Use this screen to:

  • carry out a transfer of the Site and/or a change to the economic allocation and/or a change to the analytical allocation of the displayed asset and any component assets that are attached to it,
  • cancel the last transfer carried out, under some conditions.

It is called from the management function of Assets (click Transfer in the Movements menu of the Actions panel).


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Screen management

Scope in mass and unit processing

  • Transfer
      • All transfers are prohibited on assets which:

        - are 'Inactive',
        - are classified as for sale (update 8.0.0 and higher),
        - have been subjected to a real asset disposal,
        - have a 'In template' holding type,
        -are in the process of an intra-group sale.
        - have their last transfer date (and/or last receipt date of a physical element for asset attached to physical elements) is later than the transfer date entered,
        - have attached at least one physical element having a disposal or disposal cancellation movement pending.
      • The transfer of a 'Component' asset is only possible via the main asset to which it is linked. If you wish to transfer it without transferring the main asset, then modify its status to 'Autonomous'. If main assets are selected, the associated component assets will be applied the same parameters.
      • The financial site transfer of an asset 'In concession' is forbidden.
  • Transfer cancellation
      • Only a transfer carried out in the current fiscal year can be canceled.
      • Any transfer cancellation is prohibited for assets whose last transfer date or last receipt date of a physical element is later than the date entered.

SEEINFO In mass processing, assets for which a transfer (or transfer cancellation) is prohibited are implicitly excluded from the processing.

Screen management method

The management is the same for this window as for all the actions that can be applied to assets.

  • Enter the parameters linked to the transfer.
  • You can then:
    - Either directly validate the entry of the new parameters by clicking OK. A consistency control applying to the new assignment and/or allocations is then performed. If an error occurs, a message is displayed preventing the asset to be updated. You must then correct the faulty parameters.
    - Or to go through an intermediate stage of control of the parameters entered by clicking Control.
  • When the parameters are correct, click OK to validate their application and return in modification mode to the Assets screen. The transfer is taken into account only after saving the asset. Its associated component assets are updated as well.

Tab Setup definition


This screen displays the financial site and the original economic and analytical allocations of the asset.

To carry out a transfer: 

  • Enter the transfer parameters by indicating:
    - the transfer Date,
    - the Reason justifying this transfer.
  • Enter the new values linked to the transfer.

SEEWARNING Clearing the value of a field does not mean that the field retains its original value but that it is transfered to a "null" value: at the end of the transfer, the value of the field is blanked.It is therefore important to avoid blanking fields for which no transfer is requested.

To perform the cancellation of the last effective transfer: 

  • Check the Cancellation box.
    The cancellation is possible only if the transfer has been carried out during the current fiscal year and did not concern this activity sector.

SEEINFO The entry screens for the Assets function (parameters in theBusiness object transactionsfunction) are used to hide fields, notably those dedicated to the geographic assignments and economic and analytical allocations.If this is the case, the fields corresponding to this information are also made inaccessible for this screen.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Transfer parameters

  • Cancellation (field CCLTRF)

This help is common to the single and mass transfer processings.

Check this box to request the cancellation of the last transfer.

  • In individual process mode, it can be checked only if the asset has already been subjected to one or more transfers (except activity sector transfer) in the current fiscal year. 
  • In mass process mode, it can always be entered. You then need to enter the date of the transfer and the assignments and/or allocations selected for this transfer.
  • Overwrite pending movements (field ECRPHYATT)

This help is common to the single and the mass transfer processings.

  • In single processing, this check box is not used.
  • In mass processing, this check box can always be accessed:
    - When it is selected, the pending transfer movements or transfer cancellations on the physical elements attached to the selected assets are ignored and deleted. The transfers carried out on each of the assets are then transferred on any attached physical elements.
    - When it is not selected, the movements are retained and the assets attached to physical elements with pending movements are ignored by the transfer processing. They are listed in the log file created at the end of the processing for information purposes.
  • Transfer date (field MVTDAT)

This help is common to the single and mass transfer processings.

This is the date at which the transfer is recorded. This date is mandatory and displayed in the EVTDAT field for the corresponding FASAFFAGE (assets) and PHTAFFGEO (physical elements) event(s).
It must be later or equal to:

  • the start date of each current fiscal year, and come before the end date of each following fiscal year in the different contexts managed for the company of the asset, or, in the case of a mass processing, for all the companies to which the assets belong,
  • on the date of the last transfer carried out on the asset.
    When physical elements are attached to the asset, it must also be later than or equal to the date of the last transfer and/or to that of the last receipt of physical elements.
  • on the purchase date of the asset (for unitary transfers).

In the case of a mass transfer cancellation, it is the date at which the transfer to be canceled has been carried out.

This field displays the transfer reason.
This information which is mandatory in case of transfer, does not need to be entered in case of transfer cancellation.


This help is common to the single and mass transfer processings.

  • In single processing:
    Enter the new financial site of the asset and any of its components.

    SEEINFO When a location transfer movement involving a financial site transfer is pending on an attached physical element, the financial site is loaded with the destination site of the movement.
  • In mass processing:
    Enter the new financial site of all the selected assets and their components.  
    In the case of a transfer cancellation, enter the destination financial site of the transfer to be canceled.

This help is common to the single and mass transfer processings.

  • In single processing:
    This field can only be accessed when the transfer is carried out for the financial site and the asset is in one of the following situations:
      • it is attached to physical elements,
      • it is a main asset with physical elements attached to its components.

In that case, the new location of the physical elements is mandatory.

  • In mass processing:
    The location is mandatory when the transfer is carried out for the financial site. This location will apply to physical elements attached to the selected assets and any of their components. 

The default site location is suggested by default.

  • Activity sector (field AASBUSD)

This help is common to the single and mass transfer processings.

Enter the new activity sector of the asset and potential components or, in the case of a mass process, all the selected assets.

In addition, when the activity sector transfer is carried out for assets acquired in the current fiscal year or in the next fiscal year, an update of the data linked to the VAT is carried out.
SEEREFERTTOGo see Processing description in the Geographic transfer.

In a mass process, the assets acquired during the fiscal year are not taken into account when the transfer date of the activity sector is posterior to the fiscal year.

In the case of a mass transfer cancellation, the user must fill the activity sector receiving the transfer to be canceled.

  • Description (field SACDES)


  • Deductible VAT update (field LASMFLG)

This help is common to the single and mass transfer processings.

The "Self-delivery" check box can only be accessed if the company is subject to the French legislation.
When it is checked, the processing associated with the activity sector transfer:

  • generates no transfer of invoiced VAT,
  • generates a recovered VAT adjustment (repayment or additional deduction) identical to the annual VAT adjustment which sets the definitive deduction coefficient for assets acquired during the fiscal year.

This help is common to the single and mass transfer processings.

This field is used to enter the new treasury generator unit which the asset(s) and its potential components will be posted to.
The change of TGU is not authorized for the asset depreciated in the current period or fiscal year.
In the case of a mass transfer cancellation, the user must fill the TGU receiving the transfer to cancel.

Analytical allocations

This help is common to the single and mass transfer processings.

This field is used to enter the new distribution key that will define the analytical allocations for the asset(s) and its(their) potential components. 
The entry of a key is exclusively linked to the entry of the analytical dimensions.
The entered distribution key must be attached to the company and the financial site. It is also controlled with respect to its validity start and end dates and any user access code to this key.
If the mass transfer is canceled, the user must fill the destination key of the transfer to cancel.



This help is common to the single and mass transfer processings.

This field is used to enter the analytical dimension to which the asset(s) and its possible components will be posted.
The entry dimension must be attached to the company and the financial site. It is also controlled with respect to these validity start and end dates and any user access code for this dimension.
In the case of a mass transfer cancellation, the user must fill the dimension receiving the transfer to cancel.



Description of the transfer process

An economic/analytical site transfer is composed of the following operations:

  • Update of the asset and any component assets that are linked to it, with the new assignments/allocations entered.
  • Generation of:

    - a 'Main geographic/analytical transfer' event (FASAFFAGE). Two events are managed when the transfer concerns a financial site (one for each site).
    - as many 'Secondary events of geographic/analytical transfer' (FASAFFAGE), as periods, before the current period, with a 'Definitive' posting on the original allocations (both on the current FY and the following FY). These events include the amounts of analytical allocation adjustment for the charges already posted.

    - The EVTDAT field recovers the implementation date: the transfer date specified on the transfer screen.
    - the CPTDATINT field displays the accounting effective date.
    For the main event, it is the furthest of the following dates: Start date of the current period, Depreciation start date.
    For the secondary event, it is the start date of the period involved.
    - of a transfer event for each physical element linked to the asset (PHYAFFGEO). Two events are managed when the transfer concerns a financial site (one for each site).
    The inquiry of events in the Event Journal window can be accessed from the Objects management function header (Assets, Physical elements).
     In this window:
    - the Main events can be identified thanks the FASTRFC_01.jpg icon displayed at the beginning of the line. Double-clicking this icon expands the tree view of the list of Secondary events linked to it.
    In the content of the events, the EVTPRINC - Main event field of Local menu type can be used to distinguish a main event from a secondary event; the link between the two events is ensured by the TIMSTPP - Time stamp alphanumeric field.
    - The numeric field TRFTYP is used to identify the type of transfer that has been processed:
    1: site transfer only
    2: analytical transfer only
    3: site and analytical transfer
    4: economic transfer only
    5: site and economic transfer
    6: economic and analytical transfer
    7: economic, site and analytical transfer
  • Generation of the accounting entry used to post the event, if the Entry type pertaining to this event is set up for an immediate posting of the event.
Financial site transfer of an asset linked to physical elements
  • When an asset is linked to one or several physical elements, the site and location transfer is automatically copied to the physical elements linked to it.
  • When one of the physical elements attached has a transfer movement pending, the fields of the Transfer screen are automatically loaded using those of the transfer movement pending on the physical element. It is possible to modify this information. Validating the transfer leads to the transfer of all the physical elements linked to the asset.
    • When several attached physical elements have pending transfer movements, the asset transfer is prohibited. You must either detach the physical elements, or split the asset.
    • When at least one physical element attached to the asset is pending disposal or disposal cancellation, the transfer is not authorized.

Analytical allocation transfer

When this transfer occurs after the calculation of a charge leading to the generation of charge events, an analytical allocation adjustment process is carried out for the depreciation charges. This regulation amount is distributed on each transfer event generated (REGANADOT field); it is calculated as follows:

  • if the transfer is posterior to the current period end, this amount is equal to 0,
  • if the transfer is done in the current period, this amount corresponds to the period charge amount,
  • if the transfer is done in a closed period, this amount corresponds to the period charges total between the transfer period start and the current period end.
Activity sector transfer

The transfer of an activity sector can lead to a global VAT adjustment on the CoA plan and IAS/IFRS plan as well if the REGVATIAS - IFRS referential:VAT adj? parameter (AAS chapter, VAT group ) is set to 'Yes'.
This process is carried out if the following conditions are met:

  • the CoA or IAS/IFRS accounting nature of the asset is 'Fixed asset in service' (or 'Fixed asset in process' when the REGENCOURS - Fas in process: VAT adj is set to: 'Yes'),
  • the Posting date for the asset is greater than or equal to the current fiscal year start date for the 'Accounting and financial' context.

Global VAT adjustment process linked to the activity sector transfer
Several cases of activity sector transfers have to be distinguished:

1/Taxable sector --> Non-taxable sector
The transfer leads in this case to the taxation of a self-delivery: no global adjustment is performed.
2/ Non-taxable sector --> Taxable sector
3/ Taxable sector --> Taxable sector
In these last two cases, the transfers corresponds to a non-taxable sales with VAT transfer to the buying sector.
 The process carries out:

  • A global adjustment for the selling sector.
    This adjustment is calculated according to the terms applied to a non-taxable disposal:
    For each remaining year in the adjustment period, the asset taxation coefficient automatically takes as value: 0. (its deduction coefficient due to the event will thus also have the value:0).
    The global adjustment thus corresponds to a repayment. It is equal to the total of the annual adjustments which would have been carried out until the end of the adjustment period. Its amount is calculated as follows:
    (0 - Deduction coefficient in effect) x initial VAT x Residual duration / Adjustment period duration.
  • A VAT transfer to the buying sector
    A part of the initial invoiced VAT is transferred to the buying sector in proportion of the adjustment duration not yet accrued.
    Its amount, calculated as follows,
                     Initial invoiced VAT x Residual adjustment duration / Adjustment period duration
    becomes the new initial tax amount and is used as basis for the adjustment calculations.
  • A recalculation of the deductible VAT amount using the new initial tax amount and the new deduction coefficient stemming from applying the taxation coefficient associated to the buying sector.
  • The coefficients applied in the buying sector become the new applicable coefficients of reference for the asset.
  • A new adjustment period starts for the buying sector.
    Note: when several activity sector transfers happen in the same fiscal year, the adjustment lead time does not change when the final sector is the same as the one at the beginning of the fiscal year (see examples below).
  • The depreciation bases (initial and revaluated) of the asset are updated, as are the depreciation plans.
     Year N: a new building is bought and assigned to sector A
     - VAT invoiced = 196,000 €
    - Deduction coefficient: 0.4
    - VAT initially deducted: 196,000 x 0.4 = 78,400 €
    This coefficient does not change throughout the life of the company.
    Year N+7: transfer of the asset to a B activity sector. The deduction coefficient is 0.35.
    --> Adjustment for sector A:
    (0 - 0.4) x (196,000 / 20) x 12 = -47,040, meaning a repayment of 47,040 €
    --> VAT transfer to sector B: 117 600 x (12 / 20) = 196 600 € of invoiced VAT
    --> VAT deduction for sector B: 117,600 x 0.35 = 41,160 €
    If the company transfers the asset for the second time in the fiscal year, in another sector: sector C, whose coefficient is 0.25:
    --> Adjustment for sector B:
    (0 - 0.35) x (117,600 / 20) x 20 = -41,160, meaning a repayment of 41,160 €
     --> VAT transfer to sector C: 117,600 x (20 / 20) = 117,600 € of invoiced VAT
    --> VAT deduction for sector C: 117,600 x 0.25 = 29,400 €
    If the company transfers the asset to its original sector A for the second time in the fiscal year:
    --> Adjustment for sector B:
    (0 - 0.35) x 117,600 = -41,160, meaning a repayment of 41,160 €
     --> VAT transfer to sector A: 117,600 x (20 / 12) = 196,600 € of invoiced VAT
    --> VAT deduction for sector A: 117,600 x 0.4 = 47,040 (additional deduction of 47,040 €).

    • The information concerning a VAT adjustment following an activity sector transfer is found in the Transfer event.
    • If expensesare linked to the asset, the activity sector transfer of the asset is not transferred to them.
    • The annual adjustments carried out on a fiscal year during which a global adjustment linked to a transfer is carried out concern both the selling sector and the buying sector:
      1/ The annual adjustment concerning the buying sector is linked to the change of the deduction coefficient over time:
      VAT invoiced x (deduction coeff. for the year - reference deduction coeff.) / 20 (real asset) or 5 (movable property)
      2/ The annual adjustment concerning the buying sector is linked to the set definitive deduction coefficient:
      Deductible VAT calculated using the definitive coefficient - Deductible VAT calculated using the temporary coefficient.
      Reminder: when the transfer is carried out on the investment year N, this adjustment is only calculated for the year N (1/5 or 1/20 depending on whether it is a fixture or a real asset) as the global adjustment implied an adjustment over the whole adjustment period not yet accrued (4 or 19 years).
       Year N: a new building is bought and assigned to sector A
       - VAT invoiced = 20,000 €
      - Reference deduction coefficient: 0.6
      Year N+1: on the 05/15 the asset is transferred to sector B
      - Temporary deduction coefficient: 0.9
        --> Global adjustment for sector A: (0 - 0.6) x (200,000 / 20) x 18 = -108,000, meaning a repayment of 108,000 €
             VAT transfer to sector B: 200,000 x 18 / 20 = 180,000 € of invoiced VAT
              Amount of deductible VAT: 196 000 x 0,9 = 78 400 €
      - Annual deduction coefficient of sector A: 0.4
        --> Annual adjustment for sector A: (0.4 - 0.6) x (200,000 / 20) = - 2,000, meaning a repayment of 2,000 €
      - Definitive deduction coefficient of sector B: 0.95
        --> Annual adjustment for sector B: (180,000 x 0.95) - (180,000 x 0.9) = 9,000, meaning 9,000 € of additional deduction
              The amount of deductible VAT for the asset is equal to: 180,000 x 0.95 = 171,000 (also equal to 162,000 + 9,000). 

Setup of the transfer cancellation process

Reminder: a transfer can be canceled only if it took place in the current fiscal year.

Canceling an economic/analytical/site transfer leads to the update of:

  • the asset and any component asset linked to it, with the original allocations for the asset before this last transfer,
  • the physical elements attached to the assets, with their original geographical allocations.

Specific Buttons

This action displays a control screen displaying the new assignment and/or the new economic and analytical allocations of the asset and potential components in a table.

Lines in error are displayed in color. The reason for the error is displayed in the Error column.

Click on Close page to close the control window. The entry screens of parameters is displayed again. You can then either validate by clicking OK if no error occurred, or correct the erroneous parameters.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

"Validity start date later than the transfer date"

The analytical dimension chosen is not valid for the transfer date entered. The validity start date is later than that of the transfer.

"The validity end date is earlier than the transfer date"

The analytical dimension chosen is not valid for the transfer date entered. Its validity end date is earlier than that of the transfer.

"Transfer cancellation impossible, no event"

A transfer cancellation is only possible if a Geographic / analytical transfer event (FASAFFAGE) has been generated for at least one of the plans managed by the company.

Tables used

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