Sales > Orders > Open orders >  

 This function can be accessed from thebutton from the contract order header, and it is used to enter the product lines that make up the contract order. A record will be created by ordered product. 


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


This screen is used to define the ordered product(s) as well as the sales characteristics described below:

Delivery address

The shipment address is initialized by the default address associated with the sold-to customer in the sold-to record. From this field, the contextual buttons enable the user to select a delivery address for the sold-to customer or to access the delivery address for this customer.

This information is not modifiable once the contract order line is created.

Special features linked to the inter-company: in the case of an inter-company or inter-site contract order generated automatically from a contract purchase order, the delivery address matches the ship-to customer associated with the reception site entered in the contract purchase order. This information cannot be modified in the contract sales order and the reception site cannot be modified in the contract purchase order.


The entry of a product is mandatory, but there is a choice between entering the product internal reference in this field and entering the product-customer reference in the next field. In these two cases, the existence of this reference is controlled in the Products file. The product entered must belong to a category of sold products and must be declared as Active in the corresponding product record. In addition it is not possible to create several lines for the same product and the same delivery site (for the same contract, however this is possible between two valid contracts if the contract reference for the customer is different). A control is also carried out with the prohibited price list types to verify that this product can be ordered.

From this field, several possibilities are offered to the user. In effect, it is possible to directly enter a product reference or to use the contextual button to:

Select a product from the file.

Create, according to the user's access rights, the product in the file.

This information is not modifiable once the contract order line is created.

Product description

This is the product description in the customer language. This information is modifiable if required. It will appear in the contract order acknowledgement note.

Customer product

The entry of a customer product reference is mandatory. It can be initialized by the customer product reference if the internal product reference is already entered and if a product reference exists for the customer. From this field it is possible to directly enter a reference or choose one from the list of the customer's products.

This information is not modifiable once the contract order line is created.

Customer product description

The customer product description is initialized by default if the customer product reference exists in the Product-customer table and a customer description has been entered in this table. This information is not mandatory, but it is printed on the contract order acknowledgement note if it exists. 

Shipment site

The shipment site is initialized with the site associated with the ship-to customer and it can be modified under certain conditions. The site entered must be declared as a warehouse, it must belong to the same legal company as the sales site.

Inter-company specificities: In the case of an inter-company or inter-site contract order generated from a contract purchase order, the shipment site will be initialized by the shipment site in the contract purchase order line. It cannot be directly modified in the contract sales order. However the shipment site can be modified in the original contract purchase order and this will then modify the shipment site in the contract sales order.

Consumption location

This information is used to indicate the place of consumption or to define an addition to the address. For instance: Dock x. It will be returned on the shipment requests associated with this line.

Inter-company specificities: In the case of an inter-company or inter-site contract generated from a contract purchase order, the place of consumption will be initialized by the place of consumption entered in the contract PO line. This information will not be modifiable in this context.

Validity date

The product validity end date for a contract line is initialized by default by the validity end date of the contract order entered in the header. It is modifiable on the condition that it is less than or equal to the validity end date of the contract order.

Inter-company specificities: In the case of an inter-company or inter-site contract generated from a contract PO, the validity date will be initialized with the validity end date in the contract PO. This information will not be modifiable in this context.

Price list code

This is the price list code determined for the contract order. A selection window is used to select an active price list. If a price list code is entered, the other price list conditions will not be accessible.

Inter-company specificities: In the case of an inter-company or inter-site contract order generated from a contract PO, the price list code will be initialized by the price list code entered in the contract PO line.

Sales unit

Unit in which the planned quantity for this contract order is expressed. All the delivery requests will then be expressed in this unit. The sales unit is initialized by the sales unit defined in the Product-customer record, if it exists, if not, it will be initialized by the sales unit of the product. It is possible to enter another unit using a selection window. The units suggested other than those mentioned previously, are the packing units for the product and the packing units defined in the Product-customer record.

Once this contract order line is saved, it will no longer be possible to modify the sales unit. It will be necessary to delete the line and to recreate it to modify the unit.

Specificities linked to the inter-company: If the contract order has been generated from an inter-company or inter-site contract PO, this information will be initialized with the unit entered in the contract PO and it will be inaccessible. Only by modifying the original contract PO is it possible to modify this information.

SAL-STK conversion factor

This is the conversion factor between the sales unit and the stock unit. In certain cases, this factor can be modified. It will be modifiable if the sales unit for the product has been checked as modifiable or if the packing unit chosen has also been checked as modifiable (see the Product record). It will not be modifiable if the unit used is a unit defined for the customer. If units are used where the factor is modifiable, it will be imperative to define for the product concerned only price lists expressed in stock units.

Once the line is saved, it will no longer be possible to modify the conversion factor. It will be necessary to delete the line and recreate it to modify this factor.

Specificities linked to the inter-company: if the order has been generated from inter-company or inter-site contract PO, this information will be initialized with the factor calculated between the purchase unit and the stock unit and it will be inaccessible.

Tax levels

The tax levels for the contract line will be loaded by default with the values associated with the product record (Accounting tab). These values can be modified depending on the transaction. There is also the possibility, if the user's authorizations permit it, to access the tax level management.

Firm horizon

This is the period, expressed in number of days, during which the Firm shipment requests can be carried out under this contract order. The entry of a value in this field is used to control the entry carried out at the level of the shipment requests (see theShipment requests documentation).

Specificities linked to the inter-company: Specificities linked to the inter-company: If the contract order has been generated from an inter-company or inter-site contract PO, this information will be initialized with the unit entered in the contract PO and it will be inaccessible. Only a modification of the original contract PO will modify this information.

Planned quantity

This is the planned quantity for this product for the duration of the contract order expressed in sales units. This quantity is used to determine the price that will be used during the creation of a shipment request, if the price list for the contract order line is linked to a price list code (see price list conditions).

Specificities linked to the inter-company: if the order has been generated from an inter-company or inter-site contract PO, this information will be initialized with the unit entered in the contract PO and it will be inaccessible. This information will not be accessible in this context. Only a modification of the reciprocal contract PO can be used to update this information.

Planned amount / Actual amount

Planned amount for this product in the contract order. It is expressed in the contract currency. This amount, which is for information purposes only, can be modified at any time.

Actual amount for this product in the contract order. It is loaded each time a delivery associated with a delivery request for the contract order line is created. It is the net price multiplied by the shipped quantity. If the delivery is deleted, the amount will then be decreased. It is also modifiable at any time if the entry transaction allows it.

Price list conditions

The price list conditions applicable to the contract can be determined in a specific fashion for this product in the contract order or be entered in the pre-defined price lists.

The price list conditions for a contract order can therefore be determined in two ways. In both cases, the price and discounts or charges will be evaluated at the time of the shipment depending on the shipment date.

by the entry of a specific price list code in the Price list code field if this is set to Enter in the transaction (If a price list code is entered, the price list information described below are not accessible). During the shipping of a shipment request, the price list will be evaluated as a function of the shipment date and the quantity shipped. The price list associated with the contract does not return any value for the gross price, then the basis price in the product record will be used.

by direct entry of the Application date, Price, Discount and charges fields when no price list code has been entered. During the shipping of a shipment request, the price will be determined with respect to the application date. If no price list line in the contract order corresponds, no price will be suggested.

Inter-company specificities: In the case of an inter-company contract order, the price list lines will never be updated by the price list lines entered in the reciprocal contract order.

Validity start

This validity start date is initialized by default with the current date. It is modifiable on the condition that it is later than or equal to the current date and prior to or equal to the validity end date for the contract order.

Gross price

The price is automatically loaded or entered according to the choice made in the transaction. From the Gross price field, the contextual button is used to view the associated reasons as well as the different charge and discount fields.

Discounts and charges

The discounts and charges are automatically loaded or entered according to the choice made in the transaction. The different discount and charge fields that appear are determined via the structure code. The contextual button is used to view the associated reasons for the price as well as the different discount and charge fields.

Sales representatives and commission rates

They are initialized by the customer sales representatives then by those of the ship-to customer if no sales representative exists in the customer record. There is the possibility, as a function of the user authorizations, to access the sales representative record. The commission rates for the representatives are initialized based on the commission category for the product and the commission rate for the sales representative by category. In addition, this commission rate can be weighted by a modifiable weighting coefficient that can be initialized via the price list setup.

Dimension types

The presence of this information depends on the transaction setup.

During the entry of a price list line, the analytical dimension types are initialized based on the SOIDefault dimensionscode.

It is possible, based on the user's authorizations, to access the dimension code management.

Upon modification of an analytical dimension, a certain number of checks must be carried out to verify the validity of the dimension:

 Existence of the analytical dimension.

 Mandatory dimension on a dimension type (see the SAIANAx accounting parameters),

 Prohibited dimension on a dimension type (see the SAIANAx accounting parameters),

 The dimension cannot be posted.

 The dimension is prohibited with the dimension (see dimension/dimension prohibitions).

 The dimension is reserved for a site, a company or a group of sites.

 The validity end date for the contract order line is outside of the validity date limits for the dimension.

 The user does not have the access rights for this dimension.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1


This non editable field displays the type of operation.

  • Number (field SOHNUM)


  • Line (field SOPLIN)

Number used to define in a unique way the product line.
This number is automatically generated upon each product line creation.

  • Reference (field CUSORDREF)


  • Date (field ORDDAT)


This field indicates the customer identifier code. 

  • field XBPCNAM




This field indicates the code of the address to ship to.
You can view the detailed address information by clicking Address from the Actions icon.

  • On creation, this field is no longer accessible when a delivery line is created.
  • Once the delivery has been created, you can no longer modify this field but you can still display the detailed address information.
    You can modify the address after clicking Address/Delivery from the Actions panel.

It is the product reference for which a document line is recorded. It is possible to:

  • directly enter a product reference or a Product/Customer reference. The existence of this reference is controlled in the 'Product/Sales' and 'Product/Customer' records. If a 'Product-customer' reference is entered, the system will return the internal product reference. A blocking message can be returned during a product entry if prohibited price lists have been set up for some customers ( see price list setup).
  • use the contextual button to:
      • select a product from the file of sold products,
      • select a product from the list of customer products,
      • select a subcontractor shortage, in case of shortage for a subcontracted product,
      • create, according to the user's access rights, a product in the file,
      • view the price lists for the product.

The entry of the product is used to initialize the Description and Sales unit fields, which can be modified. The sales unit can be modified on the condition that it is chosen from the suggested list that contains the sales and packing units from the product and product-customer records.

At this stage, a warning message can appear that to inform the user of the replacement of the entered product by the substitute product. This automatic substitution only takes place when the following two conditions are fulfilled:

  • The fieldArticle of substitution of the plug article has been entered,
  • the document date is greater than or equal to the substitution date.

SEEWARNING Once the lie is populated, the product code can no longer be modified. The line has to be deleted and recreated to modify the code.

  • field ITMDES

This is the product description translated into the customer language. This description is the one that will be printed on the document. If the translation does not exist in the customer language, the un-translated product description is used. This description is also transferred to the next document.

SEEINFOThe product record can be accessed from this field using a tunnel.

  • Major version (field ECCVALMAJ)
  • Minor version (field ECCVALMIN)


  • Customer product (field ITMREFBPC)

Reference of this product for the customer.
It is possible to enter a sales document directly with this reference. The system automatically replaces this reference with the internal reference of the product.

  • field ITMDESBPC

Description of this product for the customer.

Shipment site
The site must be defined with the Warehouse flag set to the value "YES".
The product reference associated with this site must exist in the product-site table.

  • Location reference (field USEPLC)

Use this field to specify the consumption place for the carrier or to define an address complement.

Examples: Dock xx or Hall yy.

The place of consumption is written on the order document.

Inter-company specificities: for inter-company or inter-site orders, the consumption location is transferred to the generated sales order line.

Block number 3

  • Revision (field ITMREVNUM)


  • Intersites (field BETFCY)


  • Intercompany (field BETCPY)



  • Validity date (field VLYDATITM)

Product validity date
This is the contract validity end date for this product. This date necessarily is inferior or equal to the contract validity date.

This field contains the price list setup that will be used during a price list search within the framework of shipment calls (firm).

If it has not been assigned, prices can be entered manually.

The sales unit is initialized by the sales unit defined in the Product-customer record, if it exists, if not, it will be initialized by the sales unit of the product. Entry of another unit is possible in a selection window. The suggested units, other than those mentioned previously, are the packing units for the product and the packing units defined in the Product-customer record. When necessary, and if you have been granted the appropriate authorizations, you can access the units table.

Once the line is entered, you can no longer modify the sales unit. You must delete the line and recreate it to be able to modify the unit.

  • Coefficient (field SAUSTUCOE)

This is the conversion factor between the sales unit and the stock unit. This coefficient can be modified in certain cases. It can be edited if the sales unit of the product has been specified as 'editable', or if the chosen packing unit has also been specified as 'Editable' (See Product record). It cannot be edited if the unit used is a unit defined for the customer. If units are used where the factor is modifiable, it is necessary to define for the product concerned, only prices expressed in stock unit. In addition, if a basic price list has been defined for the sales unit, the modification of the conversion factor for the sales unit does not trigger a recalculation of the unit gross price.

SEEINFO Once the line entered, it is no longer possible to modify the conversion factor. The line must be deleted and recreated so as to modify the factor.


  • Firm horizon (field FIMHOR)

Horizon expressed in days on which the firm delivery requests must be carried out.


This field indicates the tax level applied to the selected product.

The tax level, when crossed with the document tax rule, is used to determine the tax rate to be applied on the document line.

There are three tax levels for a document line.

The first level is compulsory and it corresponds to the VAT.

The other two levels concern additional and special taxes that can be submitted to the VAT or not, and be applied to the ex-tax basis or any other evaluated formula.

The tax levels for the document line will be loaded by default with the values associated with the product record (Accounting tab). These values can be modified depending on the transaction. You can also, if the user's authorizations permit it, access the tax level management.

The parameter CTLTAX - Tax codes control (VEN chapter, VAT group) is used to control that the tax codes linked to the tax level are consistent. Using this control, the system checks that the tax level:

  • is specified,
  • is activated,
  • has a legislation and company group consistent with the ones of the document.


The project code in document line is initialized by the one entered in the header or, in the case of a document transformation, by the one of the selected document lines (in picking or in mass processing, if the project code on a document line is inactive, the line cannot be selected).

It can only be modified if one of the two following conditions are met:

In modification mode, the project code management depends on the value of the CTLOPPCOD - Mandatory project control parameter.

  • When the value is No, it may be a code selected freely.
  • When its value is Yes, an existence check is systematically applies to the entered project code.

When the entry is controlled, depending on the context, a project or one of its entities can be picked (a budget batch or task), using its posting code:

The project allocation code is composed of:
  • The project sequence number for projects.
  • The concatenated project sequence number with the budget batch code for a project budget batch.
  • The concatenated project sequence number with the number of tasks for a project task.
You can only select one Active posting code depending on the status of the relevant entity. If it becomes inactive after the creation of the document, the control is performed and blocks the modification of the document.

For non-deliverable Service products, you can select a project set with progress billing if the PJM activity code is active. Once the order has been recorded, you can view it in the Project management (GESPJM) function in the generated billing plan, linked to the selected project.

When the project code of the document header is modified, this project code is automatically transferred to the lines, except when the multi-project management is authorized. In this case, a dialog box would open and suggest to transfer this code to the lines of the document, according to the following options:

  • Yes: The project code is applied to all lines, excluding lines linked to a billing plan and lines with an incompatible milestone.
  • No: The project code is not transferred to the lines.
  • Same value: The project code is only transferred to the lines associated to the previous project code.

Sales documents: Quotes, orders, deliveries and invoices:

- If lines are impacted, a dialog box opens requesting a recalculation of prices and discounts. If you answer 'Yes', the price list search is run based on the new project code for all document lines.

- If the project code is modified on the line, the same price list search process applies to the line.

Depending on the processed document, the recalculation is performed only if the following conditions are met:

  • For a quote: The item line is not ordered and is not free.
  • For an order: The item line is not closed, not delivered, not invoiced nor free.
  • For a delivery: The item line is direct and not free.
  • For an invoice or a direct credit: the document is not validated, the item line is direct and not free. For direct credits, the quantity is different from 0.

Deliveries linked to a task:

The header project code displays the project code linked to the first selected task.

  • If multi-project management of documents is enabled (PJTSNGDOC - One project per document parameter set to No), the delivery can include direct delivery lines and product lines linked to tasks. The header project code is used as the default value on direct delivery lines only. Product lines linked to tasks keep their project code, which cannot be modified. If the header project code is modified, the application of this code to the lines is suggested, as described above. This only applies to direct delivery lines.
  • If multi-project management of documents prohibited (PJTSNGDOC - One project per document parameter set to Yes), the delivery cannot include both direct delivery lines and product lines linked to tasks.
    • When the delivery is for direct delivery lines, you cannot enter a project code in the header that is already used on tasks.
    • When the delivery is for product lines linked to tasks, you can only enter product lines linked to the same task. The header project code can then be used to filter tasks in the selection panel.

Specific case of free items generated by the price list search after updating the header project code: The free item displays the project code of its source product but only if this code is not used on a task.

The Incoterm codes, set by the International Chamber of Commerce, seek to standardize the terms the most used in the international commerce by defining the respective responsibilities of the seller and the buyer agreed upon on establishement of the sales contract by a unique word similarly understood throughout the world.

The Incoterm code, controlled in Incoterm table is used in the INTRASTAT file (Exchange of goods declaration). It can also be used to define the price lists.

When creating a quote, an order, a delivery or an invoice, the Incoterm code is initialized to the Incoterm code defined by default for the ship-to customer.

This Incoterm code can be modified. Concerning the quotes and orders, the Incoterm code is unique for the document as a whole. When transforming a document, the Incoterm code is passed on to the child document.

SEEINFO The code and the Incoterm city can also be accessed via the menuOptions / Informations douanières.

  • Incoterm town (field ICTCTY)

It is the city associated to some types of incoterm. For example: FOB Le Havre. A selection window is used to choose a city listed in the system. It is however possible to enter a city that is not listed.

Expected / Actual

  • Expected quantity (field EXTQTY)

This field indicates the planned quantity, expressed in sales unit, for this contract product.
For information purposes, this quantity is used upon price list search.

  • Exp amount (field EXTAMT)

Amount planned for this product of the contract. It is expressed in the contract currency.
This amount, which is for information purposes only, can be modified at any time.

  • Act amount (field CPLAMT)

Amount achieved for this product of the contract. It is expressed in the contract currency.
This amount is updated upon delivery and can be modified to allow for adjustments.

Grid Price listing terms

  • Valid from (field STRDAT)

Price list start date
It is the validity start date of the price list line.
If a price list code is entered, as soon as this field is accessed, a price list search is conducted with, as reference date, the price list end date + 1 of the previous line. If a price list is found, the corresponding line is generated.

  • Gross price (field GROPRI)

Gross price

This field contains the unitary gross price ex-tax or tax incl (according to the price type) for the price list line.

The gross price is initialised with the base price for the sales product. It will be evaluated at the time of the shipment of the request lines.

for the shipment.

  • field DISCRGVAL1

Help common to the Sales and Purchase modules.

The displayed discount and cost columns are linked to the setup of the price lists structure code associated with the supplier in said supplier's record.
These columns can be initialized by means of the price lists (see the Sales pricing setup and Price list entry documentations).

Access to these columns can depend on the setup of the reasons associated with the price lists as well as the value of the reason given to the

These discounts or costs are defined in amount or in percentage and they are applied with a totaling or cascading method to the gross price to determine the net price of the document line.

From the Actions icon, you can:

  • View the reasons associated with the price as well as the different discounts and costs fields
  • Modify, if necessary, the reasons allocated to each column.
  • Net price (field NETPRI)


  • Margin (field PFM)


The sales reps are initialized by the customer sales reps, then by those of the ship-to customer, if no sales rep exists in the customer record. In the case of a prospect, the representatives of the prospect are not considered. These sales rep codes are copied to the document lines. If a representative is modified in the document header upon creation or when lines exist in the document, the system suggests to copy the modification to all the lines that already exist.

  • Commission rate 1 (field REPRAT1)

The commission rate for the sales representative is initialized on the line based on the commission category for the customer and the commission rate for the sales representative by category. This commission rate can be weighted by a modifiable weighting factor that can be initialized by the price list setup. This information comes from the invoice header in the case of a direct invoice or the original document.


  • Commission rate 2 (field REPRAT2)


  • Commission factor (field REPCOE)

This coefficient is used to weight the commissioning rate of the sales representatives for this document line upon commision calculation.
This information is initialized using the price list search: some price lists are used to define a weighing coefficient for the commissioning rate of the sales representatives.




By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 ARCCLIOUV2 : Customer open order acknowledgement

 SORDERCOE : Sales open order list

 SORDERCOL : Detailed sales open order list

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons

Menu Bar

Text / Product Text



Click this action to open a window detailing the customs information and the information necessary to the creation of the Intrastat declaration.
In creation mode, this information is initialized from the information entered on the Ship-to customer section of the Customer record but remain available for modification.

  • Incoterm negotiated as well as the Incoterm city, when needed.
  • When the goods transit via a forwarding agent, Code and address of the forwarding agent responsible for the export and located in the European Union: information also used for the Customs Document File concerning the transportation of the goods to their export location.

The EU Information used only for the Intrastat is liable to the Intrastat activity code (DEB):

  • EU identification number of the customer (or EU tax number), EU transport location, information combined to the Incoterm code to determine the sales contract delivery conditions.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Block number 1


  • Incoterm town (field XICTCTY)



  • Forwarding agent address (field XFFWADD)


Intrastat information

  • EU VAT no. (field XEECNUM)


  • Intrastat transp. location (field XEECLOC)


  • Intrastat transport mode (field XEECTRN)


Physical flow



Adjustment flow






Option/Journal traceability

This option gives access, via tunnel, to the inquiry function Entry traceability that makes it possible to visualize and browse into the hierarchy of original entries or coming from the document.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

"The key: ship-to customer/product or ship-to customer/product-customer already exists."

This message appears if a record with these fields already exists in the contract.

"Product-sales record without master product"

This message appears if there is no longer any master product corresponding to the sales product. The entry is then refused.

"Prohibited product"

A search for prohibited products is carried out. If it returns a positive response, the message appears and the product is refused.

"Sales product does not exist"

This message appears if the product does not exist in the product-sales table. The entry is refused.

"Product-customer is incoherent with the sales product entered"

This message appears if the product referenced in the product-customer table (on the product-customer key) does not correspond to the sales product entered. The entry is refused.

"Date beyond the validity end date"

This message appears if the validity date entered is greater than that in the contract. The entry is refused.

"Sales unit unknown for this product"

This message appears if the sales unit entered corresponds neither to one of the packaging and sales units present in the product table nor with one of the units listed in the product-customer table. The entry is refused.

"The date must be greater than the current date"

It is impossible to enter a price list start date that is prior to the current date.

"The date must fall between the dates for the previous and next lines"

It is not possible to enter a price list start date that is less than the start date for the previous line and greater than the start date of the next line.

Insertion impossible

This message appears during the generation or the creation of the price list lines if the maximum number of price list lines is reached.

No line entered. Update impossible

This message appears if no price list code has been entered (therefore no recovery from the price list table) and no price line has been entered. The validation is then not possible.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation