Basic parameters > General > ABC classes 


This function is used to define the ABC classes assigned to the item containers and the locations.

Note: The A, B and C classes coming from the 20/80 rule are generally used.

Each location is assigned to an ABC class.

When searching storage locations, the system tries to match the ABC class of the product and the ABC class of the location.

The ABC class represents one of the 5 common criteria to items and locations allowing optimization when putting items away in Warehousing.

The other criteria are:

*    Store

*    Assignment class

*    Container

*    Depositor

Finally, the sequence of ABC classes enables the system to be informed of the order in which the classes must be investigated.

The use of the sequence rules is authorized by the setup of the Input mode.

For instance:

For a product whose ABC class is defined as class B, the sytem first searches a class B location in the item storage field.

Note: The sequence rule can only be defined after the corresponding classes have been created, the system will then perform an existence check on the entered values.


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Screen management

Entry of the class and class sequences.

Entry screen


To create an ABC class, a code is assigned to it that identifies it in a unique manner with 1 character and a title. These pieces of information are located in the management screen header; then a gird is displayed with the ABC class sequence.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

The ABC class is characteristic to the location and item container.

The ABC class features one of the 5 criteria allowing optimization when putting items away in GEODE.

  • Description (field ROTDESAXX)


  • Short description (field ROTSHOAXX)


  • Active (field ENAFLG)

Select this check box to activate the current record.

Disabled records keep their content and setup but cannot be used (by recalling their code) on other records (documents, settings ...), or for mass processes.

The authorizations to a given function can prohibit the creation of an active record. In this case, the check box is disabled by default. It can only be modified by an authorized user or through a signature Workflow.

Grid Sequencing

The sequence of ABC classes makes it possible to oblige the system to follow

the order in which the classes need to be explored within the framework

of the location search.

Dynamic Picking

  • Max request/day (field MAXPOM)

It features the interval of admissible promptings for a given ABC class.

This piece of information will be used in the calculation processing of the ideal classes in the picking dynamization module.

If no value is entered in this table, the system does not calculate any ideal ABC class for the picking items.

The value associated with each class corresponds to the maximum prompting for the class.

For instance:

If the value associated with the ABC class A is 999 and the value associated with the ABC class B is 500:

For a number of daily promptings ranging from 501 to 999, the considered picking has an ideal ABC class A.


The weakest class (alphanumerical order) must be associated with the highest range of promptings.

ABC class

  • Prompt rate (field PCTPOM)

This field stipulates the % of distribution of the promptings for the ABC class. It is exclusively used by the ABC class calculation functionality.

  • field WTEXTE




Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :


Class, the master value cannot belong to the sequence.

The master class cannot be part of the sequence.

Code already exists on line N

The same ABC class has been entered twice on two different lines in the grid.

This prompting rate already exists for class: X

The same prompting rate has already been entered on the ABC class X.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation