Customer relation > Customer support > Planning calendar 

 The after-sales calendar is an operational tool meant for each after-sales service employee. Within a single function, the user can work on the service requests that have been assigned to him/her, but also manage the planning of the service responses from a graphical component of the calendar type.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :

Specify the code of the employee whose calendar you want to display.
When opening the function, your user code is specified by default if, in the user parameter AUSHDKA - After-sales employee (HDK chapter, AUZ group), you are defined as being an after-sales employee.
Leave this field empty if you wish to view the calendar of all users. This gives a manager the possibility to view the calendar of all the people he/she is in charge of.
SEEINFO When a queue reference is specified, it prevails on any employee.This employee will not be taken into account in the search.

  • Start date (field DATMIN)

You can restrict the scope of the calendar by entering the start and end dates of the given period.

  • End date (field DATMAX)




Tab Service Requests


The grid displays the unclosed service requests corresponding to the criteria set in the header.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

This field is used to filter the service requests list according to their status.

Use this field to filter the list of service requests according to their level of severity.

This field is used to select a queue in order to view the requests that are assigned to this queue.
When a queue reference is specified, it comes before any employee that could be entered in the header. This employee would not be taken into account in the search.

  • The Selection icon is used to select a queue from the list of all the queues declared in the application.
  • The Go to icon provides direct access to the Queues management function.
  • The menu Actions > Queue statistics is used to display a screen, listing for each queue the number of service requests assigned to it.


  • Assignment type (field SREASS)


  • Description (field SRETTR)


  • Customer (field SREBPCNAM)
  • Contact (relationship) (field SRECCNNAM)


  • Date created (field SREDATOPG)
  • Time (field CREHOU)


  • Status (field SRESATCLA)
  • Severity level (field GRALEVCLA)


  • Requested resolution date (field SRERESDAT)

This field indicates the date after which the customer issue must be resolved.
This field is always the object of an automatic qualification throughout the entry of the different fields that make up the service request.

When the request is not covered by a service contract, this date corresponds to the current date increased by the number of days contained in the global parameter QREAC - CS reactivity level (days) (HDK chapter, SRE group) set to 7 standard days.

If the request is covered by a service request, this date is loaded as a function of the quality constraints in the contract concerned.
If the problem is non blocking, the date is calculated from the Maximum resolution lead-time fields in the Non blocking problemssection.
If the problem is non blocking, the date is calculated from the Maximum resolution lead-time fields in the Non blocking problemssection.

This date can also be affected by a manual modification to the contract. In fact, the customer can be confronted by a specific situation that imposes more extended resolution lead-times than planned. The reasons for this extended lead-time can be described in the Reason field.

  • Time (field SRERESHOU)


  • Base by default (field SREMACDES)


  • Global skill (field SREPBLGRP)


  • Global coverage (field OVRCOV)


  • No. of escalations (field SREESC)


  • Last escalation (field SREESCNUM)


  • Escalation category (field ESCCATCLA)


  • Date escalated (field SREESCDAT)


  • Time (field SREESCHOU)


  • Escalation type (field ESCTYPCLA)


  • Assignment (field SREDETNAM)


  • Service request (field SRENUM)


  • Customer request (field SRENUMBPC)




Action icon

Close the Request

Used to modify the status of the current service request so as to close it.

Assign the Request to Me

Used to modify the assignment of the current service request and assign it to the current user.

Assign the Request to

Used to modify the assignment of the current service request and assign it to another user of their choice.

New Service Response

Used to create a service response to meet the current service request.

Prospect/Customer History

Displays the history of movements of the selected customer in terms of actions to do and actions done.

Outlook Contact History

Displays the Outlook contact history in terms of actions to do and actions done.

Service response history
Request status history
Escalation history




Tab Service Responses


The Service responses tab displays in a calendar or grid, the responses that meet the criteria entered in the header.

The CS calendar is a graphical component that can be viewed in several ways:

  • daily view,
  • weekly view in working days,
  • weekly view in calendar days,
  • monthly view.

By positioning the cursor on a specific day, it is possible to view the detail of the displayed service response and to directly access the Service responses record.

SEEREFERTTO For further information on how to use the calendar in a graphic, see documentation: Graphic representation of the calendar.



The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Use this field to filter the list of service responses according to their category.

  • field ITINERAIRE


  • Subcontracted actions (field ITNSCO)

Use this field to filter the list of service responses in order to display only the sub-contracted ones.


  • Week (field SEMAINE)


  • Start date (field DATDEB)

This field indicates the specified start date of the intervention. The duration of the intervention (expressed in hours) is automatically calculated as a function of the intervention start and end dates.

  • Start time (field HEURDEB)

This field indicates the specific start hour of the intervention. The duration of the intervention (expressed in hours) is automatically calculated as a function of the intervention start and end dates.

  • End date (field DATFIN)

This field indicates the specific end date of the intervention. The duration of the intervention (expressed in hours) is automatically calculated as a function of the intervention start and end dates.

  • End time (field HEURFIN)

This fields indicates the specific end hour of the intervention. The duration of the intervention (expressed in hours) is automatically calculated as a function of the intervention start and end dates.

  • Type (field TYPACT)


  • Done (field EXE)


  • Category (field TYPNAM)
  • Information (field INFOS)

Use this field to enter comments relating to the service response.

  • Customer (field BPCNAM)
  • Contact (relationship) (field CCNNAM)


  • Distance (miles) (field DTCKIL)

This field displays any mileage information entered in the intervention record.

  • Estimated travel time (field TRITIM)

This field displays the average journey time necessary to visit the intervention locations.

  • Provider (field COLNAM)

Use this field to assign the service response to an internal resource or to an external service provider.

  • If the service response is not sub-contracted, a menu Available employees is used to view the planning of skilled technicians.
  • If the service response is sub-contracted, a Skilled service suppliers menu can be used to inquire the list of skilled BP service providers who agree to intervene in the customer's geographic zone.
    The list of service providers is sorted in ascending order of the negotiated hourly rate.
  • Subcontracted (field SCO)

When no technician can be assigned to an intervention, it is possible to assign it to external service providers.

  • Action no. (field ITNNUM)


Action icon


Displays the detail of the service response in the form of a record.

Prospect/Customer History

Displays the history of movements of the selected customer in terms of actions to do and actions done.

Outlook Contact History

Displays the Outlook contact history in terms of actions to do and actions done.

Outlook Contact History
Service response itinerary




Tab Information


This tab displays messages relating to the specified user about the service requests that have been assigned to them and the service responses that they need to carry out (late operations, alerts, etc.).




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Type (field INFTYPE)


  • Key (field INFKEY)


  • Message (field INFINFO)


  • Late (field INFDELAY)


  • Provider (field INFCOLNAM)




Action icon


Used to access the current record of the recording concerned by the message or the alert.




Specific Buttons

Used to launch a search once the criteria have been entered (user ode, start and end dates etc.) and the filters have been positioned. This causes the various grids of the Calendar function to be loaded.

Menu Bar

Functions/Dispatch plan

Only after-sales service employees who are granted a dispatching authorization can access this function (set by the AUSHDKB - Dispatching authorization parameter (HDK chapter, AUZ group).
In general, only one or two people will have this authorization available in each customer support center.

Two types of dispatching exist:

  • the Dispatch plan using a screen
  • the Requests to dispatch using a filter on the service request list.
Dispatching plan

The dispatching is loaded in the following fashion:
The system attempts to display all the service requests entered for the dispatching site linked to the user:

      • If at least one request meeting this criterion is found, the site name specified in the header and the set of requests for the site are displayed.
        The system continues to search for requests in the dispatching of the site and the user carries on processing the requests of his/her own site. When all the service requests have been assigned, the dispatching displays all the requests entered in the global dispatching.
      • If no service request has been found, no site is identified in the header and all the requests entered in the global dispatching are displayed.

        As for requests applying to the global dispatching, the user is free to process them one by one or leave this task to a Super user.
Assignment to a queue

The menu Actions >Assign to a queueis used to open a screen of statistics on the content of the queue. This screen displays the number of service requests in each queue.

The user can then select the queue of their choice to carry out the assignment.

Allocate to an employee

For a request linked to a global dispatching, the menu Actions >Assign the request to is used to open the screen holding the statistics on the occupation rate for all the employees declared in the application.

For a request linked to a site dispatching, the menu Actions >Assign the request to is used to open a screen holding the statistics of the occupation rate for each employee of the given site. It is nevertheless possible to extend the statistics to all the employees by deleting the site code in the header of this screen.

A menu Actions >Detail is used to access the user record for each employee displayed in order to view the scope of his/her skills groups.

When clicking on the Select button, the request is assigned to the selected employee.

 SEEINFOWhen all the service requests in the global dispatching have been assigned, the following message is displayed:"There are no service requests waiting dispatching".The dispatching is then closed.

Functions/Requests to dispatch

This function is used to filter the service requests to be dispatched.


This menu is used to open a search window to find the solutions.

Searches/Service Requests

The service request processing does not always conclude at the creation of a solution record. It is sometimes necessary to proceed to searches of all the requests in the database, active or closed.

This menu is used to carry out targeted searches of the service requests.

In order to protect the dispatching contents, this feature is subject to an authorization set by the user parameter AUSHDKF - Request search authorization (HDF chapter, AUZ group).

Searches/Requests by description

This menu is used to combine the searches for solutions linked to the request description, with an advanced targeting of requests (service requests excluded).

If no solution corresponding to the search criteria has been found in the database, it is possible to carry out new attempts.

When there is a great number of search criteria, then correcting all the entry fields can take some time. To avoid this, the Re-initialize button restores the screen to its initial state. You can then perform a new entry directly on the fields of your choice.

Inquiries/Service Requests

Before any assignment, it is possible to access the detailed record for each request in dispatching. The contextual menus Detail and the Detail button are available for that purpose.


This menu is used to view the fill rate for the different queues that exist in the application.

It should be noted that the contents of each queue can also be viewed from the service requests. Only the requests included in the selected queue are then displayed in the selection panel.


This menu is used to view the occupation rate for the different employees site by site.

It should be noted that the requests assigned to an employee can also be directly viewed in the Service request object.


This menu is used to view the volume of service requests as a function of a skill.

Two calculations are displayed:

  • The number of requests for the current skill,
  • The number of requests for the current skill and all the sub-skills.

For each skill, a breakdown is carried out by employee and by queue.


This menu is used to view the escalations carried out for a given period. The escalations are broken down by type, by category and by employee. The menu Actions >Escalations is used to access the details of the selected escalation.

Several Customer supportgeneral parameters determine inquiry periods by default during the escalation inquiry:


Provides access to the appointments management in creation mode.

Plan / Actions / Call

Provides access to the calls management in creation mode.

Plan / Actions / Task

Provides access to the tasks management in creation mode.

Save/Actions/Warranty request

Provides access to the warranty requests management in creation mode.

Save/Actions/Service Contract

Provides access to the service contracts management in creation mode.

Save / Actions / Project

Provides access to the projects management in creation mode.

Save / Actions / Appointment

Provides access to the appointments management in creation mode.

Save / Actions / Call

Provides access to the calls management in creation mode.

Save / Actions / Task

Provides access to the tasks management in creation mode.

Options / Transaction

This button makes it possible to view the setup of the entry transaction used.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation