A/P-A/R accounting > Bank transactions > Belgian legislation > Belgian bank statement 

Use this function to view imported Coded Statement of Account (CODA) statements and to create, modify or delete an existing statement (whether imported or manual).

Open items and payment slips can be selected manually.

Statements can be validated individually or in bulk. If a bank slip is assigned to a statement line, validation triggers the bank posting of the remittance note. If a bank slip is not assigned to a statement line and if the status is 'to be validated', validation generates and posts the payment and potentially, if open items are attached, a matching.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The Belgian Bank Statement function contains a header information section and one tab per feature of the requirement:

  • Header information. The header information defines the bank, the company, the date and the amount (stamped with the old and new balance).
  • Lines. This tab is subdivided into two sections.
    • The payment slip information or payment header (table 1).
    • The payment slip information or payment details (table 2).
  • Information. This tab is for information purposes only. It displays information related to the bank.



The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Statement no. (field RBKNUM)

Belgian bank statement number, generated automatically during the creation or import of the CODA file.
For this statement number to be generated automatically, the BERBK counter must be set up and assigned.

Bank of the Belgian bank statement.
In Import, the bank is determined automatically based on the Bank ID number or IBAN code, defined in the CODA file.

  • Sequence (field EXTNUM)

  • Date created (field CREDAT)

Date at which the Belgian bank statement has been entered or imported.

Block number 2

Company of the bank entered or determined based on the bank ID number or IBAN code, transmitted to the CODA file on recording 1.

Currency of the bank entered or determined based on the bank ID number or IBAN code, transmitted to the CODA file on recording 1.

Site determined based on the site set up for the bank.
Otherwise: main site of the company set up for the bank.

  • Calculated balance (field WNEWAMT)


Block number 3

  • File format (field FILTYP)

Field that cannot be entered, determined according to the creation mode of the CODA statement.

  • If the statement is entered, the format is "Manual".
  • If the statement is imported, the format is "CODA".
  • File name (field FILNAM)

Field loaded only in import, corresponding to the file name of the imported CODA statement.

Old balance

  • Date (field OLDDAT)

Corresponds to the date of the old balance of the Belgian bank statement.

  • This field can be entered when no previous statement exists for the Bank/Financial site pair.
  • If a previous balance exists, this field cannot be entered and is loaded automatically based on the date of the new balance of the previous statement.
  • Amount (field OLDAMT)

Corresponds to the amount of the old balance of the Belgian bank statement.

  • This field can be entered when no previous statement exists for the Bank/Financial site pair.
  • If a previous balance exists, this field cannot be entered and is loaded automatically based on the amount of the new balance of the previous statement.
  • Sign (field OLDSNS)

Corresponds to the sign of the old balance of the Belgian bank statement.

  • This field can be entered when no previous statement exists for the Bank/Financial site pair.
  • If a previous balance exists, this field cannot be entered and is loaded automatically based on the sign of the new balance of the previous statement.

New balance

  • Date (field NEWDAT)

Corresponds to the date of the new balance of the Belgian bank statement.
The date of the new balance is controlled and cannot be prior to the date of the old balance.

  • Amount (field NEWAMT)

Corresponds to the amount of the new balance of the Belgian bank statement.

  • Sign (field NEWSNS)

Corresponds to the sign of the new balance of the Belgian bank statement.


  • Debit (field AMTDEB)

Corresponds to the total of the debt movements of the Belgian bank statement (i.e. the total of lines with the "Revenue" sign).

  • Credit (field AMTCDT)

Corresponds to the total of credit movements of the Belgian bank statement (i.e. the total of lines with the "Expense" sign).



Tab Lines


The following fields are present on this tab :

Table number 1

  • To validate (field VALFLG)

Field that can be accessed f the line status is "to validate".
To mass validate the statement, use right-click / Column upd.

Management in Entry/Import

  • In Entry, the site of the line is, by default, self-loaded by the site in the statement header.
  • In Import, if no remittance is assigned, the rule applied is the same as in Entry.
  • In Import, if a remittance slip is assigned, the site corresponds to the site of this slip, and cannot be modified.
  • The site can no longer be modified once the statement line has been validated or a remittance slip is assigned in table 1, in the current statement line.
  • Slip no. (field FRMNUM)

Management in Entry

This field can be entered manually or loaded by picking, provided the site is entered and the following conditions are met:

  • The line must not be validated.
  • The account field must be blank.
  • The BP field must be blank.
  • The BELRBK - Belgian Bank Statement parameter value must be set to "Yes" for the company of the statement.

Control in Entry

  • Only slips with the same company as the one of the statement can be entered.
  • Only slips for which the intermediate posting has been performed can be entered.
  • If the bank posting has already been performed for the slip, this slip cannot be entered.
  • Only slips that have not been allocated to another statement line can be entered.

A tunnel provides direct access to the Remittances function.

Management in Import

For the remittance to be automatically assigned in import, the sequence number of Belgian payments must not exceed 13 characters so that the internal reference can be interpreted. (this field being broken down into 2 blocks of 13 characters in the CODA file).
The slip number will be assigned once an internal reference has been transmitted to the CODA statement and controls are valid (i.e. controls in entry).
As soon as a slip is assigned to the current line of table 1 in the statement, the "Amount" and "Internal reference" fields of table 2 are loaded with respect to the amounts and references of the payments associated with the remittance slip.

Management in Entry

Field that can be entered and modified by the user, provided that:

  • the current statement line has not been validated,
  • there is no account defined on the current statement line of table 1,
  • no open item has been allocated in table 2.
  • no remittance slip is loaded in the current statement line of table 1.

Management in Import

  • The BP is determined based on the bank ID number or IBAN code, transmitted to the CODA file on recording 23.
  • If several BPs share the same bank ID number / IBAN code, the BP field is not loaded.

  • Company name (field BPRNAM)

Corresponds to the BP company name, when this BP is defined.

  • Accounting date (field ACCDAT)

Field defining the accounting date that will be used during the payment or remittance posting.
When the statement line of table 1 has not been completely entered and an open item or slip is entered by picking, the accounting date is loaded by default by the date of the current day.

  • Value date (field VALDAT)

Field defining the value date that will be used during the payment or remittance posting.
The date is loaded by default by the accounting date.

  • Sign (field SNS)

Management in Entry

Field specifying the movement sign.
This field can take three different values:

  • Revenue (affects the debtor balance of the statement),
  • Expense (affects the creditor balance of the statement),
  • Unspecified (in this case, the debtor/creditor balances of the statement are not affected).

If a remittance slip is defined, the field cannot be entered and the sign corresponds to the sign of the payment transaction associated with the slip.
If no remittance slip is defined, the sign determines the sign of the payment transaction which will be used to generate the payment.

Management in Import

If the sign of recording 21 in the CODA statement is equal to 0, the movement sign is creditor.  
The sign of the statement line takes the value "Expense".

If the sign of recording 21 in the CODA statement is equal to 1, the movement sign is debtor.
The sign of the statement line is thus "Revenue".

  • Amount (field AMTCUR)

Management in Entry

  • If a remittance is defined, the field cannot be entered and corresponds to the total amount of the slip.
  • If no remittance is defined, the amount can be entered and corresponds to the total amount of the payment to be generated.
  • The amount is in bank currency.

Management in Import

Field specifying the movement amount

  • If the import of Belgian bank statements has been performed with the "Import of detail lines" flag unchecked, the amount will correspond to the global amount of the current recording 21.
  • If the import of Belgian bank statements has been performed with the "Import of detail lines" flag checked, the amounts will correspond to the total of lines contained in the current recording 21.
    The total of all lines of table 2 is always equal to the amount of the current statement line of table 1.

Bank account defined based on the bank journal setup for the bank.

When an account is defined, the generated Debtor/Creditor payment is of the 'charge' type.
This field is used to enter the charge or product account for the payment of charges.

This field can be entered and modified if:

  • the current statement line has not been validated,
  • no open item or remittance has been assigned to the current statement line,
  • no BP has been entered in the current statement line.

If a remittance is defined, the field cannot be entered and corresponds to the payment transaction linked to the note.
If no remittance is defined, the payment transaction defined will be used during the payment generation. By default, the loaded transaction is the one set up the parameter value BELTRSDEF - Payment transaction.

Control in entry

The controls performed are the same as those applied to the parameter value BELTRSDEF - Payment transaction.

  • Payment no. (field PYHNUM)

Corresponds to the payment number generated when no remittance has been assigned to the validated bank statement line.

  • Status (field STATUT)

This field is calculated and can take the following values:

  • "suspended": not all fields required for the validation of a statement line are entered,
  • "to validate": the statement line can be validated.

   Condition so that the status is "To validate": case of a payment

    • The site set in the payment line must not be blank.
    • The payment transaction must not be blank.
    • The accounting destination must not be blank.
    • The amount must not be equal to 0.
    • The accounting date must not be blank.
    • The total of the amounts of table 2 lines must correspond to the amount of the statement line linked to table 1.
    • No remittance is entered on the current line.
    • The sign is not unspecified.

   Conditions so that the status is "To validate": case of a remittance

    • The site set in the payment line must not be blank.
    • The slip number must be entered.

  • "validated": the statement line has been validated. This will result in either the bank validation of a remittance, or the generation and posting of a payment.

Grid Line detail

Management in Entry

This field can be entered if:

  • non remittance slip is loaded in the current statement line of table 1,
  • the statement line has not been validated.

    The accounting destination is defined by default according to the sign of the statement line of table 1.
  • If the sign is "Expenses", the accounting destination loaded by default is the one defined in the parameter value:
    DENSPG-Accounting destination Expense.
  • If the sign is "Revenue", the accounting destination loaded by default is the one defined in the parameter value:
    DENTAK-Accounting destination Revenue.

Management in Import

    • Regardless of the allocation type of the section defined in recording 21 the accounting destination is defined according to the movement sign.
      • If the movement sign is credit, then the accounting destination is taken from the parameter value:
        DENSPG-Accounting destination Expense
      • If the movement sign is debit, then the accounting destination is taken from the parameter value:
        DENTAK-Accounting destination Revenue
      • Regardless of the allocation type of the CODA section, defined in recording 21, the account field of the detail line is always blank.

  • If the import of Belgian bank statements is performed with the field "Import of detail lines" checked: Detail Mode.

    • If recording 21 only contains a detail number with the same sequence number, then the accounting destination is defined in the exact same way as the "import in global mode" and the account field of the detail line is blank.
    • If recording 21 contains several detail numbers with the same sequence number, then the accounting destination and the account are loaded as follows:
      • If the CODA section defined in recording 21 is set up in the setup function of CODA sections, and the allocation type is "1- None", then the accounting destination is defined according to the payment sign (via the DENSPG / DENTAK parameter values) and the account field of the detail line is blank.
      • If the CODA section defined in recording 21 is set up in the setup function of CODA sections, and the allocation type is "2- Account", then the accounting destination is defined according to the BELDENDEF - Accounting destination parameter value by default, and the account is taken from the one set up in the CODA section.
      • If the section defined in recording 21 is not set up in X3, the default section defined in the BELRUBDEF - Default section parameter value is taken instead.

In entry

The account field can be entered, depending on the setup of the accounting destination.

In import

The account field is self-loaded depending on the accounting destination and on the CODA section.

  • Type (field VCRTYP)

Management in Entry

Corresponds to the entry type of the open item selected by picking or manual entry.
When an account is defined in table 1, this field cannot be entered.

Management in Import

Corresponds to the entry type of the open item found automatically using the VCS number, when the communication type of record 21 is 101.

  • Entry (field VCRNUM)

Management in Entry

Corresponds to the entry number of the open item selected by picking or manual entry.
When an account is defined in table 1, this field cannot be entered.

Management in Import

Corresponds to the entry number of the open item (Sales Invoice / Customer BP invoice) found automatically using the VCS number, when the communication type of record 21 is 101.

  • Amount (field AMTLIN)

Management in Entry

  • Field loaded automatically by the amount entered in table 1 in the statement line.
  • If an open item is entered or selected by picking, the self-loaded amount is replaced by the available balance of the open item.

If a remittance slip is assigned in table 1, in the current statement line, the amounts of each table 2 lines will match the amounts of each payments of the remittance respectively. In this case, the amount cannot be modified.

Management in Import

  • If the import of Belgian bank statements is performed with the field "Import of detail lines" unchecked: Global Mode.
    • The amount corresponds to the global amount of the current recording 21. It is equal to the amount of the current statement line in table 1.

  • If the import of Belgian bank statements is performed with the field "Import of detail lines" checked: Detail Mode.

    • The amounts of each table 2 line will match each detail line of the CODA file current movement.
    • The total of the amounts of table 2 lines, is equal to the amount of the current statement line of table 1.
    • The amounts can either correspond to the amount of payments associated with the assigned remittance, or to the amounts of open items recovered using the VCS number, or else to a simple amount (no open item linked).

Case of currency open items

  • When the open item is in a currency different from the bank currency, the amount in open item currency is converted into bank currency.
  • If the bank currency is equal to the main ledger currency.

    • If the payment transaction is set to "Without invoice rate application", the open item amount is converted into the accounting date of the current statement line.
    • If the payment transaction is set "With invoice rate application", the open item amount is converted into the accounting date of the invoice.

  • If the bank currency different from the main ledger currency, the open item amount is always converted into accounting date of the current statement line and the invoice rate application is not applied, regardless of the type of setup used for the payment transaction.
    Note: in this case, if the reverse rate is applied, the open item will not necessarily be closed in transaction currency.

This field can be entered if the accounting destination and account assigned to the accounting destination are subject to VAT.
The VAT code is loaded by default by the code set up on the account.

  • Internal reference (field REFINT)

Management in Entry

When a remittance slip is entered, the field contains the payment number associated with the slip.

Management in Import

When the internal reference is loaded in the CODA file in recording 22, the field is used to automatically determine the slip number with payment references corresponding to the number of the transmitted internal references.

Note: the internal reference is composed of two blocks of 13 positions: therefore, the sequence numbers of Belgian payments must not exceed 13 digits.

  • VCS number (field BELVCS)

Field loaded only in import.
It contains the transfer number with structured communication.
When this field is entered, the program automatically assigns the sales or customer BP invoice, linked to the same VCS number, provided this invoice has not already been closed.
The VCS number is transferred when the communication type of recording 21 is 101.

  • Account no. (field BIDNUM)

Field loaded only in import.
It corresponds to the bank account number or IBAN code of the BP.
It makes it possible to automatically assign the BP field, provided that multiple BPs are not set up with the same Bank account number or IBAN code.

  • BIC code (field BICCOD)

Field loaded only in import.
It corresponds to the BIC code of the BP.

  • Counterpart name (field OFFACCNAM)


  • Sequence number (field NUMSEQ)

Field composed of 8 digits loaded only in Import.

  • The first 4 digits correspond to the sequence number of the permanent recording.
    The sequence number starts with 0001 and is increased by 1 for each "movement" product related to another movement of the statement.
  • The last 4 digits correspond to the detail number.
    The detail number starts with 0000 and is increased by 1 for each "movement" product with the same permanent sequence number.
  • Type (field TYP)

The type characterizes the communicated amount (total, sub-total, details).








Simple amount with no details
For instance: an individual transfer (no charges)




Amount globalized by the customer
For instance:  a file with salary or supplier payments, or a file with collections for which the customer is debited or credited with a unique amount. This type can also be used if there are no details
(type 5) linked.




Details of 1
As standard, details are not returned.
However the customer can choose to receive the details after the
global recording (type 1) in his/her file.




Amount globalized by bank
For example: the total amount of a series of transfers with structured communication. In principle, this type can also be used if there are no details (type 6) linked.




Details of 2, simple amount with no detail
This details should be linked to type 2. The customer can choose to receive these details in a distinct file. This is called a "distinct application".  The recordings in a distinct application remain to type 6.




Details of 2, simple amount with details
The recordings in a distinct application remain to type 7.




Details of 7
The recordings in a distinct application remain to type 9.


Simple amount with details
For example costs for foreign transfers.




Details of 3

  • Operation code (field CODOP)

Field loaded only in import.
Each operation is assigned a unique code in the CODA statement. This coding always contains 8 positions.

  • 1st = type.
  • 2nd and 3rd = group: specifies the category the operation belongs to.
    For example: transfer, card, paying bank...
  • 4th and 5th = operation: identifies the operation of a group.
    For each group code, a series of operation codes are linked to debit and credit movements.
  • 6th + 7th + 8th = section.

The type and section are displayed in their respective fields, this field therefore displays the group + operation.

Examples of Groups:

Group code 



National/Local transfers - SEPA credit transfers






Paying bank - Direct Debit


National negotiable instrument


Counter operations


Securities, vouchers




Miscellaneous operations


Closing (periodic interests closing)


International transfers/non-SEPA


Foreign checks


Foreign negotiable instrument


Charges and isolated commissions

Example of Groups / Operations:
 Example: Group 01 - Local/International transfers - SEPA Credit Transfer - Debit Operation


Description of the operation



Simple transfer

Transfer provided by the customer, in written or digital form, even if the execution date of this operation is not immediate. This includes national or European payments in compliance with the conditions in effect.


Simple Transfer initiated by the Bank

Customer account debited by the bank.


Standing order

Transfer for which an order has been provided once, and executed identically, at the agreed dates.


Payment, Salary 

The order-giver is debited for the total amount of the provided file.


Collective transfer

The order-giver is debited for the total amount of the provided file.


Account transfer

Transfer from one account to another account of the same customer, initiated by the bank or the customer (intra-company).


Financial centralization

If the bank performs a globalization, this operation is of the type 2.
This globalization can be followed by detail movements.





Circular check issue

 Use for issued circular checks to be recorded.


Codes specific to each bank



Cancellation or correction 


 Example: Group 01 - Local/International transfers - SEPA Credit Transfer - Credit Operation


Description of the operation



Transfer for your benefit


Transfer for your benefit, initiated by the bank

Customer account credit, initiated by the bank


Payment for your benefit

Payments from a BP


Non-executable payment


Not presented circular check


Unpaid postal payment


Transfer to your account



Financial centralization

If the bank performs a globalization, this operation is of the type 2.
This globalization can be followed by detail movements.


Charge refunding



Codes specific to each bank



Cancellation or correction


To obtain the complete list of group codes by operation, refer to the documentation on CODA of the Febelfin website:


Field loaded only in Import.
The "heading" provides the details of commission charges or discounts.

The section affects the determination of the accounting destination and of the account allocated to this destination.

For further information, refer to the documentation help of CODA sections.

Field loaded only in import.

In the CODA file, communications can be displayed.
When the communication is structured, a code of 3 positions indicates the type of communication followed by the communication.

For further information, refer to the documentation help of Communication types.

When the communication is entered, it is possible to view the communication detail by right-clicking / structured communication view.



Action icon

Column upd

Click Column upd from the Actions menu to update in bulk the 'To validate' flag on the coda statement lines with the status 'To validate'.
For example, use this action to check in multiple statement lines to be validated in bulk using the validation action.

Save the statement once the update is complete so the checked lines are taken into account during the bulk validation.


Click Remittances from the Actions menu to raise a manual remittance advice (deposit slip).


Click Post from the Actions menu to validate and post a statement line at status 'To validate'.

  • If a remittance is assigned to the current statement line, validation will include the bank posting of the remittance.
  • If no remittance is assigned to the current statement line, validation will include the generation and posting of a payment.

Click Payment from the Actions menu to view the payment generated from the Belgian bank statement.

View structured communication

Click View structured communication from the Actions menu in the payment details (table 2) to view the structured communication details.

 The communication type must be defined.


Click Invoice from the Actions menu in the payment details (table 2) to view the invoice. The invoice type will be determined by the allocated open item and will be one of the following:




Tab Information


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Recipient name (field DESTNAM)

Field loaded only in import.

  • Bank BIC code (field BICCODBAN)

Field loaded only in import.
It corresponds to the BIC code of the bank.

  • Account no. (field BIDNUMBAN)

Field loaded only in import.
Bank account number or IBAN code of the bank.

  • Identification no. (field IDENTNUM)

Field loaded only in Import.
Identification number of the account holder settled in Belgium.

  • Holder name (field ACCNAM)

Field loaded only in import
Name of the account holder

  • Account description (field ACCDES)

Field loaded only in import.

Additional info

  • field WFRETXT

Field loaded only in import.
Additional information transferred to record 4 of the CODA file.


Specific Buttons

Click the Post action to validate and post the selected statement lines (the statement lines must be at status 'To validate').

  • If a remittance is assigned to the selected statement lines, validation will include the bank posting of the remittance.
  • If no remittance is assigned to the selected statement lines, validation will include the generation and posting of a payment.


Settlement (early) discount and late payment charges are not included in the calculations when a Belgian bank statement is created and the related open items identified (either automatically when the statement is imported using the Bank statement import (RBKIMPBEL) function, or manually when picking open items directly from this function (GESRBB)). An open item is therefore considered to be partially paid if there is a difference between the open item and the imported payment.

You must make manual adjustments to allocate any related discount amounts or payment differences.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Detail total ($1$) is different from the amount of payment line ($2$)

This message is displayed when the sum of the lines of table 2 does not correspond to the amount defined in table 1.
This message is non-blocking. You can choose to update the amount of table 1 with the sum of amounts from the lines of table 2. You can also choose to cancel the entry and perform the appropriate manual correction.

New balance < > Old balance + Total transactions

This message is displayed if the amount of the old balance + the total movements of statement lines is different from the new balance.
This message is non-blocking. You can choose to update the amount of the new balance, according to the debit/credit totals of statement lines. You can also choose to cancel the entry and perform the appropriate manual correction.

The new balance is not equal to the old balance of the next statement

This message is displayed when a statement is modified or when the next statement exists.
This message warns that the modification implies that the new balance of the current statement (after modification) is different from the amount of the old balance of the next statement.
This message is non-blocking. You can validate or cancel the modification.

The date of the new balance must be later than the date of the old balance

This message is blocking. It is displayed when the date of the new entered balance is prior to the date of the old balance of the current statement.

Intermediate posting not performed for note

This message is displayed if the intermediate posting of the entered slip has not been carried out.

'Slip already validated'

This message is displayed if the bank posting of the entered slip has already been performed.

Note already allocated to statement

This message is displayed if the slip found has already been allocated to a statement.
In this case, the message returns the number of the non-assigned slip.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation