Directive missions > Mass management 

THis function is used to mass manage the missions to process (status <'8-Processed'). It makes it possible to:

  • create missions
  • mass modify some characteristics of the missions (priority, maximum no. of resources that can work on a mission at the same time, reservation to a type of resource, reservation to a resource, to lock or to unlock to make a mission available or unavailable)
  • perform a mass closing of missions

SEEINFO this function belongs to the optional module GEOMIPS


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Screen management

The function contains a single grid that lists the missions to process.

Entry screen


Perform a mass modificatio of missions

to modify missions, they need to be selected and saved for a new entry window to open to enter the new characteristics:

  • Priority (1 to 99)
  • Reservation to a given resource
  • Reservation to a given type of resource
  • Maximum number of resources who can work simultaneously on the same mission.
  • To lock (to make the missions unavailable), To unlock ((to make the missions available)

It consists in checking the characteristics that need to be modified and enterine the new value.
That done, a simple validation updates the missions.

SEEWARNING Caution, the missions being modified will not be submitted to the resources.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Mission to process

  • Select (field SEL)

No help linked to this field.

specifies the number of the mission.

This number is managed by the "MSN" counter.

  • Description (field MSNDES)


  • Priority (field PIO)

Specifies the priority of the mission.

This priority (vlaue from 1 to 99) is used in the mission search algorithm as an emergency criterion (1= the most urgent, 99 = the least urgent).

specifies whether the mission is reserved for a given resource. If so, the mission can solely be processed by the given resource.

Specifies whether the mission is reserved for a given type of resource. If so, the mission can solely be processed by a resource of this type.

  • In progress (field MTKSTA13)

Specifies the number of tasks being performed for the mission.

  • Maxi (field MAXRSS)

Specifies the maximum number of resources who can work simultaneously on the same mission.

SEEWARNING the type of missions like parcel and SU (PKOPRC, PKOSHP) picking must be limited to one resource (mandatory).

  • Rejections (field MSNREJ)

Specifies the number of rejected tasks.

  • Block (field LOK)

Specifies the number of blocked operations.

  • Status (field MSNSTA)

specifies the mission status:
- '1-Available': the mission is available (il can be submitted to a resource)
- '3-In progress': the mission is in progress through at least one resource (tasks are in progress)
- '6-Blocked': the mission is blocked (it will never be submitted to a resource)
- '8-Processed': the mission is completed.

  • Created on (field DATCRE)


Specifies the mission start area associated with the entered position.

indicates the end mission field assigned to the entered position.



Action icon

Check all

This button is used to select all the missions that are listed in the grid.

Uncheck all

This button is used to deselect all the missions that are listed in the grid.


This button provides tunnel access to the mission.


This button provides tunnel access to the mission entity. The entity type is dependent on the mission type.

Unlock operations

This button is only available in the event of a mission having locked operations. It provides tunnel access to the operation unlock function.




Specific Buttons

This button is used to close the selected invoices. They will then move to the status '8-Processed'.

This button is used to enter criteria to filter the list of missions to process.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation