Classic pages

The web client displays pages that can be portal pages, landing pages, classic pages or edit, query, details or summary pages.

A Classic page is based on a version 6 windows design. This mode is an emulation of version 6, which does not need any modification in the version 6 repository to work. The elements stored in the screen dictionary, action dictionary, window dictionary, as well as the scripts designed for version 6 are used in this mode. This is very important to ensure a smooth transition to the version 7 technology.

Therefore, the basic principles of the version 6 ergonomics are still present:

Some changes were made to enhance the user interface within these constraints:

This document details how the Classic mode works.

Main behaviorPage managementLocal navigationTime-outGlobal organization
The upper barThe left listThe right panel
The main pageActions on fieldsGrid management

Main behavior of a Classic page

Page management

When a Classic page is opened, a version 6-type connection is used with a Sage X3 process. The first time it opens the page, the connection time can take several seconds (as it was for a version 6 connection).

Closing a Classic page will leave the current function and lose the data that was not modified. It is the same as using the Back button, or as if another URL is typed. If work is pending, the user will be asked for confirmation.

If the user tries to close the browser window, there is usually a window opened by the browser that requests a confirmation.

If the user decides to logout by using the icon on the header bar, no confirmation is required and the browser will return to the login page.

Local navigation

The ability to open a function that stacks an additional page is also possible with the Go to function link (see above). The page that opens is exactly the same as the page displayed in version 6 when selecting the F7 key:


The Classic session is managed with the version 6 protocol; therefore, a time-out is possible. The time-out delay set up is defined in the following document. When this happens, there will be a warning message which allows to cancel the session termination.

Global organization of the Classic page

The organization of a Classic page is the same as a version 6 page, except for the menus and buttons that are located on a right vertical bar. The following can be found on this page:

The following screen is an example of a Classic page with some indicators:

The left and right panels can be hidden to provide more space to the application data. Icons (4) and (5) close the right and left panel; however, the ESCF11 shortcut closes both panels in one operation. To reopen the panels if they are closed, select ESCF11.

The upper bar

The upper bar has no major changes in Classic mode. A breadcrumb has been added in version 9, that gives the path to go to the function from your default navigation page.

The left list

The left list is used exactly as version 6 for selecting and picking operations.
When a version 6 "object" is used (the corresponding terminology for Version 7 native pages is a "CRUD operation page"), this left list can be used to select a record by clicking a line.

Filtering is possible on the first line of the list (2) by entering values that can be prefixed by an operator. The default operator used is started with.

The Back and Next buttons located at (1) are used to access the previous or next page of records in a list.

Several left panels may exist especially a last read panel that lists the last accessed records. Use the link (3) to access this panel.

The right panel

On the right list, you will find all the global links associated with the page. They are placed in different panels:
  • Panel [1] provides access to the default CRUD function previously known as the standard object buttons. The Close selection with icon (2) closes the Classic page and returns to the previous stacked Classic page if there is one, or to the portal from which the Classic page was launched.
  • Panel [2] provides access to links that are defined as bottom page buttons in the version 6 client as application logic functions and thus depend on the page.
  • Panel [3] provides access to standard supervisor functions:
    • The printer icon (5) triggers the execution of a report, as File/Print works in version 6. Two types of reports are available: Record, allows access to a report on a range limited to the current record, and List, allows access to all the records.
    • The paperclip icon (6) provides access to the attachments. A page opens to manage these documents. This is explained in a dedicated document. The color of the icon changes when linked documents exist, and the + sign indicates that no document exists.
    • The note icon (7) allows entering a note on a page that uses the HTML editor.
    • Panel[4] provides access to functions defined as menus in the version 6 page. Every menu is organized in sub-menus that can be collapsed or expanded. When they are collapsed, the + icon is present on the title line (A); when they are expanded, the - icon is present on the title line (B).
    • Panel [5] provides access to dedicated supervisor functions:
      • Go to function (9) opens pop-up windows that open on a window similar to the windows opened in version 6 when using the `F7` function key (see above).
      • Selection provides access to the version 6 function that were available on the Selectionmenu.
      • Utilities and are also corresponding to the same version 6 menus.

The main page

The main page contains different fields that are defined by the application.

For version 6 "object functions" (CRUD operations), under the title, a set of links allows you to navigate from one record to the next:

Actions available on a field

For fields, the right click has been replaced by small icons as shown on the following screen:

Another important feature that is common in browser pages is the mandatory field, which is emphasized by an asterisk after its label:

Grids management on Classic pages

The grid management works differently from version 6. No longer is there intermediate focus on a line before having focus on a cell. Therefore, a single click brings you directly to edit mode on a cell, and double-clicking is no longer necessary like it did in version 6.

Esc on a line operates the same as it did before when leaving a line modification, and Enter on a field in the grid goes to the first field located after the grid.

The grid management has an additional set of features that can be seen on the following screen: