Fixed assets > Processes > Utilities > Abel Enterprise recovery 

Use this function during the migration of the Abel Enterprise software in order to import extracted Abel Enterprise data into Sage X3.
This processing relies on 3 standard import templates, which you can use from the standard import window, or directly from the screen of this function. In this function, you can also manage the automatic creation of a set of common data.

SEEREFERTTOThe extraction process of Abel Enterprise data is described in the annex document: Extraction of Abel Enterprise data

SEEWARNINGBefore launching the import of data extracted from Abel Enterprise, some verifications, actions or setup of parameter values must be done in Sage X3.

Please refer to the Implementation documentation.

Term equivalences

ABEL Enterprise 

Sage X3



 Accounting documents


 Physical assets

Physical assets


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


The screen contains the parameters authorizing the choice of objects to be imported:

Miscellaneous table audit

Use this button to display a log file listing miscellaneous tables and corresponding lengths that can be subject to an update during the recovery processing. The user can thus check these lengths with respect to those of the Abel Enterprise table codes (see above the Checks to be performed before launching the recovery process).

Automatic creation of common data

Use these indicators to select the data that you want to create automatically (part of the common data, accounting codes and the Groups miscellaneous table).
When you select the indicator, the value is created in the corresponding table. Otherwise, the creation of the element (asset, expense or physical element) is rejected if the value does not exist in the table.

SEEINFOThe other data is imported automatically.





Target value existing
in the table










Creation of the value in the table


Not checked




Not checked


Reject of the element

No *

* Used not to import the table in Sage X3 and so not load this table.

Assets / Expenses / Physical Elements

Check the indicators corresponding to the flags to be imported and indicate the location of the recover file if it is on the server.

The standard templates used and their characteristics are as follows:



No. of columns







'F' & 'D' Lines





Line L

Physical assets




Line P

The default parameters of these templates are:

- File type: recording separator
- Field separator: ; (semi colon)
- Field delimiter: Quotes
- Decimal separator: , (coma for France)
- Date format: DDMMYYYY (France)




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Miscellaneous tables (field ICOAUDIT)

This audit is used to display in a log file, the length of the miscellaneous tables likely to be updated during the increase processing.

Common data auto creation

  • Suppliers (field FLGBPR)

Enable this flag to request the automatic creation of values in the Supplier table in Common Data.
The created values can only be those included in the imported records.

  • Products (field FLGITM)

Enable this flag to request the automatic creation of values in the Products table in Common Data.
The created values can only be those included in the imported records.

  • Analytical dimensions (field FLGCCE)

Enable this flag to request the automatic creation of values in the Analytical dimensions table in Common Data.
The created values can only be those included in the imported records.

  • Localizations (field FLGLOC)

Enable this flag to request the automatic creation of values in the Localizations table in Common Data.
The created values can only be those included in the imported records.

  • Accounting accounts (field FLGACC)

Enable this flag to request the automatic creation of values in the Accounting accounts table in Common data.
The created values can only be those included in the imported records.

  • Accounting codes (field FLGGAC)

Enable this flag to request the automatic creation of Accounting codes in the database.
The created values can only be those included in the imported records.

  • Fields of activity (field FLGSAC)

Enable this flag to request the automatic creation of values in the Activity sector table in Common data.
The created values can only be those included in the imported records.

  • Families (field FLGFAM)

Enable this flag to request the automatic creation of values in the Groups table in Common Data.
The created values can only be those included in the imported records.


  • Recovery of assets (field FLGFAS)

This flag is used to request the import of the Fixed assets.

  • field ICOFAS


  • Destination type (field TYPFAS)

Indicates the location type where the recovery file is located.

  • Recovery file (field PATHFAS)

Indicates the directory access path where the recovery file is located.


  • Recovery of expenses (field FLGLOF)

This flag is used to request the import of the Expenses.

  • field ICOLOF


  • Destination type (field TYPLOF)

Indicates the location type where the recovery file is located.

  • Recovery file (field PATHLOF)

Indicates the directory access path where the recovery file is located.

Physical assets

  • Physical assets recovery (field FLGPHY)

This flag is used to request the import of the Physical elements.

  • field ICOPHY


  • Destination type (field TYPPHY)

Indicates the location type where the recovery file is located.

  • Recovery file (field PATHPHY)

Indicates the directory access path where the recovery file is located.



Setup optional to be created after import

Definition of section associations:

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Incorrect Version Number

This message is displayed when there is a variance between the processing associated to the import template and the data from the Abel Enterprise extraction program. The 'Version' field is used to perform this control. The content of this field consists in 4 numbers that represent the Abel Enterprise version, followed by the extraction program version. This field must appear at the end of each template in order to best guarantee the compatibility if the source and target templates are out of phase.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation