Costing > Subcontract costs > Expected cost inquiry 

This inquiry is used to obtain, for a subcontract order and a released product, the breakdown by cost type of the provisional production cost price for the EO being viewed.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The inquiry screen displays for each cost group the provisional production cost price for this WO as well as the calculation setups being used. It makes it possible to view the theoretical provisional cost or the provisional cost upon release.



The header is used to enter the selection criteria.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Reference of the manufactured/sub-contracted product which cost price needs to be calculated.

Use this field to define the storage and/or production site.

The site defined on the user record is displayed by default but can be amended.

 A storage site has the Stock check box in the Details section selected.

  • Year (field YEA)



  • field VCRNUM

Work order/sub-contract order numbers used to select a cost price.
This number is followed by the line number of the release product.
The line number corresponds to the range of the released product in a multiple works order/sub-contract order, in case of a multiple release.
First range: 1000, second range: 2000, etc.

  • Line no. (field VCRLIN)


  • Major version (field ECCVALMAJ)


  • Minor version (field ECCVALMIN)


  • Order status (field MFGSTA)




  • Product status (field ITMSTA)


  • Cost group (field BRDCOD)


  • Date calculated (field MFCDAT)



  • Ratio (%) (field CPLRIO)


  • Calculation quantity (field QTYSTU)



  • Planned quantity (field EXTQTY)



  • Actual quantity (field CPLQTY)





Tab Production Cost price Inquiry


This tab presents the different cost components of the subcontract order as well as the setups used for its calculation.
it also displays a graphical representation showing the production cost price breakdown by cost type.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Material (field MATTOT)


  • Component (field MATLEV0)

This field contains the value linked to the material directly associated to the nomenclature first level of the product.

  • Machine (field MACTOT)


  • Labor (field LABTOT)


  • Subcontract (field SCOTOT)

This field displays the subcontract service cost. The price used to value the service is specified by the VLTSCEOEXT - Service value price/planned PC parameter (ACH chapter, COS group).

  • Overhead (field OVETOT)


  • Total without overhead (field CSTTOT)


  • Total cost (field TOTWITOVE)


  • Detail (field MFCDET)


Grid Graph

  • Description (field LBL)


  • field CST


Display graph

  • Family detail (field DETFLG)


  • Material (field MATFLG)


  • Machine (field MACFLG)


  • Labor (field LABFLG)


  • Subcontract (field SCOFLG)


  • Overhead (field OVEFLG)


  • Total (field TOTFLG)




Tab Multi-level


The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Material (field MATTOT)


  • Machine (field MACTOT)


  • Labor (field LABTOT)


  • Subcontract (field SCOTOT)


  • Overhead (field OVETOT)


  • Total without overhead (field CSTTOT)


  • Total with overhead (field TOTWITOVE)


  • Detail (field MFCDET)


Grid Graph

  • Description (field LBL)


  • field CST


Display graph

  • Family detail (field DETFLG)


  • Material (field MATFLG)


  • Machine (field MACFLG)


  • Labor (field LABFLG)


  • Subcontract (field SCOFLG)


  • Overhead (field OVEFLG)


  • Total (field TOTFLG)



Tab Setup definition


The following fields are present on this tab :

Calculation setup



  • Material (field SLTMATCST)


  • Semifinished (field SLTSEMCST)


  • Dimension rate (field VLTCCERAT)


  • Overhead column (field SLTOVECOL)




Specific Buttons

Used to view the detail of the production cost price by sub-groups.

Used to consult the History of the production cost prices.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Record does not exist

This message appears after entering an EO number if there is no Production Cost Price record corresponding to the 4 identifying elements already entered.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation