Common data > Products > ABC classes 

This function makes it possible, for the current site, to launch the calculation of the ABC classes of the product containers, to view the result of this calculation and to perform the update of the product containers, if need be.

It is possible to apply 2 calculation methods:

  • Calculation by item: the ABC class is determined by item and, based on the selected option, all the item containers or only the default container are updated.
  • Calculation by item container: the ABC class is determined for an item container and said item container is updated.

The calculation is based on the Pareto principle. Following a formula defined by the user, the number of promptings is determined by item or pair (item/container) over a given period. Then, based on a distribution rate defined for each ABC class, the ABC class of the item or pair (item/container) is determined.

For information, this function can also be launched by batch (CLRAUT task).


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Screen management

The ABC class calculation is sub-divided into 3 phases

  • Phase 1: The calculation parameters are entered.
  • Phase 2: The calculation is performed and the results displayed.
  • Phase 3: the item containers are updated with the calculated ABC classes.

Phase 1 - The calculation parameters are entered

To launch the calculation, the operator must click on the "Calculation" button. An entry window opens then to enable the calculation parameters to be entered. The calculation is always carried out for the current site. Nevertheless the user may enter a depositor in order to limit the calculation to the items of said depositor, otherwise, the calculation is carried out for the items of all the depositors.

Moreover, the user may define their own formula to calculate the number of promptings. This formula can be based on the following elements:

  • item data (ITEM table) such as the price.
  • item container data (ITEMCTR data) such as the weight or volume.
  • data cumulated in CUs of the output movements (from picking or reserve locations), input movements (to picking or reserve locations) or replenishment movements by item or item container over the calculation period (CLRVAL table).

Example of a formula taking into account the number of CUs of the input movements on picking + input movements on reserve + output movements on picking + output movements on reserve: [F:CLV]INMPICUUC+[F:CLV]INMRESUUC+[F:CLV]OUMPICUUC+[F:CLV]OUMRESUUC

Note: if no formula is entered, the promptings will correspond by default to the sum of the CUs of the input movements (picking + reserve), output movements (picking + reserve) and replenishment movements.

Phase 2 - The calculation is performed and the results displayed.

Based on the entered formula, the period range to be taken into account for the movements and the calculation type, the system determines the number of movements (either by site, depositor, item, or by site, depositor, item and container) and deduces the ABC class from it according to the Pareto principle.

The result is then displayed in a grid that mentions the current and calculated ABC classes as well as the data related to the promptings.

Note: since the result is kept in the Warehousing database, it is thus possible to exit this function and to return to it to consult it. Thus, when entering the function, Warehousing displays by default the result of the last calculation performed for the current site.

Phase 3 - Update of the item containers

In order to update the item containers with the calculated ABC class, the operator selects the "lines" in the grid, then clicks on the "Update" button. Then, the system:

  • updates the item containers concerned (following the calculation rules defined during phase 1).
  • checks the "Update" column in the grid to specify that this "line" has been processed.

Note: the update is carried out in several phases. In effect, since the last result of a calculation is kept, it is possible to exit the screen and return to it to finish updating the lines that have not been processed yet by the "Validation" function. Warning: if the calculation is relaunched, the result of the previous calculation is deleted.

Entry screen






The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Only modified classes (field UPDCLA)

If it is checked, the table will only display those lines where the calculated ABC class is different from the current ABC class. If it is not checked, the table will display all the lines.

Note on the current ABC class:

  • if the calculation is made by item, the current ABC class is the one of the default container for this item.
  • if the calculation is made by item container, the current ABC class is the one of the container on the line.
  • Exclude modified lines (field EXCLIGMAJ)

If it is checked, the table will only display the lines that are not processed yet (i.e., the ABC class has not been updated by the calculated one).

If it is not checked, the table will display all the lines.

Grid Results

  • Select (field SEL)

No help linked to this field.



  • Container (field CTRAFF)


This field stipulates the current ABC class of the item or item container when the calculation is started:

  • if the calculation is made by item, the current ABC class is the one of the default container for this item.
  • if the calculation is made by item container, the current ABC class is the one of the container on the line.

This field stipulates the ideal ABC class calculated for the item or the item container.

  • Upd (field MAJOK)

This field stipulates if the line has already been processed (database updated with the calculated ABC class).

  • No of movements (field MVTNBR)

This field stipulates the amount of Geode movements (input, output, replenishment) that have been counted for the calculation.

  • Promptings (field POMCAL)

This field stipulates the number of promptings set by the ABC class calculation function according to the formula defined in the launch window.

  • Prompt rate (field POMCALPCT)

This field stipulates the share in percentage of the amount of promptings on the line with respect to all the promptings on all the lines.

  • Cumul. prompt rate (field POMCALCUM)

Grid Statistics


  • Current (field NBR21)


  • Calculated (field NBR22)


  • Identical (field NBR23)




Action icon

Check all
Uncheck all
ABC class





By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 CLRVAL : Calculated ABC classes

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons

Used to launch the ABC class calculation.

Used to update the ABC classes for the product containers selected in the gid.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Site: XXX Setup of ABC classes: Sum of the prompting rates <> 100%

The sum of the prompting rates of all the ABC classes must be equal to 100 %. Go the the "ABC classes" function to correct this.

No line to be processed

Lines need to be selected before the update is launched.

Tables used

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