Receipts > Receipts > Administrative receipts 

A receipt corresponds to the processing of the goods of an homogeneous delivery entity (traditionnally, a procurement). It can correspond to all or part of an expected input relating to one or several depositors.

A receipt also contains a certain number of characteristics:

  • A carrier/transport mode that can be different from the expected one
  • A transport reference (in other words, a common identifier to the site and the supplier).
  • A receipt load
  • A gross weight

The administrative receipt belongs to the Input chain.


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Screen management

This screen is used to manage the administrative receipts.

To create a receipt, it is necessary to assign to this receipt the received expected inputs.

For that purpose, there are 3 possibilities:

  • Go to "EIs to receive" in the left list, and select the proposed recordings using the mouse. The latter are regrouped by provisional receipt date and time, and by carrier.
  • Directly enter the EI numbers to be received in the Depositor and Number fields of tab 2.
  • Use the standard Selection options to select a memo code.

According to the parameter of the receipt mode of each EI, a check list can be printed automatically. This list is used as a support to physically check the received products and retranscribe them into Warehousing.







The following fields are present on this tab :

Administrative receipt no. It is a sequential number assigned automatically by the system upon receipt creation validation.

  • Status (field RCHSTA)


This field displays the unique number identifying the carrier appointment within a site. This number is assigned automatically.

  • Date (field DAT)

Document creation date. By default, it is equal to the system date.

  • Time (field TIM)

Document creation time. By default it is equal to the system time.



Tab General


This tab displays the general characteristics of an administrative receipt.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Code identifying the carrier. This code must be defined in the carrier table.

  • field CRRNAM

Carrier trade name.

Usually, the transport mode corresponds to the notions of messaging, freight, express,... The transport mode is checked against the transport modes table.

  • Carriage reference (field CRRREF)

Carrier reference.


Code used to identify the store. This code is controlled in the store table.

Address of the location.

  • field ADDSTC


  • Duration (field TER)


  • field LIBTER




  • Number of loads (field LODNBR)

Number of received loads.

  • Gross weight (field GROWEI)

Gross weight of the received goods.

  • field GROWEIUOM




Tab EI list


This tab provides the list of EIs forming the administrative receipt. In this tab, it is also possible to manually add EIs to be received by entering the depositor and its number.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • field STA2


Code representing the depositor. In logistics terms, the concept of depositor makes it possible to process separate flows or traffics within the same site. It covers the notion of order giving customer for the service provisions.
After the site, the depositor is the second access key to the Product, Input and Delivery Order files.
Concerning the location, the depositor code is entered if the location is assigned to the depositor or the product, and if the location is single-depositor or single-product and it is not empty.


Numerical sequence automatically assigned by the system upon validation of the Input header. This number features an information specific to the system, all depositors included. This piece of information features a unique access key to an Expected Input.

  • Reference (field REF)


  • Date (field DAT)



  • Supplier (field DVRNAM0)


  • Carrier (field CRRNAM)




  • Reference (field CRRREF)


  • Forecasted receipt (field APT)




Action icon

Expected inputs





By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 ENTREEATT : Receipt control list

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons

This button is used to directly enter the received quantities.

Menu Bar

Functions/Load analysis

This function is used to start the load analysis for the selected administrative receipt.

Functions / Consumable movements

Used to declare 1 or n input-to-stock movements of consumables within the framework of the administrative receipt.

This entry can take place at any moment, irrespective of the AR status.

Various data must be entered to complete a consumable input movement:

    • The consumable code: specified in the product record of the consumables
    • The movement code: must belong to the group of the 'CONSUMABLE ' processes and be of 'INPUT' type
    • The quantity:quantity of the input movement

Since the input movement of the consumable is declared from a known entity, the carrier, transport method, supplier and supplier title information are, if need be, entered with that of the entity.

For an input movement, such information as customer, customer title, the type of entity and the number of said entity is not accessible.

Depending on the setup, it is requested to enter an operator code to validate the input movement. The stock is incremented upon validation.

The movement can no longer be modified after validation. Therefore it is not updated when updates are carried out on the entity with which this movement is associated.

It is possible to generate 3 reports:

    • In File/Print/Record:
        • Stock of the consumables sorted by consumable or by quantity
        • Screen print for the selected record
    • In File/Print/List:
        • Movements of the consumables sorted by consumable or by date

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

 Deletion impossible

The status of the expected input does not allow the receipt to be modified.

The error messages associated with the consumable movement declaration are the following:

"Consumable" field error. Mandatory field

The consumable code is a mandatory entry.

"Movement code" field error Mandatory field

The movement code is a mandatory entry.

"Movement code" field error Movement code of non-consumable type.

The entered movement code must belong to the group of the 'CONSUMABLE' processes.

"Movement code" field error. Movement code of output type.

The entered movement code must necessarily be of 'INPUT' type.

"Quantity" field error. Mandatory field

The quantity of the input movement must necessarily be entered.

Application error. The depositor must be entered for this origin.

When an input movement is associated with an expected input or a direct input, the depositor must necessarily be entered.

"Mvt origin no." field error. Reference of the origin not found.

The number of the Warehousing entity must necessarily be entered and exist for the site.

"Consumable" field error: Consumbale blocked upon input.

The consumable must necessarily be authorized for input for an input movement to be completed.

Tables used

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