC : Number of skills
MIS : Number of responsibilities
KFR : French localization
KSA : Saudi Arabia localization
KUK : Localization united kingdom
This function is object managed. The creation, modification, anddeletion operations can be activated or deactivated for a given user.Filters by rolescan also be associated with this function.
As data is linked to a site, a filter per site can be activated.
A filter by access code is performed, based on the field named CODACS. If an acess code is given, the inquiry and modification rights are granted according tothe reading and writing rights associated with the code of the current user in their function profile.
The following tables are implemented by the function :
Table | Table description |
BBLOB [BBB] | Special folders |
CPCEMP [CPE] | Skills by employee |
EMPLOCTR [HRCTR] | Contract |
EMPLOEXM [HREXM] | Degrees |
EMPLOID [ID] | Civil status |
EMPLOPOT [EPO] | Position |
EMPLOTRY [TRY] | Professional experience |
EVAEMP [EVE] | Interview |