Stock > Serial numbers 

This option is used to list the serial numbers of the site.
Serial numbers can be managed in two different ways in Warehousing GX, and this screen display can be different according to the selected options.

This function is available in inquiry mode. The serial numbers are updated by two independent functions: Serial numbers in input entry and Serial numbers in output entry.

WARNING When opening the function, the previous search result is displayed by default. You have to run a new search to view the latest updated data.

This functionality is available from the G2 version.


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Screen management

This screen lists the products which are present by default in the serial number table.

Three display modes are available:

  • level 1 displays the products.
  • level 2 displays the Products/Serial numbers combinations.
  • level 3 displays the unit elements of each combination.

The information displayed is:

  • Product: product code managed in serial number
  • Serial number: serial number value
  • Duplicate: indication of the number of product/serial number combinations.
  • I/O: indication of the number of input/output for the product/serial number combination. Incremented in case of customer return, for instance.
  • Information relating to the creation of serial numbers in stock: Input no., input line no., input date, input line status if the serial number was created via a Warehousing input, or adjustment no. if it was created via stock adjustment. This information might not be specified, depending on the management mode of the product serial number.
  • Information relating to the deletion of serial numbers in stock: DO no., direct debit date, DO line no., DO line status if the serial number was distributed in order to prepare a DO, or adjustment no. if the serial number was corrected by an adjustment movement.

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

This code is used to identify a request.

  • field DES

Title associated to the previous code.

  • Time (field TEMPO)

It specifies the execution time (in seconds) necessary to the last request execution.

When a long execution is in progress, the number of seconds elapsed is displayed as the execution progresses.

  • Level (field NIVP)

This field defines the current level of detail and the maximum level number (the maximum level is used at the start: 4/4 is displayed if, for instance, the maximum level number is 4). The level management buttons make it possible to then navigate from one level to another.

  • Last generation (field DAT)

It indicates the date and time of the last generation. These fields are empty if no generation has been made yet.

  • field TIM


  • field USR

It defines the code of the last user who executed the request (when the request is shared, the user can be different from the current user).

  • Lines (field LIG)

It specifies the number of lines created by the request when it was last executed.

When a long execution is in progress, the number of lines being found is displayed as the execution progresses.

  • Page (field PAGP)

It indicates a page number and the maximum number of pages on which the request is displayed (this depends on the maximum number of lines displayed in the screen, parameterized in the request definition).




Action icon

Standard object management
Standard object management
Standard object management
Standard object management
Standard object management
Standard object management
Standard object management
Standard object management
Standard object management
Standard object management
Standard object management
Standard object management
Standard object management
Standard object management
Standard object management
Standard object management




Specific actions

This button is used to filter the information using specific criteria.

This button is used to go down a more detailed level.

This button is used to go back to a less detailed level.

This button is used to export the table in a csv file.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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