This function is only available if CCN - Concession activity code is activated.

Assets in concession can be renewed by the grantee under certain conditions (with the possibility to cancel this renewal under certain conditions).
In the application, there are two stages for this renewal: a preparation stage followed by a renewal validation stage.

1/ ThePreparation stage consists of:

  • Listing, for a renewing asset, the concession asset or assets that it is supposed to renew.
  • Precising the operation setups, such as effective renewal date and issue rule.

According to this information, a certain number of amounts are calculated and displayed in this screen. These are:

For the renewing asset:

  • the initial funds received (total of the funds transmitted for all the assets to renew),
  • the fiscal provision amount to pick up,
  • the amortization expense variance

For each asset to renew:

  • the amortization expense fund, the provision fund for renewal and the subsidy fund transmitted to the renewing asset.

2/ The Validation stage
This stage can be carried on from the Preparation function or from the Validation function which is used to validate a range of operations.

During this stage, the renewal becomes effective. It has the following effects:
- transmits the funds to the renewing assets, starts the calculation of their depreciation in the amortization expense plan and, if applicable, of their provisions for renewal.
- issues renewing assets.

SEEINFO Upon unitary validation, a calculation of the renewing asset and assets to renew is carried out automatically if the CALAUTVAL - Automatic calculation upon validation setup is set to Yes. Otherwise, the values for an asset are update only after the launch of the calculation.

Notes on FY closure:
Existing renewing assets or renewing operations can have an impact on the FY closure of the Accounting and fiscal:
This closure is indeed forbidden if there is, for a company:

  • an operation for which the renewal date is in the current FY or for which the date has not been entered,
  • at least one Renewing asset, in service for the CoA plan, which has not been part of a renewing operation (its Executed renewal flag is not activated).
Cancellation of a renewal operation

After validation, a renewal operation can be cancelled as long as no period or FY closure has been done since the validation of the renewal.

The cancellation can be done:

After period or FY closure, all validated renewal operations are deleted whichever effective renewal date. It is therefore not possible to cancel them anymore. If there is an error or if something is forgotten, it is still possible to delete the renewal asset (the renewal is cancelled and the assets to renew are issued) and to prepare and validate a new renewal operation as long as the FY closure has not been carried out.


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Screen management

Entry screen


This screen is used to launch the processing validating or canceling the validation of one or several renewal operations.
Reminder: only the operations validated since the last closing (of the fiscal year or period) can be canceled.

Process setup

First, it is necessary to set up the processing or to recall an existing setup previously saved under a code using the button .

Single operation processing:

The setup consists in:

  • Specifying the processing options: Simulation, Detailed log file and Calculation.
  • Specify the reference of the renewing asset impacted by the renewal operation.
    The list displayed by the right click option Selection on the field Renewing asset is filtered depending on the selection criteria previously entered.
    It is specified, for each asset, if the renewal is validated or not. Depending on the selected asset, the box Cancellation is automatically activated or not.

Processing on several operations attached to the same site:

The setup consists in:

  • Specifying if this is a cancellation operation and what are the other processing options: Simulation, Detailed log file and Calculation.
  • Specifying the selection criteria for operations to process. Only the site is mandatory.
    It is possible to limit the selection to operations linked to a specific grantor and/or to a specific concession.

SEEINFOWhen the setup of a process is completed, it is possible to save it under an identification code using the button . It is then possible to recall it at a later date for use in a renewal.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Cancellation (field FLGCNL)

This indicator is automatically activated when the renewal operation of the selected renewing asset is validated..It recalls that this is a cancellation process

  • Simulation (field FLGSIM)

This check box is selected by default and runs the closing in simulation mode. In this case, controls and the process are carried out but there are no updates recorded in the database.

Clear this check box to run in actual mode. In this case, you cannot reverse the closing and updates are recorded in the database. If you are using intermediate commits, it is recommended that the NIVTRACE – Log file level parameter (AAS chapter, MIS group) value is 0.

  • Detailed log file (field FLGDET)

A log file is automatically displayed on process completion, showing the processing parameters. A Statistics section gives the number of selected assets, the number of assets updated as well as the number of assets not processed due to an error. Assets with errors are listed with their error reason.

When this box is ticked, the log file is displayed in the form of a detailed report presenting, in addition to the information listed above, the list of assets successfully processed.

The viewing and printing of log files are possible at any time via the report code ATRACE - Print log file print request, obtained from the Supervisor function in the Print/Group print menu.

  • Calculation (field FLGCAL)

This flag cannot be accessed in simulation mode. It is used to, in actual process, to request for an automatic calculation of the depreciation amounts for assets that are part of a renewal operation at the end of the process.


The company cannot be entered: it is automatically loaded with the company to which the financial site is linked.

The site is the only mandatory selection criteria.
It can be entered; if so, it is used as a filter for the following fields. Otherwise, it is loaded automatically after the choice of grantor, concession of renewing asset.

This field contains the reference of the concession's grantor.
This is not mandatory; if no grantor is entered, the processing will concern all the renewal operations (validation or cancellation) of the concessions assigned to the specified site.
It can be entered and will then be used to filter on the renewing assets. If it is not entered, it is systematically loaded if a concession or a renewing asset is entered.

This field is used to enter the concession contract reference.
This is not mandatory; if no concession is entered, the processing will concern all the renewal operations (validation or cancellation) of the concessions assigned to the specified site and to the grantor if this latter is entered.
It can be entered and will then serve as filter on the renewing assets. If it is not entered, it is systematically loaded if a renewing asset is entered.

  • Description 1 (field CCNDES1)

Concession contract name.

  • Description 2 (field CCNDES2)

Concession contract additional name.

  • Renewing asset (field RNWAASREF)

This field is used to enter the reference of the renewing asset. The list of assets available for selection is filtered on the info: Grantor and Concession, when they are entered.

  • Description 1 (field RNWAASDES1)

This field cannot be modified and contains the description of the asset.

  • Description 2 (field RNWAASDES2)

This field, non modifiable, contains the complementary description of the financial asset.



Processing description

Validation process

The assets are updated as follows:

Renewing asset:

  • Generation of a FASRNW event- Renewal

In the function managing the Assets/tabConcessions :

  • Activation of the flag Renewal done.
  • Loading of the amounts in the Inheritance block in the Concession tab: Initial fund, Provision to recover, Amortization variance and Amortization excess.

In the function managing the Assets/tabDepreciation:

  • The amortization depreciation plan of the renewing asset is updated (application of the AR mode, determination of the depreciation start date on the basis of the entered renewal date and the chosen issue rule, loading of the depreciation end date with the concession end date, update of the depreciation basis (initial basis – amortization initial fund given by the assets to renew), calculation of the amortization fund (Initial fund – amortization excess).
  • Depreciation calculation, and if needed, provisions for renewal.

Renewing assets:

  • The assets are automatically issued:

    On the tab Receipt/Issue in the asset management, loading of information linked to the issue:
    - issue date = renewal date
    - issue reason = Renewal (reason which can be regarded as a disposal)
    - issue rule = that specified upon preparation,
    On the tab Concession: loading of the different funds transmitted and of the reference of the renewing asset which is to inherit these funds.
  • Generation of events FASISS -Asset issue and FASCCNISS -Asset issue / Provisions.
Validation cancellation processing

The updates made on the assets during the validation operation are canceled and following events are generated:
- Renewal cancellation: FASRNW, on the renewing asset
- Issue cancellation: FASISS, and if needed FASCCNISS, in the assets to renew.

Specific Buttons

Click this action to save the current settings to a Memo code to be reused later. The memo is linked to your user profile, not to the function or the screen.

The STD memo code is associated with the screen and is loaded immediately when you open the function.

For more information on the advanced use of the Memo action, refer to the documentation on the General ergonomics of SAFE X3 software.

Click this action to enter a Memo code to load the settings associated with the code.

Click this action to delete a Memo code.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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