General parameters > Chapter Supervisor > Parameter WRKRMTHTTP (Workflow links HTTP address) 

This parameter is used to define part of the HTTP links used for the workflow returns.

This parameter must be entered for a workflow recipient to answer directly by clicking in the e-mail without getting connected to X3.

In tab "Tracking" of the workflow rule setup, for each answer:

VAL, REJ, ..., a link is generated in the e-mail.

Example of an e-mail

To accept or refuse, click on one of the following links:

To accept: http://serveur_x3_web:port_x3_web/AdxWfC/action.jsp?...

To refuse: http://serveur_x3_web:port_x3_web/AdxWfC/action.jsp?...


The user clicks on one of the links.

The X3 Web Server then generates a file corresponding to the user's answer in directory WRKRMTDIR.


WRKRMTHTTP = web_x3_server:web_x3_port/AdxWfC


The AdxWfC word is fixed. Do pay attention the case.


Level of localization / Global variable

The parameter is defined at the level Folder.Belongs to Module SUP (Supervisor) and to Group WRK (Workflow),in which the following parameters can also be found :

The global variable GWRKRMTHTT is associated to it.

Linked parameters

The following parameters are linked to the parameter WRKRMTHTTP  :


 WRKRMTDIR (defined at level Folder) : Workflow links directory

 WRKRMTMAC (defined at level Folder) : Server:workstation workflow links