Installation and personalization > Installation and configuration of the Sage X3 People Portal 

The installation and implementation of the Sage X3 People Portal is performed in three steps:

  • Installation of the Web server (SAFE X3 Web server component) and configuration of a Web service pool
  • Portal installation
  • User setup for connecting to the Portal

These steps are described below.

During a migration (from V7 to Update 9 or from V6 to Update 9), you need to update the web component to the latest delivered version then reconfigure it using the configuration console and relaunch the Portal install/update Wizard (INSTPORTAL) from the folder where the portal is set up.

SEEREFERTTO For more details on how to run the Sage X3 Portal, see the documentation on Operation of the Sage X3 People Portal.

Installation of the Web server and configuration of a Web service pool

In this step, use the X3 console.

1. Installation of the Web server and publication of the solution

SEEREFERTTO To install the Web server, see the console documentation SAFE X3 Web server.

Caution: the Passphrase field must be entered (the one used during the component installation). Check that SSL is enabled. If not, you need to reconfigure the Web server.

If the SAFE X3 Web Server has been installed after the “Syracuse" web server, copy the certificate of the “Syracuse” web server (syracuse_server.pem) to the Web server in the console directory defined as

If the certificate contains dots “.” (other than .pem), replace them by underscores “_”.

For example:

You need to rename syracuse.server.pem on the Web server using the following syntax: syracuse_server.pem

2. Installation of a Web service pool

It is recommended to use a dedicated X3 user name (Users function - GESAUS) in order to launch pools with basic user rights (web service connection only, limited function profile and password).

Install a Web service pool on every folder where you want to run the Portal.

SEEREFERTTO To install a Web service pool, see the console documentation Web Services connection pools management.

Caution: the automatic connection must be set to Yes and the initial size of the group must be at least equal to 1.

3. Verification

1. Open Internet Explorer and go to the Web sever interface: http://webserver:port/root
2. Go to tab Web service server > Pool Status.
3.Check that the entry group has been launched and that the “poolentry” elements are set to true for the free, available and connected values.

If the Web server has been installed on a server other than the “Syracuse” web server: add it as an exclusion in the proxies configuration.

Portal installation

In the Web client, go to the reference folder and check that the installation folder you chose for the Portal has basic reading access rights (in the Folders function (GESADS), Links tab).

The portal installation is performed using the wizard.

SEEREFERTTO See the documentation Portal installation/update wizard.

1. Go to the folder where you want to install the Portal.
2. Go to the Portal install/update wizard (INSTPORTAL).
3. In the Website field, enter or select your website name. The existing setup data is recovered. You can modify them in this screen or refine them late in the Websites function (GESAYS).
4. In the client, you can directly create a link by selecting the Update menu and links check box in the Portal link publication section.
You can perform this action later on using the Portal link publication function (AYTLNKSYR).
5. Click OK. If you have not entered all the required data, a dialog box automatically opens and points out the missing elements to enter.

Once the installation is complete, the other actions to perform are specified in the log file.

The following error message can open when installing the Portal if you have imported you folder into another solution: XML generation:Web services pools not found In this case, follow this procedure:

1. Go to Maintenance access control (GMAINT).
2. Select the AYTPOOWEB table.
3. Delete the recordings with a red alias name in the log file.
4. Relaunch the Portal install/update wizard (INSTPORTAL).

Configuration of a Portal user

All employees having access to the Portal must have their own X3 login information (Users function - GESAUS). For each user, the Web services connection check box must be selected and a SAFE X3 WAS must be defined in the SAGE X3 WAS profile field.

1. Creation of SAFE X3 WAS profiles

1. Open the SAFE X3 WAS profile function (GESAYH).
2. Create three profiles (ADMIN, MGR, USER).
3. For each profile, link the code of the site you have just created to the Website profile.

The three profiles are:

  • ADMIN (Portal administrator): users with this profile have access to the Portal administration function. The Administration function is used to grant access rights to the Portal functions depending on the SAFE X3 WAS profile of the user (MGR or USER).
  • MGR (Manager): users with this profile have access to particular options of the Portal functions.
  • USER (Employee): all the other users are assigned this profile.

SEEINFO You can use theUser creationfunction (CREUSR) to mass create users.

2. User setup

1. Open the Users function (GESAUS). For each user, follow these steps:
2. In the General tab, select the Web services connection check box to enable the access to the Portal website and the call to Web services.
3. Enter or select the SAFE X3 WAS profile (ADMIN, MGR or USER).
4. In the Parameters tab, for the Common data chapter and DEF group, click the Actions icon and then Detail.
5. For the REFNUM - ID parameter, select an employee.
6. Click OK to save the entry.

Connecting to the Portal

There are two different ways of connecting to the Portal.

1. Connection to the Portal via direct link

You can directly log into the Portal from the client:

1. In the home page, click the Sage X3 People Sitesmenu. The Sage X3 People Sites menu is only available if at least one site has been published.
2. Click the name of the site you created.
SEEWARNING If the Web server is not running, the access to the Portal might be blocked. In this case, follow this procedure:

1. Go to the Administration > Administration > Sage X3 People Portal > Serversmenu.
2. Remove the banishment on the server. A banned server is displayed with a green check symbol in the Bannedcolumn. Once the server banishment has been removed, a gray cross is displayed in the Bannedcolumn.

2. Connection to the Portal via the Web server interface

You can access the Portal using the Web server interface in Internet Explorer: file:///C:/ProgramData/Sage/Safe%20X3%20Client/V1/Data/_AdxSols/SOL_HRMDVLP/ALL/XBLOCK/FCT/http://webserver:port/root

1. Click the Xtend servertab, then click Sites In the selection panel ( Servicesblock).
2. Click the List of published siteslink and click on your site SOLUTION/FOLDER/YOURSITE.
3. Click Access to site.

The URL giving direct access to the site must be the following: http://webserver:port/xtend/page?SOL=SOLUTION&FLDR=FOLDER&SITE=YOURSITE&LANG=ENG

The simplified URL to the Portal is: http://webserver:port/shrmportal/HRMSolutionCode/FolderCode/YOURSITE(/LanguageCode)

You can also define a default site that you can access directly here: http://webserver:port/xtend/page; if a default site has been configured in the console, at the level of the Web server.

To define a default site, follow this procedure:

1. Go to the X3 console.
2. In the Web serverslist, select the server hosting the Sage X3 People Portal application.
3. Click Configuration to open the server configuration window.
4. Modify the 'gensetup.defsite.’ parameters as follows:

  • Gensetup.defsite.x3sol: enter the code of the solution.
  • Gensetup.defsite.x3fld: specify the X3 folder code for the HRM application.
  • Gensetup.defsite.xtdsite: enter the 'Safe X3 WAS’ site code.

5. Click Configure to save the setup.

Additional setup


Information related to workflows is available in the Parameter values function (ADPVAL), Supervisor chapter, Workflow group.

The TYPMES parameter - E-mailing type must be set to Server.

The parameters used in the Portal are:

  • WRKRMTDIR - Workflow links directory,
  • WRKRMTHTTP - Workflow links HTTP address,
  • WRKRMTMAC - Server:workstation workflow links

These parameters are loaded automatically during the Web server installation.

Printing reports in the Portal

When the print server has been installed after the Portal, you need to perform the following actions:

1. In the Destinations function, modify the SRV_PDFMES recording. Specify the server and Save.
2. Go to the Parameter values (ADPVAL) function.
3. In the Supervisor chapter, Reports group, the ASAIDEST parameter must be set to No.
4. In the Common data chapter, Reports group, the PRHDEST parameter must be set to SRV_PDFMES.

Workflow signatures

When using links to sign orders in emails, create a recurring task in the Recurring tasks function (GESABA).

In the created task, enter or select the AWRKSIG task (Remote signature) in the Task code field.

A five-minutes frequency is recommended when using the Portal.