Human Resources administration > Payroll > Payslips > Tools > Step-by-step calculation 

Use this function to follow step-by-step the calculation of the payslips by viewing the value of each heading entering into the calculation of the processed payslip.

This function does not update the payroll history and the totals. It identifies the errors in the payroll plan.


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Screen management

1. In the first screen, select the payslips to be calculated, and then click OK.
2. In the second screen, you can calculate each payslip by displaying the calculation of the headings which comprise it.

 It is possible to recalculate payslips, provided they have not been posted yet.

Entry screen


When you are on a heading, you can view the value of any expression, modify the base, the rate, or the amount of the currently displayed heading of the payslip being processed.

To continue the calculation of the payslip, you can:

  • go to another heading by clicking On Heading,,
  • go to the following heading by clicking the right arrow - the headings of the payslip are displayed according to their rank order,
  • restart the step-by-step calculation by clicking the back arrow,
  • end the calculation and leave the function by clicking End.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Employee ID



  • Date (field DAT)


  • Last name (field NAM)


  • First name (field SRN)




  • Title (field ZCPY)



  • Title (field ZFCY)



  • Title (field ZSRV)



  • Title (field ZPRF)



Specify the heading code. This code must be explicit and unique.

To access a heading, enter the code of the heading and click the On heading button.


  • Title (field DES)


  • Sequence (field ROW)

Rank of the heading.  

To access a heading, enter the code of the heading and click the On heading button.



  • Type of amount (field TYP)


  • Calculation type (field TYPRUB)



  • field LIBTX0


  • field BAS0


  • field LIBTX1


  • field RAT1


  • field LIBTX2


  • field RAT2


Grid Detail

  • Operand (field FRM)


  • Value (field VALEUR)



  • Basis (field BAS)

Calculation base of the heading.

  • Rate (field RAT)

Depending of the type of the heading, the rate can be:

  • an employer or employee rate, if the type of the heading is contribution,
  • a cap, if the type of the heading is funding base,
  • a rate, if the type of the heading is Amount=Base*Rate or Amount=Base*rate/100.

  • Amount (field AMT)

Calculated amount of the heading.

Grid Evaluation

  • Expression (field EXPR)

Enter an expression to be evaluated in order to display its result. This expression is a formula that can comprise:

- payroll variables,

- totals,

- headings,

- mask areas,

- table fields.

The formula editor facilitates the entry of the expression.

  • Result (field RESULT)




Specific Buttons

The calculation program can stop on a specific heading. Enter the rank or the code of the heading you want to access in the corresponding field.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

No ID number to process

Depending on the criteria selected, there is no payslip that can be calculated, or there is no longer any payslip to be calculated.

Tables used

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