Refer to documentation Implementation
This tab is used to enter the employee ID, his contract and the pay date.
These fields are automatically entered, depending on the chosen pay date.
This tab is used to view the event list entered during the activity period.
The event dates must correspond to the setup defined in the Extraction periods function, of the pay date, the activity period concerned and the corresponding site.
In the case of event entry on activity periods linked to sites different from the header, the lines of the corresponding table are grayed out and in bold.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
| Employee concerned by the entry of variables. |
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| The employee's contract number corresponds to one of their contract chronos.
| The time entry has an impact on the calculation of slips corresponding to this pay date. |
| This field indicates the site of the last active contract at the chosen pay date. |
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| This field indicates the extraction period defined for the pay date and the company or the site concerned by the slip. This field is used in the "Extraction periods" function. |
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| Date on which the event starts. This date must be included in different periods based on the setup defined in the "Extraction periods" function:
| Date on which the event ends. This date must correspond to the setup defined in the "Extraction periods" function. |
| Event code which defines the activity (or inactivity) type of the employee on the current range. |
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| Specify whether the employee is absent in the afternoon or in the morning or the entire day. |
| Definition of the time range and of the possible break time for the time line being entered, provided that entering the time ranges is authorized for the event. |
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| Definition of the nature of activity for the time line being entered, provided that entering the nature of activity is authorized for the event. |
| Event duration in number of days. This field is calculated based on the operating planning and cannot be entered if the event lasts several days. If the event has identical start and end dates, then it is possible to specify whether the absence is for the entire day (enter 1) or partial (enter for example 0.5). |
| Event duration in number of hours. For one and a half hours (1:30), 1.50 must be entered; for one a quarter hours (1:15), enter 1.25; for one and three quarter hours (1:45), enter 1.75 ... This field is calculated and is not available for entry if the event is managed by number of days. |
| If the event manages the day types (day/night), this field will be initialized based on the current nature of activity. |
| If the event manages the activity types, this field is updated based on the 'day type' data which are specified in the nature of activity set in the week type attached to the employee. |
| If the event manages the natures of activity, this field will be initialized by the corresponding quantity from the current nature. |
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| If the event manages the natures of activity, this field will be initialized by the corresponding data from the current nature. |
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| Company for which the employee works. |
| Customer for whom the service provision is carried out. This field refers to the customers of the X3 folder which is set at the company record level. |
| Customer order which the entered event is assigned to. |
| Order line which the entered event must be assigned to. |
| Specify whether the time spent on the customer's premises is invoiceable or not. |
| Descriptive comment of the event which may be printed on the payslip depending on the pay variable setup. |
| Signature which accepts event entry. Example: Manager's signature if the employees enter theirleaves and absences. The update of this field can be done bythe Signature field and can be conditioned by the functional authorization management. |
| The analytical breakdown of times may correspond to an analytical allocation key or may be entered either in percentage of hours (Percentage button), or in volume of hours (Hours button). |
| This field indicates the start date of the activity. By default it is "invisible" and cannot be entered based on the setup in the "Time entry transactions" function. By default, the start date of the activity is initialized based on the end date of the event. The user can decide to assign the entered event to another active period by right-clicking.
Message appearance conditions: events occurring after the new activity period start date exist and the user has chosen to display the activity periods (Input, Output) in at least one time entry transaction. |
| This field indicates the activity end date. By default it is "invisible" according to the setup in the function "Time entry transactions". In case of successive activity periods, the activity end date is indicated. It can be empty. It is initialized according to the activity period start date.
Message appearance conditions: events occurring after the new activity period start date exist and the user has chosen to display the activity periods (Input, Output) in at least one time entry transaction. |
| This field indicates the employee's site during the activity period. By default it is "invisible" based on the setup in the "Time entry transactions" function. |
| This field indicates the employee's department during the activity period. By default it is "invisible" based on the setup in the "Time entry transactions" function. |
Entry of the analytical dimensions on each dimension type. |
Functions accessed by right click on the grid
For each event in the Annual leave category, the employee leave balance is displayed as well as the acquisition period of his leave.
The information displayed in the table for the employee / current contract comes from the Annual leave by employee function. In Annual leave by employee, the number of accumulated days is loaded with the payslip calculation, the number of days taken is loaded with the time entry and the balance is the difference between the number of accumulated days and the number of days taken.
On the Event field, right-clicking on "Detail" displays all the time entries of the employee for this event.
By default, the following reports are associated to the function :
TPSMAT : Time entered by employee
TPSSAL : Time entered by employee
This can be changed by a different setup.
The employee times are scrolled in the order of the employee IDs.
The employee times are scrolled in the alphabetical order of the departments to which the employees belong.
The employee time are scrolled chronologically, by pay date.
Is used to automatically generate the employee workdays based on the extraction period of the pay month. If the site is modified, the corresponding extraction period will be considered.
It is mandatory to launch the automatic generation to take into account the employee's overtime.
It is also possible to launch the automatic generation of slip times from the "Employee payslips" and "Time cut-off" functions.
Is used to control the employee time entry for the displayed pay date.
Is used to display the employee time summary.
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
The entry transaction stored in the parameter "Entry screen" (chapter TPS/ Group DEF/ SCRSAISIE) is incorrect.
It is necessary to validate the transaction before it can be used in the time entry.
In the employee record, either the employee is checked as inactive, or he is not managed in the time module.
It is necessary to validate the transaction before it can be used in the time entry.
It is necessary to define an extraction period for the entered pay date.
The event cannot be entered for a date later than the current pay month.
The period is closed for entry. The user is not authorized to enter times and to modify the event W, on a closed period.
The field Comment is an invisible field in the entry transaction. However it is required to enter a comment for the entered event.
The time ranges overlap.
The event cannot last more than a day.
The number of hours worked on a period exceeds the number of legal hours.
The dimension type is defined as mandatory entry in the event record.
The section is defined as non chargeable.
The entered period overlaps an inter site or department transfer of the employee. The entry must be broken down.
The entered line must be single-date in order to enter the time range, since the event is set with time range entry.
The user is not authorized to enter times for the current event.
The event cannot be entered for a date later than the indicated date.
The entered number of hours is inconsistent with the entry of the time range and the break time.
The restriction codes of the two dimensions are referenced in the table of dimension by dimension restrictions.
No extraction period is defined on this week.
The period is closed to entry. The user is not authorized to enter times and to modify the event W, on a closed period.
The entered line has been validated by a supervisor. The user is not authorized to modify the validated lines.
The period is closed for entry. The user is not authorized to enter times and to modify the event W, on a closed period.
The current line has been entered on another pay date and is displayed for information.
The entered period is not valid.
The time ranges overlap.
An event has already been entered on this period but on a different pay date.
The employee is not present on the period.
The user is not authorized to enter on a period where the pay has been calculated.
The rest break is superior to the time range.