Workflow rules > Category SAL > Code SQHSIG (Quote signature mgmt) 

This rule is used to define the signature management process when creating or modifying sales quotes. It is applied when the signature management is activated for a company; in this case, a quote needs to be signed in order to be viewed or converted into an order using the picking option.

Sales parameter APPSQH - Quote signature management defines the activation of the signature management process for the quotes.

The available values are:

No: The signature management is disabled. The signature status of the quote systematically takes the value ‘Not managed’. The quote is displayed in the picking list and can be converted into an order at any moment.

Yes Optional: The signature management is activated, but if no signature circuit has been defined for an assignment rule value, the quote will be automatically signed.

Refer to the SQHSIG - quote signature management workflow rule.

Yes Mandatory: The signature management is activated. There must be a signature circuit linked to any assignment rule value. Otherwise, the quote will be considered as not being signed and another workflow event will be triggered to warn an authorized person that an assignment rule has not been defined.

Refer to the SOCSIGNCR - No rule notification workflow rule.

Once the signature management process has started:

List of the fields for which the signature status is changed and the signature management process is triggered again in case of modification:






 Header fields





 Delivery address





 Bill-to customer





Pay-by BP





 Group customer





 Project code





 Tax rule





 Delivery method





 Delivery lead-time





 Partial shipment





 Invoicing method





 Payment terms





 Early discount/Late charge





 Entered value of the invoicing elements










 Validity date




 Fields of the lines





 Ordered quantity





 SAL-STK coefficient





 Gross price










 Tax levels




 Delivery address





Delivery method





 Delivery lead-time









Description of the Workflow sequence

When the quote signature management is activated (sales parameter APPSQH - Quote signature management), a quote signature flow is implemented. It is subdivided into various successive Workflow rules.

The first rule triggered is SQHSIG - Quote signature management. It is triggered when creating or modifying quotes.

Depending on the context, this rule:

  • Triggers a signature request associated with the sending of a message, if a signature management process has been defined and if sales parameter APPSQH - Quote signature management is set to Optional or Mandatory.
  • Triggers an automatic signature on the signature request if no signature management process has been defined and if sales parameter APPSQH - Quote signature management is set to Optional.
  • Triggers a notification associated with the sending of a message to the authorized user if no signature management process has been defined, although sales parameter APPSQH - Quote signature management does require one. This user must then create a new assignment rule value. The quote must be modified in order to be taken into account again.

If the first signatory decides to sign the quote that has been assigned to him/her, workflow rule SQHSIGVAL - Quote signature is triggered. Depending on the context, this rule:

  • Triggers a signature request associated with the sending of a message to the next signatory, provided the signature management process is not already completed. This workflow rule is then triggered for every signature by a signatory defined in the management process.
  • Triggers an update of the quote in order to set it to the following value: Totally signed, if the user involved is the last signatory. Workflow rule SQHSIGNOT - Signature notification is automatically triggered to inform the requester of the total signature of the quote, via a notification and a message. If a modification is made to the quote (for one of the fields listed above or via the addition of a line), the quote status turns back to Not signed and the signature management process must start again with the first signatory. The former management process is not cancelled since it is completed; however, the notification to the requester is cancelled if it has not been read.

If one of the signatories defined in the management process decides to reject the quote to be signed that has been assigned to him/her, workflow rule SQHSIGREJ - Quote rejection is triggered. This workflow rule informs the requester of the quote rejection via a message.

Context and operating mode

This workflow rule is triggered during object management, and only on the following operations :



 Option/Customs information

It triggers :

 a message.

 an approval request.


The assignment rule SQHSIG (Quote signature) is used by the Worflow rule SQHSIG.

Triggering criteria

The additional triggering criteria are the following :

  • The signature management must be activated for the company.
  • The quote has been created or modified: [F:SQH]APPFLG=0
  • The validity date of the quote is later than the current date, or no validity date is specified for the quote: [F:SQH]VLYDAT>=date$ | [F:SQH]VLYDAT=[0/0/0]

Assignment rule SQHSIG enables the definition of the criteria used to specify the signature rules. By default, this assignment rule suggests to define signature management processes according to the customer and the tax excl total amount of the quote converted into the currency of the company.


The recipient selection is performed as follows :

  • The recipient is the next signatory defined in the signature management process that has been assigned upon quote creation. A message and a signature request are assigned to him/her.
  • If the first signatory defined in the signature management process is the requester or the user who created the quote, then it is automatically signed (see action SIGWRK and signature code VAL).
  • If no signatory can be found (no signature management process), two cases may arise according to the value of sales parameter APPSQH - Quote signature management:
    - If signatures are optional, a signature action is automatically triggered (see action SIGWRK and signature code AUT).
    - If signatures are mandatory, a notification action is automatically triggered (see action SIGWRK and signature code NCR).

Signature choice

The various signature choices are :

  • Rejection REJ: This option is available only if there is a signature management process. A signatory can select it manually. If this option is selected, the quote is set to Not signed ([F:SQH]APPLFG=1). A rejection reason can be assigned. The list of reasons is to be set up in miscellaneous table 56.
  • Validation VAL: This option is available only if there is a signature management process. A signatory can select it manually. If this option is selected, the quote is set to partially signed or totally signed according to whether the signatory involved is the last one or not ([F:SQH]APPLFG=2 ou [F:SQH]APPLFG=3).
  • Signature channel not defined NCR: This option is available only if there is no signature management process and if sales parameter APPSQH - Quote signature management is set to Mandatory signature. A signatory cannot select it manually. The quote is set to Not signed ([F:SQH]APPLFG=1).
  • Automatic signature AUT:  This option is available only if there is no signature management process and if sales parameter APPSQH - Quote signature management is set to Optional signature. A signatory cannot select it manually. When this option is assigned, the quote is set to Automatically signed and considered as automatically signed.([F:SQH]APPLFG=5).
  • Signature cancellation CAN: This signature choice does not involve a signature option like the other choices (use of a specific operation code CAN). It is actually a function that cancels the monitoring and is only available from the workflow monitor. This choice enables the cancellation of the last signature action. The signature can be cancelled only if the quote has not been converted into an order yet.

Actions triggered by the event

The Workflow rule triggers the following actions :

Action code


SIGWRK : Workflow signature

Workflow end

DIVSQHAPP1 : Update of quote signature to 1

Workflow end

Signature workflow SIGWRK: This action enables the automatic signature of a workflow event in progress. Here, it is used to automatically trigger the signature of the quote in progress under the following conditions:

  • If the first signatory defined in the signature management process is the user who created the quote, the action triggers the signature of the quote with answer code VAL Validation.
  • If there is no signature management process and if sales parameter APPSQH - Quote signature management is set to Mandatory signature, the action triggers the signature of the quote with answer code NCR Signature channel not defined.
  • If there is no signature management process and if sales parameter APPSQH - Quote signature management is set to Optional signature, the action triggers the signature of the quote with answer code AUT Automatic signature.

Update of quote signature to 1 DIVSQHAPP1: This action is used to set the quote to: Not signed. This action is triggered when no automatic signature was performed although a signature management process has been defined.

Tables used

The following tables are impacted by the rule SQHSIG :


Table description




Business partner




Ship-to customer






Sales rep


Quote header