Activity code > Module Common Data > Activity Code MUL (Multi-company business partner management) 

This activity code is used in a multi-legislation and multi-company context.

Enable this activity code to be able to use the customer record and supplier record information by company, such as the tax rule, payment condition, default BP discount code, accounting code, etc.

This setup is performed in the dedicated tab BP/Company, available in the BP record.

Functions concerned

The following functions are impacted by the activity code  :

 Declarations > Tax management > Germany > Processes > 1/11 prepayment

 Declarations > Tax management > Austria > Processes > Recapitulative statement

 Declarations > Tax management > Germany > Processes > Recapitulative statement

 Declarations > Tax management > Austria > Processes > VAT declaration

 Declarations > Tax management > Germany > Processes > VAT declaration

 Common data > BPs > BPs


When this activity code is enabled, the information related to the setup of the BP/Company tab on the BP record is stored in the BP-Company exception table (BPEXCEPT).