
Use Readlock to get data from a table or a join through a SQL select instruction based on the value of an index key previously defined or a temporary index. The lines read are locked in the database until the end of the transaction (if there is one) or until Unlock is used.




 # A single read operation. The table is BPCUSTOMER [BPC], the may key is BPC0 (one segment of key)Readlock [BPC]BPC0="JOHNDOE" : # Reads a single record# Read the line #1000 of a sales order (table SORDERP [SOP], index SOP3 (order number/order line))Local File SORDERP [SOP]Read [SOP]SOP3=[L]MYORDER;1000# Read the first line of a sales order (table SORDERP [SOP], index SOP3 (order number/order line))# If the line is still locked after 3 seconds of attempts, return an errorLocal File SORDERP [SOP]Readlock [SOP]SOP3(2)>=[L]MYORDER;0 with lockwait=3If fstat=0....Rewrite [SOP]Unlock [SOP]Endif# Read the first line of a sales orderLocal File SORDERP [SOP]Filter [SOP] Where SOHNUM=[L]MYORDERRead [SOP]SOP3 First# Read the last line of the last sales order before the current sales orderLocal File SORDERP [SOP]Read [SOP]SOP3(2)>=[L]MYORDER;0 : # The first line of the current sales order is onlineRead [SOP]SOP3 Prev : # The previous line is now online

Description and comments

Use Readlock to perform read operations with lock on tables or joins according to various modes listed on the grid below. If no key value is specified for the modes that require one ( <, >, <=, >=, = ), the current value of the variables of class [F] corresponding to the file is used.

Read modeIs a value possible?Data read
noThe first line in the index order.
noThe last line in the index order.
noThe previous line, compared to the last read line, in the index order.
noThe next line, compared to the last read line, in the index order.
noThe current line (the last read line).
yesThe last line, in index order, that has a key value strictly less than the given value.
yesThe last line, in index order, that has a key value less than or equal to the given value.
yesA line that has a key value equal to the given value.
yesThe first line, in index order, that has a key value greater than or equal to the given value.
yesThe first line, in index order, that has a key value strictly greater to the given value.

The keys that can be used in Readlock are:

The default values when elements are omitted in the Readlock syntax are:
* For the abbreviation of the table, the table used by default is the first in the default table list. Thus, it is the table defined as DefaultFile (the first declared in the last File instruction by default). The same default value is used if the abbreviation is [F].
* For the key name, the key used by default is the current key. Its number is provided by the currind system variable.
* For the read mode that is omitted, the default read mode is the Curr mode.
* For key segment values that are omitted when necessary, the current [F] class values are taken.
* For the lockwait value, the value used is the value given by the system variable [S]lockwait by default.

The fstat variable returns a status after any database operation. The following values can be returned after Readlock:

fstat valueDescription
0Readlock operation was successful.
1The record is already locked.
2When using <= or >= mode, the line found does not correspond to the exact value of key, but it is strictly greater or smaller.
4When using Prev or Next mode, no line is found.
5When using <, <=, =, >=, >= or Curr mode, no line is found.

After a successful readlock (for example, if fstat is 0 or equal to 2), the variables of the class [F] corresponding to the table contain the values of the recording read. This line becomes the current recording of the file. Otherwise, nothing is modified.


Partial Keys

Reading a line by giving a partial key components list value will set the [G]currlen variable with the number of key components used during this read operation. Note that another read done without giving details on the key reuses the same component. To read it again with the whole key components, you can either give a complete syntax or set currlen to 0 (default value which means that the whole key is used).

Strictly greater or strictly less takes into account the number of key components.

To illustrate, for a three-segment component key called MYKEY, the following value list is used:

LineKey component 1Key component 2Key component 3

Let's imagine the table class is empty (a Raz operation has been done). The lines returned are the following:

Read modeLine returned
MYKEY First1
MYKEY(1)> "A"6
MYKEY(2)> "A"1
MYKEY(2)> "A";"B"3
MYKEY(3)> "A";"B"1
MYKEY(3)> "A";"B";"C"2

Lockwait values

Lockwait values can be given by the syntax With lockwait=value or by the [S]lockwait variable. If this value is 0, a unique attempt is done and a locking error is returned if the line cannot be locked. If negative, the locking attempts are done until the record can be locked.

Locking and unlocking lines

When the Readlock operation is performed within a transaction opened by Trbegin, the locked lines remain as such until the Commit or Rollback instruction is encountered, then unlock is automatic.

When the Readlock is performed out of a transaction, all locks that are not released with the use of Close or LogicCloseare deactivated at the end of the process or by using Unlock.

For performance reasons, it is recommended to have the shortest transactions and therefore avoid the important values of lockwait. You should set lockwait=0, Rollback the transaction, wait for a short period of time, and try again.

A negative value of lockwait can cause deadlock situations; therefore, it is strongly discouraged.

Other performance considerations

Readlockis useful when a single line needs to be read. When several lines are accessed, the use of the For With lock instruction is preferable for performance reasons:
* A Readlock instruction sends a SQL request and performs a "fetch operation" to get the data. If several read operations are performed, the analysis of the SQL request is costly.
* A For instruction sends a SQL request, and then performs several "fetch operations" as soon as data is requested.

Some Readlock syntax orders make it necessary to browse nearly the entire table and is therefore costly. For exampoe, with the >= and <= modes on keys with several components. Let's consider this example, where MYKEY is a two-component (KEY1,KEY2) key:

Readlock MYKEY >= value1;value2 will read two types of lines:

Very often, only the first line type is relevant for the development partner. The request also gets the second type, even if the fetch operation is done only on a line from the first set.

In that case, it is much quicker to execute:
Filter [ABV] Where KEY1=value1 & KEY2>= value2 Order by MYKEYReadlock [ABV]CLE First

Associated errors

Error codeDescription
7The table has not been opened.
8The number of key components exceeds the number of segments for the key.
21The key does not exist.
22Incorrect read mode.

See also

Read, File, Link, Filter, Columns, For, Rewrite, RewriteByKey, Delete, DeleteByKey, Update, Look, Write, fstat, currind, currlen.