Stock > Shipment preparation > Pick tickets 

The function Picking tickets is used to pick the goods in the warehouse before they are shipped to the customers. It usually comes between the sales order and the delivery.

This function is used to prepare the shipment:

  • of goods coming from the sales orders and/or
  • from loan orders, and/or
  • of reorder requirements for sub-contracting locations, and/or
  • of sub-contracting shortages.

The picking tickets can be generated:

  • directly from the sales orders (1 for 1),
  • or through the shipping planning (breakdown by groups, categories, etc. or grouping of several orders).

A picking ticket can be of two kinds:

  • global (the stock must be specified at the picking),
  • or detailed (the picker follows the instructions given in the application, Lot number, Series, etc.).

Operating principles

1 - When the picking ticket is created, the status is "in process".
2 - Launch the printing.
3 - When the "physical" picking is complete, compare the quantities and the stock identification on the paper document with what has been entered in Sage X3.
4 - Save the status to "Deliverable" using the corresponding button.

SEEREFERTTO A Shipping preparation function is also available in VT mode. It can be accessed from a portable terminal, and is also used to create and validate the main information linked to shipping preparations and launch label prints automatically.


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Screen management

On the left side of the screen, this function recapitulates all the picking tickets saved and the various setups related to them by ranking them according to the attributed reference.



The information situated in the header comes from the order or from the preparation plan.




The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Pick ticket (field PRHNUM)

This field indicates the number of the picking ticket.

This field indicates the picker of the picking ticket.
This modifiable field can be fed if the code had been defined during thepreparation plan.

The 'delivery site' is initialized by default with the normal storage site for the user.
It can be modified provided that the chosen site is defined with an active 'stock' indicator. The chosen site must belong to the same legal company that the sales site.

  • Preparation list (field PRLNUM)

This field indicates the reference automatically attributed to the recording of the picking list.

  • Preparation code (field PRECOD)

This field indicates the picking code of the ticket.

  • Shipment date (field SHIDAT)

Shipping date calculated from the requested delivery date by taking into account the carrier lead-time and the days and periods when the shipping site is not available.

Code of the customer requesting the order, the direct delivery or the direct invoice. This code:

  • must be managed in the customer table,
  • must be of normal, miscellaneous or inter-company type,
  • can be modified as long as no line has been entered on the document.

This field indicates the code of the address to ship to.
You can view the detailed address information by clicking Address from the Actions icon.

  • On creation, this field is no longer accessible when a delivery line is created.
  • Once the delivery has been created, you can no longer modify this field but you can still display the detailed address information.
    You can modify the address after clicking Address/Delivery from the Actions panel.
  • Company name (field BPDNAM)

Il s'agit de la raison sociale de l'adresse de livraison.

  • Delivery date (field DLVDAT)

It is the projected delivery date for the delivery to the customer indicated in the picking ticket.



Tab Lines


The following fields are present on this tab :

Stock movement

  • Destination location (field LOCDESH)

This field makes it possible to assign a new destination location to the lines of the current preparation list.
Click on the [Pick. line load] button to apply the target location modification.
When the preparation is complete, the picker assigns it to a loading dock.
SEEINFO A stock change is carried out by clicking on the [Deliverable] button.

  • Feed picking lines (field ALILOCDES)

This button replaces all the destination locations specified in the various lines of the table by the one entered in the field "Destination location"


  • Source (field ORITYP)

This field indicates the origine of the line (orders, loan orders, sub-contracting reorder or sub-contracting shortages).

  • Order no. (field ORINUM)

This field indicates the number of the order from which the line comes.

This field specifies the reference of the product to to process.

  • Description (field ITMDES1)

This field displays the product description.

  • Subcontract loc. (field REOLOC)

This field indicates the location of the sub-contractor with a reorder.
SEEINFO This field can be accessed when the line origin is "sub-contractor reorder".

  • Quantity (field QTYSTU)

This field is used enter the quantity of products to pick (in stock unit).

This field indicates the product management unit in which are expressed:

  • The stock
  • The standard price
  • The BOM link quantity, etc.

This information is always displayed, regardless of the transaction used. It cannot be modified.

  • Allocated qty. (field ALLQTY)

This field indicates the quantity allocated to the line being picked.

  • Shortage (field SHTQTY)

This field indicates the shortage quantity.

  • Allocation type (field ALLTYP)

This field indicates the allocation type of the line to pick (global or detailled).

  • Requirement qty. (field QTYSTUMAX)

This field indicates the original quantity to pick.

  • Warehouse (field WRH)

This field being available is subject to the WRH activity code .
This is the reference of the warehouse to process.

  • Lot (field LOT)

This is the lot for which the movement is done.

  • Sublot (field SLO)

Sub-lot in which the movement will be carried out.

  • Serial number (field SERNUM)

Serial number for which the movement will be carried out.

  • Ending serial number (field SERNUMF)

This is the serial number of the product.

  • Location (field LOC)

Location in which the transaction will be carried out.

  • Status (field STA)

This field indicates the status of the product to pick (A, Q, R).

  • Identifier 1 (field PALNUM)

Use this field to enter additional information, if necessary.

  • Identifier 2 (field CTRNUM)


It is possible to specify a packing unit by supplier.
This product can have several packing units:

  • A packing unit defined on the product record (from the Packing units table). These units are proposed during stock transaction entry.
    The number of packing units that can be entered is subject to the NUC - Number of packing units activity code.
  • A packing unit linked to the supplier (defined on the product-supplier record).
  • Two customer packing units (from the product-customer record). These can be used as sales units in order entry.

Only packing type units from the units of measure table can be selected.

  • PAC-STK conv. (field PCUSTUCOE)

Conversion factor used to calculate the quantity in stock units from a quantity entered in packing units: Quantity in STK = Qty in PAC * conversion factor.

This conversion factor can be accessed if the packing Unit field (PCU) has been entered, and has a value different from the Stock unit field (STU). It can be initialized using the conversion factor table if the combination exists.

  • Target location (field LOCDES)

This field serves to name the different location according to their usage. This title will be used in the product-site grid and in the stock movement entry.

Local menu (2707) is extendable and modifiable, except for the first 3 entries that correspond respectively to the receipt location, the storing location and picking location set up in the product-site in the previous entered versions.

This code is controlled in the packaging table. It specifies the number of products, expressed in sales units, that the packaging can contain. It is initialized once the product has been entered, based on the sales unit used and the shipping site:

  • If the sales unit of the order is initialized to the sales unit of the customer product, the packaging is initialized to that of the customer product
  • If the sales unit does not exist for the customer product, the sales unit of the order is initialized to the sales unit of the product. In this case, the packaging is initialized to that of the product-site, or, if there is none, to that of the product category.
  • If you modify the shipping site of the line and it is different from the shipping site on the order header, the packaging is once again initialized to that of the customer product, or, if there is none, to that of the product-site.

This information can be modified.
Once the line has been entered and validated, the packaging is not reinitialized if you modify the shipping site of the line. You must enter it manually.

This information and the packaging capacity are used upon preparation or shipment to carry out the packaging.
During the declared packing, this packaging code is entered if it is displayed in the Deliveries or Picking tickets original documents.

If you are granted the proper authorizations, you can access the packaging record.

  • Packaging capacity (field PCKCAP)

It is the number of products, expressed in sales unit, that the packaging can contain.
This value is initialized by default with the quantity entered in the product-site record.

  • Line type (field LINTYP)

This information characterizes the line type by distinguishing a classic product from a kit or a BOM product.
It can take the following values:

  • Normal,
  • Fixed kit,
  • Kit Component,
  • Kit Option, Kit Variant,
  • Flex kit,
  • BOM component,
  • BOM Option,
  • BOM Variant.

Pick ticket

  • Status (field DLVFLG)

This field specifies the status of the picking ticket:

  • In process
  • Deliverable
  • Delivered
  • Canceled

SEEINFO  Behaviors linked to the 'Canceled' status:

  • When deleting a delivery line, the corresponding picking line is set to 'Canceled' and the source picking ticket remains to 'Delivered' if the delivery is not completely deleted.
  • When completely deleting a delivery, if no source picking line has taken the 'Canceled' status, the picking ticket is set back to 'Deliverable'.
  • When completely deleting a delivery, if at least one source picking line has taken the 'Canceled' status, the picking ticket is set to 'Canceled'.
  • Printed (field PRNNPR)


  • Delivery (field SDHNUM)

The delivery number is used to identify the delivery in a unique fashion. This number is either assigned automatically or entered upon each delivery creation with respect to the setup of the Sequence number(s) associated to the chosen Delivery type.
If the delivery sequence number is set to automatic assignment then this field cannot be accessed and the number is assigned on creating the delivery.
Conversely, if the sequence number is set to manual assignment, the number can be entered manually. If it is not entered by the user, the system automatically assigns a delivery number according to the sequence number.


  • If they not entered at the level of the delivery type, the sequence numbers taken into account are the ones specified in the functionSequence number assignment.
  • If the company parameterSDHENDNBR - Final delivery sequence no. is set to 'Yes', a new delivery number is assigned upon validating the delivery. The former number is no longer displayed but it is saved in a dedicated field (TMPSDHNUM) in the table of deliveries.

This field which cannot be modified displays the delivery type of the orders grouped in the picking ticket.


  • Packing completed (field PACFLG)


  • Number of packages (field PACNBR)

This concerns the total number of packages in the delivery. This information is automatically calculated by the packaging function, but can still be modified.



Action icon

Stock Issues

This button is used to view the stock issues corresponding to the line.


This button is used to view the original order specified on the line.

Stock by Site

This button is used to view the level of stock of the product for the line.

Picking ticket text

This function is used to add text to the picking line.
This text is displayed on the printed picking ticket.

Sales journal traceability






By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 BONPREPA : Pick tickets

 BONPREPAALL : Allocated prod. pick tickets

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons

This button is used to finalize the selected picking ticket.
Its status becomes "deliverable".

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :


When the picking ticket has the status "deliverable", it is possible to use this button to launch the load preparation.

Packing/Tab Line


The following fields are present on this tab :



This button is available only when the picking ticket has the status "deliverable".
This option is used to access the creation function of the picking ticket.
The entry transactions suggested on opening the function are conditioned by the origin of the products grouped in the picking ticket (e.g. for products having an order for origin, the entry transactions available for delivery are only those associated with the "Normal" or "All types" categories and for products having a loan order for origin, the entry transactions are those associated with the "Loan" or "All types" categories).

SEEINFO Once the delivery action has been launched, the picking ticket can no longer be modified.

Menu bar

Text/BP Header Text

This function is used to add text in the header of the printed picking ticket.

Text / BP Footer Text

This function is used to add text in the footer of the printed picking ticket.

Option/Journal traceability

This option gives access, via tunnel, to the inquiry function Entry traceability that makes it possible to visualize and browse into the hierarchy of original entries or coming from the document.


This function is used to access the entry transaction.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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