For each profile, define payroll headings and variables that can be calculated. A profile is specified on the employee's contract record. The payroll headings and variables defined for the profile are then calculated on the employee's payslip.

In this Profiles function, you can:

  • Compare profiles
  • Search for profiles
  • Obtain statistics on the distribution of standard jobs and positions


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Screen management



Profile identification




The following fields are present on this tab :

Enter the profile code being searched or to be created. A profile determines the headings to be calculated for the payslips of those employees who are connected to the profile.
On the other hand, exceptions to this profile, specific to an employee, can also be specified using the "Setup - > Payroll plan - > Exceptions" menu.

  • Description (field PRFDES)

Specify the description associated with the profile code. It must be as explicit as possible.
This description is displayed in some screens, windows and reports.

In multi-legislated folders (where the LEG activity code is active), the Legislation fields are displayed.

  • If a legislation has been set in the LEGFIL (Legislation selection filter) parameter (SUP chapter, INT group), it is used as the default but can be changed if needed.
  • If LEGFIL has no legislation set, there will not be a default, so the Legislation field will have to be entered appropriately.

If a legislation is entered in the record header, other fields entered must follow any rules applicable to the legislation.

If a legislation is not entered in the record header, it might be deduced from another element (such as the company, site, or employee) and again, other fields entered must follow any rules applicable to the legislation.

If a multi-legislation group of companies is selected, other fields entered must follow any rules applicable to the legislation of at least one company in the group.


If you select a group of British (BRI) and French (FRA) legislation companies, you cannot enter a value in a field that is only applicable to the South African (ZAF) legislation.

In single legislation folders (where the LEG activity code is not active), the Legislation fields are not displayed.

  • Short description (field PRFSHO)

Title used in some screens or reports when there is not enough space for a long title.

  • Active (field ENAFLG)

Select this check box to activate the current record.

Disabled records keep their content and setup but cannot be used by recalling their code:

  • On other records such as documents and settings
  • On mass processes

The authorizations for a given function can prohibit the creation of an active record. In this case, the check box is disabled by default. It can only be modified by an authorized user or through a signature workflow.

  • Supplement (field FLGSUP)

Use this check box to create or modify an additional payslip without having to create a new contract record for the employee, especially in case of payments of profit-sharing bonuses.



Tab Profile


Use this tab to define the characteristics of a profile, such as the accounting code and the connecting analytical dimensions.




The following fields are present on this tab :


The payroll MO setup makes it possible to modify for each profile the account numbers containing the letter P by using the entered accounting modifier instead.
For example: 641P becomes 64110 if the accounting modifier of the profile is 10. This modification is possible at several levels: payroll site, employees and services.

The template employee of a profile is used as a payroll reference to initialize the variables of the first pay of an employee having the same profile.

You do not need to enter a template employee.

Grid Analytical dimensions


Enter the analytical dimensions to be used for the current entity.
Based on the setup defined in Setup/Accounting interface/Default dimensions, these dimensions can populate the analytical sections of the payslips when they are automatically generated and/or those of the time entry.
The setup of the dimensions to be used by default in payslips is defined by the CCECDE folder parameter (Chapter PAY). The setup for the time entry is directly defined at the level of the event records.


  • field PRFCMT

Enter a comment relating to the profile on three lines of 80 characters. This field is optional.



Tab Headings


Use this tab to set default or exception field values. These values populate a contract record upon creation, once the profile has been specified.
A default value can be applied to the whole folder, or as an exception, to a company, a site, a collective agreement, a population.
If the profile is modified in the Contract record, the system can update the default fields of the profile.

SEEINFO If the default fields of a profile are modified, the modifications can be applied in bulk to all the contracts using the Contract field upd criteria function.



The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Field (field FLD)

For a field, define a default value for a company, a site, a collective agreement, a population. These default values are used and initialized in the contract records.

  • Description (field TIT)


  • Level (field LEV)

For a field, define a default value for a company, a site, a collective agreement, a population. These default values are used and initialized in the contract records.





  • Default value (field VALDEF)

For a field, define a default value for a company, a site, a collective agreement, a population. These default values are used and initialized in the contract records.


Action icon

Heading allocation

To preload the list of fields in the table, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line in the grid, then click Preloading.

The fields which are initialized in the table correspond to those fields having the Universal pre-loading check box selected in the Employee field dictionary.




Tab Variables


Use this tab to define whether the headings must be calculated or not (Yes / No), for each payroll of employee connected to this profile.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Headings

Specify if the heading is usually to be calculated for the payrolls of the employees linked to this profile. To optimize the entry, the "Heading allocation" button in the columns is used to assign "Yes" or "No" to a group of lines. Exceptions specific to an employee to this general calculation procedure can also be specified using the "Setup -> Payroll plan -> Exceptions" menu.

  • Sequence (field RG)


  • Heading type (field TYPRUB)


  • Calculation (field CALCUL)

Specify if the heading is usually to be calculated for the payrolls of the employees linked to this profile. To optimize the entry, the "Heading allocation" button in the columns is used to assign "Yes" or "No" to a group of lines. Exceptions specific to an employee to this general calculation procedure can also be specified using the "Setup -> Payroll plan -> Exceptions" menu.



Action icon


The Heading allocation action is available from the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line of the grid. On the Heading allocation window, enter the ranks you want to allocate the calculation to. If needed, check the For calculation box, then click OK.

Sort by Yes/No




Tab Variables


Use this tab to define whether the variables must be entered or not (Yes/No), for each payroll of employee connected to this profile.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Variables

Definition of the list of variables that can be used, when calculating the payrolls of the employees linked to the current profile.

  • Input (field ENAFLG3)




Action icon


To load in the grid all the payroll variables entered at employee level, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line of the grid, then click Preloading

Sort by Yes/No

To sort the variable grid, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line of the grid, then click Sort by Yes/No: the lines to enter (the lines with the Yes status) are displayed first in the grid.





By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 LISTPRF : List of profiles

This can be changed using a different setup.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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