Reports > Module Financials > Report BUOSIT (Budget positions) 

The BUOSIT report makes it possible to edit the budgeted amounts and the actual amounts of the operating budgets. This report can be requested for the operating budgets of a company, a site, a project, an envelope, a fiscal year budget and a budget line.


Access to the report

This report can be accessed from the report menu of the group Operating budgets.

It is also called by default from the following functions :

 Operating budgets > Budget management > Budget positions

List of criteria


Parameter title









Date range



Level of detail (Local menu Project, Envelope, Budget, Line)









Responsible entity



Approval entity



Print selections (Local menu No, Yes)


Description of the report

The header of the BUDREV report calls the selection criteria that has been defined:

  • The company code and description
  • The site code if the site has been specified,
  • The period of selection of the budget envelopes,
  • Detail level requested: Multiple, envelope, budget or budget line.

Potential additional filters on:

  • The project,
  • The envelope,
  • The responsible entity:
  • The approval entity.

According to the detail level requested (Projects, envelopes, fiscal year budgets, budget lines), the BUOSIT report displays the following columns, which amounts refer to the total displayed in this detail level.

  • A column called "Label" which displays - based on the level- the project code, or the evelop code, or the envelop code and the fiscal year for budgets, or the budget line code (envelop, fiscal year and buget account code)
  • A column "Approved et Year-end" corresponding on the first line, to the total approved amounts and on the second line, to the total of year-end outcome forecasts of the selection.
  • A column "Budgeted" which displays the total budgeted amounts of the selection.
  • A column "Reserve" which displays the total reserve amounts of the selection (there is no reserve in the budget lines).
  • A column "Available" corresponding, for the selection, to the total budgeted amounts - the total reserve amount.
  • A column "Budgeted posted" which refers, for the envelops, to the total amounts distributed in fiscal year budgets and, for the fiscal year budgets, to the amounts distributed in budget lines.
  • A column "Budget left to be allocated" corresponding to "Available" - "Budgeted posted". For the envelopes, the amount of this column corresponds to the available amount of the envelopes - the total amount from these envelops budgets, for the budgets, to the available amount from the budgets- the total amount of the budget lines for these budgets. The budget lines represent the finest level of forecast and are not divided.
  • A column "Precommitments, Commitments, Invoiced" which corresponds on the first line to the total purchase requests and on the second line to the total orders number and on the third line to the total invoices number of the sélection.
  • A column "Executed" which corresponds to: Precommitments + Commitments+ Invoiced.

  • A column "CAP amount, CCA amount" which corresponds ont the fist line to the total amount of charges to pay posted on the budget lines of the selection; and, on the second line to the total amount of the accruals posted on the budget lines of the selection.
  • A column "Currency" which reminds the envelop managing currency code from the budget code

All the colums which have amounts displayed are added by selection.