Handheld procedures > Missions 

This function is used to automatically allocate directive missions to a VT resource logging onto it according to criteria associated with the resource (position, materials used) and to the various authorization rules on mission types, material types and mission areas.

Operating principle of the AMA function (Automatic Mission Assignment):

  • Stage 1: Connection to the AMA function
    the resource logs on to the AMA system (which only authorizes one connection per resource).
  • Stage 2: Entry of the position
    the resource enters their position (store/addressing) inside the store. The system only accepts positions associated with mission areas.
  • Stage 3: Entry of the IT and handling materials (requested the first time only)
    the resource enters the IT and handling materials they are using. The system checks that these materials are available and the resource is authorized to use them.
  • Stage 4: A task to perform is submitted
    Based on the resource's position and the materials they are using, the system searches the missions and their available operations which can be performed by the resource. Based on an algorithm (described later in the document), the system submits a task including operations originating from missions having the same types.
    - The resource rejects this task (then a rejection reason needs to be entered) and the system will submit another task.
    - The resource accepts this task and the system proceeds with said task.
  • Stage 5: Completion of a task
    The task is sub-divided in three parts:
      • 1st part: Start of the task
        Actions to be carried out before starting to carry out the operations constituting the task.
      • 2nd part: completion of the operations proper using the standard VT processes.
      • 3rd part: End of task
        Actions necessary to complete the task.
  • Stage 6: Sequencing of mission?
    If the resource and the mission type of the task performed authorizes the sequencing of missions, the system will automatically submit a new task on a sequencing type of mission that takes place in the same mission area as the resource.
  • Stage 7: Return to stage 3 and another task is requested
    Once these stages are completed, the system returns to stage 3 with a position reinitialized according to the new position of the resource. As an option the resource can then modify this position and ask for a new task.

SEEINFO The materials remain linked to the resource for the whole duration spent in this function. They are "released" when logging off the AMA (return to the general VT menu).

SEEINFO this function belongs to the optional module GEOMIPS


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Screen management

Tab Position

In this tab the resource enters their position (store/address).

Notion of live site and depositor: the system initializes a live site and depositor based on the characteristics of the user/resource. These values cannot be modified and they condition the eligible missions.

  • Site: it features the user's current site.
  • Depositor:
    - The user can be a "single-depositor"; then it is the user's current depositor. This user will only have access to those missions dedicated to this depositor.
    - The user is a "multi-depositor"; the depositor is not entered. This user will be able to access all the site missions and all the depositors.

SEEWARNING The receiving missions (RECEIVING type ) are the only missions that are defined by site. In other words, a "single-depositor" user/resource will never be able to deal with this type of mission.

Tab Materials

In this tab, the resource states their IN and handling material.

SEEINFO It is mandatory to state 1 IT material and 1 handling material. It is totally acceptable to enter the same material if it qualifies both as IT and handling material.

Tab number 3

(Internal, hidden tab)

Mission and operation search algorithm

The building of a task (grouping of operations and missions having the same types) complies with the following algorithm:

1 - determining the missions/operations that can be performed by the resource

determining the missions/operations complies with specific rules.

  • General conditions of the mission:
      • the mission is in the status '1-available, '3-In process'
      • the mission has its "To block" flag deactivated
      • the mission relates to the live site and depositor of the resource
      • the mission is not reserved for a resource or a type of resource other than the one of the current resource.
      • the mission has not reached the maximum number of resource that can work simultaneously.
      • if the mission has a mission start area, if the resource is not located in this area, there must be a sequencing between the mission area where the resource is located and the mission start area.
      • the (start and/or end) mission areas can be accessed by the resource type based on the combination (mission type, mission area) and on the table called "Types of mission by types of resource".
      • the (start and/or end) mission areas can be accessed by the material types used by the resource based on 2 tables "Types of handling materials by mission areas" and "Types of material by types of mission".
  • Conditions linked to the operations:
      • the operation is not blocked.
      • the operation entity is still awaiting processing on a location associated with a mission area.
      • the operation entity is not yet being processed by another resource on another task.
      • the locations associated with the operation grant access to the material type of the resource (setup al location level).
      • the operation can be accessed by the type of resource based on the combination (mission type, mission area) and on the table called "Types of mission by types of resource".
      • the operation can be accessed by the material types used by the resource based on 2 tables "Types of handling materials by mission areas" and "Types of material by types of mission".

The result is a list of missions+operations that can be performed by the resource about to be selected, in order to specify those missions/operations to be submitted first to the resource.
The scheduling will consider the 5 following criteria (by order of importance):

      • Mission priority: the most urgent missions are privileged (priority set to 1) to the less urgent (priority set to 99).
      • Preliminary assignment to a resource or type of resource: with the same priority, missions are sorted as follows:
        - missions reserved to the resource.
        - missions reserved to a type of resource.
        - missions that are not reserved.
      • Start mission area with a similar priority and preliminary assignment: a mission within the area where the resource is located is searched in priority. Then, by default, the search is conducted in an area as close as possible to the area where the resource is located, based on the sequencing table of mission areas. In the absence of start mission area, (empty field), they are considered as the most remote.
      • Type of mission and mission area: With the same priority, preliminary assignment and start mission area, a search is conducted for the combination (type of mission, mission area) on the basis of table "Types of mission by types of resource" (Priority field).

2 - Creating the task

The system takes the first mission that can be performed along with the associated operations. It creates the task comprised of the operations (sorted in the same order as for the mission entity) while complying with the maximum load authorized (in CUs, volume and weight) by the handling material or by default the resource.

The task is then submitted to the resource. If the resource rejects the task, the system automatically recreates another task by using the next mission and so on and so forth until the resource has accepted a task or there are no missions left.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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