Reports > Module A/P-A/R accounting > Report SPAYHIS (Supplier invoice and payment) 

Use this report to generate a history of supplier invoices and applied payments. You can filter the invoice list by selecting All for all invoices, Open or unpaid invoices, or With payments to list invoices with applied payments only. This report can be used for all legislations.

The payment amounts listed on the report include the discount taken or late charge amounts that have been applied. The invoice subtotal by supplier prints the total in the document currency and a separate subtotal in the company currency if needed.


Report criteria and control

This section describes how the parameters in the List of criteria behave.

Details are provided in the Description of the report.




Enter a company, only legal companies allowed.

Site range

Enter a site or a range of sites to filter invoices by site(s).
Leave blank to include all sites for the selected company.

Invoice dates range

Option to filter for invoices within a date range.

Invoice number range

Option to filter for a range of invoices by document number.

Supplier range

Option to filter for a range of suppliers.

All, open or with payments

Select one option to filter invoices accordingly.
-All prints all invoices.
-Open prints all unpaid invoices.
-With payments prints invoices with applies payments.

Print selections

Option to print criteria selections on the first page of the report.

List of criteria


Parameter title






Site range



Invoice dates range



Invoice number range



Supplier range



All, open or with payments



Print selections (Local menu No, Yes)



The data is filtered by site according to the rights granted to the user on the function GESPAY (Payments).

Description of the report

If you selected Yes, for Print selections, the first page of the report displays your selection criteria.

Subsequent pages of the report list invoice and payment details for each supplier according to the selected report criteria.

The payment amounts listed include the discount taken or late charge amounts that have been applied and are listed in the Payment lines (PAYMENTD) table. This amount defaults from the DENPAY – AP early discount parameter (TRS chapter, TDC group) values.

For legislations that do not use check numbers, a Payment number is included on the line. This data is pulled from the Payment header (PAYMENTH) table.

Amount and Payment amount are subtotaled by site for each supplier in the document currency. If the company has invoices in another currency, a subtotal in that currency is also provided.

Report totals for Amount and Payment amount display on the final page of the report in the document currency only.