Use this function to follow the career events of the employees.

This function contains:

  • Information concerning the employee's initial qualification and work experience
  • The history of positions and standard jobs held by the employee within the company
  • The employee's validated skills and the level history
  • The employee's list of evaluation and professional interviews
  • The list of training courses the employee completed as part of the on-going training

There are as many career records as employees and contract chronos.

Career records are automatically initialized.


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Screen management



The header displays the employee's identification data:




The following fields are present on this tab :

Employee ID

The ID number is the employee's unique identifier. It contains 1 to 15 characters.
It can be entered manually or left blank on creation. In which case it will be incremented automatically via a counter.

The employee's contract number matches one of their contract sequence numbers.




  • Active (field ENAFLG)

No help linked to this field.

  • Title (field CIVCTRA)


  • Last name (field NAM)

No help linked to this field.

  • First name (field SRN)





Tab Employee


Use the Employee tab to view the employee's personal information.
Data come from the Employees record. It cannot be modified.




The following fields are present on this tab :


The country in the employee address determines the entry format of all the components of the address.
The titles of the three address lines are also set up at country management level. These are the titles of the default country, of the folder, which are displayed.

  • Country (field CRYNAM)


  • field ADD1


  • field ADD2


  • field ADD3


  • Postal code (field CODPOS)


  • City (field CTY)


  • Federal ID code (field CODSEE)



  • Photo (field EMPPIC)

No help linked to this field.


  • Telephone (field TEL)


  • Ex-directory (field FLGTEL)

No help linked to this field.

  • Mobile phone (field MOB)


  • Fax (field FAX)

Fax number with an entry format identical to that of the telephone number and dependent on the country.

  • Email (field EML)



  • Marital status (field SITFAMA)


  • Dependent adult(s) (field ADT)


  • Dependent child(ren) (field CHD)



  • Name (field OLDNAM)



  • Nationality (field NTTNAM)


  • Date (field DATBRN)



  • Country (field CRYNAMBRN)


  • Gender (field SEX)


  • SS no. (field NUMSSCCTR)


  • SS no. 2 (field NUMSSCCTR2)




Tab Course


Use the Course tab to view and enter the employee's university courses/degrees and work experiences.



The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Degrees

  • Date (field DATEXM)

Use this table for archiving purposes: enter the data relating to a given qualification/degree in the Detail section. Then, when you select the Add check box, the date of the qualification/degree is automatically populated in the table.
You can therefore add as many qualifications/degrees as necessary.
When you click one of the dates in the table, the data relating to a specific qualification/degree is displayed in the Detail section.


  • Obtained (field WDATEXM)

Specify the graduation date.

  • Expires on (field WDATEXMEND)

Expiry date of the degree, if applicable.

  • Degree (field WDESEXM)

Degree obtained.

  • Class (field WMENEXM)

Distinction specified on the degree.

  • Domain (field WDOMEXM)

Knowledge domain associated with the obtained degree.

  • Domain (field WDOMDES)


  • Level (field WLEVEXM)

Training level corresponding to the degree obtained.

  • Level (field WLEVDES)


  • Organization (field WORGEXM)

Name of the organization which delivered the degree.

  • Organization (field WORGDES)


  • Location (field WPLCORGEXM)

Place of graduation.

  • Add (field WADD5)

Select the Add check box to authorize the entry of a new event and add this event to the viewable history.

Grid Professional experience

  • Date (field STRDATTRY)

Use this table for archiving purposes: enter the data relating to a professional experience in the Detail section. Then, when you select the Add check box, the date of the professional experience is automatically populated in the table.
You can therefore add as many professional experiences as necessary.
When you click one of the dates in the table, the data relating to this professional experience is displayed in the Detail section.


  • Period from (field WSTRDATTRY)

Work period.

  • Period to (field WENDDATTRY)

Free comment on three lines.

  • Status (field WSTATRY)

Employee's status within the company.

  • Status (field WSTADES)


  • Function (field WFNCTRY)

Function carried out by the employee.

  • Department (field WSRVTRY)

Employee's assignment department.

  • Company (field WCPYTRY)

Company's name.

  • Location (field WPLCCPYTRY)


  • Experience (field WDESTRY1)

Free comment on three lines.

  • Experience (field WDESTRY2)


  • Experience (field WDESTRY3)


  • Add (field WADD6)

Select the Add check box to authorize the entry of a new event and add this event to the viewable history.


Tab Career


Use the Career tab to view and enter the positions and standard jobs held by the employee.

This tab contains the list of standard jobs and positions of the current employee, for the current contract chrono.

The career events match the activity periods of the contracts. Depending on the elements entered in the contract records, the career follow-up is provided at standard job or position level, or both.

In this tab, events are sorted by date. The first line corresponds to the most recent event.

This tab only displays events having the Career follow-up box selected in the contract record. Events can be linked to a new contract (recruitment, transfer, etc.) or not (change of standard job, change of site, etc.). Career events are specific to an employee ID and a contract chrono.

Data in this tab are automatically updated whenever the contract record is modified, either in the administrative management, or if the Career follow-up box is selected, or if both conditions are fulfilled.

Use this table for archiving purposes: when you select the Add check box (in the Detail section), the data associated with the career events listed in the Detail section are added in the table.
You can therefore add as many career events as necessary.
When you click one of the events in the table, the data associated with this specific event are displayed in the Detail section.

Event source

Automatic source

  • Events in the career record originating from the contract records can be identified as follows: the Source column displays the Automatic value.
  • You cannot create, modify or delete lines with an automatic source.
  • For events originating from the contract records, data such as the position, the standard job, the profile, the company and the site are automatically displayed and you cannot modify them.

Manual source

  • Events entered in the career record but not associated with a contract record can be identified as follows: the Source column displays the Manual value.
  • You can create, modify or delete lines with a manual source.
  • For events manually entered, you can modify the start date, the position and the standard job.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Career

  • Date (field DATPOT)

This field displays the start date of the situation change.

  • For automatically loaded recordings, the field contains the start date of the contract record activity period.
  • For manually entered recordings, the field contains a date entered manually.

You can specify, for a same date, an automatically loaded recording and a manually entered recording.

This field displays the description of the standard job loaded from the ledger.

This field displays the description of the position loaded from the ledger.

  • Source (field ORIGINE)


The event is loaded from the contract record.


The event is entered manually.


  • Date (field WDATPOT)

Start date of the career event for the current employee ID.

  • Departure (field DATXIT)

The departure date is displayed if it is specified in the contract record. If the employee is active, no departure date exists.

Position assigned to the current employee ID / contract for the reference period.

  • Valid from (field WDATSTRVLY)

This field is specified when the validity dates are defined in the ledger for the current position.

  • Valid to (field WDATENDVLY)


Standard job assigned to the current employee ID / contract for the reference period.

  • Validity from (field WSTRVLYJOT)

This field is specified when the validity dates are defined in the ledger for the current standard job.

  • Validity to (field WENDVLYJOT)


  • Payslip title (field WJOB)

Information loaded from the contract record for the reference period.







  • Add (field WADD4)

Select the Add check box to authorize the entry of a new event and add this event to the viewable history.



Action icon


To view the elements of the contract record, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line displaying an Automatic source, and click Contract.




Tab Salary gains


Use the Salary gains tab to view the gains of the salary and the various totals which can be set up for the employee.

Data on this tab originate from the contract record. You cannot modify these data.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Salary gains

  • Date (field SALDAT)

Date upon which the salary has been modified. This information is updated using the History extraction function.

  • field SALVAL

The history extraction function is used to update this column, which contains all the successive changes in the salary variable set up in the VARSAL - Salary variable parameter (PAY chapter - EVO group).

  • field SALVAL1

The history extraction function is used to update this column, which contains all the successive changes in the salary variable set up in the VARSAL2 - Salary variable parameter (PAY chapter - EVO group).

  • field SALVAL2

The history extraction function is used to update this column, which contains all the successive changes in the salary variable set up in the VARSAL3 - Salary variable parameter (PAY chapter - EVO group).

  • field SALRUB

The history extraction function is used to update this column, which contains all the successive changes in the salary heading set up in the RUBSAL - Salary heading parameter (PAY chapter - EVO group).

  • field SALRUB1

The history extraction function is used to update this column, which contains all the successive changes in the salary heading set up in the RUBSAL2 - Salary heading parameter (PAY chapter - EVO group).

  • field SALRUB2

The history extraction function is used to update this column, which contains all the successive changes in the salary heading set up in the RUBSAL3 - Salary heading parameter (PAY chapter - EVO group).

  • Reason (field SALGRD)

Reason for the modification of the salary element.



Tab Skills


The Skills tab contains the summary of the employee's skills and how they were acquired.

Requested skills section

The requested skills match the skills defined for the last position or the last standard job held by the employee. The last position or standard job held is the one displayed on the first line of the table in the Career tab.

  • If the first line of the table in the Career tab only contains a standard job, the skills associated with the standard job are displayed in the Requested skills table.
  • If the first line of the table in the Career tab only contains a position, the skills associated with the position are displayed in the Requested skills table.
  • If the first line of the table in the Career tab contains a position and a standard job, the behaviors are as follows:
    • When there is a link between the position and the standard job, the skills of the position (including the skills inherited from higher levels) are displayed in the Requested skills table.
    • When there is no link between the position and the standard job, the skills of the standard job are displayed in the Requested skills table.

You cannot modify, delete or add requested skills.
The career record does not contain any history of the requested skills.

Validated skills section

The Validated skills table contains the list of validated skills for the employee.

No skill originates from the standard job or the position. Skills are entered in the table (which is empty when the contract is created) or they are updated using the following actions:

The validated skills are stored in the career record.

You can modify, delete or add validated skills.

Variances section

Use the graphical representation of variances to compare requested skills for the last position or the last standard job with the employee's validated skills.

Refresh the screen to display the updated values in the graph.

SEEWARNING To be able to better read the graphical representation of variances, users are recommended to never use the zero value as a reference in the level scales. It is therefore recommended to start with the value 1.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Requested skills

Requested skills for the last position and standard job of the current employee. Each skill is characterized by a level, an acquisition date and a source.

  • Level (field LEVCPC)

Skill summary for the current employee ID. Each skill is characterized by a level, an acquisition date and a source.

To view the evolution of the levels for the skill, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line, then click History.

  • Reference (field LEVREF)


  • Inheritance (field ORICPC)

For each skill, the inheritance is displayed. The inheritance types are the following:


This skill is defined at the folder level. In that case, the skill is applied to all the standard jobs and to all the positions of the folder.


The skill is defined as requested for the group on which the standard job and the position depend.


The skill is defined as requested for the profession on which the standard job and the position depend.

Standard job

The skill is defined in the standard job.


The skill is defined in the position.

The skills loaded from a skill group defined in the standard job (in the Standard job function) have the Standard job value as inheritance.

The skills loaded from a skill group defined in the position (in the Positions function) have the Position value as inheritance.

Grid Validated skills

The validated skills can be added to this table in different manners:

  • By entering them manually
  • Via the Skills validation action in the Registration and Individual programs functions (Training module)
  • Via the Validation action (Validation button) from the Interview function.
  • Level (field LEVCPCVAL)

The level of a skill can be updated at any time. If a skill has for source Maintenance, Training period or Program, and if the skill level is modified, the source is set to Manual.

  • Reference (field LEVREFVAL)


  • Source (field ORICPCVAL)

The value of the Source column is set to Manual when the level of a skill from Maintenance, Training period or Program is modified.

  • Date of issue (field CPCDATVAL)

Acquisition date of the skill or date of the last update of the evaluated level.

Grid Variances


  • Requirements (field REQUIS)

Requested skills defined in the last position or standard job held by the employee.

  • Acquired (field ACQUIS)

Last levels known for the skills evaluated for the employee.



Action icon

Level scale

To view the definition of each level of the evaluation scale, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line, then click Level scale.


To view the definition of each skill level, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line, then click Skill.

Level scale

To view the employee's skill acquisition history, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line, then click History




Tab Interview


The Interview tab displays the list of evaluation or professional interviews performed by the employee.

When a new contract chrono is created, a professional interview simulation is automatically created on this tab. The date of the next interview is automatically calculated and displayed according to the type of interview specified in the EVAPRO - Professional interviews general parameter (TC chapter, CAR group) and the number of months set in the miscellaneous table no. 464 - Interview type.

Similarly, upon validation of a professional type interview, the date of the next interview is automatically calculated and displayed according to the setup described above.

Some data in the Detail section are recovered and displayed in the Interview table.

All the data in this tab are displayed automatically (as they originate from already conducted interviews). You cannot modify them.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Interview


  • Evaluated period start date (field EVADATSTR)


  • Eval. period end (field EVADATEND)


  • Date (field EVADAT)


  • Annual review (field FLGYEA)


  • Professional (field FLGPRO)


  • Balance sheet (field FLGBIL)


  • Evaluator (field EVANAM)



  • Next interview (field NEXEVA)




  • Profession date (field EVAJOBGRPD)


  • Geographic mobility (field FLGMOB)


  • Requested date (field AREDAT)






  • Annual review (field WFLGYEA)


  • Professional interview (field WFLGPRO)


  • Assessment interview (field WFLGBIL)


  • Evaluated period start date (field WEVADATSTR)


  • Eval. period end (field WEVADATEND)


  • Interview date (field WEVADAT)


  • Next interview (field WNEXEVA)

The system automatically displays the date of the next interview upon creation of a simulated professional interview or upon validation of a professional type interview.

The date of the next interview is set based on the number of months defined in the miscellaneous table no. 464 - Interview type.


  • Name (field WEVAMATLIB)





  • Profession date (field WEVAJOBGRP)


  • Geographic mobility (field WFLGMOB)




  • Requested date (field WAREDAT)


  • Followed training action (field WFLGACTFOR)

This box is automatically selected if the Followed training action box is selected in the Interviews (GESEVA) function, Prospects tab.

  • Acquired certification element (field WFLGCERTIF)

This box is automatically selected if the Acquired certification element box is selected in the Interviews (GESEVA) function, Prospects tab.

  • Professional or salary progression (field WFLGEVO)

This box is automatically selected if the Professional or salary progression box is selected in the Interviews (GESEVA) function, Prospects tab.



Action icon

Delete interview simulation




Tab Completed training periods


The Completed training periods tab lists the training periods completed by the employee.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Completed training periods


  • Start date (field DEBSES)


  • End date (field FINSES)


  • Trainer (field TCHNAM)





Action icon


To access the Registration record, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line, then click Registration.





By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 LISTCPCEMP : Skills by employee

This can be changed using a different setup.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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