
Commit is used to validate a database transaction.




# This function debits an account 'ACCOUNT1' and credits and account 'ACCOUNT2' with an AMOUNT value.# It manages a transaction except if a transaction is already in progress.# Returns [V]CST_AOK if the operation was successful, otherwise returns [V]CST_AERROR.Funprog TRANSFER(ACCOUNT1, ACCOUNT2, AMOUNT)Value Char ACCOUNT1(), ACCOUNT2()Value Decimal AMOUNTLocal Integer IF_TRANS# Start the transaction if no transaction is in progressLocal File ACCOUNTIf adxlogTrbegin ACCOUNTIF_TRANS=0Else# The transaction has been started by the calling programIF_TRANS=1Endif# Debit operation (CODE is a unique index so only one database line is updated)Update ACCOUNT Where CODE=ACCOUNT1 With BALANCE=BALANCE-AMOUNTIf fstat# If IF_TRANS=1, the transaction must been aborted by the calling programIf IF_TRANS=0 : Rollback : EndifEnd [V]CST_AERROREndif# Credit operationUpdate ACCOUNT Where CODE=ACCOUNT2 With BALANCE=BALANCE+AMOUNTIf fstat# If IF_TRANS=1, the transaction must been aborted by the calling programIf IF_TRANS=0 : Rollback : EndifEnd [V]CST_AERROREndif# The operation is successful. If IF_TRANS=1, the transaction must been committed by the calling programIf IF_TRANS=0 : Commit : EndifEnd [V]CST_AOK

Description and comments

Associated errors

32Transaction started at a higher level of the nesting call.
48No transaction in progress.

See also

File, Trbegin, Rollback, Onerrgo, Read, Write, Writeb, Rewrite, RewriteByKey, Delete, DeleteBykey, Lock, adxlog.