It also makes it possible to start the simulation or the process of the selected wave.
The AOs can be selected if they have the status "1-Pending preparation".
Refer to documentation Implementation
Upon entering the function, only those waves that need to be processed are displayed in the left list. Then there are 2 tabs on the right part describing the content of the selected wave.
To display the already selected waves (Status 5-Completed), press Selection, then All.
Creating a wave is necessary whenever a AO needs to be launched on preparation.
Step 1. File/New and choice of wave type (Assembling or disassembling) by checking or unchecking the box "Disassembling". AOs are then assigned to the wave. For that purpose, either the operator enters the AO no. in the Number column of the "AO list" tab, or they use the memo codes or they use the left list.
The left list contains the "AO to be prepared" displaying the AOs with status 1, regrouped by increasing date and time of provisional launch.
Step 2. Pressing the button "Create" validates the action and creates the wave. The selected AOs switch from status 1 to status "3-Selected for preparation".
A wave can be deleted whenever it has the status "1-Pending launch".
Step 3: Pressing the button "Delete" deletes the wave. The AOs are then disallocated from the wave and switch to their initial status (1). They are then available to be allocated to another wave that already exists or that needs to be created.
It is possible to modify a wave by allocating or disallocating AOs whenever the wave has the status "1-Pending launch".
The following fields are present on this tab :
| Numerical sequence assigned automatically by the system upon wave launching. |
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This tab provides the main information relating to an assembling wave.
The following fields are present on this tab :
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| If it is checked, the search on output of the 1st-phase transfer is carried in priority on the assembling locations. |
| If it is checked, the search on output of the 1st phase transfer will also be carried in the picking locations. |
| If it is checked, only the strictly necesssary qty is transferred even if an incomplete container has to be created in stock to that end. |
Directive missions
| When launching an assembly wave, this parameter is used to force the creation of associated missions with status '6-blocked', thus ignoring the mission setup at site level.
| This parameter is used, when launching a wave, to create the associated missions with the priority defined for the wave instead of the priority defined on the mission types (see mission parameters).
Block number 2
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No of movements
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This tab lists the AOs assigned to the wave with their main characteristics.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| Numerical sequence automatically assigned by the system upon validation of the AO header. This number features an information specific to the system, all depositors included. This piece of information features a unique access key to an Assembling Order. |
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| Used to subsequently create urgent AO waves to be handled in priority. |
| The service priority is used to define an order of priority for the processing of the assembling orders. |
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Action icon
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
ETIQREA : Replenishment label
REAPPRO : Transfers / Replenish
RUPTUREBOM : Shortage status
This can be changed using a different setup.
This function is used to launch the wave on preparation.
This function is used to simulate the launch of the wave on preparation.
This function is used to view the log files that exist for this wave.
This function makes it possible to go to the inquiry screen of the assembling movements.
This function makes it possible to go to the inquiry screen of the Transfer and Replenishment Orders linked to the assembling waves..
This function makes it possible to go to the inquiry screen of the AO line shortages.