Reports > Module A/P-A/R accounting > Report CUSSTA (Customer statement) 

This report provides a list of open items for a customer at any point in time aging the opening items based on the Items until date entered. A summary of aged open item balances displays on the last page of the report. This report can be used for all legislations.

The address formatting parameters are controlled by country code and are used for right or left justification of the forwarding (originating) and destination addresses. Address lines are automatically compressed, eliminating blank lines.

The Selection currency parameter controls whether the document or company currency is used for the printed statement. Leaving this parameter blank prints the customer statements in the Company currency. If a currency is entered, the customer's statement includes source documents using the selected currency and uses the source document currency conversion rate.


Report criteria and control

This section describes how the parameters in the List of criteria behave.

Details are provided in the Description of the report.



Items until

Enter a date to include open items. This date is used to calculate the aged balances.


Enter a company, only legal companies allowed.

Site range

Enter a site or a range of sites to filter invoices by site(s).
Leave blank to include all sites for the selected company.

Business partner range

Enter a partner or a range of partners to include in the report.
Leave blank to include all BPs.

Ctry of destinat add on left

Enter a country code for destination address formatting.
-Default values: DE, GB, AT

Ctry insert forw ag add

Enter a country code for forwarding address formatting.
-Default values: DE, GB, AT

Forwarding add on right

Select Yes to right-justify the site address.
-Default value: No

City, state, zip format

Enter a country code for localised address formatting.
-Default value: US

Selection currency

Select the currency for the printed statement: document or company.
-Default value:

Print selections

Option to print criteria selections on the first page of the report.

List of criteria


Parameter title



Items until






Site range



Business partner range



Ctry of destinat add on left



Ctry insert forw ag add



Forwarding add on right



City, state, zip format



Selection currency



Print selections (Local menu No, Yes)



The data is filtered by site according to the rights granted to the user on the function CONSCPT (Accounts).

Description of the report

If multiple Business partners (customers) are included in the report, data for each customer begins on a new page. The first page for each customer displays the destination and forwarding addresses for that customer.

The report prints amounts based on the Selection currency report parameter. The document currency conversion rate is applied. If this parameter value is blank, the company currency is used for the report. If you enter a currency, only documents in that currency are included in the report.

Information in the Reference column displays information from the Description (DESVCR) field in the Accounting entries (GACCENTRY) table, except when a payment is linked to an invoice payment or receipt number instead. In that cast, the number prints.

The Running total provides a running total of the Open amount by line for each customer.

The final page for each customer record provides a customer total for all open items in the report and the Aged total for each period: 0 to 30, 30 to 60, 60 to 90, and Over 90 days.