Refer to documentation Implementation
The screen is made up of a simple table displaying the list of DO lines needing the keying in of the serial n° whose status is inferior 4-Preparation pending.
Two display modes are possible :
By default the zone « Key in incomplete serial n° » is ticked : the displayed DO lines concern the lines for which the totality of the serial n° were not yet keyed in.
The box « Key in complete serial n° » allows to display the DO lines not prepared for which the totality of the serial N) were keyed in.
Do « Click right on the mouse », then the option « Key in serial n° ».
If serial n° were already keyed in, they are displayed and can be modified.
The column double tells the number of doubles for the couple (item, serial n°) keyed in for distinct DO.
It is not possible to key in serial n° more than the total CU of the DO line.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| When this flag is selected, the input lines where the entry of serial numbers is incomplete are displayed. |
| When this flag is selected, the input lines where the entry of serial numbers is complete are displayed. |
Grid DO lines
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Action icon
This function is available from G2.
The output mode of the item should have the management of serial n° in input and/or output..
The item should be managed in serial n°.
It is not possible to have for the same DO the doubles item/serial n°.
The serial n° can be modified as long as the validation of the output movements were not yet carried out.
The serial n° can also be keyed in on the screens of validation by PO or of unitary parcel
It allows to select the DO lines needing the keying in of the serial n° from the criteria DO N°, DO reference, DO line number, DO line reference, item code and item container. |
It allows to update the table of serial n° in case of a change in the setting of the management of the serial n° of the item. |
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
Serial number not entered
The keyed in serial n° was not entered in stock. In the management mode of complete tracing, the system tries to match the put out serial n° with the entered serial n°.
Code exist already on line XX
The serial n° keyed in for the line is not unique.