Fixed assets > Processes > Movements > Interface > Movements to integrate 

This function is one phase of the movement integration mechanisms, such integration relating both to taking into account modifications and/or movements, and to triggering the corresponding actions, transfers or issues, for instance.

The integration of the movements is carried out through the two following stages:

1/ Import of movements

This import consists in loading the home table (FXDMVT / FXDMVTD) from a file.
It is carried out by the standardImportfunction, through an import template (standard FXDSTD template or any other customized template).
SEEINFO The import stage is optional to the extent that loading the home table can be carried out by any other source, particularly SQL.

The movements taken into account as well as the fields that can be transacted are indicated below.



Fields that can be used

Issue / issue cancellation

Screen fields: FASISSP of Mass issue function (FASISSM)

Transfer / transfer cancellation

Screen fields: FASTRFP of Mass transfer function (FASTRFM)

Accounting allocation modification

Screen fields: FASTRFC of the function Change the accounting allocation (FASTRFCM)


They are specified in the 637 miscellaneous table.


of the screens: FASSPL1 of function Split an asset accessible from the Asset management function.
Only exception: the additional field "REPART" can be used, when its value is equal to 2 (Yes) to request a distribution by amount (in case of a split by quantity).
SEEINFO The splitting movements for assets attached to physical elements are prohibited. These movements are rejected.



Fields that can be used


They are specified in the 636 miscellaneous table.

Physical elements


Fields that can be used

Issue / issue cancellation

Screen fields: PHYISSP of Mass issue function (PHYISSM)


Screen fields: PHYTRFM of Mass geographical transfer function (PHYTRFM)


They are specified in the 638 miscellaneous table.

SEEREFERTTO The Exhaustive list of the fields that can be used in the movements is provided by an attached document. These fields are classified by object type and movement type.

2/ The integration of the movements included in the home table.

The integration is associated with a triggering of business actions corresponding to the movement type.
This processing can be carried out in interactive mode using the Movement integration function, or using a batch processing executed by recurring task.
When the integration of some movements fails, it is necessary to go to the function:  Movements to integrate indicated in the following stage, so as to modify the incorrect values.

Optional stage: inquiring and, if necessary, modifying and/or deleting information included in the home table.

This stage is carried out through function Movements to integrate.
It is only mandatory where an object is rejected in the course of the movement integration stage, because of an incorrect information. It can be used to modify the incorrect variable(s) before processing again the rejected movement.

SEEINFOTo trigger several movements by reference, it is necessary to save as many requests, i.e. as many lines in the import file as requested movements. For instance, to transfer the geographic location and the cost sector of a fixed asset, it is necessary to save 2 lines in the import file for said fixed asset.

This function corresponds to theoptional stage of the movement integration mechanism.
It is used to:


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Screen management

All the movements are included in the Movements main left list.

These movements are also classified by movement type in distinct left lists.

A Rejected movementsleft list contains the movement list rejected in the course of an integration processing. The cause for rejection is specified for each movement. It can be linked to the erroneous value of the moved field or to a setup restriction.

Once these movements are corrected or the setup modified, these movements keep the Rejected status as long as the new integration processing is not carried out.



The header displays the movement identification information as well as its status.




The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Business object (field OBJMVT)

This field displays the business object relating to the movement.

  • Movement type (field TYPMVT)

This field specifies the movement type. 

  • Reference (field REF1MVT)

This field displays the reference of the record bearing the movement.

  • field CHXOBJ

This button is used to access the management function for the business object concerned.

This field displays the company code.

  • Line no. (field REF2MVT)

This field is used only when the movement relates to an Expense. It displays the number of the expense line.

The financial site is displayed for information purposes. It cannot be modified.

  • Sequence no. (field SEQMVT)

This field displays the sequence number of the movement, which is useful when there are several movements sequenced on a single record (for instance: the transfer and the issue of an asset, the transfer must be processed before the issue).

  • Movement status (field STATMVT)

This field specifies the movement status. This status cannot be modified, it can vary as follows: 

  • Once the movements are integrated in the home table, they are assigned the following status: To be processed.
  • Once the integration processing is complete, the movement status becomes:
    - Archived, if the archiving of processed movements has been requested during the movement integration processing. Otherwise, the processed movement is deleted.

    - Rejected, if the movement is not integrated but rejected during the movement integration processing. According to the nature of the rejection, the fields presenting errors should be corrected or else, the setup should be modified.

    SEEINFO The movement keeps the status: - Rejected as long as it is not subject to another movement integration processing.
  • Integration date (field DATINTMVT)

This field, that cannot be modified, displays the date on which the integration processing has been carried out.

  • Rejection description (field DESRJTMVT)

This field is loaded only when the movement is rejected during the integration processing. It displays the reason for the rejection.



Tab Main


This tab displays, as a grid, the list of the active fields and their value.

The actions that can be carried out in this grid depend on the movement status:

  • the modification of a field value,
  • the creation of a line including information to be taken into account during the integration processing,
  • the deletion of a line,

are only authorized when the movement status is: To be processed or Rejected.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid List of values

  • Field code (field CODZONE)

This column contains the code list of the active fields.
As long as the movement is not Archived, it is possible to add or delete lines.

SEEINFO No control is carried out on the existence of the field code entered.

  • Description (field DESI)

This field displays the description of the field.

SEEINFO If this field is empty after import or after field code entry, it means that the field code is erroneous.

  • Field value (field VALZONE)

This field contains the field value. As long as the movement is not Archived, this value can still be modified in order to remedy a cause for rejection, notably.
On import, no control is carried out.
On entry or modification, the Date or Numerical field entry format is controlled according to the value of the following parameters:

  • Row (field DIME)

The rank is mandatory and can be entered only if the field code corresponds to a sized information. The value entered is controlled according to this sizing.

  • Depreciation plan (field DPRPLN)

The depreciation plan is mandatory and can be entered only if the field code corresponds to an information of the DEPREC depreciation table. The information displayed or entered corresponds to the occurrence of the plan in the table of Depreciation plans (ML 3101).



Tab Other info


The information in this tab is displayed for information purpose and cannot be modified.



The following fields are present on this tab :

Record tracking

  • Movement origin (field ORIMVT)

This field is used to indicate the creation origin of the movement: Import, Screen entry, Other.

This field is used to indicate the creator of the movement.

  • Date created (field CREDAT)

This field displays the creation date of the movement.

This field specifies the author who last modified the movement.

  • Change date (field UPDDAT)

This field specifies the date on which the document was last modified.

  • Log (field TRACE)

This field contains the name of the log file, in the case where the movement status is Rejected or Archived.

  • Movement no. (field IDMVT)

This field displays the identification number of the movement.


Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task FXDIMP is provided for that purpose.

Specific Buttons

This button is only active when the movement status is Archived or Rejected. It gives access to the file that displays the processing report, if it has not been deleted.

This button is used to directly access the Movement integration function.
SEEINFO By default, the process is proposed in Simulation mode.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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