This parameter is used to define the directory path used for the Workflow returns. This path can contain 250 characters.
This parameter must be entered for a workflow recipient to answer directly by clicking in the e-mail without getting connected to X3.
In tab "Tracking" of the workflow rule setup, for each answer:
VAL, REJ, ..., a link is generated in the e-mail.
To accept or refuse, click on one of the following links:
To accept: http://serveur_x3_web:port_x3_web/AdxWfC/action.jsp?...
To refuse: http://serveur_x3_web:port_x3_web/AdxWfC/action.jsp?...
The user clicks on one of the links.
The X3 Web Server then generates a file corresponding to the user's answer in directory WRKRMTDIR.
WRKRMTDIR = C:\...\Web component name\WebData\WORKFLOW
WRKRMTDIR = /.../Web component name/WebData/WORKFLOW
The WebData/WORKFLOW part of the path is fixed.
The parameter is defined at the level Folder.Belongs to Module SUP (Supervisor) and to Group WRK (Workflow),in which the following parameters can also be found :
The global variable GWRKRMTDIR is associated to it.
The following parameters are linked to the parameter WRKRMTDIR :
WRKRMTHTTP (defined at level Folder) : Workflow links HTTP address
WRKRMTMAC (defined at level Folder) : Server:workstation workflow links
The following functions are concerned by this parameter :
The management of returns by click on a link in the Workflow messages is concerned.