General parameters > Chapter Supervisor > Parameter TYPMES (E-mailing type ) 

SAGE X3 makes it possible, via the Workflow function, to set up the automatic alerts sent from a triggering event set up by a dedicated function. This SUP/TYPMES parameter is used to specify in which way the messages must be sent by default, when the transmission is not imposed from the server or the client :

  • if it is equal to Client, the sending of messages will be made via the MAPI interface (the corresponding ADONIX instruction is Send). In this case, the client workstation is supposed to have available at least one MAPI e-mail client so that the sending can be perfomed (for instance Outlook ™); in addition, this client must be started.
  • if it is equal to Server, the messages will be sent via an SMTP/POP3 e-mail system from the server (irrespective of the operating system used). An executable named meladx shipped with SAGE X3 is then used. This supposes that the e-mail server name is known (the SERMES parameter is used to define it).

However, a message sent by the batch server (for instance, end of batch task) will be sent by meladx irrespective of the value of the TYPMES parameter.

Level of localization / Global variable

The parameter is defined at the level User.Belongs to Module SUP (Supervisor) and to Group WRK (Workflow),in which the following parameters can also be found :

The global variable GTYPMES is associated to it.

Linked parameters

The following parameters are linked to the parameter TYPMES  :


 SERMES (defined at level Folder) : E-mail server

Functions concerned

This message concerns the transmission of messages, either by the File/Workflow menu accessible in object management, or in an automatic fashion depending on the events triggering these messages already defined.


The transmission of messages via meladx (by giving to TYPMES the value Server) makes it possible to exceed a limit known to the MAPI interface: indeed, the length of the messages sent by this interface does not exceed much more than 500 bytes (without counting the attachments, of course). The meladx limit is in the region of 64K, which makes it possible to extend the field in this function.