Setup > Organizational structure > Intercompany > Inter-companies - Implementation 


Miscellaneous pre-requisites

A certain number or setups must have been fixed beforehand. These are the following:

Sites and Companies

The sites for which automatic exchanges must be set up must exist as business partners (BP). A tick box present in the BP record, named Inter-sites, is used to associate a BP with a site. It should be noted that if several sites exist in the same company, they must exist as separate BPs (it is possible to associate them with a single BP group, invoicing or bill-to according to the customer and supplier roles that they will be used with). On the creation of the BP in question, the site addresses are automatically filled.

Because these inter-site exchanges operate by customer and supplier orders, it is necessary that the sites involved with these exchanges are assigned the roles Sales siteand /or Purchase site.

Rules to be respected during the creation of a supplier inter-site BP:

  • the site associated with the supplier BP must have the role Sales or Finance.
  • the invoicing and bill-to BP must be an inter-site BP having a finance role (it can be the same site if it is itself a financial site). In all the cases, it is the BP referencing the financial site of the purchase site,
  • the group BP is a free BP. It can reference the company, notably to be able to carryout statistics.
Rules to be respected when creating an inter-site customer BP:
  • The site associated with the customer BP must have either the Purchase role or Financial role.
  • The invoiced and bill-to BP must be an inter-site BP having a finance role (it can be the same site if it is itself a financial site).
  • The group BP is a free BP. It can reference the company, notably to be able to carryout statistics.
  • The ship-to customers of this customer must have been defined as a receipt site for the company. Each delivery address will be associated with a site having the warehouse role belonging to the same company as the purchase site (if the purchase site is also a warehouse it will be referenced in the list of ship-to customers).
    A shipment site can be associated with this ship-to customer. This will make it possible to define the shipping site generally used to re-supply this site. It will serve, if necessary, to load the default shipping site in the purchase order.
  • Important fact: an inter-site sales shipment must display ex-tax prices. Ex-tax prices should be defined for inter-site customers.

Elements necessary for the invoicing

The reciprocal generations assume an equivalence between the invoices and/or customer and supplier orders. It is therefore necessary to have previously set up the invoicing elements used to establish these documents. These include:

Price lists

Inter-company price lists must have been entered to allow the valuation of the recorded documents. The principle behind these price lists is as follows:

  • these price list are likely to load, besides the price, a group of columns (price, discounts) defined in the sales price list structure,
  • it is then necessary to define a purchase price list structure corresponding to the sales structure and to assign them to the suppliers associated with the different sites. In fact, the columns containing values will be transferred in the order of the sales structure to the purchase structure and vice-versa.
  • asales price list is then defined by checking the box Customer with the Group option. This deactivates a certain number of setup possibilities that don't exist in the purchase price lists. These possibilities that don't exist in purchasing are notable the management of free products, price lists for kits with options and variant, forbidden item price lists.
  • a purchase list is then defined with the same characteristics, the same code and the box Supplier with Group option checked,
  • the entry of price list lines is then made only via the sales price list. The purchase price list will indirectly exploit these price list lines on entry of the purchase document or via the purchase price list search function.

SEEINFO The inter-company price lists are processes the same ways as traditional price lists if nothing is specified. This way, a standard price list will be applicable before a inter-company price list if it is justified.
If no price list is found, the system will search for the value held in the purchase side (and sales side), for the base price defined in the Sales tab in the product record.

Examples of the inter-company sales / purchase price list setup:

Definition of a price list by sales site, customer and product:


Sales setup

Purchase setup

Sales site









Definition of a price list by product for inter-company BPs:


Sales setup

Purchase setup

Inter-company context






Tables used

The following tables are implemented by the function :


Table description


Intercompany parameters


Intercompany parameters


Purchase invoicing elements


Invoicing elements


Supp invoice type table


Customer invoice type table


Order type table