Basic parameters > Load analysis > Load analysis 

It allows to :

· Analyze the forecasted work load in relation to a selection of active entities (DO, EI, movements and linked entities)

· View, modify and delete a workload analysis

· Compare the results of two analysis

· Print the results of the analysis


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Screen management

The screen is made up of a first part identifying the workload analysis and a table allowing the definition of the selection criteria of the entities to be analyzed.

The result of the workload analysis will be presented in a form of a table.

Entry screen


Identification of the workload analysis

An analysis is identified by a unique sequential number attributed by the system and by description.

The calculation of the workload can only be launched one time for a given analysis, the loads of an  analysis can not be actualized..

There exist two types of workload analysis :
· the  « short-lived » analysis which one doesn’t desire to keep the trace and whose indicator « to be conserved » is not ticked
· the « permanent » analysis which one desire to reuse and whose indicator « to be conserved » is ticked.

Distinct purge codes were defined for these two types of analysis, so as to temporarily conserve the « short-lived » analysis.

A workload analysis may make reference or not to an analysis template pre defined on the analysis models table. If it is the case :
· The type of entities considered in the analysis are imposed by the template
· The available selection criteria are imposed by the template
· The operands and the value of the selection for each of the criteria are modifiable for each analysis.

If the analysis does not refer to a template then the selection criteria of the entities to be considered in the analysis should be directly keyed in during the creation of the analysis.

The zone « depositor » allows to limit the analysis of entities of a particular depositor and can be imposed by the analysis template.

Selection criteria of workload analysis

Each line of the table corresponds to a selection criteria or to a logical operator « OR »

Two lines of consecutive criteria related to the same table are linked by the logical operator « AND ». The explicit addition of the operator « OR » between these two lines allows to modify this rule by default..
Two lines of consecutive criteria related to two distinct tables are linked by the logical operator « OR ».

Example :






Expected input header
Expected input header
Expected input header

Delivery Order
Delivery Order

Input Movements
Transfer Movements


Date of appointment


Forecasted launch date


Greater than or equal


Greater than or equal







The analysis template represented by the above-mentioned table considers :
  · The expected inputs in status greater than or equal « 3 » andof the carrier CALBER
  · The expected inputs to be received today whatever their status or their carrier
  · The DO in status greater or equal to « 4 »
  · The DO launched today
  · The input movements
  · The transfer movements

The selections concern the following tables : Delivery Orders, Expected Input headers, Direct Input headers, Input movements, Output movements, Preparation Orders, Dock management, Receipt header, storing list, Transfer  movements and Waves.

Anyway, the selections on the status of the entities are implicitly carried out, in such a way that only the active entities are considered, because we are only interested on the workload left to be processed.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Numerical sequence automatically assigned by the system

upon creation of the analysis. This number is an information specific to

the site, all depositors included. This information features a unique access key

to an analysis.

  • Description (field LAHDESAXX)


  • To be conserved (field REC)

Specifies whether or not the analysis must be kept.

Groupof selection criteria of entity records.

Depositorcode if the analysis is single depositor.


  • Loads (field LAHSTA)

No help linked to this field.

  • Date (field CLCDAT)


  • Time (field CLCTIM)


  • Duration (field CLCTER)


Grid Criteria

  • Table (field TBL)

Iftwo consecutive lines have the same table then the selected records are thosethat will meet the combination of the two criteria.

Toselect therecords that will satisfy  tothe one or to the other of the criteria  one should a line whose field has the value of « Or ».

Iftwo consecutive lines have different tables then the criteria are evaluatedindependently one from the other.

  • Field (field TEXTE)

No help linked to this field.

  • Operand (field OPD)
  • Value (field VALEUR)

No help linked to this field.

  • Formula (field FRM)

Formula expressed in Adonix 4GL and assessable in a Where clause of an SQL query.



Action icon

Analysis models




Other conditions

Batch calculation

Possibility to launch the calculation of the workload from the batch job  « LAHBAT ».

It allows :
· the calculation of the workload of an  analysis not yet calculated
· the creation of a new analysis and the calculation of the corresponding loads  by duplication of an analysis already calculated.
·the creation of a new analysis and the calculation of the corresponding loads  based on an analysis template.

The batch job is associated to the following parameters :
· the analysis number.
If the analysis was not calculated, the batch job will calculate the load analysis,  if not a new analysis is created by duplicating the characteristics of the reference analysis and the calculation is launched from this new analysis
The indicator « to be conserved » is forced to « yes » for this new analysis and the description can be changed.
·The template.
It allows the creation of a new analysis and the calculation of the workload, based on the selection criteria of the template.
For this new analysis, the indicator « to be conserved » is forced to « yes » for this new analysis and the description can be keyed in.
· The description
It is used in case of a creation of a new analysis.

Of the 2 parameters « Analysis n°» and « Template », one and only one can be keyed in. 

Purge of the workload analysis

The purge code « LOADANY » allows the purge of the calculated analysis that are known « not to be conserved » according to the calculation date and all the « pseudo analysis » (cannot be displayed) generated during the demand of printouts.

The purge code « LOADANYHIS » allows the purge of the calculated analysis that are known « to be conserved » according to the calculation date.

Function / template  linkages

It is possible to define several workload analysis functions, each one being dedicated to a particular template.
For example, « Analysis of EI portfolio » on the « Input » menu or « Analysis of DO portfolio » on that of the « Output ».
For that, the function should specify a value corresponding to the template for the parameter « GTAH ».

Users rights

It is possible, through the management of the users profiles, to specifically limit the users rights of use of the « GESLAH » function, through the following specific option codes :
· « 1 » (all templates) : forbids the user to change the template associated to the current function through the option Display / transaction
· « 2 » (all depositors) : imposes the access and the creation of analysis limited to the entities of the current depositor.
· « 3 » (template compulsory) : imposes to the user to use the analysis functions dedicated to a template.


By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 LOADANY : Load analysis

This can be changed using a different setup.

Menu Bar

Allows :
· to launch the calculation of the workload of an analysis not yet calculated 
· to accede to the display screen of the calculated workload for the analysis already launched. 

After the calculation of the load of an analysis, the system gives the date and the time of the launching of the calculation of the load of the analysis and so with the duration of the calculation. It also updates the indicator  « loads » to « yes » so as to show that the calculation of the load was carried out.

Once the analysis is calculated, only the indicator « to be conserved » and the description can be modified.

Display of the calculation of the workload analysis

Principle of the  calculation of the workload

The load of a « global » entity corresponds to the total workload of underlying entities 
In view of analysis « still to be done », only the  « active » entities are included.

Therefore, the workload of an EIcorresponds to the total load proper to : 
· the EI header
· each EI line not yet or partially received, by including only the quantities still to be received.

The workload of a carrier appointmentcorresponds to the total workload of active EI meaning not yet closed, of an appointment.

The  workload of a receiptcorresponds to the total workload proper to :
· each EI of the receipt,  as long as the receipt is not yet validated
· each movement of the pending putaway, issue of the receipt

The workload of an inputcorresponds to the total workload of a pending movement linked to an input.

The workload of a storing listcorresponds to the total workload of each movement linked to the list. 

The workload of an active DO, meaning not closed, corresponds to the total workload proper to :
· the DO header
· each DO line not yet or partially shipped, by taking into account only the quantities left to be shipped and not delayed.
· each pending output movement associated to the DO
· each validated output movement not yet packed of the DO (declarative packing preparation mode)
· each parcel not yet shipped of the DO
·each SU not yet shipped of the DO

The workload of an active wave, meaning that all the DO not yet shipped, corresponds to the total workload proper to :
· each active DO of the wave.
If an SU is linked to several DO of the wave, the workload taken into account for each station corresponds to the mean load calculated for each couple  (SU, DO).
· each pending replenishment movement linked to the wave
· each pending 2 steps transfer movement linked to the wave

The workload  of an active PO, meaning that whose movements were not yet validated, corresponds to the total workload related to : 
· the list of pending output movements for the PO
· the list of active parcels not delayed for the PO

The workload of a delivery roundcorresponds to the total workload of active DO (status « 2 » to « 8 ») of the round.
If a SU is linked to several DO of the round, the load taken into account for each station corresponds to the mean of the load  calculated for each couple (SU, DO).

The workload of a transfer movementis made up of the total of :
· the load associated to the operation of  « pick »
· the load associated to the operation of  « deposit »

Workload calculation screen

It allows the view of the forecasted workloads related to selected entities of an analysis.

 It also allows the comparison in relative value, or in absolute value the workloads of two analysis.
The display by default corresponds to a display of global load by station. It is to possible to accede to it  through the « zooms » on the detail of the workloads of a given station.

The screen proposes the following information :

-The general information of the workload analysis :
- the identifier of the analysis being consulted (Analysis N°1),
- the identifier of the analysis(comparative analysis) which we desire to compare the workload to that of the analysis N° 1 in case of comparison.
The list of comparative analysis proposed through the function « selection » correspond to the calculated analysis of the template identical to that of the analysis N°1. It is possible to key in an analysis of another template.  
- the type of comparison (absolute or relative) in the case of a comparison of analysis
- the depositor if the selected entities for the workload analysis are attached to a unique depositor.
This information is calculated and corresponds to the character mono depositor « because of » of the selection and therefore does not have the same meaning as the selection criteria « depositor » of the analysis.

·The information of the  « Table »
The information of this table are related to the functions of the « zooms ».
They are automatically filled in during the application of the standard zooms but may be keyed in directly to obtain particular zooms.
- the  zones « Page » and « value » will restrict the display of the workload to an entity type (EI, DI, SL, DO…)
- the zone « line » defines the entity type to be displayed on line.
For example, if one desires to display the workload by store, the value of the zone « line » will be « store »
- the zone « column » defines the entity type to be displayed in column.
By default, each column corresponds to a unit
If the workload station is not defined as value « Page », « Line » or « Column », then it should be specified on the zone « Station » because the elements of workloads are always related to a station

If the field « Column » is reserved to a particular entity type (and therefore cannot serve in the display of the different units of the stations considered), then the unit should be specified on the zone « Unit » because the elements of the workload are always related to a unit.

·the display of the workload calculation

Þ Global workload analysis by station : it is the view displayed by default.
It displays the global workload of analysis by workload station.
The stations « children » are listed immediately after the station « parent »
Each hierarchical level is associated to distinct display attributes (can be personalized through the advance setting) :
- Level  « 0 » (station without « parent » station) is displayed in bold characters
- Level  « -1 » is displayed in italic characters
- Level « -2 » and less are displayed in standard characters.   

Þ Comparison of related analysis :
For each couple (station, unit), the percentage displayed corresponds to the quotient (analysis n°1 / analysis n°2).
Thus, 100 % indicates that the workload is identical for the 2 analysis, 50% indicates that the load of the analysis N°1 is 2 times less than that of the N° 2 and 200% indicates that the load of the analysis N° 1 is 2 times more important than that of the analysis N° 2.
If the two analysis corresponding to the same selection of entity (a wave, a round, the workload of the day), that the analysis N°1 corresponds to the current workload analysis and that the analysis N° 2 corresponds to the initial workload analysis (in start of the day, at the launching of the wave), thus we got an estimation related to what is left to be done (I still got x% of the initial workload)
Convention of display :
If C1 represents the workload of the analysis N°1, C2 represents the workload of the analysisN°2 and  P the result of the operation (C1*100/C2)
Display of the value : no display of the value and unit if C1=0 and C2 =0, display of 999% if  C1> 0 and C2 = 0 or if  C1 >= (10 * C2), display of 0% if C1=0 et C2 <> 0
Colour codes (can be personalized thru the advance setting) :
Display in red if  P=0, display in green if 0<P<100, display in yellow if P= 100, display in blue if P>100 and display in violet if P>=999

Þ The particular functions of the screen display of the result of the workload analysis are :
▪ The   button (or the function key Enter) refresh the display after a modification of  « general information » or the « information of the table » but does not bring up to date the calculation of the workload.
▪ The  , ,  and  buttons allows to return to the previous screen after a modification of « general information » or the « information of the table », directly or thru the standard zooms.
▪ a click right on the lines of the table allows the access to the properties of the entity type displayed on line, to the management function of the entity type displayed on line( except when the lines correspond to workload stations), and to the standard zooms.  

Þ Zooms functions
▪ From the screen of the global analysis by station, it is possible to accede to a detail of the workload for one of the following axes : depositor , preparation zone, store, EI, carrier appointments, Receipt, DI, SL, DO, Wave, PO, Round, Transfer.
▪ For the  zooms, display of the following information : identifier of the entity and the complementary information of the left list related to the object.
The  complementary information can be personalized in the same way as that of the left list but it is impossible to display more than four information, besides the identifier.
Moreover, the numeric information and the « formula » type might not be displayed
▪ The « standard » zooms are accessible by click right on a line of the table.
In maximum, two levels of zoom are managed.
For example, from the global display by station, a first zoom « Round » displays the workload by round for the station requested, a second zoom « wave » displays the workload by wave for the couple (station, round) and a third zoom « DO » displays the workload by DO for the couple (station, wave) and not for the trio (station, round, wave)..

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Analysis workload template: XX ,Unknown record
The template keyed in should exist on the table of analysis template

Error zone « Depositor » : XX, Unknown record
The depositor keyed in should exist on the table of depositors for the current site

Error zone « Table » : compulsory zone
If key in of selection criteria, the entity should be keyed in

Error zone « Table » : value not correct
The value keyed in should exist on the list of entities allowed.

Error zone « field » : unknown field
The value keyed in should exist on the list of the fields of the entity keyed in

Error zone « Formula » No criteria is defined
No value keyed in for the field of the entity neither on the zone « formula »

Error zone « Analysis N°1 » : compulsory value
On the display screen of the workload analysis , it is compulsory to key in a number for the analysis N°1

Error zone « Analysis N°1 », XXX : unknown record
On the display screen of the workload analysis, the number for the analysis N°1 should exist on the table of the load analysis of the current site.

Error zone « Analysis N°1 », XXX : the loads were not calculated
On the display screen of the workload analysis, key in of number of an analysis whose calculation was not yet launched.

Error zone « Analysis comparison N°2 », XXX : unknown record
On the display screen of the workload analysis, the number for the analysis N°2 should exist on the table of workload analysis for the current site.

Error zone « Analysis comparison N°2 », XXX : the loads were not calculated
On the display screen of the workload analysis, key in of number of an analysis whose calculation was not yet launched.

Error zone « Page », XXX : Unknown field
The entity keyed in does not exist on the table of entities for a detailed workload analysis (zooms)

Error zones « Value » : compulsory zone
If an entity was keyed in on the zone « Page », it is compulsory to key in the depositor of the entity processed if the analysis is not mono depositor and the number of the entity processed.

Error zone « Line » : compulsory zone
It is compulsory to key in an entity type on the zone « Line »

Error zone « Line », XXX : Unknown field
The entity keyed in does not exist on the table of entities for a detailed workload analysis (zooms)

Error zone « Line » : Impossible to make a table of workload with this setting
The entity keyed should be coherent with the entity keyed in on the zone « Page ».
Example of  incoherent setting
 « EI » the entity keyed in on the zone « Station » to know the workload of EI in particular and « preparation area » the entity keyed in on the zone « line » to know the load of the preparation area of the EI => this setting is incoherent because the EI are never associated to a preparation area.

Error zone « Column », XXX : Unknown field
The entity keyed in does not exist on the table of entities for a detailed workload analysis (zooms)

Error zone « Column » : Impossible to make a table of workload with this setting
The entity keyed in should be coherent with the entity keyed in on the zones « Page » and  « Line ».
Example of an incoherent setting
 « EI » the entity keyed in on the zone « Line » to display the workload of an EI and « DO » the entity keyed in on the zone « column » to know the workload of the EI by => this setting is incoherent because the EI are never associated to the DO.

Error zone « Station » : compulsory zone
If theworkload station is not defined as value « Page », « Line » or « Column », then it should be specified on the zone « Station » because the elements of workloads are always related to a station.

Error zone « Station », XX : Unknown record
The workload station keyed in should exist on the table of the workload station of the current site.

Error zone « Station » : Impossible to make a table of workload with this setting
The workload station keyed in should be coherent with the entities keyed in on the zones « Page », « Line » and « Column ».
Error zone « Unit » : compulsory zone
If the field « Column » is reserved to a particular entity type (and therefore cannot serve in the display of the different units of the stations considered), then the unit should be specified on the zone « Unit » because the elements of the workload are always related to a unit.  

Error zone « Unit », XX : Unknown record
The unit keyed in should exist on the tables of units.

Error zone « Unit » : Impossible to make a table of workload with this setting
The unit keyed in should belong to at least one of the workload station of the analysis.

Tables used

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